Ex FBI agent whistleblower: investigations when there has been no crime - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Ex FBI agent whistleblower: investigations when there has been no crime (U.S.)

video: FBI whistleblower - Human Whistle - Acrotruth - TikTok

Ex FBI agent Whistleblower

transcript from video:

I went to my boss, and I went to my boss's boss, and I said 'Why are we looking at these people? Are we looking to find a crime?' And they said no.
And I said what are we looking for? And they said 'We're looking for information. And I said 'Got it, okay, what is that information in aide of?
And they said 'Then we'll know more things.'
And I said 'No no no. That's not what the information is for. That's just what happens when you have more information. What do we do with the information?'
And they said 'We'll use it to get more information.'
And so that's when I first started realizing the way the FBI actually works. It's got two different halves.
Most people are familiar with the criminal investigation modality, if you will. The FBI, as a law enforcement entity, does linear investigations. You can imagine this pretty easily. Someone commits a crime, right? We got to find out who did it. Why did they do it? How did they do it. All the evidence. We go, we bring in front of the United States attorney, they decide to either prosecute or not. If we prosecute, we bring them in for a plea deal, they plea or not. And then we make take it to court. Then a jury or judge is going to decide what happens. And then that's pretty much it; there may be some appeals, but essentially that's the job. And that's criminal investigations, pretty much straightforward.
But if you start looking at what intelligence investigations are, this is going to be counterterrorism, counterintelligence, what their job is is to find information on the target: Who does that target talk to? What do they do? What do they know? Who do they interact with? All these kind of things. What do their bank accounts look like? Okay, now you found out who some of their friends are. Now we can spin a new circle off that person... we can spin a new circle off that person. They're all circular, and they are not going towards a specific goal. Because like any other circle, it starts and then it never has to end. And they literally do this for years. The first 10 or so cases I was assigned when I got to the Washington field office... were absolute garbage - there's no other way to say it, and I can't even say it nicely. They were trash. They were obviously BS right up front to me. And I said let me just go ahead and read this guy. I can tell you exactly what's going on, I've read every serial in the case file. There are hundreds of updates to this case. And at the end of it, after reading all of them, I knew exactly what was happening; this guy was lazy when he filled out his background check form.
And he said 'No, if you go talk to him then, then he'll know.'
And I go 'Yeah, well then we can close the case though.'
And they're like 'You're not trying to close the case, you need to have eight cases open for your file review. And so this is that 'you're doing things in order simply to exist.'​

They're looking for crimes committed by certain "types" of people, even though they're not sure exactly what crime might have been committed.
When they begin investigating these people, they don't know if any crime has been committed or exactly what crime they're look for.
It sounds like a huge waste of money, but it's much worse than just a waste of money.
These investigations into people can often be abused. Targeting gun owners or political enemies, for example. (Since many in this forum are on the Left, you should not forget about McCarthyism, when for a short period of time in U.S. history these types of investigations were used to persecute suspected Communists)
Or that information may lead them to want to seek search warrants, often they might lie or misrepresent the information to get the warrant. But even if they don't, if you keep looking hard enough and long enough, focusing on person, it's probable you'll eventually be able to find enough information to get a search warrant. And what's so bad about a search warrant? Agents can tear through someone's personal property, and cart away an individual's personal belongings. And once there is a search warrant, it can make it much easier to plant evidence and lie about what was found. Or take that information and use it to get more search warrants. And certainly if nothing else, it can be a big invasion of privacy.

These types of investigations were originally meant for things like organized crime, investigating possible spies during the Cold War, and terrorism.
But what about when these investigations get turned on other people in the population, other groups of people who should have the complete right to do what they are doing?

related thread: Domestic Privacy and Spying by the NSA (posted in Anarchism, 28 Oct 2019 )
The main purpose of any large organisation is to justify its own continued existence. The more enemies America has, the more need there is for the CIA. The more criminals there are, the more need there is for the FBI. The obvious thing for the CIA to do, therefore, is to create more enemies for America, and the obvious thing for the FBI to do is to create more criminals.
Potemkin wrote:The main purpose of any large organisation is to justify its own continued existence. The more enemies America has, the more need there is for the CIA. The more criminals there are, the more need there is for the FBI. The obvious thing for the CIA to do, therefore, is to create more enemies for America, and the obvious thing for the FBI to do is to create more criminals.

The world is big. There is a lot of dangers. You need me. You need to make the world safe for America and Americans. Only I can give you that safety you crave. Only I can give you places that only speak English and only allow people who are gainfully employed to enter....

That is how dictators happen Potemkin. ;)
Tainari88 wrote:The world is big. There is a lot of dangers. You need me. You need to make the world safe for America and Americans. Only I can give you that safety you crave. Only I can give you places that only speak English and only allow people who are gainfully employed to enter....

That is how dictators happen Potemkin. ;)

Exactly. And the main purpose of any dictator is to justify his own continued existence. So long as there is war between Russia and Ukraine, then Russia ‘needs’ Putin and Ukraine ‘needs’ Zelensky. This was probably a large part of the reason why Putin invaded Ukraine, and a large part of the reason why Zelensky refuses to discuss any peace deal.

And this isn’t merely one purpose among others; justifying their own continued existence and status is the main and sometimes even the sole purpose of any large organisation and any important politician.

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