Was Harvey Weinstein really guilty? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Crime and prevention thereof. Loopholes, grey areas and the letter of the law.
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@Puffer Fish you better stop fantasizing about rape and rape cases. It is illegal, immoral and unjust. Think about actually building a human relationship with a woman you are attracted to. If you can't do that? You need to get a counselor and find out why violence and rape is always in your head and figure out a way of dumping those thoughts. They won't get you anywhere in life but nowhere.
Tainari88 wrote:@Puffer Fish you better stop fantasizing about rape and rape cases.

That's the problem if anyone tries to defend someone accused of a sexual crime, isn't it?

All of your replies demonstrate just how much emotion and deficit of logic is it play.

With all your (plural) replies in this thread, it's easy to see how a man like Weinstein could have been wrongly convicted. Because you would all vote the same way too, it is apparent.
I hope all those women who lied get what they claimed happened, to come to them. Especially any of the gold diggers who managed to get any money.

Logic says a large number of them are liars. (Even if I can't prove they all are)

You don't have 20+ women who all suffered rape and not one of them came forward the year it happened.

Maybe in some alternate fantastical reality in some feminist's mind.
Puffer Fish wrote:That's the problem if anyone tries to defend someone accused of a sexual crime, isn't it?

All of your replies demonstrate just how much emotion and deficit of logic is it play.

With all your (plural) replies in this thread, it's easy to see how a man like Weinstein could have been wrongly convicted. Because you would all vote the same way too, it is apparent.

Why waste your time constantly on rape themes? What you write reflects what you are preoccupied with in your head. If you are worried about wrongly accused rape problems it means you do not listen to cold hard statistics. You want to create some fantasy of raping and not being convicted of the crime.

Just by your writing about it obsessively in these fora you are giving written documented evidence of your proclivities on here.

If you do not do it, it means that you feel inadequate to have a real relationship.

If you do rape, get ready to either get killed, beaten up or become an aggressor and eventually go to jail someday and get a serious issue of a wasted life. There is not a life to be lived convicted of rape. It means jail and staring at four walls in some tiny cell and not even seeing a woman in general. Of any kind.

If that is what is in your head? What the hell are you doing in a politics forum? Go write in RAPISTS ARE US.
As I said before in this thread, women do not report rape right away out of fear or shame.

Not immediately reporting sexual assault is a common phenomenon. In the cases of comedian Bill Cosby and Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, it was decades before their victims came forward.

There are many reasons why women don’t report sexual harassment and assault at the scene or time of the incident(s). Women are often too afraid or ashamed to report their experiences. From a psychological perceptive, these experiences can result in confusion and shock, often leading to PTSD. This type of trauma might be internalized as a coping mechanism and can take time to make sense of what has happened. But sometimes, triggering events cause these memories to resurface. One of the women who has accused Noth said that “seeing that he was reprising his role in Sex and the City set off something in me.”

Some women don’t come forward because of a fear of hostile reactions from the public, as demonstrated by this current situation, in which fans have rallied around Noth. In occurrences of sexual assault, it is ironically the victim who is held up to scrutiny. When a woman stands up to accuse a man she is labeled a “slut” or it’s said that “she asked for it.” Sexual harassment and assault are often denied, and in many instances, the victim is accused of lying, having false memories, seeking fame, or chasing after his money.

Women can be reluctant to report sexual assault because of a fear of retribution. Abuses are often made by men in a position of power, by their bosses and senior colleagues, while reporting them can lead to further harassment, the victim’s demotion, or even dismissal.

One study found that only one in five women report sexual harassment. Of these, 80 percent found that nothing changed as a result, while 16 percent said the harassment worsened. Abusers often intimidate the victim with violence if they dare to speak out, or threaten to ruin their reputation or career.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog ... al-assault

Women also do not report it because there are men like @Puffer Fish who think they are lying and just trying to get money. The misogyny is clear.

If anything, by coming out, these women are putting themselves in danger. They could lose everything. I applaud them. They are brave. They are probably very scared, but they are emerging from their caves.
MistyTiger wrote:Women also do not report it because there are men like Puffer Fish who think they are lying and just trying to get money. The misogyny is clear.

In my personal opinion your thoughts are insane if you think a group of woman can gang up on a man and be allowed to get his money, because they say he raped them 4, 7, 13, 24 years ago.

Conveniently each one only "came forward" after they realised he was being accused by other women.
MistyTiger wrote:Women also do not report it because there are men like Puffer Fish who think they are lying and just trying to get money. The misogyny is clear.

I'm not saying any of these individual women were not raped. But don't give them money! Don't even hold that as a possibility out there!

Maybe a small handful of these women were raped, for all I know. We don't know!
MistyTiger wrote:If anything, by coming out, these women are putting themselves in danger. They could lose everything. I applaud them. They are brave. They are probably very scared, but they are emerging from their caves.

Please explain to me how these women are risking anything.
I mean suppose they are lying. How are they risking ANYTHING? How is anyone ever going to find out?
You say a rape happened 12 years ago, maybe can't even remember the specific time or date, how is anyone going to be able to disprove that?

Ironically, for Weinstein to sue them for defamation he would have to PROVE they were not telling the truth.
Which seems like a higher burden to prove than they apparently have to prove to send him to prison and take his money (judging by the outcome of this case).
Last edited by Puffer Fish on 16 Jun 2023 00:17, edited 1 time in total.
@MistyTiger The FBI stats say that at the most false accusations of rape are exceedingly rare. Only about 8% of all reported rapes might be false. That means 92% are real. An overwhelming amount.

Only about (according to the BBC News article) 35% of accusations of rape are even processed and reported. Most women who are raped never go through the entire process of trial and so on because it is scary, expensive, painful and shameful.

Imagine if some strangers you don't know are going to hear about your genitals and assaults, and your sexuality or past and so on and you have to face the man or men who abused you and humiliated you that way in court for days or weeks?

Most women who were raped want to forget the whole nightmare and get on with their lives.

But if these freaks and horrible people are not stopped? They rape many more.

Here in Mexico some dude raped a woman named Silvia. She then after being raped, killed the rapist. She was furious and killed him dead.

He had raped other women before her. None of them had the circumstances where they could kill the guy. But Silvia did it.

Rapists are usually very sick people. Repeat offenders too. They think, hey, I can get away with it. The women are scared of me. They shut their mouths. I do not have to pay.

Not all women are the same. Some react badly to that horrible shit. And they go for blood. I would. I would go for his blood. I would kill him if I could.

A woman being raped has a right to defend herself if she can. But many rapists do bring guns or knives to the assault. It makes it hard to defend oneself.

But there are some women who are totally unpredictable.

They should realize that and stop with the bullshit excuses for rape. It is a dangerous thing to try to rape. It triggers flight or fight and defense and adrenaline rushes and women will react to that.

My Aunt beat up a serial rapist to a bloody pulp. He was a Long Beach California serial rapist in the mid 1970s. She beat him so badly he was unrecognizable. They found all the rape stuff evidence in his car and he was convicted and sentenced for decades. My Aunt was an ex judo black belt and was opening the door to her apartment and he tried to push her inside to rape her. Like he did to many other of his victims. She did something totally unexpected that she learned from Judo training and he fell on the floor and she beat him so badly that by the time the cops came he was frightened to death and thought she would kill him outright.

She worried about him causing her to drop her groceries and lost her groceries in the scuffle. LOL. Asshole rapist. He was lucky that my volcanic Aunt did not KILL HIM DEAD.
Puffer Fish wrote:This whole thing is just another way for women to gang up on wealthy famous men and get money.
You are delusional and appear to hate women.

Puffer Fish wrote:Most of these women hardly knew him.
You don't need to know someone for them to have molested you.

Puffer Fish wrote:Conveniently each one only "came forward" after they realised he was being accused by other women.
I already explained that already, but you are too hung up on protecting the guilty rapists from their victims and the law. Why do you do this? You should not harbour sympathy for perpetrators of sexual assault and abuse.

Note: The rich people can afford the best defense and often get away with crimes because of this, so again your sympathy is misplaced.

Puffer Fish wrote:I'm not saying any of these individual women were not raped.
Yes, you have. That is what you say when you don't want them to receive any justice/damages.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Puffer Fish

Please explain the difference between a criminal Court and a civil court.


I think you are being overly simplistic and simply not listening, or thinking.

Do I need to start a new thread expanding on and explaining why outcomes in civil cases can create a clear incentive for people to lie in criminal cases?
(whether the criminal case happens before or after the civil case)
Tainari88 wrote:[The FBI stats say that at the most false accusations of rape are exceedingly rare. Only about 8% of all reported rapes might be false.

Keep in mind most all of those statistics are from a time and place where awards of money for rapes were NOT routine or sanctioned by the law.

In the majority of states in the U.S. it is very unlikely that you can get money for a rape. That's mostly in New York and West Coast states.

And the concept did not really exist before the 1980s.
Godstud wrote:You are delusional and appear to hate women.

I notice there appears to be an absence of logic in all the "arguments" in this thread against me.

In fact I would hardly say most of it constitutes "argument" at all. Mostly emotional prattle and things that are not so actually relevant.
Godstud wrote:Yes, you have. That is what you say when you don't want them to receive any justice/damages.

You are confusing together justice with financial damages.

You can agree the two should be treated differently, correct?

It's one thing if you wanted to throw the man in prison for maybe 3 or 4 years based on just the woman's accusation. It's another thing to award her a huge amount of money, which could very well create a huge incentive for women to lie.

The worst thing though is to create a big incentive for women to lie AND punish a man as if we know he guilty of rape, based on just the woman's accusation, like send him to prison for 25 years for the rape.
Do you honestly think doing that is conducive to justice?
Last edited by Puffer Fish on 16 Jun 2023 00:33, edited 1 time in total.
Failings of the justice system before 1990 are not an argument, @Puffer Fish.

My observations of what you say is accurate. If you constantly display a hatred of women, we can assume you are a misogynist. You always seem to claim women are victimizing rich men. That's simply false and easily disproven. You also tend to support the perpetrator of these heinous crimes, which is also telling.

You claim others arguments are simplistic, but it's yours that actually is. Criminal and Civil Law are separate. They have different requirements to determine guilt and innocence. You would do well to learn a bit about them before you blather on about women getting money for rape accusations.

There are a great many reasons why false allegations aren't incentivized by money, and counter-lawsuits are one of them. False allegations, incidentally are as common for sexual assault as they are for most crimes. The fact is that almost no one is falsely accused of rape.

Overall, an estimated 8 to 10 percent of women are thought to report their rapes to the police, which means that — at the very highest — we can infer that 90 percent of rapes go unreported, says Belknap. Obviously, only those rapes that are reported in the first place can be considered falsely reported, so that 5 percent figure only applies to 10 percent (at most) of rapes that occur. This puts the actual false allegation figure closer to 0.5 percent.
https://www.thecut.com/article/false-ra ... tions.html

So when you blather on stupidly about defending the "victims" of lawsuits, it might be good to remember that out of 200 sexual assault victims, you might only have 1 that is actually making a false claim.
Godstud wrote:Failings of the justice system before 1990 are not an argument, Puffer Fish[/usermention

I was saying that the justice system likely had LESS false accusations before 1990 (well maybe more like 2006).
So it's inappropriate to try to use past statistics of false accusations and project that onto the future.
Godstud wrote:Criminal and Civil Law are separate.

So apparently I do have to start a separate thread focusing on this and explaining it?

Just for the sake of hypothetical argument, if outcomes in civil lawsuits could have a perverse effect on criminal trials, would you agree there is a big problem, or at least a big & concerning issue that needs to be addressed?

Godstud wrote:They have different requirements to determine guilt and innocence.

That seems to be another whataboutism.
Explain how that's actually relevant to your argument.
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