2SLBGT+ is a smear word, not PC at all - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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QatzelOk wrote:I wasn't talking about circumcision here. I was talking about "gender affirming care" which does sometimes involve chopping off a dick.

No, it does not.

You have been told this.

To continue to say this after you have been corrected is deliberate deception.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No, it does not.

In that case, do we - the 2SLBGT+ community - have your permission to drop "dick choppers" from the our association of weird sex people?

Or are we obligated to accept them because they don't fit into the other garbage bags marked "paper and plastic" and "compost?"

You were ready to toss pedophiles and groomers into the garbage bag in which we gays have been tossed. Why would you discriminate against people who have genitalia removed by NOT throwing them into the same garbage bag that I am sitting in the bottom of?

This garbage bag is big enough for all weird-sexuality-related groups that you find.

Smart people like to separate their refuse
QatzelOk wrote:You were ready to toss pedophiles and groomers into the garbage bag in which we gays have been tossed.

This is yet another case where you have accused me of holding a position that is the exact opposite of the position that I do hold.

I, again, explicitly deny supporting pedophiles and child groomers.

I will assume that you became confused and are not deliberately being misleading about my position.

If you accuse me of this again, I will no longer make that assumption.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is yet another case where you have accused me of holding a position that is the exact opposite of the position that I do hold.

No. I accused a *strawman* you... of a *strawman* position that this strawman-you might have taken if he existed. Which he doesn't.

Stop accusing me of being pre-post-modern.

Here's some more 2SLBGT-versus-BOPIC text (real this time, not invented by me) to help you deconstruct categorization-as-tool-of-discrimination with:

Armin Navabi wrote:Queers For Palestine: Identity Politics At Its Most Absurd

...Here in the West, the political discourse surrounding these brutal events and the war that has come in their wake has been coloured by a misguided transposition of Western identity politics onto the Middle East, which collapses all nuance and reduces a complex situation into a simple binary of oppressor versus oppressed.

Leftists in English-speaking nations tend to see Palestinians (including Hamas) as an oppressed, brown victim class, whose freedom-fighting “resistance” against their oppressive, white, US-backed colonizers in Israel is a righteous cause with which to stand in solidarity. This facile view of the long-standing conflict in the Middle East leads to confused and contradictory thinking, as seen in the incoherent slogan (and now meme) “Queers for Palestine,” emblazoned on banners brandished at anti-Israel rallies...

The author is saying that "leftists" (leftists+) tend to see the confrontation in Palestine as BOPIC-on-2SLBGT+.... which isn't true since the Left is another invented category that also acts like some kind of garbage can for people trying to make sense of the world through garbage-sorting.
QatzelOk wrote:No. I accused a *strawman* you... of a *strawman* position that this strawman-you might have taken if he existed. Which he doesn't.

Stop accusing me of being pre-post-modern.

If this is the case, then your writing is so unclear that you are making yourself look like you are making these accusations.

In terms of me being accused of being a child groomer, it is the same thing.

And if yiu are deliberately making a strawman, then you are deliberately accusing me of holding a position that I do not.

I will no longer assume that you are being honest. Thank you.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If this is the case, then your writing is so unclear...

It is "unclear" only in the sense that I have not accused anyone participating in it... of any kind of sin. I have avoided this kind of personal "gotcha!" attack... by attacking a non-existing, strawman version of the actual participants.

My purpose with this thread is to find the truth, and NOT to humiliate or reduce another poster's contribution to it.

My "gotcha's" in this thread are all aimed at "current group thinking", and not at a poster like yourself who is trying his best to feed the strawman narratives of the thread contradictory talking points with which to find the truth.
@QatzelOk I wasn't talking about circumcision here. I was talking about "gender affirming care" which does sometimes involve chopping off a dick.

My bad. I misunderstood.

As for "gender affirming care". In a great many cases it is neither "affirming" or "care".

I hate terms like this. My generally inflammatory comment about this is, that I have no problem with transgender people given a couple of caveats.

The first is that it is a choice made in adulthood and not by befuddled parents trying to be edgy, or modern, or god knows what else. (80% of children seen for gender identity dysphoria (they had it right at disorder though I digress) resolve to their birth gender by age 18.

The second is that males who transition do not attempt to compete in women's sports. It is the very definition of stupid to allow the very thought. Stupid and absolute proof that the advocate for this silliness is a world class misogynist.
Drlee wrote:As for "gender affirming care". In a great many cases it is neither "affirming" or "care".

You earlier stated that (male) circumcision "was excellent" because it prevents to many diseases - like masking, lockdowns and passports for entering malls "do."

This seems to indicate that you are excellent at "falling for the categorization that the elite feeds you."

It also indicates that you "feel" that chopping off body parts is part of normal life. Once again, I would like you to think about how much "civilization" is modeled after animal husbandry, where parts of animals are regularly "chopped off" in the name of efficiency... and with no regard whatsover to the lived quality of life of the animal.

Likewise, domesticated animals are isolated and put into categories that they themselves never chose: Beef cows, dairy cows, studs, isolated horse for work, isolated horse for transportation, house dog, ranch dog, security dog...

Chopping off the testicles can modify a horse to become more useful to his masters. Let's call this kind of a ball-sack-less horse "Geldings."

There, we've created a category in which to make sense of - or to try to justify - our atrocious relationship to nature.

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