Is Liberalism final fruit of ''Enlightenment' - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Odiseizam wrote:[usermention=41202]

@late[/usermention] Tell me what do You think isnt reductionism to say people live coz they eat!?, to that I'll say they live coz have Life, but what is Life by Your terms that is solely circumstancional naturalistic emergence, on what I'll say Life is Gift of Our Almighty Lord ... now when You'll compare mine and Yours stance in context of the enlightenment era defacto You are suggesting simplistic reflex as reason while I am pointing to higher skim behind the scenes which yet as motto of "their" neopagan revolution is clear as "liberty" on what if we ask from what defacto from the Christian Ethos, actually that very same momentum shaped all the rest processes from culture through economy till power of rule i.e. all became by neopagan reasoning expanded till extremes like postenlightenment idols of hedonism mammonism and egoism!, and if for You mammonism is prime motor thats Your take, yet for me prime one is egoism (by exceptional pride pushed inertia to pax'universalis) an ultraliberal neopagan idealism as driving force in the western realm predominantly occupied by Christians, where through the same is imposed particular wrong utopian skims either by left socialist or by right capitalist means!, simply we are confronted by isms which see the man as god and that by itself brings such exceptionalism sooner or later we all to become hostages of some wrongly imposed wrong ideals!, and if we weigh out whether ideal or fears are greater driving force I'll say both are bursting in the heads of "those" elites!, i.e. while "they" having no secure means to keep alive "their" power indefinitely through the current "liberal" order forced "themselves" to flush even greater totalitarian great'reset so would not be challenged anyhow tomorrow "their" exceptionalism and risk to lose "their" role as shadow'elites of neopagan or atheist euroatlantic factions&clans!, yes economy is also potent tool to realize that skim but also is medicine or war too i.e. "they" can fool us by various ways till reach "own" technocracy where again "they" will be solely rulers!, hm maybe then officially as pharaohs instead like now hidden'puppet'masters in the current plutocratic show! Practically "they" are fooled by "their" wrong science but also coz "their" wrong current system of exponential economic growth through debt by no concerns about the ecological footprint which as system was enacted so "they" would stay in control from behind the scenes!. what in essence speeded up "their" enlightenment utopianism, hm I wonder whether we were not intentionally pushed towards such crescendo!?

@ckaihatsu so we would not go extra offtopic in the thread I'll point all my digressions are meant to point that "liberty" is not the final fruit of the enlightenment era, at least not for the masses as Christians but for the band of neopagan elites and "their" stooges, the rest as in feudalism were on one or another way suppressed if dont follow "their" matrix, thus however we would explain the current events defacto if there was not particular ultraelitism (what actually is norm in platonism and consequently in neoplatonism which is basis for republicanism) and if we were indeed all equal experiencing the true right of choice and/or having right to question the politicians then we would had have seen win-win approach on all levels, but on contrary we are witnessing modern colonialism exploitation and bullying if not extermination depending when how is sold with success the "enemy" the "terrorist" or the "tyrant" narrative!, defacto we are living in tyranny of the 1% of wealthiest elites "which" as humanistically shaped even dont want to will follow neopagan deist exceptionalism that as "philosopher kings" are above all the rest useless eaters, for "them" we are almost like resources in video game where "they" need to score so would satisfy the clanish'power'lust on every next level till utopia - when "they" hope will get enlightened - yeah as we can see now by homo'sillicone'means!, idiots no zoon'utopians, but to play "their" game upon all as if it is given freely to "them" that right even mids democracy hm that for sure sooner or later will lead to destruction of this civilization, surely there are such among "them" that blinded by the false pride say if we fall all will be pulled down with us, or surely there are such that think that even nowadays ordo'ab'chao myth will pass and good will come out from it, but as we can see there are such that think that metaverse is our next natural evolutionary exaltation, mindfucks I'll conclude how "they" are trying to sell "their" own selfdelusion to all like fog for gold!

Let me put the same reply slightly differently.

You're babbling.

Your first step should be to learn how to write. By that I mean to learn how to write in such a way your target audience can understand it.

I'm not your target audience, I am ridiculously overeducated. I like to say I am the worlds most highly educated Homer Simpson. I took a year long History of Ideas class. I've studied philosophy, rather a lot, actually. My interest in history focuses on how economics influences history. Turns out, it has a lot of influence.

I feel I should also mention I am an atheist, but that's mostly to annoy you.

Now let me start over...

What you are trying to do is insanely hard. I wouldn't even try. The sheer gall is staggering. But like Worf in Star Trek, I like gall. I was also once young and had an ego much larger than my britches.

You have a lot to learn. The first step is going to be learning how to get really good at writing.
I dont get why wasting space on eforums coz spamming or trolling in threads, isnt enough fakebook for You so would hang around!?, tho I understand that the ego dont let You waste time there while here You look smart if derail the thread in personal bickering!?, if so do ignore me!

Btw how I would be annoyed if You are atheist?, probably You think I despise atheists?, no just pointing that by atheistic or neopagan mindset "liberty" means liberation from the Christian Ethos, yet knowing that Christians are majority in the western realm I do find troubling how still are peddled by the enlightenment era ideals that as we can see brought us to level of homo'sillicone reality through the last plandemix on what next would be homo'chimeric spin till deist elites reach "their" utopia [1][1]

I'll say once You'll wake up to the reality that the spiritual world is basis for this one, Hope You'll Do, then for sure would grasp what I am talking about, till then normally all this will look to You as babbling, but even that was case find will to debate instead tilting in agitprop mode, at least now more and more You are looking to me as infiltrated bot, hm maybe instrumentalized by accident, who knows!
Odiseizam wrote:
when by corrupt science and policies eg. how ecoethics is circumvented coz the need of exploitation of resources by wrong means, and/or how bioethics is circumvented so would be covertly introduced the recent by emergency authorization bionic&genetic revolution in "their" plandemix and to it coerced by mandates m'rna jabs!

Thus through secularism we were peddled noone to be able to object from moral theological ground against such skims,

You're again using the 2-party bourgeois system to indict *all of secularism*, unfortunately, to make *your own* religionism look 'pure' by comparison.

Odiseizam wrote:
I am pointing to higher skim behind the scenes which yet as motto of "their" neopagan revolution is clear as "liberty"

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Prison Labor in America: How Is It Legal? - The Atlantic ... ca/406177/

Odiseizam wrote:
if we weigh out whether ideal or fears are greater driving force I'll say both are bursting in the heads of "those" elites!, i.e. while "they" having no secure means to keep alive "their" power indefinitely through the current "liberal" order forced "themselves" to flush even greater totalitarian great'reset so would not be challenged anyhow tomorrow "their" exceptionalism and risk to lose "their" role as shadow'elites of neopagan or atheist euroatlantic factions&clans!,

Maybe you're saying here that the (WEF) elites 'doubled-down', touting their 'Great Reset' line / narrative for even-greater shock value.

Odiseizam wrote:
there are such that think that even nowadays ordo'ab'chao myth will pass and good will come out from it, but as we can see there are such that think that metaverse is our next natural evolutionary exaltation, mindfucks I'll conclude how "they" are trying to sell "their" own selfdelusion to all like fog for gold!

The 'sell' there is the individual social need for 'company' / companionship, as with Facebook previously, and all other social media -- people are typically regularly *displaced* out of personal agency and/or 'protagonism' in society, so the 'jones' there is for *social organization*, as for will-to-power.

Social Production Worldview

Spoiler: show


Also, you *may* have a health issue.... ... n+Peroxide
~ I am clearly pointing how came to secularism i.e. though deists humanism and as result we have rule of minority above the Christians as majority, thus we were fooled on accepting and now even supporting such system where emerged scientific dictatorship that standardized agendas like eugenics or later behaviorism etc. alike wrong social darwinian skims that as we have saw by the past plandemix are smoothly circumventing any bioethical concerns what about such debate before was rolled out by emergency authorization the m'rna biotech as mandated norm upon all fooled to be blind stooges of the trends in usA!, yeah "liberty" to follow without any right of objection!

~ the quote [1] is addressed per'se in context of liberty for neopagan virtues!, hm You are starting to sound like a.i. discutant :D

~ simply w'e'f n'w'o agenda is reflex of "their" fears what will happen with "their" power if we are not borgged down and manipulated by push'of'button in case of systemic collapse, thus even before it happens such circumstance "they" are instigating own controlled chaos so through problem-solution would secure as "their" rule so as the resources for survival, its interesting that on this skim were pushed by particular projecting spins [2][2][2]-[2][2][2] but what think is resting on greater elitist fears coz other scientific prognosis [3][3][3] yet we can say all this is just motivation flushed by "some" so all plutocrats would be more quickly conditioned for "their" utopian agenda, altho I cant exclude "their" ordo'ab'chao spin as necessary in context of "their" enlightenment 4.0 eschatology [4]

~ "they" are not trying to put metaverse coz fun but control [5]

~ using h2o2 as health remedy is wrong by all means if we know that like that will eradicate the beneficial bacteria, I prefer healing by Grace and eventually boosting the immunity by CBD!

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