That Time The Moscow commies ( Soviet) Soldiers Wore Swastikas - Politics | PoFo

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That Time The Moscow commies ( Soviet) Soldiers Wore Swastikas


Badges worn by the Kalmyk formations of the Bolshevik so called Red Army in 1919.

wiki : The left-facing swastika was a favorite sign of the last Muscovite Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. She placed it where she could for happiness, including drawing it in pencil on the walls and windows in the Ipatiev House – where the royal family was executed. There, she also drew a swastika on the wallpaper above the bed where the heir apparently slept.[30]

The Muscovite Provisional Government of 1917 printed a number of new bank notes with right-facing, diagonally rotated swastikas in their centres[31] The banknote design was initially intended for the Mongolian national bank but was re-purposed for Muscovite ruble after the February revolution. During the Bolshevik JIHAD , the Red Army's Kalmyk units wore distinct armbands featuring the swastika with "РСФСР" (Roman:"RSFSR") inscriptions on them.[32][33][34]

I knew that the Swastika originated in ancient Buddhism, but this I didn't know:

I knew that the Swastika originated in ancient Buddhism, but this I didn't know:
Stupid people make stupid posts.

A quick Google will tell you it is one of the oldest symbols made by humans and dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. With the emergence of the Sanskrit language the nameless doodle became the 'swastika', a combination of 'su', or good, and 'asti', to be; in other words, well-being, a good luck charm.

ingliz wrote:Stupid people make stupid posts.

A quick Google will tell you it is one of the oldest symbols made by humans and dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. With the emergence of the Sanskrit language the nameless doodle became the 'swastika', a combination of 'su', or good, and 'asti', to be; in other words, well-being, a good luck charm.


Stupid people make stupid posts.

any comment on this picture ? what do you see here ?


They've been doing a piss poor job then.

According to the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office, only 535 children have died in the war.

They should be asking the Israelis how it's supposed to be done with them killing over twenty times as many babies in less than a quarter of the time.

Last edited by ingliz on 14 Mar 2024 20:21, edited 1 time in total.

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