"The Democrat Party must remove Joe Biden" - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Bob Costas Says If Biden’s ‘Hubris’ Won’t Let Him Step Aside Then He Must ‘Be Shown The Door’ By Dems

Emmy-winning sportscaster and journalist Bob Costas believes that if President Joe Biden can’t put aside his “hubris” and step away as the Democratic nominee for 2024, then he needs to be “shown the door” by the party, or else the American people will suffer.

The legendary sportscaster was joined by author and Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan as guests on the most recent episode of HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher Friday, during which they discussed among other topics the damning report from Special Counsel Robert Hur that has, according to Democrat strategist Paul Begala and CNN’s Audie Cornish, sent the Biden camp into a bed-wetting sleeplessness and panic over the report’s conclusions about the president and his competence and fitness.

https://www.mediaite.com/tv/bob-costas- ... r-by-dems/

Biden does not have a very high popularity at this point. Probably most Democrat voters would like to choose someone else -- nearly anyone else.

Yet there is apparently a large faction of the Democratic Party supporting him. It seems almost inexplicable to me.

related dealing with that: Democratic Party rigs the nomination election in Florida

Maybe the real question is why are the Democrat Party leaders making sure he wins the party nomination again?
Prominent NYT Columnist Tells Biden To Step Aside: ‘He Is Not Up For This’

Ezra Klein, a prominent liberal columnist for The New York Times, published an audio essay Friday making his case against President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, saying he should withdraw from the race and allow delegates to pick from a slate of candidates with a better shot at defeating Donald Trump in November.

“We had to wait till this year — till now, really — to see Biden even begin to show what he’d be like on the campaign trail. And what I think we’re seeing is that he is not up for this,” Klein said on his popular semi-weekly podcast, “The Ezra Klein Show.”

Prominent NYT Columnist Tells Biden To Step Aside: ‘He Is Not Up For This’ - HuffPost
Sure, I'd rather have someone else than Biden, but he's not an existential threat to the Republic, so, I'll hold my nose, vote for him, and hopefully Trump goes away, or dies, or the GOP grows some balls and kicks him out for losing to sleepy Joe Biden.
Absolutely. No way Biden can run. Anyone who watches him for 30 seconds sees a weak, frail, old, demented, child sniffer.
Surely the Democrat leadership are planning something devious to get Biden out and put in someone else.
I'm guessing Newsome.
Scamp wrote:Absolutely. No way Trump can run. Anyone who watches him for 30 seconds sees a weak, frail, old, demented, pussy grabber that had to pay 88 million dollars for using his fingers in violation of the law at Bergdorf Goodman department stores.
Surely the Republican leadership is planning something devious to get Trump out and put in someone else.
I'm guessing Nikki H.

I fixed it for you up there. Changed it around so it sounds about what you should be advocating for around now.

Don't you like my editing? Hee hee. Enjoy.

Tainari88 wrote:
I fixed it for you up there. Changed it around so it sounds about what you should be advocating for around now.

Don't you like my editing? Hee hee. Enjoy.


The way they keep projecting is kinda amazing..
Tainari88 wrote:"Anyone who watches him for 30 seconds sees a weak, frail, old, demented, pussy grabber that had to pay 88 million dollars for using his fingers in violation of the law at Bergdorf Goodman department stores."

I fixed it for you up there. Changed it around so it sounds about what you should be advocating for around now.

Apparently you were not told about the Tara Reade allegations (against Biden), which is very much more credible.

The state of New York decided to remove their statute of limitations to allow the lawsuit against Trump, whereas Reade's allegations happened in D.C. so it's not possible for her to sue over something that is alleged to have happened 30 years ago (compared to Carroll's accusation against Trump that allegedly happened 24 years ago)

(If you want to discuss this further, I'm afraid you will need to start another thread)
The whole "he's too old" is a weird line from MAGA.

Trump = Old too

Trump is the guy confusing Nikki Hailey and Nacy Pelosi for fucks sake. Maybe the MAGA media echo chamber isn't showing this to them? Trump the guy forgetting which state he's in when he gives a speech. How does this "argument" make any sense?

All this shit equally applies to Trump. MAGA either isn't paying attention, or can't apply logic, or doesn't know how to have even a sliver of self-reflection and objectivity. It's probably a bit of all of these.
Rancid wrote:The whole "he's too old" is a weird line from MAGA.

Trump = Old too

Trump is the guy confusing Nikki Hailey and Nacy Pelosi for fucks sake. Maybe the MAGA media echo chamber isn't showing this to them? Trump is the guy forgetting which state he's in when he gives a speech. How does this "argument" make any sense?

All this shit equally applies to Trump. MAGA either isn't paying attention, or can't apply logic, or doesn't know how to have even a sliver of self-reflection and objectivity. It's probably a bit of all of these.

Rancid, didn't you listen to that viejita who was prosecuted for being present and participating in the January 6th insurrection? She basically said the reason all MAGA people blindly follow Trump is because it is really a cult.

Cult leaders can do no wrong. They are like mini gods. Trump himself stated he can murder somebody or shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue in NYC and his followers will still be loyal. He is right about them. Trump is no fool about the hold he has psychologically and emotionally on those people.

Cults exist in human societies for many reasons. Take David Koresh man....that man told the husbands of these women who were part of his religious cult, to step aside as he had sex with their wives. And they were not allowed to have sex with their own wives because David Koresh was the only one who could. They followed the orders of that asshole. How deep into the cult do you have to be to get that bad Rancid?

You got to believe 100% in the MYTH. That is what they are doing at this point.

I think it is a combination of suspension of doubt or normal skepticism and a deeply held faith in what the US represents symbolically in their minds. They worship Trump because he is the symbol of what the US loves. Encapsulates all the values. Profit that is ruthless, success, gold bling, worship of the Golden Calf, and self absorbed self interest, individual gain at the expense of the group, and superficial images, and nationalism and patriotism that is about white men who refuse to concede the top spot.

He is a Koresh. But for the political crowd. Not the religious crowd. But the cultish slavish devotion is very similar.

Politics is secular. Worshiping politicians like mini gods is for theocratic governments like exist in the Middle East. If you get suicide bombers that are MAGA supporters it would not surprise me either. They are operating on the same level of irrationality.

They promise heaven and the 1000 virgins. The Trumpists are promised a Paradise on Earth free of liberals and taxes and having white people in charge forcing their values on a nation full of diversity. Heaven. For them. :lol:
Scamp wrote:Absolutely. No way Biden can run. Anyone who watches him for 30 seconds sees a weak, frail, old, demented, child sniffer.
Surely the Democrat leadership are planning something devious to get Biden out and put in someone else.
I'm guessing Newsome.

My guess is that the plan is something like this.

1 Get Biden elected in November.

2 Throw the Ukrainians under the bus. Plus carry out any other more distasteful tasks that Harris wants done, but would rather not take responsibility for. Its most important at this stage that Biden is still seen to be the leader.

3 Harris becomes the de facto President. Biden is put in de-facto retirement.

4 January 2027 or soon after Biden officially resigns and Harris becomes De Jure President, allowing her to remain in office for nearly 10 more years.
late wrote:The way they keep projecting is kinda amazing..

I feel creative today. So I am going for my creative side today Late.

Here goes....the I Have a Dream speech for Trump cult followers:

I have a dream today, that all real Americans will follow their true creed, recognize their true value,

To make sure children do not read anything in their school history books that mentions the USA in a negative light, that all is about perfection in the American past.

Black people and white people never had any conflicts, laws about segregation never existed, and the version of history that is taught goes back to the times when the USA was always about the best people on Earth. Christian and worshipping in segregated Southern Baptist and Protestant churches only.

Where one white husband could make enough of a salary to support an entire nuclear family or maybe even a Mormon family wearing magic underwear, bring into being many white babies so we are not overrun by the Third World Hordes overruling the border.

Where arms and weapons that are military grade and machine guns and heavy artillery rounds are sold to all who are white and who are Republican except for the few token minorities who want to live past the Post Apocalyptic Race War we will ultimately win. We do not need these primitive socialist losers from the South of the Border or the Caribbean Islands. All those people have inferiority bred into their very fibers and should never be allowed into our sacred land....America the Beautiful.

America, America, God shed his grace on thee, with brotherhood for the white rich men, and spread from sea to shining sea.

From Purple Mountains majesty....we will defend it all. And kill every Mexican and Puerto Rican and everyone who we do not know well at all............we are the future defending our right to be the only ones in power...

We will not give a dime to any of these nations from the NATO crowd. Let the Europeans defend themselves and go into bankruptcy and then we will send in our troops and take over Europe too, no one will stop us once we seize the day and make a new way---where America is the only country that has jobs.

Oh, the Glory! Oh, the Greatness of being the only ones who have power....and we will gain that power with the force of our freedom to own guns in the Second Amendment.

That is true power. To use force and the threat of violence to be the ones in POWER.

God gave us the power to be the ones who use guns to force the ones who are liberal heretics to DIE like they deserve.

America, America, where every gay person is killed, where unless you marry into your own race, we will make sure you never live another day.

Where our version of history is the only one respected and all the rest are disrespected.

It is about WINNING, the only thing that counts in this world. TO WIN!

God Bless the USA.....

I am proud to be a MAGA supporter where at least I know I WIN and can kill everyone that Trump asks me to Kill and be the best Racist I can be!!!

Yeah, the crowd goes wild....

The problem Rancid is that the world has already gone way beyond that vision of life.

They just have had a deeply held myth that they can make that nightmare return.

Make America Great Again, is really about Make America what it was back in the 1950s, before the liberals, the civil rights movement, and all that jazz happened. They do not really comprehend that it is way too late for their vision.

The liberals outnumber the Cult Trumpists by a lot of millions. Their vision is really about self-destruction. But they won't understand that until it is way too late to take back the destruction they will cause for the position of the USA on the world political stage.

Because 95% of the people still living outside of the USA are not going to sit down not doing anything as the USA leadership fights it out with the cultists for supremacy. They will start making decisions without US government approval and make coalitions that favor themselves and enter agreements with other governments not quite full of so much chaos.

That is what living in a political world is about. Nothing stops just because your group is in crisis. Not everyone is in crisis all the time and in every nation. You would think they would have learned that controlling the entire world is a fool's errand and a foolish dream. After WWII they founded the UN based on Universal Human Rights. They learned that lesson. But the issue became why that lesson was not absorbed by the USA? It is easy. They had not been invaded, lost millions, tasted the bitterness of defeat and losing their empire, and so on, and were relegated to lower status. If they did? They would have acted with more maturity.

Maturity is a very expensive lesson for most nation-states in human history. But a well-learned one usually.

The End. :D
Rich wrote:My guess is that the plan is something like this.

1 Get Biden elected in November.

2 Throw the Ukrainians under the bus. Plus carry out any other more distasteful tasks that Harris wants done, but would rather not take responsibility for. Its most important at this stage that Biden is still seen to be the leader.

3 Harris becomes the de facto President. Biden is put in de-facto retirement.

4 January 2027 or soon after Biden officially resigns and Harris becomes De Jure President, allowing her to remain in office for nearly 10 more years.

@Rich stop giving me nightmares about a USA run by Kamala Harris. I can't stand that woman! Lol.
[quote="Tainari88"]I think it is a combination of suspension of doubt or normal skepticism and a deeply held faith in what the US represents symbolically in their minds. [/quote]

Your whole post was great, but this is spot on.

In a way, it's this made up reality in their minds, that drives them towards the cult.

[usermention=28273]@Rich[/usermention]'s post is what he wants for Trump. 10 years of Trump.

For these kind's of people. What they accuse that of which others would hypothetically do, is a projection. It is exactly what they wish to do.

Like Trump, every accusation he throws around, is an admission.

Also, Rich has been dead wrong on the Biden impeachment so far. This nonsense he's spewing about 10 years of Harris or whatever, is just more of that nonsense. He will pretend he never said this once it proves to not happen. That's the other problem with these cultists. They just say shit, most of it dead wrong, but then pretend/forget about it and move on to the next stupid idea.
Rancid wrote:
Your whole post was great, but this is spot on.

In a way, it's this made up reality in their minds, that drives them towards the cult.

@Rich's post is what he wants for Trump. 10 years of Trump.

For these kind's of people. What they accuse that of which others would hypothetically do, is a projection. It is exactly what they wish to do.

Like Trump, every accusation he throws around, is an admission.

Also, Rich has been dead wrong on the Biden impeachment so far. This nonsense he's spewing about 10 years of Harris or whatever, is just more of that nonsense. He will pretend he never said this once it proves to not happen. That's the other problem with these cultists. They just say shit, most of it dead wrong, but then pretend/forget about it and move on to the next stupid idea.

Way back in the late 1980s, I read Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. It is a great series. I also read a lot of philosophy and psychology. My mother had a Masters degree in Social Psychology. How and why groups think what they think.

Many accomplishments both great ones and tragic events happen in human history from people following Myth with tremendous devotion.

If you study primates carefully they are incredibly emotional creatures Rancid.

Here is Jane Goodall discussing her observations of two chimps. A mother chimp named Flo and a son chimp named Flint. Flint died of grief. He could not live without his mother's love. He refused to eat, or drink water and live without that love and affection. That is OUR DNA.

A deep emotional makeup. We can use it for something good and transformative, such as in War people willing to die to liberate their nations from some nefarious governments or invaders. Or it can be used for bad such as following a cult leader or a religious doctrine to the point of killing others because they truly believe that their religion is the ONLY ONE WITH THE TRUTH. Like the Boston Marathon bombers in Boston.

They have to believe 100% in a cause. No matter how slim the chances of success.

Irrationality is not far from the human brain Rancid. That is why I have always advocated for separation of church from state. Like exists in the US Constitution. Total separation. If you mix Religion and Politics through an authoritarian government structure like existed in the past in Europe through the Roman Catholic King and Queen of Spain and of England from the past etc, you get a toxic brew. Of that.

You also get MYTH guiding political policy. I am strictly about logic and pragmatism and science guiding all public policy. Nothing even remotely religious or emotionally centered should be let into political life in the USA or any nation.

Mexico had violent wars over religion. They finally learned their lessons and were able to not allow religion to enter political discourse. The Wars of the Cristeros were part of that past.

It is a fascinating history Rancid. You should give all that a read.

For those who want to know what paradigms are and myths influence in human past history they should see these episodes:

Rancid wrote:
Your whole post was great, but this is spot on.

In a way, it's this made up reality in their minds, that drives them towards the cult.

@Rich's post is what he wants for Trump. 10 years of Trump.

For these kind's of people. What they accuse that of which others would hypothetically do, is a projection. It is exactly what they wish to do.

Like Trump, every accusation he throws around, is an admission.

Also, Rich has been dead wrong on the Biden impeachment so far. This nonsense he's spewing about 10 years of Harris or whatever, is just more of that nonsense. He will pretend he never said this once it proves to not happen. That's the other problem with these cultists. They just say shit, most of it dead wrong, but then pretend/forget about it and move on to the next stupid idea.

@Rich is an interesting poster. He is British. He lives in an English town that is not a big city. He grew up in a religious family that is very religious and very conservative. He does not share their religious beliefs though he once did. He has some Marxist agreements, and he writes almost like a fascist. But he says he is sort of like a liberal.

What I do know about Rich is that he is a very intelligent man, and very interesting. And highly unconventional. He is well-read.

He is not Scamp at all.

What he is? Is about trying to create a system that serves the British lower classes and other groups first, but in a way that rejects that globalist liberalism that he sees as a cancer.

I have a lot of thoughts about Rich. Much more than he can ever think I have.

I love humans. And how different they all are. As individuals we respond to our own circumstances and create our own worlds.

That is why I admire you Rancid. For you to get where you are in life? Had to be about you wanting to accomplish goals and sacrificing for that. Also, being able to put obstacles and attachments that did not serve you in life behind you.

You have pragmatic goals for yourself. You solve problems. I think though you put way too much emphasis on American ideals. I think the world changes and you need to always see the connections between you and the rest of the world. In the end? We are all human. And unless you deal with the vast majority of human needs, the world is always going to be making bad decisions where only a small slice of humanity gets anywhere near any kind of real needs met.

But you as an individual? You are a really nice man. You always have been.
Tainari88 wrote:@Rich is an interesting poster. He is British. He lives in an English town that is not a big city. He grew up in a religious family that is very religious and very conservative. He does not share their religious beliefs though he once did.

Just a little corrective here, I certainly wouldn't describe my parents as very conservative. Their views were probably pretty typical for Church of England people of the time and like the general mass of Church of England attendees their views evolved over the decades. They made me go to Church or Sunday School, but they never tried to inculcate Christian beliefs in me outside of Church. When I was very young I accepted Christian Cosmology and History because I didn't know any better. My parents told me the world was round, so I believed it was round, if they had told me it was flat I would have believed it was flat.

But right from my earliest memories I never agreed with Christianity. I believed God existed, but I believed God was wrong. In approximate terms I believed that God was evil, although from quite a young age I didn't believe in free will, so didn't believe in an absolute evil. Christopher Hitchens described the Christian cosmology as a celestial North Korea. i didn't have the language or any knowledge about North Korea at that age, but that was exactly how I understood the universe. I saw God as a sick tyrant. But God couldn't help being the way he was. I didn't read Schopenhauer as a child, but at a pretty young age I shared his view that "Man can get what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills."
Rich wrote:Just a little corrective here, I certainly wouldn't describe my parents as very conservative. Their views were probably pretty typical for Church of England people of the time and like the general mass of Church of England attendees their views evolved over the decades. They made me go to Church or Sunday School, but they never tried to inculcate Christian beliefs in me outside of Church. When I was very young I accepted Christian Cosmology and History because I didn't know any better. My parents told me the world was round, so I believed it was round, if they had told me it was flat I would have believed it was flat.

But right from my earliest memories I never agreed with Christianity. I believed God existed, but I believed God was wrong. In approximate terms I believed that God was evil, although from quite a young age I didn't believe in free will, so didn't believe in an absolute evil. Christopher Hitchens described the Christian cosmology as a celestial North Korea. i didn't have the language or any knowledge about North Korea at that age, but that was exactly how I understood the universe. I saw God as a sick tyrant. But God couldn't help being the way he was. I didn't read Schopenhauer as a child, but at a pretty young age I shared his view that "Man can get what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills."

So what are your present beliefs? Are they pagan based on ancient Albion or something? I go off topic Rich.

I do not want to alienate you anyway. I like your writing.

God is a very controversial concept among us humans. Is it not so?

And that last line is about power and power relationships. In human society.

Back to the question at hand? What is the strategy for the US Democratic party eh?

No one can do the presidency right like Joe Biden.

What are the Republicans going to do to bring the Nikki people back into the fold. The woman could not even win the Republican nomination in her home state of South Carolina. Will the Nikki followers then abandon the GOP that is led by Trump and defect to Biden?

It could be Kamala Harris gets on TV in 2028 and says, I am sad to report that our dear President Joe Biden is no longer with us. This leaves us with a time of mourning....(and she in her brain says to herself, and that means I am stepping into the role, the first woman president, me, little ole me gets to rule, for a while....my greatest ambition. I can talk to the world and they must listen. My girlhood dream), as we mourn let us not forget that Joe was a man of deep faith. A deep faith in the United States of America, and a deep faith in our ability to lead the world.

And there is Rich in England, eating some mushy peas and a bit of steak pie and drinking some hot tea or ale at the pub, thinking, how long must I suffer these fake liberals that think they know what is going on when all they do is sink their own people?

I am in Mexico thinking, hmmm, when is Rich going to get married and become a man of responsibilities besides working and being smart eh? :lol: :lol:

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