Me! - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
By Steve
I'm a 15 year old Canadian Gr. 10 student in Ontario.

I'm an enthusiastic supporter of both the Canadian Alliance party and the Ontario PCs.

That should say enough. :D
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By llegovski
Damn, are we starting this already? I thought that kind of pointless spamming and insulting is against the forum rules!?
By Jesse
I agree that the liberals are bad.

However, as it is in politics, lesser of two (or more) evils.

Thank God the PCs are dying, and the Alliance will soon drown in a puddle of blood as well. The NDP, which is no better, is also dwindling. I don't think that Canada's political future can be that easily redeemed.
By calgaryguy
Jesse wrote:I agree that the liberals are bad.

However, as it is in politics, lesser of two (or more) evils.

Thank God the PCs are dying, and the Alliance will soon drown in a puddle of blood as well. The NDP, which is no better, is also dwindling. I don't think that Canada's political future can be that easily redeemed.

I completley agree, i normally choose to stay out of the federal fray altogether. None of them are any good...

I am just tired of my province being treated as nothing but a cash cow... Which means, the liberals got to go...

I apologize if the :knife: comment is innapropriate, I will remove it if you would like...
By Jesse
I too resent inconsiderate Ottawa control, however, I do not appreciate Alberta thinking that due to their unique economic situation, they are above the rest, in addition, that they have a right to set their own laws. They are but a part of the Canadian Nation, and need to learn some humility and work as a partner, not a better, in our Confederation.

In the same vein, I'm rather involved in Francophone culture.
I am a Manitoban, of scottish and irish descent, but I speak both languages fluently, and my fracophone/quebecois friends resent Ottawa. I think that in Canada, in order to remedy our ills, we need a policy of "We before Me". Working together, not apart.
By Steve
It's time for a me update.

Shocking as it may seem I used to be Alexander Dubcek at SE. I have swung quite far away from communism in the past while and I've settled over here on the right.

Now that that's out of the way...

I too resent inconsiderate Ottawa control, however, I do not appreciate Alberta thinking that due to their unique economic situation, they are above the rest, in addition, that they have a right to set their own laws. They are but a part of the Canadian Nation, and need to learn some humility and work as a partner, not a better, in our Confederation.

In the same vein, I'm rather involved in Francophone culture.
I am a Manitoban, of scottish and irish descent, but I speak both languages fluently, and my fracophone/quebecois friends resent Ottawa. I think that in Canada, in order to remedy our ills, we need a policy of "We before Me". Working together, not apart.


Couldn't have said it better myself. :)
By calgaryguy
I dont think that Albertans nessacarily think we are better, we just want to be treated on the same level as the other provinces... Which at this time we are not. How can we act as part of a nation when the nation does not accept us as anything but a big money pit.
By calgaryguy
This is exactly waht I mean...

Alberta 1 MP for every 119,753 people
Sask. 1 MP for every 72,272 people
Nova Scotia 1 MP for every 85,887
New Brunswick 1 MP for every 75,665

Nice repersentation by population... we dont get a fair slice of the pie at all...
By Steve
I hate the first past the post system.

I find it utterly stupid that a party that got 40% of the vote has total majority control...
By calgaryguy
Steve wrote:I hate the first past the post system.

I find it utterly stupid that a party that got 40% of the vote has total majority control...

Yea, that is just sickening.... the appointed senate drives me nuts too...

Do you got a link to the PC ontario site steve?
By Jesse
A money pit? I would think it that a province capable of eliminating its Provinicial Tax should instead distribute the money to other provinces, so that we may pay 6% on the dollar instead of 7. Furthermore, veiled threats of separatism aren't appreciated by your fellow Canadians.
By sokath
I almost think that a pre-makeover Preston would have been a better avatar. :lol:

By Jesse
A pre-makeover Politician from any country will do me fine. They all look hilarious.
By Proctor
ALEXANDER DUBCEK!?! RIGHT WING?!? You certainly have changed! :eek:

In New Zealand we have MMP (Mixed Member Proportional) now. It is better, but I would prefer a no party system, and this would mean a return to first past the post. Or at least something similar.

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