How should Western countries deal with Chinese aggression? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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How should Western countries deal with Chinese aggression?

Status quo, just keep trading with them, the economic costs of confronting them will be too much.
Ban Chinese companies and individuals from sensitive aspects of society that could weaken security, move sensitive manufacturing out of China.
Same as above plus move virtually all manufacturing away from China, start banning as much trade as possible with them, and expel all Chinese diplomats.
No votes
Same as above, plus use all military power to undermine them where gains seem probable, including protecting Taiwan from Chinese incursion, similar to Cold War stance vs USSR.
Same as above plus ban all new migration of Chinese nationals, even refugees, since they can be compromised by the CCP through intimidation/coercion.
Other(please explain)
Tainari88 wrote:
My big problem is not enough is getting done and there are a bunch of hypocritical sellouts in the Democratic party. For me liberals got to be committed to strengthening the working class and building a solid middle-class, universal health insurance by expanding one-payer medicare and making public universities tuition-free and many other programs. If it is unable to do that because a bunch of liberals in the Democratic party are into wealth and corporate payoffs then they might as well be fascist Republicans in deed.

All these wishy washy fake Leftists in the USA need to be deposed of power because change is not what they actually do. Actions is what counts in this world. Not speeches Late.

I am surprised that in Mexico working class mothers and fathers have free government sponsored child care. You got public clinics and hospitals covering everyone. Yes, it is not the best and the fastest. But it exists.

Stop with the failed policies. You are now as a nation failing at universal health care and universal child care with Mexico. A nation that depends on the US dollar and economy. That has a lot less money and a bunch of working people making shit for wages and they still can get universal health care done and universal child care accomplished.

The USA is seriously backward because they are petrified of SOCIALISM. That is DUMB!!!

My typical choice is weak vs. psychotic..
Fasces wrote:
"Biden's foreign policy outside Europe is virtually identical to Trump's" isn't disproven by copy pasting Wikipedia on how Biden has changed NATO, @late

Let's take the Saudi as another example. It's clear Trump sold uncritical support for the Saudi for the benefit of him and his family.

We've had close ties with the Saudi since WW2. But the two countries have been drifting in different directions. That's been going on since before 9/11. It's continuing under Biden.

So, instead of the BS, get specific. Want to try to say they are the same vis a vis Ukraine?

Yeah, didn't think so.
I agree with what Fasces said earlier. The USA should lead by example by following international law and engaging with multilateral institutions. It should cooperate with China where possible and expand that cooperation as trust is built.

What do you think of Blinken's recent visit to China?
Fasces wrote:

Ukraine, last I checked, is in Europe, @late.

That's not a rebut..

And how about the Saudi? Are they also in Europe?

If one does not care about such things, it's easy to forget that the institutions (State, Pentagon, Congress, etc) acted to limit what Trump did. Remember when he wanted to play with the nukes???

So, if you account for the continuity of policy, which started post-WW2 with all the alliances and Bretton Woods, of course you can find similarities. But one of the reasons for that is a lot of people worked hard to keep the crooked kook from driving us off a cliff..

But the differences fall under into the 'holy crap' category.
HRW wrote:Following Saudi Arabia’s decision to cut oil production in October, United States President Joe Biden announced there would be consequences for the Saudi government and a need to reevaluate the US-Saudi relationship. But three months later, that relationship seems unchanged.

Biden’s unwillingness to genuinely reassess the relationship applies to US human rights policy toward Saudi Arabia as well. In December, Biden opposed a resolution introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders to ban US logistical support for airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, many of which have resulted in apparent war crimes.

On the campaign trail, Biden had vowed to pursue accountability for the murder of journalist and US resident Jamal Khashoggi. Despite promises to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah,” in September 2021 he chose not to sanction Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and in July 2022 he traveled to Jeddah to meet with the crown prince, who, according to US intelligence, was responsible for approving Khashoggi’s murder. Since that disastrous visit, Human Rights Watch has documented a notable uptick in repression, including decades-long prison sentences for citizens sharing opinions on social media.

Last September, Biden repeated his promise that “human rights will be at the center of [US] foreign policy.” That has not been the case when it comes to Saudi Arabia. A reevaluation of US interests in Saudi Arabia should include action against the government’s escalating repression and complete suppression of public criticism.

Even with Saudi Arabia cutting – rather than increasing – oil production, Biden's decision not to follow through with a re-think about the US-Saudi relationship reveals the US government’s perceived dependence on Saudi Arabia. This has the effect of weakening Biden’s leverage on human rights. But it’s more urgent than ever that the administration take a strong stand on human rights in Saudi Arabia. ... lationship

What, specifically, has Biden changed re: Saudi policy?
@Fasces this is why I know that the USA will always ignore the worst human rights abuses as long as it favors the US economic interests and big oil among other commitments. Democracy, human rights is all lip service bullshit for the US gov't.

Cuba has to be ground down to shit and isolate and whip them bloody economically speaking, but Saudi Arabia with horrific human rights abuses gets away with inhumane barbaric acts because it is pro capitalism and provides for US economic goals.

Then they play the role of respecting democracy abroad. They only really respect raw power and greed. It is shameful and eventually if China gets the power seat they will only respect the PRC if they got raw power and more money than the US does. Then they will kiss ass as the hypocritical two faced liars that they are in real life.

That is why I say, do not trust asskissing liars who only respect money and guns. They are not about democracy. Or human rights. They are sellouts without principles.

I would not put it past them to sell Puerto Rico to the PRC to bail themselves out financially like all these abusive ex Empires in history tend to do. Then you got some sellout Puerto Rican ex pro statehooders who if sold off to the PRC to forgive debt for the American low lives, will start spouting how Puerto Ricans need to cooperate with the Chinese and be good and obedient possession colonials of the PRC in Latin America.

They will kiss ass to anyone who has money and power. Betray their own sovereignty to please the ones without morality.

It is DISGUSTING. People without principles in life are that way in behavior.

@Fasces what can very small places do eh? Then they wonder why there is violence in Latin America and the Caribbean region of the world eh?

And it was also debunked.

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