China’s Apocalypse? After the Floods, Bridges Collapsed; Earthquakes, Tornadoes & Locusts Followed - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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China’s Apocalypse? After the Floods, Bridges Collapsed; Earthquakes, Tornadoes & Locusts Followed

Also, carp leaping out of the water in a boat harbor/dock area and then die, swallows swarm. ants swarm, ground water shoots up over 3 meters into the air and it's 1/2 meter wide, water and bubbles come up in many places (nobody tried to light the bubbles to see if they are methane), etc,

In this video, they remind us that in China it is traditionally believed that such anomalies are a sure message from the gods that the current Gov. has lost the Mandate of Heaven.

What does this foretell?

Steve_American wrote:China’s Apocalypse? After the Floods, Bridges Collapsed; Earthquakes, Tornadoes & Locusts Followed

Also, carp leaping out of the water in a boat harbor/dock area and then die, swallows swarm. ants swarm, ground water shoots up over 3 meters into the air and it's 1/2 meter wide, water and bubbles come up in many places (nobody tried to light the bubbles to see if they are methane), etc,

In this video, they remind us that in China it is traditionally believed that such anomalies are a sure message from the gods that the current Gov. has lost the Mandate of Heaven.

What does this foretell?


I mean may be the most dumb ones do believe this but vast majority probably doesn't kinda like flat earthworks.
Fasces wrote:Imagine thinking anyone still thinks this way, in 2023. :lol:

Imagine that you, as a westerner, think you know what the Chinese believe when disaster after disaster strikes their local community.

I'm not so sure of myself. I didn't claim that many believe this. I just said that this is traditionally this is how they thought.

OTOH, IMO, in America after 40 years of Neo-liberalism controlling the economic policies (which led to the workers being desperate to feed their kid, etc.) many millions believed and still believe the nonsense of Q-Anom. And this is after not one of its claims and predictions have been supported by some evidence or actually came to pass as predicted.
It seems like people, even in America in 2023, will grasp at straws when they are desperate. It doesn't seem strange at all to me, to wonder how the Chinese will react to the many coming climate crises.
Xi Jinping is LOSING His Grip, China Uncensored

Remember that we can't really trust much that comes out of China or is about China.
Something must be correct, but I don't know how to figure out which reports that are true.

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Steve_American wrote:Xi Jinping is LOSING His Grip, China Uncensored

Remember that we can't really trust much that comes out of China or is about China.
Something must be correct, but I don't know how to figure out which reports that are true.

Remove the [==] to see it. The long address for this makes it show up as "unavailable".[==]


Listen, China is having problems but there is no biblical events happening there. Xi is not loosing power, he is actually tightening the screws and consolidating power under his authority.

Non of that is unusual and follows the standard dictatorial model. This is also the time when feedback loop breaks down and economic development stagnates without reform. Literally we already seen all that with Putin and you can see one potential outcome.
Steve_American wrote:Remember that we can't really trust much that comes out of China or is about China.
Something must be correct, but I don't know how to figure out which reports that are true.

These 'news' channels (China Uncensored, ADV China) make their money off of convincing their audience that they are sole arbiters of truth about what is going on in China, and that you can't trust any other reporting. They know their audience wants negative news about China, adn they provide it.

You can access Chinese social media and use a translator app to read their own news and comments, if you like. You can reach out to Chinese immigrants and students in your own communities and talk to them. There is precious little interest in doing so, and a lot of copium.

Xi is not losing his grip. If he were, he'd be easing regulatory restrictions over big tech, not tightening them, easing financial controls on the housing market, not tightening them, and tolerating the corrupt within his party, not wasting political capital on punishing them.
Fasces wrote:These 'news' channels (China Uncensored, ADV China) make their money off of convincing their audience that they are sole arbiters of truth about what is going on in China, and that you can't trust any other reporting. They know their audience wants negative news about China, adn they provide it.

No, China Uncensored and the source China Observer (which is used in the OP) are both owned by Falun Gong, which you probably know, is a religious cult that is having a propaganda war with the CCP.

Not so much to make money, but to spread their message and propaganda; in the United States, they're responsible for several influential far-right "news" networks and papers. They had a significant influence on the rise of the far-right in the U.S., promoting crap like QAnon, and 2020 election conspiracy theories. Even bombarding my area with free "news"papers to influence our opinions (not so much to make money).

Unsurprisingly, yes, everything in the OP about disasters is superstitious nonsense. Sadly, it is something much more insidious and successful than fake news profiteering.
The nonsense in the West re: China... :roll:

The news is full of headlines about ‘China’s economic collapse’ — ignore them
Once again, the Western media Establishment, and sadly some on the left, are talking up an impending economic disaster in China, when the truth is quite the opposite

IN THE last four years, covering the period of the Covid pandemic, China’s economy has grown two-and-a-half times as fast as the US, 15 times as fast as France, 23 times as fast as Japan, 45 times as fast as Germany, and 480 times as fast as Britain.

To add in smaller G7 countries, China has grown four times as fast as Canada, and 11 times as fast as Italy.

China’s outperformance of advanced capitalist countries is even greater in per capita terms — a still better measure of productivity changes and potential for increasing living standards.

China’s per capita GDP grew three times as fast as the US, five times as fast as Italy, 44 times as fast as Japan or France, and 260 times as fast as Britain — while per capita GDP fell in Germany and Canada.

China’s outperformance of developing capitalist countries shows the same pattern — China’s per capita 4.4 per cent GDP annual average growth compares to 2.6 per cent in India, 1.3 per cent in Brazil, or 0.9 per cent in South Africa.

What is important about such economic growth, of course, is not abstract statistics but its meaning for the real lives of ordinary people.

The International Labour Organisation data on real, inflation-adjusted, wages shows that up to the latest available data — for most countries to 2022, and for India to 2021 — China’s annual real wage growth was 4.7 per cent.

For Britain it was 0.1 per cent, for the US it was 0.3 per cent, in France it was minus 0.4 per cent, in Germany minus 0.7 per cent and in India minus 1.3 per cent.

Given this enormous economic outperformance by China of capitalist countries, any rational discussion that should be taking place in Western mainstream media about the international economic situation would be, “why is China’s economy hugely outperforming the US and the rest of the capitalist West?” and, “what lessons are to be learned from China’s socialist economy that is so outperforming the West?”

For the left, the issue that needs to be assessed and publicised is, “Why are real wages rising 18 times as fast in China as in the US, 44 times as fast as in Britain, while in France, Germany or India real wages are falling?”

Indeed, the present author would argue that much greater stress should be placed on the latter point. The international left has begun to absorb that China has lifted more than 850 million people out of World Bank-defined poverty in 40 years — by far the greatest poverty reduction achievement in human history.

But it has not yet internalised how rapidly not only the poorest but average living standards are rising in China — far faster than in any Western country.

But, of course, this real economic situation can’t be discussed in the mainstream media, because its conclusions would be too damaging for the capitalist West.

Instead, a type of mad discussion is unfolding, with US claims about China’s economy becoming increasingly bizarre — one might say deranged — as they get further and further out of touch with reality.

President Joe Biden, for example, recently made a speech claiming China’s economic growth rate is “around 2 per cent,” when it was 5.5 per cent in the first half of this year and, as already noted, China’s economy is growing two-and-a-half times as fast as the US.

Biden bizarrely claimed that in China “the number of people who are of retirement age is larger than the number of people of working age” — entirely false, and inaccurate by a figure of many hundreds of millions of people.

Discussion in the US financial media equally refuses to face real facts. Because I am an economist, every morning, after the overall news, I switch on Bloomberg TV to catch up on the latest economic data. Discussion there is like Alice Through the Looking Glass — the book the principle of which is that everything is reversed compared to the real world.

Apparently, according to Bloomberg’s analysis, China’s annual average of 4.5 per cent a year growth in the last four years is an economy in severe crisis, whereas the US’s 1.8 per cent is allegedly strong growth — not to speak of Britain’s 0.1 per cent. Similar rhetoric, out of all contact with factual reality, pervades the Financial Times, The Economist, or the Wall Street Journal.

The left is well used to such US political lying — the completely fake claim that North Vietnamese ships attacked US naval vessels on August 4 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin, used to launch the Vietnam war, or the equally untrue claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction to justify the US invasion, were classic examples.

Today, the US systematically lies about the state of China and its own economy because it is crucial for US capitalism to prevent its own citizens, and close allies, from understanding the real economic trends.

It is further proof, if one were needed, of the truth that if the real world and a theory do not coincide only one of two things can be done. One is to abandon the theory, the other is to abandon the real world.

In this case, the theory is that the US, because it is capitalist, should outperform socialist China. The real world is actual economic performance — in which China continues to outperform the US and other capitalist countries by an enormous margin.

Unable to abandon its theory the US is therefore forced to abandon the real world — hence the demented denial of comparative economic performance noted at the beginning of this article.

While the left should expect lies from capitalism what is rather shameful is that some sections of the left repeat such nonsense — apparently believing that if they put in a few left phrases into an analysis taken from the Western press this constitutes “socialist” commentary.

For example, an article in the New Left Review’s Sidecar called China a “zombie economy.” Some “zombie” when China’s economy is growing anywhere between two-and-a-half times and 480 times as fast as any major capitalist economy.

The real data shows the reality is simple. China has far outgrown any Western capitalist economy for more than 40 years. It continues to do so.

The result in China is by far the world’s most rapid rise in living standards — not only for the poorest but for the whole average population. It is known as the practical advantage of socialism. It is fact. We know why the US has to make up big lies about it. There is no justification for sections of the left echoing them. ... nore-them/

Speaking of bridges..

Fasces wrote:Xi is not losing his grip. If he were, he'd be easing regulatory restrictions over big tech, not tightening them, easing financial controls on the housing market, not tightening them, and tolerating the corrupt within his party, not wasting political capital on punishing them.


On that corruption:

Hassan Ali wrote:Xi Jinping succeeded in doing what Trump could not: draining the swamp.

Why was China exclusively vilified during Mao's Era and Xi Jinping's Era? What happened in between? The Chinese Communist Party understood their country's position in relation Western imperialism. While the outcome of the Soviet Union speaks to the strategy its leadership took, China, on the other hand, was able to integrate itself into the world economy without sacrificing its own self-determination.

At the time when other countries were forced into the liberal world order via coup or intervention, China willingly integrated on its own terms. Because of this, China was allowed to develop its own technology and build national wealth. They played the long game but the long game came with consequences.

The reform and opening up period, in between Mao and Xi Jinping, also meant a development of a corrupt “swamp” both within the private sector and within public leadership. This is the reality of the liberal world order that we all know too well.

Xi Jinping gained international notoriety (and success within the party) for a waging a full-fledged war against corruption. Under his leadership, the party organized a wide-reaching effort to not only oust creatures of the swamp (agents of globalism) but also to further develop anti-trust policies, as monopoly power began to rise within the national economy.

In the US, despite Trump’s promises to drain the swamp, he positioned powerful neocons into his cabinet and continued the type of destructive policies that Obama began. Could Trump have done more? Maybe. Would he survive if he did? Maybe not.

The difference between Trump and Xi is that Xi has the force of Marxism, unity of a party, and a workers’ dictatorship behind him while Trump only has his own bank account and a few friends. That only goes so far. Americans are not organized so while he may have popular support, the latent power of the American people are not under his control.

Only a premier party for the working class, a Communist Party can provide the POWER needed to drain the swamp.

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