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ISIS: “We did it”

Russia: “Liars”

Americans: “We told you this would happen”

Russia: “You didn’t tell us enough”

Americans: “Actually we were pretty specific”

ISIS: “Seriously though we did it.”

Russia: “No. It was Ukraine”
Well now ISIS TV channels are posting first person videos from the attack :knife:

Honestly, it doesn't look like the Russians even cought the correct people. The attackers look pretty young.
The Crisis in Cosmology

Two of our best scientific theories are in conflict. One tells us that the Russian army is and has been for hundreds of years the worst army in the history of the world. Yet another of our scientific theories tells us that Russia is the biggest country in the world. This may require new physics to resolve the apparent contradiction. The good news for science is that Russia is significantly smaller than it was in 1917. However here's the bad news. Despite the Russians-Soviets having the worst army in the history of the world in the last few hundred years essentially only four men have succeeded in taking territory from Russia.

Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev

So here's the funny thing. Only one of them achieved this from the outside Ludendorff. And even he needed considerable help from the inside from Lenin and the New York financed Jewish Ukrainian Leon Trotsky. But in a way that's irrelevant because all the territory that Ludendorff took and more was recaptured by Lenin and Stalin, who according to the Liberal were supposed to be ferocious Russian nationalists.
Rich wrote:Two of our best scientific theories are in conflict. One tells us that the Russian army is and has been for hundreds of years the worst army in the history of the world. Yet another of our scientific theories tells us that Russia is the biggest country in the world. This may require new physics to resolve the apparent contradiction...

How is this a contradiction?

Is this article stating that "the largest country in the world" MUST HAVE the world's best army defending it?

This is like saying that it is a contradiction that the strongest man in the room hasn't raped anyone yet.

"If he is so strong, why hasn't he raped someone?" is exactly the same as "If the army is strong, why hasn't it annexed other territories yet?"

Only someone married to militarism and conquest (and perhaps racial superiority) could think this way.
Rich wrote:Two of our best scientific theories are in conflict. One tells us that the Russian army is and has been for hundreds of years the worst army in the history of the world.

Last time I checked the Russian army was widely seen as the 2nd best in the world before this war. That's debatable, but it certainly was during the Cold War.

Garbage in, garbage out, which applies to all of your posts. I presume you got 3 likes for the entertainment value, the big bold title or the insanity of it all. :?:
Rugoz wrote:Last time I checked the Russian army was widely seen as the 2nd best in the world before this war. That's debatable, but it certainly was during the Cold War.

Garbage in, garbage out, which applies to all of your posts. I presume you got 3 likes for the entertainment value, the big bold title or the insanity of it all. :?:

@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.
Potemkin wrote:@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

It can be partially true. The first weeks of the invasion did not show a glorious Russian offensive and failed to meet many of its objectives, while logistically and tactically failing in combined arms warfare. A several miles long column of tanks in 2022? Disastrous as the Ukrainians simply targeted their trucks instead, depriving them of fuel and supplies.

What everyone fears with Russia is both their numbers and willingness to sacrifice in order to achieve victory. There is no such will at all in the Western world. The Russian armed forces has improved significantly since 2022 with losses in the hundreds of thousands.

How Russia's 35-mile armoured convoy ended in failure

Three days into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a huge 10-mile (15.5km) line of armoured vehicles was spotted by a satellite in the north of the country.

The western media called it a convoy. In reality, it was a traffic jam and a major tactical blunder. Forty-eight hours after that first satellite photograph, on 28 February 2022, the line of vehicles had grown to a colossal 35 miles (56 km) long. The vehicles were stalled for weeks. Then finally they retreated, and seemingly disappeared overnight.

The Russian army also attacked Ukraine in the east and south, but the mission for these 10 units was specific - enter Ukraine from Belarus, overthrow Ukraine's capital city and remove the government. In military terms: a decapitation attack.

One Russian document, seen by the BBC, shows a timetable for the plan. After the first battalion crossed into Ukraine at 04:00 am on 24 February, their orders were to advance straight to Kyiv arriving by 14:55.

Several of the battalions were to advance to Hostomel, just north of Kyiv, to back up the troops who'd been airlifted in to secure the airport.

The rest were to head straight into the centre of Kyiv.

However, Putin's secrecy came at a cost. So successful was his deception, even most of his commanders did not receive their orders until 24 hours before the invasion.

On a tactical level, this left them vulnerable. They lacked food, fuel and maps. They were without proper communication tools. They had insufficient ammunition. They were even ill-prepared for the winter weather.

Kitted out with the wrong tyres and surrounded by snow, the Russians drove straight into a mud bath. Civilians close to Ivankiv describe Russian soldiers telling Ukrainian farmers to help pull their tanks out of the sludge.

Unable to progress, the Russian vehicles needed to divert to paved roads in order to avoid soft ground, forcing thousands to group into a single column.

But with limited communication between the battalions, they almost immediately converged into one almighty traffic jam.

As one military expert on the ground put it: "You don't ever travel into hostile territory in a long convoy. Ever."

By the time the column had grown as long as 35 miles (56 km) it included up to 1,000 tanks, 2,400 mechanised infantry vehicles and 10,000 personnel, as well as dozens of supply trucks carrying food, fuel, oil and ammunition.

Stalled north of Kyiv and running out of food and fuel, the Russians had also underestimated their adversary.

In stark contrast to the Ukrainians, the Russian forces repeatedly exposed their inability to make dynamic decisions on the ground.

"The Russians were all carrying large metal boxes marked 'secret'," says Vladyslav from the 80th Brigade. "We seized one during an ambush. We found their maps marked with their entire route. After that we knew their whole strategy."

Their navigation tools were also woefully out of date. In the year since the invasion, the BBC has continued to find maps left behind by Russian troops that date back to the 1960s and 70s. Whole towns exist now that were not on the maps that they were using to navigate. We also found semaphore flags, a vastly outdated way to communicate between units.

One successful tactic by the Ukrainian resistance was to blow up bridges and dams ahead of the convoy, thus forcing the Russians to reroute. Reliant on old maps and with limited communications back to their high command, the Russian units frequently became paralysed by indecision.

Several satellite images show the Russian vehicles literally driving round and around in circles.

Under pressure from Ukrainian air strikes and artillery, the Russian convoy was finally brought to a standstill just outside of Kyiv's city boundary. For thousands of civilians living close to the stalled troops, the experience was horrendous.

"They robbed everything from everywhere. They emptied the shops," says Vladyslav. "They also used civilians as human shields."

What happened in many villages and towns to the north and west of Kyiv is still being investigated by numerous authorities, including the International Criminal Court.

After four long weeks the Russians finally started to withdraw.

Two of the largest remaining battalions were defeated close to Hostomel airport. Another 370 tented army trucks, seemingly abandoned in Zdvizhivka village, were destroyed by artillery.

The Ukrainian military kept on pushing them back until 19 March, after which the Russians began to retreat from Kyiv Oblast.
Potemkin wrote:@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

Yep thats one of the glaring contradictions in western media since day one about this war.

Another glaring, possibly even worse problem is that the western media keeps telling us Putin is insane and mad and unpredictable and dangerous and whatnot, yet at the same time they maximize provocation of Russia at all times.

Which of course is total bullshit. The russians act like adults, the west like children, and the west knows this all to well, basically relies on it.
MadMonk wrote:[...] The first weeks of the invasion did not show a glorious Russian offensive and failed to meet many of its objectives, while logistically and tactically failing in combined arms warfare. [...]

As I've said often before, the objective in the first weeks was to:

(a) Freeze the ukrainian invasion army of about 100,000 man standing before Donbas into place and cut it off from any supply of new resources, which was archieved by moving into different parts of Ukraine (such as Kiev) and keeping the parts of the ukrainian military stationed there in place.

(b) Finally get the ukrainians at the negotiation table, which happened just four days after the invasion started, resulting in the now well documented negotiations in Istanbul.

So both goals have been archieved. Unfortunately Ukraine used this chance to again lie to the russians, ask them to remove their troups in good faith, only to terminate the negotiations, mostly because Boris Johnson told them they could win against Russia.

Ever since the west claims that russians had suffered some sort of defeat at this time. They did not. The west has simply again lied to Russia. Another reason why we get called the "lying west" and why the russians dont trust Europe or the USA.

With all trust destroyed, Russia is now archieving their goal of self preservation through war.
Potemkin wrote:@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

This is a very common propaganda tactic though. For example look how the media (especially right wing media) portrays Leftists. On the one hand they're all idiots who are just jealous workers or intellectuals would are always a failure and simultaneously they're somehow so powerful and running half of society already and are a major threat to all freedom.
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By Rugoz
Potemkin wrote:@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

Which "Western commentators"? Are the uniformly of one opinion? Do they postulate scientific theories? :eh:

Either way, even an incompetent Russian military is still a threat to the small countries bordering Russia, hence both can be true at the same time.
By Rich
Rugoz wrote:Last time I checked the Russian army was widely seen as the 2nd best in the world before this war. That's debatable, but it certainly was during the Cold War.

Garbage in, garbage out, which applies to all of your posts. I presume you got 3 likes for the entertainment value, the big bold title or the insanity of it all. :?:

You're having a laugh? Seriously?

You are having a laugh right? There has been post after post after post, mocking the Russian and Soviet Armyies. Its not just posts. We have had thread after thread after thread, mocking Russia, often the Russian army, but every other facet of Russian society and Russian nationalism. Its not just multiple threads, but multiple threads per day and this goes on day after day after day.

And day after day after day neither you nor any of the other pro Ukrainian posters criticise these posts. The one occasion I can remember is @GandalfTheGrey asking @litwin to slow down a bit. He didn't ask him to stop. He didn't ask him to be any less insulting towards the Russian army, Russian society or the Russian army, just that he should slightly slow down the posting rate.

And now you speak up, but not to criticise any of these posts, not to differentiate yourself in anyway from the attitudes and views of these posts. No you speak up to complain about me mocking these posts.

As I said at the start, please tell me you're having a laugh.
Rich wrote:You're having a laugh? Seriously?

You are having a laugh right? There has been post after post after post, mocking the Russian and Soviet Armyies. Its not just posts. We have had thread after thread after thread, mocking Russia, often the Russian army, but every other facet of Russian society and Russian nationalism. Its not just multiple threads, but multiple threads per day and this goes on day after day after day.

And day after day after day neither you nor any of the other pro Ukrainian posters criticise these posts. The one occasion I can remember is @GandalfTheGrey asking @litwin to slow down a bit. He didn't ask him to stop. He didn't ask him to be any less insulting towards the Russian army, Russian society or the Russian army, just that he should slightly slow down the posting rate.

And now you speak up, but not to criticise any of these posts, not to differentiate yourself in anyway from the attitudes and views of these posts. No you speak up to complain about me mocking these posts.

As I said at the start, please tell me you're having a laugh.

LoL, I literally made a thread in The Basement to stop litwin's thread/tweet spam.

Feel free to like it ;)
Rancid wrote:Are we blaming the terrorist attack on the CIA yet?

Did I forget to do that? Oops, my bad. :O

Okay then… This is CIA methods! >:
This conflict or to be more specific this phase of the conflict that started with the launching of the SMO, brought forth an unholy alliance. In fact it brought forth the mother of unholy alliances. In the West woke liberals and never Trump conservatives saw it as an opportunity to avenge the 2016 Presidential election. The idea that Putin was to blame for Trump's election was always utterly absurd. Trump lost the 2016 election, he only became president, because of America's ridiculous election system, why Wyoming voters opinions must carry so much more weight than Californians has yet to be explained. There was also James Comey's miscalculation, intending to reduce the size of Hilary's victory he accidentally helped to put Trump into the White House.

Anyway the 2016 avengers were joined by Neo Cons and Thacherite tax cutters, albeit not the most hardcore Zionists. In Eastern Europe there was huge reservoir of anti Russian racism, inside Ukraine there was a smaller group of out and out neo Nazi racists. They were all joined by the majority of Ukraine's population. It was entirely natural, in fact it was pretty much inevitable that a nationalist madness would take hold of Ukraine, But the fact that it was understandable does not mean it was any less madness.

People in the West did Ukrainians no favours by indulging and feeding that madness. True friendship is not just about telling people want to hear. True character is more than cheap virtue signalling for what ever is the moral fad of the moment. On this forum we've had the drivel of "Ukrainians would fight with sticks and stones.

Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Zelenskyy, Draft-dodging plagues Ukraine as Kyiv faces acute soldier shortage wrote:“Is there any country where everyone will participate fully in the type of war Ukraine is in?" he asked. "It seems to me that it would be very difficult to carry out such mobilization in any European country, to put it mildly, and much harder than even in Ukraine. You must consider that people are invested in their careers and the good life,”

This is exactly what I've been saying for 2 years,
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