World War II Day by Day - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
By Doug64
September 27, Wednesday

Hitler batters Warsaw into surrender

The gallant defenders of Warsaw capitulate today after enduring three days and nights of constant bombardment by guns and bombers. The once beautiful city is a burning wreck. There is not a building intact and 40,000 people are thought to have died or been injured. So complete is the German command of the air that they have even been using Ju52 transport aircraft to tip more bombs on the city.

The people, fighting alongside the army, have suffered terribly. There is no water, no power, no gas, no food. The fires burn out of control because the water mains have been smashed.

German communiques have insisted that their bombardments have been directed at military targets. In fact, the whole of Warsaw has been one huge target. The Church of the Savior and the Ujazden Red Cross Hospital, with the red cross clearly marked on its roof, are among the buildings hit by bombs and shells.

Typhoid has broken out in the city and there is a desperate shortage of medicine and bandages to treat the wounded. Many people are buried under the rubble. Others have risked death from shrapnel as they claw to rescue their entombed families.

Right to the end the Germans had little success in penetrating the city. Their tanks, which had roared across the open plains to surround it, were stopped by the permanent fortifications and the anti-tank traps dug by the citizens.

Polish soldiers using bayonets kept the German infantry at bay, and it became obvious to the Germans that they would suffer severe casualties in street fighting against determined opposition. The decision was then taken to blast Warsaw into submission, which has been done with the utmost ruthlessness. The speed of its success does no discredit to the defenders. It simply confirms the terrible consequences of modern warfare.

General von Blaskowitz, who receives the Polish surrender, has recognized the Poles’ gallantry by allowing their officers to keep their swords and promising their men would go into captivity for only as long as it takes to “dispose of the necessary formalities.” The terms of the capitulation provide for the immediate succor of the civilian population and the wounded. But von Blaskowitz is known to be an officer of the old school. It remains to be seen if the SS and the Gestapo will honor his word.

Fighting continues at the fortress of Modlin some 20 miles (36 km) from Warsaw, where the garrison is holding out under intense bombardment. It is expected, however, that, with the surrender of the capital, Modlin will also give up the struggle. This spells the end for Poland. Further resistance is impossible. But, as one surrendering officer tells the victors, “A wheel always turns. This one will.”

British income tax raised to meet cost of war

The British income tax has risen to 37.5 percent— the highest level in the nation’s history. Sir John Simon, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announces this and other huge tax increases in his special war budget presented to parliament this afternoon. Surtax rates will range from 6.25 percent on incomes of £2,000 ($9,000) to 47.5% for incomes of over £30,000 ($134,000).

Duties on tobacco, beer and spirits are also raised. The price of a bottle of whiskey will be 13/9 (69p/$3.07) in the future. The Chancellor says, “I am confident taxpayers will want to fight hard to win the war.”
By Rich
Liberal truth warning on the following video.

Notice the Liberal school of falsification in action. They drag in Ireland that really an independent conflict, while keeping on silent on the role of Poland , Lithuania the Ukrainaian regimes etc that clearly were totally entwined with the Greater War and its outcome. They greatly exaggerate Britain's role in the Russian Civil War. And they keep silent of the Muslim genocide of Greeks and Armenians and some how mange to portray the Muslims as victims rather than perpetrators.

However the main point is that categorising the War as ending in 1918 is absurd and utterly bigoted. And is totally misleading to an understanding of World War 2. When analysing human societies, categories can never be as precise and as objective as say an Int32, a Float64 or a Character String in Computing, but still I think it is reasonable to date the first world war from 1911 to 1922. It can also be seen as the war of Ottoman succession, starting with the Italian invasion of Italy in 1911 and finishing with the conclusion of the Turko-Greco war. The Second World War pretty clearly is a second conflict with Europe enjoying relative peace from 1922 to 1935, when war restarts again with Italians, this time invading Abyssinia.

At first sight it might seem rather odd that modern Liberal historians would want to remain silent about this attack by "White" Christians against "Black" Christians, surly an act of extreme White Supremacism if ever there was one. Of course the reason is any sort of probing and the whole ridiculous notion that the allies in World War 2 were fighting against White Supremacism comes unstuck. In September 1939 we see the return of the horror of modern warfare and ethnic warfare to Europe. Not that Europe was some haven of love and individual rights in between, but still in September 1939 we saw a return to the horrors of ethnic warfare, lawlessness and anarchy that had come to an end in 1922.

One thing should stand out as we watch the brutal invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, which was to be followed by a brutal occupation, the complete lack of any White Supremacism. The almost complete absence of White Supremacist solidarity and the distinct shortfall in White Christian Supremacist solidarity.

Another fact that Liberal historians seem keen to brush over is that the real home of the Nazi movement was Catholic Bavaria. Fascism in its narrow sense was very much a Catholic phenomenon generally. Nazism conquered all of Germany, but Bavaria was its homeland. So the second thing that should stand out with the German invasion and occupation of Poland is the almost complete lack of Catholic solidarity. Prior to the rise of the Nazis the big driver of national identification and division between Prussians and Poles was religion, not language and certainly not morphology.
By Doug64
September 29, Friday

Germany and USSR sign treaty which seals Poland’s fate

At 5 am, after much haggling interrupted by a state banquet in the Kremlin and a visit to the Bolshoi to see Swan Lake, Molotov and von Ribbentrop sign a new pact on behalf of their masters. It is officially called the “German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty.” In effect, it carves up eastern Europe into zones of influence between the Nazi and Communist states.

The public clauses settle their boundaries in the “former Polish state” and with a deep cynicism assure “the people living there a peaceful life in keeping with their national character.” Yet it is the secret clauses which hold the truth of the treaty. Under them Russia is to be allowed a free hand with the Baltic states while Germany gets the whole of Warsaw and the province of Lublin. Ominously, under another secret clause both countries pledge that they “will tolerate in their territories no Polish agitation” and “will suppress ... all such agitation.”

Allies reject Hitler plan

Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, today dismisses the German “peace offensive.” This public rejection follows a series of private contacts leading from Hitler to Goering to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, a British diplomat in Oslo—and the omnipresent Birger Dahlerus, the Swedish businessman who was commuting between London and Berlin in the last days of peace.

In the House of Commons today Chamberlain says that Britain and France went to war to stop Nazi aggression and nothing has changed that position. This is taken as a reference to a conversation between Dahlerus and Ogilvie Forbes, a counselor at the British legation in Oslo. Dahlerus claimed that Hitler and Goering had suggested Wilhelmina should issue a call for peace, which could be followed by a secret Anglo-German armistice meeting in Holland. At such a meeting Hitler would guarantee the security of Britain, France and the Low Countries.

But Chamberlain says Hitler’s assurances and promises are worthless. He is equally dismissive of the Molotov-Ribbentrop call for the liquidation of the war and the promise of “consultations on necessary measures” if the Nazi peace effort fails.
By Doug64
Potemkin wrote:I agree with this. It’s no accident that as soon as democracy and (formal) equality was introduced with the French Revolution, universal conscription was immediately introduced too. Traditional regimes relied on mercenaries because they knew the average Joe or Juan or Ivan wasn’t going to fight and die for them. Why should they? It is only in a free republic, in a democratic nation-state, that universal conscription becomes even possible. This, of course, is one of the reasons why democracy eventually won out in the end over the aristocratic and feudal ancien regime - the other European powers saw how it seemed to give superpowers to revolutionary France. They wanted to be bitten by the same radioactive spider. Lol.

A great deal of truth to this, but don't forget how effective nationalism can be as a motivator even for totalitarian regimes--it was nationalism (and the appalling treatment of conquered populations by the Nazis) that saved the USSR during WWII, after all.

Rich wrote:However the main point is that categorising the War as ending in 1918 is absurd and utterly bigoted. And is totally misleading to an understanding of World War 2. When analysing human societies, categories can never be as precise and as objective as say an Int32, a Float64 or a Character String in Computing, but still I think it is reasonable to date the first world war from 1911 to 1922. It can also be seen as the war of Ottoman succession, starting with the Italian invasion of Italy in 1911 and finishing with the conclusion of the Turko-Greco war. The Second World War pretty clearly is a second conflict with Europe enjoying relative peace from 1922 to 1935, when war restarts again with Italians, this time invading Abyssinia.

A good deal of truth here as well, the 1918 date for the end of the Great War is very Western-Euro-centric, it took awhile longer for the shooting to stop in Eastern Europe. And the ironic thing about it is that in the end Germany came out in a better geo-political position than it was when the war started!

Another fact that Liberal historians seem keen to brush over is that the real home of the Nazi movement was Catholic Bavaria. Fascism in its narrow sense was very much a Catholic phenomenon generally.

Now here I have to strongly disagree. There was nothing "Catholic" about Nazism, Hitler gave just enough lip-service to the Catholic Church to keep it divided and sidelined while he consolidated power, but he considered that church as much a problem as any other alternate center of power than the Nazi Party, and more dangerous than most since it could compete for the hearts of its members.
@Doug64 @Potemkin

Doug64 wrote:that saved the USSR during WWII

I would argue it was the Russian Winter and the U.S. Lend Lease program that played the biggest contributing factors towards saving the Soviet Union.
By Doug64
Neo wrote:@Doug64 @Potemkin

I would argue it was the Russian Winter and the U.S. Lend Lease program that played the biggest contributing factors towards saving the Soviet Union.

Certainly they helped, but neither equipment and supplies nor General Winter would have been enough without a populous willing to fight and die for their country.
Doug64 wrote:Certainly they helped, but neither equipment and supplies nor General Winter would have been enough without a populous willing to fight and die for their country.

Indeed. I think we’re seeing the same thing now with Ukraine. The West could supply all the military equipment it liked, but without Ukrainians willing to use it, it wouldn’t make a damn bit of difference.
By Doug64
September 30, Saturday

Graf Spee sinks British cargo ship

A British cargo ship, SS Clement, is sunk this afternoon by a German pocket battleship off Pernambuco, Brazil. The fast, heavily-armed 10,000-ton Admiral Graf Spee is scouring the South Atlantic to disrupt the cargo traffic to Britain. Captain F. Harris spots the Graf Spee at 1 am. She sends a sea plane which without warning machine-gunsd the bridge. The chief officer is slightly hurt, but the 50-strong crew takes to the boats before the Graf Spee’s shells sink the Clement.

Exiled Polish government finds French home

General Wladyslaw Sikorski, who has been both prime minister and defense minister of Poland, has set up a Polish government in exile in Paris and is taking command of those forces which succeed in escaping from occupied Poland.

General Sikorski, who was in Paris when his country was overrun, has escaped the fate of the Commander-in-Chief, Marshal Smigly-Rydz, and the government who fled to Romania and, after being sympathetically received, were interned when the Germans brought pressure to bear on the Romanians.

Sikorski is a fervent Polish patriot who should be able to rely on moral support from France. Some—although by no means all—of the French leaders are embarrassed at letting Poland down in its hour of need.

VC heads British Army on Western Front

The Guards officer who has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force was skiing in Switzerland before the war. Coming down the mountain he collided with another skier. “Who the hell are you?” the victim demanded. “Gort,” said the other. Thus the future C-in-C met the British secretary for war, Leslie Hore-Belisha, who afterwards appointed him Military Secretary.

John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker, Viscount Gort, is a soldier’s soldier. He won the Victoria Cross in the closing weeks of the last war. In September 1918 he took the Grenadier Guards across the Canal du Nord, coming under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire. Though wounded, he crossed open ground to bring a tank into action. Wounded for a second time, he continued to direct the attack until the enemy position was taken and 200 prisoners captured. Gort became Chief of the Imperial General Staff in 1937, ahead of ninety more senior generals.

Communists in the west are rocked by pact with Fascists

Stalin’s pact with Hitler and the carve-up of Poland between the two dictators has sent communists in the west reeling in confusion and demoralization.

In London, Harry Pollitt, the British party’s general secretary, had just published a pamphlet, How to Win the War, when Stalin gave orders that the war against fascism had to be attacked as an imperialist war. At the central committee meeting Pollitt protested violently, but the committee overwhelmingly voted to do as Stalin ordered. Pollitt has been sacked.

The French Communist Party’s foreign affairs expert, Gabriel Peri, sits slumped over his desk in the offices of Humanite while juniors cobble up some sort of explanation for readers. With the party’s leaders, Maurice Thorez and Jacques Duclos, maintaining a stunned silence, the party seemed to be heading for a break-up when the premier, Edouard Daladier, banned it, allowing it to stay silent and hide its humiliation.

Big business moves out to the country

The great exodus from London goes on, with institutions, businesses and civil servants moving to country houses, colleges, spa hotels, and large schools all over the “safe” areas.

Much of the BBC has been removed to the west country: the drama department to Wood Norton, a country house near Evesham, the variety department to Bristol. The banks’ central clearing house is at Trentham Park, near Stoke-on-Trent. The Prudential has gone to Torquay. Sections of the Admiralty are at Bath, the War Office at Droitwich and the Air Ministry in Worcester’s former workhouse.

Some 3,000 country houses are now hospitals, stately homes like Blenheim and Longleat are housing public schools, and the Great Western Railway has moved its HQ to its Reading waiting room.
By Doug64
October 1, Sunday

Germans get taste of food rationing

Despite their military triumphs Germans are facing restrictions on the home front. Food ration cards were introduced on August 28th and now cover meat (16 ounces a week, for instance), dairy products, sugar, eggs, bread, cereals, and fruit.

Farmers are exempt from rationing while miners are allowed larger amounts as “extra heavy workers.” Gasoline has also been rationed since the beginning of the war, reflecting Germany’s concern about its vulnerability to an Allied naval blockade of its trade routes.

Japan purges anti-Soviet army chiefs

Senior officers of the Kwantung army, the Japanese troops stationed in Japan’s puppet state of Manchuko (Manchuria), have been dismissed in the wake of the agreement which was signed in Moscow last month settling the border war with Russia.

Soviet forces had inflicted heavy casualties on the Japanese, and now the leaders of the vanquished army are paying the price. The failure of the anti-Soviet offensive has bolstered the cause of those in Japan favoring confrontation with US interests in the Pacific rather than with Russia.
By Doug64
October 4, Wednesday

Curfew set to save Land Girls’ virtue

Members of the Glamorgan Agricultural Committee meet today to voice their anxieties about “gossip and goings-on” between Land Army girls and soldiers billeted around the farms in the area. A strict 9 pm curfew is urged to keep the girls, aged 17 to 40, out of mischief during blackout hours. Only Alderman David Davis rises to their defense: “They are good-looking English girls, with the right spirit. Good girls do not need looking after.”
Doug64 wrote:October 4, Wednesday

Curfew set to save Land Girls’ virtue

Members of the Glamorgan Agricultural Committee meet today to voice their anxieties about “gossip and goings-on” between Land Army girls and soldiers billeted around the farms in the area. A strict 9 pm curfew is urged to keep the girls, aged 17 to 40, out of mischief during blackout hours. Only Alderman David Davis rises to their defense: “They are good-looking English girls, with the right spirit. Good girls do not need looking after.”

The ‘Phoney War’ must be in full swing, if this is the most important thing that happened on Wednesday October 4 1939. :)
By Doug64
Potemkin wrote:The ‘Phoney War’ must be in full swing, if this is the most important thing that happened on Wednesday October 4 1939. :)

They haven't quite realized it yet, but yeah.... :lol:
By Doug64
October 5, Thursday

Stalin, given a free hand with the Baltic states by the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, has wasted no time in bringing pressure to bear on their fearful governments.

Even as von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, flew back to Berlin in Hitler’s personal four-engined Condor on September 29th, the Soviet Union signed a Treaty of Mutual Assistance with Estonia, giving the Russians the right to occupy the naval bases of Narva, Baltiski, Haapsalu and Parnu. Today it is the turn of the Latvians to be forced into signing a “treaty of mutual assistance.” Under this treaty the Russians have the right to establish military bases in Latvia.

Lithuania is next on Stalin’s list. Specifically named in the German-Soviet pact, it has no chance of escaping the grip of the Red bear. “Talks” have already started, but they can have only one conclusion: another “treaty of mutual assistance.”

This means that the three Baltic states which escaped from the ruins of czarist Russia after the last war will once again be controlled by Russia. What remains to be seen is what action Stalin will take about his northern neighbor, Finland, which once also owed allegiance to the czars.
By Rich
Doug64 wrote:Stalin, given a free hand with the Baltic states by the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, has wasted no time in bringing pressure to bear on their fearful governments.

Lithuania is next on Stalin’s list. Specifically named in the German-Soviet pact,

Specifically named as part of the German sphere according to my understanding?
By Doug64
October 6, Friday

Chinese ambush lures Japan to a defeat

Over 40,000 Japanese troops die in Changshu, the capital of Hunan, after an 11-day battle in which the Japanese expeditionary force suffers its first major setback against Chinese Nationalists since the outbreak of war two years ago. As well as heavy troop losses, the 120,000-strong Japanese force loses huge quantities of arms as it is ambushed by troops defending Changsha.

For the Chinese, the morale-boosting victory is being seen as vindication for the tactical switch to more mobile guerilla warfare and proof that the retraining of troops is paying off. The Nationalists, led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, have been claiming for some time that Japanese supply lines are becoming overstretched and that the enemy has been weakened by the Japanese-Soviet conflict. Ironically, it was the recent signing of the non-aggression pact with Russia which persuaded Japan that it could now safely resume the war against the Nationalists.

It was after years of Japanese imperialist activity in China that war finally broke out in July 1937. Japan occupied Manchuria in 1931, the province of Rehe in 1933, and was making plans for an autonomous state in the north. Since 1937 the Chinese Nationalists have lost Peking, Tianjin, Shanghai, and even the capital, Nanking, to the Japanese.

Thousands of civilians are killed in bomb-shattered Warsaw

The human cost of the Blitzkrieg that has struck Poland is still being counted, but it is already known that as many as 25,000 Polish civilians lost their lives in the aerial and artillery bombardments. Most Poles died in Warsaw itself.

More than 60,000 servicemen died fighting the Germans, with more wounded. It is the plight of the wounded, both soldiers and civilians, which is so horrific. The Germans refused to bring help to shattered Warsaw for three days after its surrender and many of the wounded died. It is not known how many Poles have been executed by the SS and Gestapo.

Hitler triumphantly offers a fresh peace and a new order in eastern Europe

At noon today Hitler appears in the Reichstag and speaks eloquently of his desire for peace. He says that he has no quarrel with France and has given his best efforts to fostering Anglo-German friendship. War in the west, he goes on, would be a senseless waste of lives and wealth. He proposes a conference of leading European powers to prepare a statute giving peace and security for all. He also suggests that a set of rules should be prepared to make war less terrible.

Within hours of Hitler ending his speech, the British government dismisses his so-called peace proposals as “vague and obscure.” The speech “abounded in perversions of the truth” and made no suggestions for reparations for the wrongs done by Germany to other peoples. In Berlin, neutral observers who listened to the Hitler speech describe it as the same old tune the dictator has played after every act of aggression. Does he really believe that the British and French could be taken in? It seems that he has reason to believe that they could.

Diplomatic sources in Berlin say the Italian and Spanish envoys have been telling the Germans that a mood of defeatism prevails in France. According to one source, most of the French cabinet are pleading for a peace conference. However, Daladier, the premier, is resolutely opposed. He told the Senate foreign affairs commission that France and Britain are “fighting the war to put an end to the reign of aggression” and “will only lay down arms when peace is effectively assured.”
By Doug64
Rich wrote:Specifically named as part of the German sphere according to my understanding?

Everything I’ve read put all three Baltic states as well as Finland in the Soviet sphere of influence. Lithuania didn’t fall under German control until 1940.
By Rich
Doug64 wrote:Everything I’ve read put all three Baltic states as well as Finland in the Soviet sphere of influence. Lithuania didn’t fall under German control until 1940.

1939 August 23 Lithuania was part of the German sphere under the secret protocol.
1939 September 28 2nd secret protocol added.
1939 3rd October 3 1939 Stalin starts the dictation of terms to Lithuania
1939 October 10 Lithuania capitulates to Soviet demands and allows the de-facto occupation by the Soviet military.
1940 June 10 Soviet demand for de Jure anschluss
1941 January 10 Germany renounces claims in Lithuania.

I'm not a 100% certain but as far as I can make out, Stalin started betraying his agreement with Germany on the 3rd October. Germany only abandoned its diplomatic claims in Lithuania, when Hitler had committed to resolving things through war. Liberal historians have gone to considerable trouble to obscure this.
By Doug64
October 7, Saturday

US backs Poland’s exiled government

The United States will continue to recognize the exiled Polish government, the State Department says today. Most of the 1939 Polish government is interned in Romania, but General Sikorski has set up a government-in-exile at Angers, in France. Berlin will see the decision to treat this as a legal government as more evidence of anti-German feeling in America.
Doug64 wrote:October 7, Saturday

US backs Poland’s exiled government

Berlin will see the decision to treat this as a legal government as more evidence of anti-German feeling in America.

Because why on Earth would anyone dislike the Germans? :)
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