How Transphobic Are You? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Do you self-identify as Transphobic?

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People used to beat them up, including cops. My best friend growing up had a younger brother that would go hunting gays with other guys, but their real motive was to rob them.

The big change started in NY. The cops did a raid on a gay bar that was also a beat down. The gays fought back, and then they started organising politically.

When a group gets assimilated into mainstream culture, that first generation defends their hardwon status vigorously.

It's always annoying, but they'll settle down.
Nobody who posted is transphobic. It's simply what they call anyone who criticizes any of the stupid gender ideology that gets labeled it. It's the same people who call everyone fascists while they try to shut them up and not let them speak.

People are not beating up trans or gay people, however. This is a rare circumstance and only the people doing so could be labeled as such, and are criminals, anyhow.

These are the people who conflate speech with violence, so it's hard to tell if many of these so-called assaults actually took place.
I feel forced to admit that I am radically transphobic because alas I was born marginally sane and capable of basic abstract reasoning. I am fully aware that xy does not equal xx. I also find it just amusing how absurd trans ideology seems to be in that it essentially tries to claim that men and women are so similar that they are different. If men and women were the same then you wouldn't need to 'affirm your gender'...if they are different then you couldn't. So transgenderism simply fails from an aristotelian logic perspective and I think anyone who respects it is certifiably insane.

I also think it is fascinating that western countries have reverted to a form of child sacrifice...but even worse than ordinary child sacrifice because it is also adjacent to secual perversion and mass deception. This makes western countries far more barbaric and savage than the Aztecs or whatever other savage culture we used to feel superior to. As long as we respect transgenderism, I really do not see why we bother to make cannibalism or necropolis illegal...those things don't seem any more savage.

Sex and gender are not the same.

Sex is a biological fact, xx and xy.

Gender is a cultural artifact, a construct.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Sex and gender are not the same.

Sex is a biological fact, xx and xy.

Gender is a cultural artifact, a construct.


Even if you wanted to define gender that way...which is not the normal historic definition and John money drive a young boy to suicide with his is still not accepted by trans ideology logically even though they pretend otherwise. Because according to trans ideology 'gender affirming' care means you mutilate yourself so that you appear to be the opposite biological it follows that THEY try to see no difference between sex and gender.

That is not strictly true as only a relatively small minority of a minority mutilate themselves.

In studies that assessed transgender men and women as an aggregate, the reported rate for chest surgery was eight per cent and genital surgery four.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

That is not strictly true as only a relatively small minority of a minority mutilate themselves.

In studies that assessed transgender men and women as an aggregate, the reported rate for chest surgery was eight per cent and genital surgery four.


Irrelevant. Every time they do mutilate themselves they do so on behalf of transgender ideology...thus implying that appearing like thr opposite biological sex is important for gender...thus gender and sex are not as different as you pretend. Yet still they never actually become the other sex...they just multilateral themselves in an attempt to APPEAR to the the opposite if appearance is all that matters.

Sorry but none of it makes is all batshit crazy and full of internal contradictions.
Despite different definitions, gender and sex have mostly meant the same thing throughout history. Thus when they asked you for gender, it would be either male or female.

FiveofSwords wrote:Sorry but none of it makes is all batshit crazy and full of internal contradictions.
Absolutely. QFT.

It's an ideology based on the lie that gender and sex are different but in order for you to change your gender you also have to change your sex, showing that they are one and the same.
The problem with a lot of people who are unwittingly transphobic is that they have so many incorrect preconceptions, and they also refuse to be educated about it.
@Pants-of-dog :lol: No. The problem is that they conflate transphobia with ANY criticism of the stupid delusions of many so-called transgender people, who are anything but what they claim to be.

Educate yourself. You are the Dunning-Kruger Effect personified.
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By Rugoz
FiveofSwords wrote:Irrelevant. Every time they do mutilate themselves they do so on behalf of transgender ideology...thus implying that appearing like thr opposite biological sex is important for gender...thus gender and sex are not as different as you pretend. Yet still they never actually become the other sex...they just multilateral themselves in an attempt to APPEAR to the the opposite if appearance is all that matters.

Sorry but none of it makes is all batshit crazy and full of internal contradictions.

The idea that transgender people go through these procedures on behalf of "ideology" is really quite idiotic. The very few people who actually do that are also the least likely to say that biological sex doesn't matter.
Transgender people(actual people with gender dysphoria) occur between 1 in 30,000 to 1 in 100,000 in society. Most of the people who are pushing this agenda and ideology are not actually Transgender people, but "allies" or activists who would make you think that 25% of Western society is gender confused.

@Rugoz what about teens who are pushed into puberty blockers and the like, without having therapy to deal with mental issues? Most of the people on this thread who are against the gender identity ideology simply want to keep these people away from children, have safe spaces for women(adult females) and to have the freedom not to have to buy into their delusions, with pronoun garbage. That's not 'transphobic'. Transphobic is just what they say to shut down discussion and debate.
Another problem with a lot of transphobic people is they have a tendency to attack anyone who disagrees with them. Hence, the reason why these threads never become actual debates: no real arguments.
Most maybe, but not you Godstud
You've come out against it for adults too, why hide the meat behind the fat? :roll:

Putting aside the fundamentally laughable idea that a group, once small enough, is OK to discriminate against. You'd be happily shoveling manure on the child of Omelas.
I voted no, I am not transphobic.

I also find it difficult to see why so many people are upset by transgender people. What is the big threat? To who?

You should never allow anyone to do a sex change at all under the age of 25 years old.

And they need psychotherapy for a very long time before even being allowed to attempt that surgery.

In the end neither the men who want to become women will ever carry a viable pregnancy to its conclusion and neither will women who become men will be able to produce enough viable sperm or any real sperm to impregnate a woman. So all this fear about people who are just trying to make their bodies match their mental states is foolish speculation.
Fasces wrote:You've come out against it for adults too, why hide the meat behind the fat? :roll:
It's too bad you are so dishonest and deceitful. You're just one of these "allies" who want to shut down any criticism and so are who I speak of. That's pretty good rhetoric and quite on par for the cult.

If criticism is transphobia to you, then I guess I am by your incoherent and nonsensical definition.

Tainari88 wrote:I also find it difficult to see why so many people are upset by transgender people. What is the big threat? To who?
Children is who they threaten. Most of these people want to allow children access to puberty blockers, gender transition therapy and to push their ideology on people who can't discern for themselves the ramifications of PERMANENT changes made to their bodies.

Tainari88 wrote:And they need psychotherapy for a very long time before even being allowed to attempt that surgery.
No. Sadly, this is rarely the case. They can do it with very little therapy(or none) and the medical industry actually supports transgender activists because thee is big money in it(for them).

Tainari88 wrote:You should never allow anyone to do a sex change at all under the age of 25 years old.
Agreed, but that makes you transphobic according to the radical activists like @Pants-of-dog, @ingliz and @Fasces.

Most of the time, gender confusion is caused by other things(mental illnesses), and not gender dysphoria(which is actually very rare). They are not being treated for those things, and instead are being told the solution is to transition. They are then encouraged to make cosmetic body alterations and take puberty blockers/hormones which cause permanent damage.

Tainari88 wrote:So all this fear about people who are just trying to make their bodies match their mental states is foolish speculation
. Foolish speculation? It's happening and it's hurting people. ... horia.html
It's funny how this topic completely breaks your brain, Godstud. Despite the fact that there's conveniently a definition for "transphobic" in the OP, but you still can't resist telling me what I think or mean. :lol:
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