How the British took over India by Trevor Noah (Very Funny and Insightful) - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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All general discussion about politics that doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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FiveofSwords wrote:All you seem capable of doing is telling us over and over that you don't like the British. We get it. We figured that out a long time ago...and you use way too many words to say such a simple thing that has no relevance to anything.

You can avoid the facts. 45 trillion taken out of India due to greed. Fact. Hundreds of thousands killed to enforce the need for greed. Fact.

Is it civilized to be greedy and violent? No, it is not.

You can continue to think it is about hate of the British and BULLSHIT theories because you lack the honesty to just admit the truth.

That is not my problem. It is yours.

You are another warmongering man thinking war is the grand solution to power. It never will be.
FiveofSwords wrote:All you seem capable of doing is telling us over and over that you don't like the British. We get it. We figured that out a long time ago...and you use way too many words to say such a simple thing that has no relevance to anything.

You need to get out more FiveofSwords. You assume that every human culture in the world follows the same rules. They don't. I do not follow short and concise. If you do not like it? Please do not read it. Lol. You have a choice.

No, I was raised with other rules of oration and writing. My native language was not English. I learned it when I was five. I do not give a damn about how relevant you think I write or not. The reality is you and others in here want Trevor Noah to do what? Not make jokes about British arrogance? That was the punchline.


@QatzelOk has his unique perspectives and as such he associates Noah as a sellout. It is true he makes a lot of money with satire. But there is something about him that is about people born into societies that have absurd social rules. Like a child being illegal because they are of mixed race heritage. I find that absurd in the extreme. Basically, because most of my native society are mixed race people. If you fail to accept mixed race people as fully human? Then there is something very wrong with you. In every way. But it is your problem and not mine.

You also @FiveofSwords avoided identifying what your political tendencies are? Why? Are you confused or scared of being too extreme? You should not be. I have been on here for 15 years on and off and you meet every extremist in the world. So you should not be shy and answer the question about political affiliations. I never hide mine. Why? I have thought things through. Why should I hide it? You lose the chance to debate people who disagree with you.

Your theories I find weak in the extreme.

So far it has been about Might is Right. Might is Right never gets things done. It just forces more people into the path for war. More war? More destruction, chaos and more time spent on just building up what was destroyed. Entire steps for a better human future flushed down the toilet. I often compare it to drug addicts. What happens to drug addicts? They eventually cease to function. They have to lie to those they care about. Just so they can get something out of them in order to get their next fix.

They lose their families, jobs and eventually their health and their ability to be productive is stripped from them. No one cares if they live or die after a time. And they are the walking dead.

People who seek war and Might is Right mentality all will wind up there. A wasted human existence. Why? Because true power is not about Might is Right. It is about how much you can love others and give and care about them and also serve them and remain strong. How many people can you bring with you on a path to productive service. How much caring can you get done.

In one lifetime. That way? Others have a chance at making progress. Might is Right. War and hatred and greed only bring on death Sword dude.

Too bad you never learned that for yourself. Too brainwashed with dumb ideas about power that are about weaklings who never were able to love people well and found themselves living a lonely and forsaken existence.
FiveofSwords wrote:Not has always been the case that altruism is linked to genetic similarity. That is why (sane) mothers care more about their own children than the child of somebody else. That is why thr most savage wars occur between people of different races. That is why Trevor Noah hates me, and why I hate Trevor Noah.

The reason you did not see so much of this in the past was because travel was more difficult and distinct races don't normally live nearby each other.

But you did see someone this in the most sprawling empires in ancienthistory...such as Rome or Persia or the Mongolians.

If distinct races occupy the same space then it is simply fundamental biological instinct for one to wipe out the other...just like ant colonies would. It means that more of your own genes can reproduce based on the carrying capacity of the habitat...rather than some competing life form that may technically be the same species but different enough to be noticed as a competitor.

People like Trevor Noah like to frame rhis as a uniquely white if only white people are capable of genocide. They do this in an attempt to dehumanizing us and justify their own attempt to genocide us.

Ultimately this is not a thing that can ever be fixed with 'negotiations'. No understanding can be reached and there can never be peaceful coexistence.

Spoken like a true racist. A fool too might I add.

Variation exists within a race as much as between races. Most people mate with people in their proximity. The people they live near.

Most of humanity has been racially mixing since the dawn of a hominid.

That is a lie that people are always hating on each other due to race. People are often of the same ethnic race and kill each other all the time. Lol. Gee Irish. White people. They sure hated the English and had bloody disputes with them eh?. Also white people.

It is about competing for resources and for land. And abuse of power.

That people can't get along due to being of different races and naturally will hate each other? Is the belief of super dumb racists.

Too bad you fall into that category. :lol: :lol:

Trevor Noah's father was Swiss. A German-speaking Swiss man (European). His mother was South African. Xhosa.

He was an illegally born baby in South Africa.

Part of his coping mechanism was making jokes about it.

You hate him? Why should you hate a comedian making jokes about an arrogant British Empire? Well, because he touches a nerve. Yes, you are morally inferior and ethically inferior to anyone who is not a bona fide racist. Which you apparently are.

Good thing you came in here. Keep hiding who you are by not identifying your political affiliations. It just demonstrates how you betray your own ethics. You fear some liberals calling you a racist in here: Do not fear the liberals. Have some cojones for once in your life and admit and stand behind your thoughts.

Do not fear liberal bullshit. We have had some brilliant posters in here. Some fascists, some racists. But the ones that were worth debating with weren't cowards. They never are much fun eh?
QatzelOk wrote:I can understand your point of view in the above statements. But what I don't understand is how you could have posted this on the same page:

Here, you mention "rape" as being "an entirely different category to "colonialism." But what you have written about your love of colonialism... describes something very close to rape.

1. The strong "taking" from the less (physically) strong

2. The weak "having a problem" (being inferior, in your eyes) that is remedied by the rape-colonialism by "the strong."

3. The lack of respect that you demonstrate for leaving the less violent alone to live their lives as they choose without the interference of rape or colonialism. (Greed - for colonialism, being something you admire, perhaps just like Lust - for Rape?)

One of the problems (one of your strategies) is your choice of vocabulary.

If a bankrobber storm into a bank and kills all the clients and staff, that isn't because he is "stronger" than the other people there. Do you get this? :eh:

Lol what on earth are you talking about? I never said I 'love' colonialism. It is just a thing that happens like the force of gravity. You are like a guy who keeps jumping off a building and crying about gravity. I'm just advising you to stop jumping off buildings.
Tainari88 wrote:Spoken like a true racist. A fool too might I add.

Variation exists within a race as much as between races. Most people mate with people in their proximity. The people they live near.

Most of humanity has been racially mixing since the dawn of a hominid.

That is a lie that people are always hating on each other due to race. People are often of the same ethnic race and kill each other all the time. Lol. Gee Irish. White people. They sure hated the English and had bloody disputes with them eh?. Also white people.

It is about competing for resources and for land. And abuse of power.

That people can't get along due to being of different races and naturally will hate each other? Is the belief of super dumb racists.

Too bad you fall into that category. :lol: :lol:

Trevor Noah's father was Swiss. A German-speaking Swiss man (European). His mother was South African. Xhosa.

He was an illegally born baby in South Africa.

Part of his coping mechanism was making jokes about it.

You hate him? Why should you hate a comedian making jokes about an arrogant British Empire? Well, because he touches a nerve. Yes, you are morally inferior and ethically inferior to anyone who is not a bona fide racist. Which you apparently are.

Good thing you came in here. Keep hiding who you are by not identifying your political affiliations. It just demonstrates how you betray your own ethics. You fear some liberals calling you a racist in here: Do not fear the liberals. Have some cojones for once in your life and admit and stand behind your thoughts.

Do not fear liberal bullshit. We have had some brilliant posters in here. Some fascists, some racists. But the ones that were worth debating with weren't cowards. They never are much fun eh?

Thank you for supporting my point. Your frantic and emotional reaction just illustrates exactly what I am speaking about. And I have no doubt that you complain all the time about how white people used to be mean to black people and how perhaps they still are.

Yeah. Exactly. The races have never gotten along. The fact that today we are being forced to occupy the same space is the biggest source of political instability and the lack of social cohesion. And this is exactly why you are so sensitive about some 'suspected racist'.

Once again you seem to think you are disagreeing with me but you are failing to actually disagree with me.
Tainari88 wrote:You need to get out more FiveofSwords. You assume that every human culture in the world follows the same rules. They don't. I do not follow short and concise. If you do not like it? Please do not read it. Lol. You have a choice.

No, I was raised with other rules of oration and writing. My native language was not English. I learned it when I was five. I do not give a damn about how relevant you think I write or not. The reality is you and others in here want Trevor Noah to do what? Not make jokes about British arrogance? That was the punchline.


@QatzelOk has his unique perspectives and as such he associates Noah as a sellout. It is true he makes a lot of money with satire. But there is something about him that is about people born into societies that have absurd social rules. Like a child being illegal because they are of mixed race heritage. I find that absurd in the extreme. Basically, because most of my native society are mixed race people. If you fail to accept mixed race people as fully human? Then there is something very wrong with you. In every way. But it is your problem and not mine.

You also @FiveofSwords avoided identifying what your political tendencies are? Why? Are you confused or scared of being too extreme? You should not be. I have been on here for 15 years on and off and you meet every extremist in the world. So you should not be shy and answer the question about political affiliations. I never hide mine. Why? I have thought things through. Why should I hide it? You lose the chance to debate people who disagree with you.

Your theories I find weak in the extreme.

So far it has been about Might is Right. Might is Right never gets things done. It just forces more people into the path for war. More war? More destruction, chaos and more time spent on just building up what was destroyed. Entire steps for a better human future flushed down the toilet. I often compare it to drug addicts. What happens to drug addicts? They eventually cease to function. They have to lie to those they care about. Just so they can get something out of them in order to get their next fix.

They lose their families, jobs and eventually their health and their ability to be productive is stripped from them. No one cares if they live or die after a time. And they are the walking dead.

People who seek war and Might is Right mentality all will wind up there. A wasted human existence. Why? Because true power is not about Might is Right. It is about how much you can love others and give and care about them and also serve them and remain strong. How many people can you bring with you on a path to productive service. How much caring can you get done.

In one lifetime. That way? Others have a chance at making progress. Might is Right. War and hatred and greed only bring on death Sword dude.

Too bad you never learned that for yourself. Too brainwashed with dumb ideas about power that are about weaklings who never were able to love people well and found themselves living a lonely and forsaken existence.

But I don't think might is right. I just think might is might. I don't think being weak accomplishes anything. I also have no demands for Trevor Noah and I really don't care about him or what he does.

If you want me to summarize my politics I suppose i could put it quite simply. I believe in destroying my enemies. Not to take their stuff or anything...I really don't care about that. I would make great personal sacrifices, in fact, if it would harm my enemies. Are you my enemy and suffering? Good. I consider that a positive outcome. I want more of that. And you aren't going to persuade me otherwise, lol.
QatzelOk wrote:I can understand your point of view in the above statements. But what I don't understand is how you could have posted this on the same page:

Here, you mention "rape" as being "an entirely different category to "colonialism." But what you have written about your love of colonialism... describes something very close to rape.

1. The strong "taking" from the less (physically) strong

2. The weak "having a problem" (being inferior, in your eyes) that is remedied by the rape-colonialism by "the strong."

3. The lack of respect that you demonstrate for leaving the less violent alone to live their lives as they choose without the interference of rape or colonialism. (Greed - for colonialism, being something you admire, perhaps just like Lust - for Rape?)

One of the problems (one of your strategies) is your choice of vocabulary.

If a bankrobber storm into a bank and kills all the clients and staff, that isn't because he is "stronger" than the other people there. Do you get this? :eh:

Maybe you don't understand that the crime of rape (if the society decides to agree it is a crime) can be handled with laws and police Acuff like that.

The problem of being conquered by a stronger power cannot be solved with laws. By definition one country is outside the 'jurisdiction' of another country. So you are dealing with actual politics...not arbitrary domestic legal issues. For sure you will need to figure out how to make the police more powerful than rapists the law would still technically hold. But it is also true that war between nations is a totally different ball game to law enforcement.
Tainari88 wrote:You can avoid the facts. 45 trillion taken out of India due to greed. Fact. Hundreds of thousands killed to enforce the need for greed. Fact.

Is it civilized to be greedy and violent? No, it is not.

You can continue to think it is about hate of the British and BULLSHIT theories because you lack the honesty to just admit the truth.

That is not my problem. It is yours.

You are another warmongering man thinking war is the grand solution to power. It never will be. we are enemies because you believe my people did something mean to yours in the past. And because we are enemies I don't care about bad things happening to you. It's all very self reinforcing and there isn't much to negotiate about.
FiveofSwords we are enemies because you believe my people did something mean to yours in the past. And because we are enemies I don't care about bad things happening to you. It's all very self reinforcing and there isn't much to negotiate about.

Where is your brain @FiveofSwords ? My people? Who are they?

I am arguing about British Empire and British imperialism in the 18th and 19th century. The topic is India because Trevor Noah was making fun of the idea of invading a nation and ordering people around.

Rich is offended by the cretin Trevor Noah for being historically inaccurate. Rich is British and lives in England.

Q is upset with commercial liberal crap comedy that he finds bad. @QatzelOk is French Canadian and finds modern values just incredibly detrimental influences because it reinforces a lack of self reflection. Among other things.

Then you think I am what? A Hindu? A Muslim? Please.

I am debating what the motivations of the British bluebloods who had the most to gain from the colonization of India. Again it is Greed and Violence. You stated Greed is what? Something good? Yes or no?

So you establish bad values straight away. Greed is good.

The issue then becomes statements about us versus them of hatreds between some nationalities and others.

The reality is that variation happens in all places. All of them. Having entire millions agree wholly on anything in any nation is bad analysis.

Have the courage of your convictions @FiveofSwords and be honest there. That is always the best policy eh?
Tainari88 wrote:I am arguing about British Empire and British imperialism in the 18th and 19th century. The topic is India because Trevor Noah was making fun of the idea of invading a nation and ordering people around.

That's why Trevor Noah is a retarded cretin. India was not a nation. not near. not close. Also it was not a democracy. The people were already being ordered around already. In Britain only a minority could vote. Even in Britain the powerful minority were ordering around the dis empowered majoriity. Britain brought enlightened ideas to India like, wives shouldn't be incinerated on the husband's funeral pyres. Most of the cultures of what is now India were brutally unequal and placed an even lower value on human life, freedom and rights than in Britain.

Trevor Noah like so many liberals lives in a pathetic fantasy world where everyone lived in kind, enlightened egalitarian democratic societies before evil Europeans turned up. They didn't. Trevor Noah is judging these colonial settlers by moral standards and values that were developed in Europe. If it hadn't been for clever Europeans turning up with their advanced science, philosophy, engineering, farming and ethics, Trevor Noah and his people would still be living in primitive barbaric tribes, Many of the peoples of the world were not even literate until we came along and taught them.

If it hadn't been for us Europeans coming along with our highly productive farming methods and medicine Trevoh Noah and his people would still probably have a life expectancy of 30.
FiveofSwords wrote:Thank you for supporting my point. Your frantic and emotional reaction just illustrates exactly what I am speaking about. And I have no doubt that you complain all the time about how white people used to be mean to black people and how perhaps they still are.

Yeah. Exactly. The races have never gotten along. The fact that today we are being forced to occupy the same space is the biggest source of political instability and the lack of social cohesion. And this is exactly why you are so sensitive about some 'suspected racist'.

Once again you seem to think you are disagreeing with me but you are failing to actually disagree with me.

What a foolish explanation. Toni Morrison cut to the heart of the matter. They use racism as a tool when it is convenient. When it is not convenient they get rid of it.

It is all constructed. You think it is immutable. Forced to live next to black people or white people.

it is super dumb FiveofSwords.

Who are you? Some middle-aged man who fits into some simplistic category like white.

Blacks are not wanted until you need them to go and fight in a war. Or they need to be able to be free from discrimination because it is more beneficial.

The same for every race in the world. It is all constructed and it is not real. It is made up.

Who are you @FiveofSwords ?

I think being white and a man is not that important defining who you are in life?

Why should it be so important to you?

Again, she is right. If the only way you have of feeling superior is that everyone else is on their knees? What does that say about how pathetic your sense of self is?

No one who has a true sense of self is a victim in life. Never. Everyone should be the captain of their own ship and in charge of their own life. And race has very little to do with defining people truly.

Do you feel only safe with who? Generic white people?

I bet there are a lot of white people you do not trust. Conmen, liars, frauds, violent criminals, and everything in between. So why are you going to say or believe that an entire huge group is some trope or stereotype?

Unless you are not very intelligent about racial issues. Period.

Answer Toni. Do you agree or not with what she said? Are the people who tried to keep her from sitting a lunch counter when she was a kid morally superior humans? Yes or no?

Start realizing race is really about some constructed shit that has never been scientific.

A scientist only cares that a child from the most lightest skinned, blond blue eyed person, and the most dark skinned and dark eyed opposite sex person, that can mate and have a viable and fertile child once that child reaches puberty? That they both are from the same race. They are not mules or some form of dead end genetically. Why? They are of the same species with variants. All one species.

That you have to be fearful of your own species is a problem. And you should examine it for what it is.
Tainari88 wrote:Where is your brain @FiveofSwords ? My people? Who are they?

I am arguing about British Empire and British imperialism in the 18th and 19th century. The topic is India because Trevor Noah was making fun of the idea of invading a nation and ordering people around.

Rich is offended by the cretin Trevor Noah for being historically inaccurate. Rich is British and lives in England.

Q is upset with commercial liberal crap comedy that he finds bad. @QatzelOk is French Canadian and finds modern values just incredibly detrimental influences because it reinforces a lack of self reflection. Among other things.

Then you think I am what? A Hindu? A Muslim? Please.

I am debating what the motivations of the British bluebloods who had the most to gain from the colonization of India. Again it is Greed and Violence. You stated Greed is what? Something good? Yes or no?

So you establish bad values straight away. Greed is good.

The issue then becomes statements about us versus them of hatreds between some nationalities and others.

The reality is that variation happens in all places. All of them. Having entire millions agree wholly on anything in any nation is bad analysis.

Have the courage of your convictions @FiveofSwords and be honest there. That is always the best policy eh?

I never said greed is good lol. I don't think greed is good. But I also said that motivation is irrelevant. The primary reason the British conquered India was because India was weaker. I would personally conquer you simply because we are enemies...not because I want anything from you but because I hate my enemies and want them to be destroyed. Do you think that is better or worse than greed? I don't care. The only reason I am not conquering you right now is because I don't have an army right now.
Tainari88 wrote:What a foolish explanation. Toni Morrison cut to the heart of the matter. They use racism as a tool when it is convenient. When it is not convenient they get rid of it.

It is all constructed. You think it is immutable. Forced to live next to black people or white people.

it is super dumb FiveofSwords.

Who are you? Some middle-aged man who fits into some simplistic category like white.

Blacks are not wanted until you need them to go and fight in a war. Or they need to be able to be free from discrimination because it is more beneficial.

The same for every race in the world. It is all constructed and it is not real. It is made up.

Who are you @FiveofSwords ?

I think being white and a man is not that important defining who you are in life?

Why should it be so important to you?

Again, she is right. If the only way you have of feeling superior is that everyone else is on their knees? What does that say about how pathetic your sense of self is?

No one who has a true sense of self is a victim in life. Never. Everyone should be the captain of their own ship and in charge of their own life. And race has very little to do with defining people truly.

Do you feel only safe with who? Generic white people?

I bet there are a lot of white people you do not trust. Conmen, liars, frauds, violent criminals, and everything in between. So why are you going to say or believe that an entire huge group is some trope or stereotype?

Unless you are not very intelligent about racial issues. Period.

Answer Toni. Do you agree or not with what she said? Are the people who tried to keep her from sitting a lunch counter when she was a kid morally superior humans? Yes or no?

Start realizing race is really about some constructed shit that has never been scientific.

A scientist only cares that a child from the most lightest skinned, blond blue eyed person, and the most dark skinned and dark eyed opposite sex person, that can mate and have a viable and fertile child once that child reaches puberty? That they both are from the same race. They are not mules or some form of dead end genetically. Why? They are of the same species with variants. All one species.

That you have to be fearful of your own species is a problem. And you should examine it for what it is.

Lol you are basically just trying to scold me for being opposed to my own genocide. I don't know why you think it could possibly work. Sane normal people don't like being genocided.
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol you are basically just trying to scold me for being opposed to my own genocide. I don't know why you think it could possibly work. Sane normal people don't like being genocided.

So you fear being genocided by who? Non white people? Who is threatening you?

You are being oppressed? Don't be a scared victim. Who is going to genocide you?

No, the problem is that you know that what happened to others in the society was unjust. And you fear retaliation.

What you should do is stop being a warmongering fool and stop fearing being replaced.

Where is the fucking threat to your life? Is someone taking over your home and freezing your bank accounts, and not letting you get a job, and not allowing you to walk freely around? How exactly are the OTHERS you are scared shitless about threatening your life?

I would say you got a problem. Go and seek some help understanding how you are threatened by a society and system that favors you.

Because it means you are worried about losing some kind of power over others and are willing to go to war over BULLSHIT.

Thank you for coming out.

Fear of genocide. Where is the genocidal regime against white people in your country?

You probably hate white liberals for being woke. They are white. Are they your enemies. I thought all you white folks love each other only?

What a foolish statement that was.

Here Mr. Conspiracy fear and shitting in his pants about being replaced by these furriners.... :lol:

Tainari88 wrote:So you fear being genocided by who? Non white people? Who is threatening you?

You are being oppressed? Don't be a scared victim. Who is going to genocide you?

No, the problem is that you know that what happened to others in the society was unjust. And you fear retaliation.

What you should do is stop being a warmongering fool and stop fearing being replaced.

Where is the fucking threat to your life? Is someone taking over your home and freezing your bank accounts, and not letting you get a job, and not allowing you to walk freely around? How exactly are the OTHERS you are scared shitless about threatening your life?

I would say you got a problem. Go and seek some help understanding how you are threatened by a society and system that favors you.

Because it means you are worried about losing some kind of power over others and are willing to go to war over BULLSHIT.

Thank you for coming out.

Fear of genocide. Where is the genocidal regime against white people in your country?

You probably hate white liberals for being woke. They are white. Are they your enemies. I thought all you white folks love each other only?

What a foolish statement that was.

Here Mr. Conspiracy fear and shitting in his pants about being replaced by these furriners.... :lol: have already in this thread celebrated the genocide of anglo people. You aren't going to gaslight me. In fact, people celebrate it all the time.. it's fine to 'admit' as long as you celebrate it as 'diversity, our greatest strength'.
FiveofSwords have already in this thread celebrated the genocide of anglo people. You aren't going to gaslight me. In fact, people celebrate it all the time.. it's fine to 'admit' as long as you celebrate it as 'diversity, our greatest strength'.

Go and report me to administration. Say....hey administration Tainari says to genocide Anglos. Why? because she talked about the colonization of India by the British Empire and I stated Greed is acceptable. That means she believes in genocide for bringing up exploitation of India by the British Empire. Then she talked about poverty in the UK and why the 45 trillion dollars extracted from India never reached the poorest lower classes in the UK. Because she brought up points about greed and colonialism and violence backing up the greedy colonialism, that means I want death to all Anglos. She is defending India? But she is not from that country or that nationality. She is not British either. But it must mean she hates British people and wants to genocide them because? Go and report me if you think I advocate for genocide. You are a man without cojones. That is for sure.

No, I never call for genociding anyone. The one who is shitting in his pants in fear about being replaced by people of other races is YOU.

You are the one fearing millions of people you do not know. You do not know their histories, or the history of many nations. All you know is what? I am going to be genocided.

By who? Like a scared victim without justification you can't name your enemy. You also do not say what your political affiliations are because you live in some paranoid delusion of persecution.

Unless you start working on that? You might fall for some bullshit about buying a gun and shooting up some people you never met before who never did you any harm but because they look foreign to you? They are a threat. Even though you do not have frozen bank accounts, loss of your home, loss of your job, or any real tangible threat to your life for believing your nonsensical bullshit racist stupidity thoughts.


I rest my case. Unable to identify who you are or who is persecuting you. Why? Because it is not true.

You believe in lies in your own mind.
Tainari88 wrote:Go and report me to administration. Say....hey administration Tainari says to genocide Anglos. Why? because she talked about the colonization of India by the British Empire and I stated Greed is acceptable. That means she believes in genocide for bringing up exploitation of India by the British Empire. Then she talked about poverty in the UK and why the 45 trillion dollars extracted from India never reached the poorest lower classes in the UK. Because she brought up points about greed and colonialism and violence backing up the greedy colonialism, that means I want death to all Anglos. She is defending India? But she is not from that country or that nationality. She is not British either. But it must mean she hates British people and wants to genocide them because? Go and report me if you think I advocate for genocide. You are a man without cojones. That is for sure.

No, I never call for genociding anyone. The one who is shitting in his pants in fear about being replaced by people of other races is YOU.

You are the one fearing millions of people you do not know. You do not know their histories, or the history of many nations. All you know is what? I am going to be genocided.

By who? Like a scared victim without justification you can't name your enemy. You also do not say what your political affiliations are because you live in some paranoid delusion of persecution.

Unless you start working on that? You might fall for some bullshit about buying a gun and shooting up some people you never met before who never did you any harm but because they look foreign to you? They are a threat. Even though you do not have frozen bank accounts, loss of your home, loss of your job, or any real tangible threat to your life for believing your nonsensical bullshit racist stupidity thoughts.


I rest my case. Unable to identify who you are or who is persecuting you. Why? Because it is not true.

You believe in lies in your own mind.

You are making a lot of false assumptions about what I believe. You are also constantly contradicting yourself...naming yourself as my enemy then asserting I have no you also are quite wrong about what I brave I am...whether I have faced direct oppression for my beliefs or for my race...etc. you are honestly just parroting elite beliefs while pretending to oppose the elite. It is quite funny, actually.
Tainari88 wrote:Go and report me to administration. Say....hey administration Tainari says to genocide Anglos. Why? because she talked about the colonization of India by the British Empire and I stated Greed is acceptable. That means she believes in genocide for bringing up exploitation of India by the British Empire. Then she talked about poverty in the UK and why the 45 trillion dollars extracted from India never reached the poorest lower classes in the UK. Because she brought up points about greed and colonialism and violence backing up the greedy colonialism, that means I want death to all Anglos. She is defending India? But she is not from that country or that nationality. She is not British either. But it must mean she hates British people and wants to genocide them because? Go and report me if you think I advocate for genocide. You are a man without cojones. That is for sure.

No, I never call for genociding anyone. The one who is shitting in his pants in fear about being replaced by people of other races is YOU.

You are the one fearing millions of people you do not know. You do not know their histories, or the history of many nations. All you know is what? I am going to be genocided.

By who? Like a scared victim without justification you can't name your enemy. You also do not say what your political affiliations are because you live in some paranoid delusion of persecution.

Unless you start working on that? You might fall for some bullshit about buying a gun and shooting up some people you never met before who never did you any harm but because they look foreign to you? They are a threat. Even though you do not have frozen bank accounts, loss of your home, loss of your job, or any real tangible threat to your life for believing your nonsensical bullshit racist stupidity thoughts.


I rest my case. Unable to identify who you are or who is persecuting you. Why? Because it is not true.

You believe in lies in your own mind.

I simply have to point out how amusing it is that simply because I didn't seem entirely on board with your 'anglos suck' narrative but seemed to have some nuance (which you didn't bother even trying to understand) immediately went on this frothing at the mouth tirade about how horrible and stupid I am...that is how great your hatred of the anglo people is.

Then with extreme irony you want to lecture me about how bad racism is and how the anglo people have no enemies and nothing to worry

It is just hilarious to observe all this.
FiveofSwords wrote:You are making a lot of false assumptions about what I believe. You are also constantly contradicting yourself...naming yourself as my enemy and then asserting I have no you also are quite wrong about what I brave I am...whether I have faced direct oppression for my beliefs or for my race...etc. you are honestly just parroting elite beliefs while pretending to oppose the elite. It is quite funny, actually.

You are avoiding identifying your political beliefs. That is obvious. You fear stating them.

You also do not say who is supposedly or might supposedly be genociding you? It is a ridiculous theory.

The above short video by a white man no less, talks about how predictable the talking points of fear about being replaced in society.

The one who is really weak on argumentation is you.

I really think you believe in your own lies.

If you can't even be honest with a false screenname dude? Then why should anyone take you seriously?

How brave have you been standing tall in the face of being genocided by who? You refuse to state who the enemies are in your head. Why do you avoid that like the plague? The logical explanation is that it opens yourself up to criticism that is far more powerful than what you can defend. So you clam up about it.

That is really again being a victim. Do not be a victim. Have some cojones and be able to state....well, I fear Black people, Hispanic hordes from South of the Border, Chinese spies, etc. Or whatever the fuck you think is the reason why you might have your bank account frozen, your media tapped and your ideology persecuted by the liberals who are set to take America or whatever other nation you belong to from you.....genocide. PLEASE.

You are not politically brave at all.

It is in your writing.

No skin off of my nose. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:You are avoiding identifying your political beliefs. That is obvious. You fear stating them.

You also do not say who is supposedly or might supposedly be genociding you? It is a ridiculous theory.

The above short video by a white man no less, talks about how predictable the talking points of fear about being replaced in society.

The one who is really weak on argumentation is you.

I really think you believe in your own lies.

If you can't even be honest with a false screenname dude? Then why should anyone take you seriously?

How brave have you been standing tall in the face of being genocided by who? You refuse to state who the enemies are in your head. Why do you avoid that like the plague? The logical explanation is that it opens yourself up to criticism that is far more powerful than what you can defend. So you clam up about it.

That is really again being a victim. Do not be a victim. Have some cojones and be able to state....well, I fear Black people, Hispanic hordes from South of the Border, Chinese spies, etc. Or whatever the fuck you think is the reason why you might have your bank account frozen, your media tapped and your ideology persecuted by the liberals who are set to take America or whatever other nation you belong to from you.....genocide. PLEASE.

You are not politically brave at all.

It is in your writing.

No skin off of my nose. :lol:

Well naturally it isn't like you should expect me to share any information or insight with you, lol. You are not interested in truth you are just consumed with hate
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