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@Potemkin wrote:

It can be argued that Britain has been a basket case since the Suez Crisis of the 1950s, when our 'Empire' was revealed for what it was - a flimsy, ramshackle relic of the past, bankrupt financially, militarily and morally. Our entire history since then has been a search for something to make ourselves relevant again. We thought the EU would be the answer, but Brexit has scuppered that. What now...? :?:

Just when I believe I know a lot of English vocabulary you go and come up with a word I never heard before? Scuppered? Never heard of it.

Make yourselves relevant again? Hell, do you know how many problems the UK has currently to keep themselves relevant? Lol. They need a lot more affordable housing, clean sources of energy for heating their homes, they need higher quality food for sure for low-income people and retirees, they need student stipends, they need more foreign languages, and bilingual books for sure (lol). They need affordable rents for young people and jobs that pay well enough to save for a moderate apartment for most young adults. They need to support cultural exchange programs, and they need to not be as you say philistines and be way more artistic and full of emotional content. Not be ashamed to go out there and be expressive emotionally. Lol.

They need a lot of different programs to have more social and close community relationships and to develop of love of children being around. I have heard from British guests I have had in my house there that the British are not really child friendly.

And I think you need a raise Potemkin. They do not pay you enough at work!

Keep themselves relevant eh? Que buenos pendejos. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:@Potemkin wrote:

Just when I believe I know a lot of English vocabulary you go and come up with a word I never heard before? Scuppered? Never heard of it.

Make yourselves relevant again? Hell, do you know how many problems the UK has currently to keep themselves relevant? Lol. They need a lot more affordable housing, clean sources of energy for heating their homes, they need higher quality food for sure for low-income people and retirees, they need student stipends, they need more foreign languages, and bilingual books for sure (lol). They need affordable rents for young people and jobs that pay well enough to save for a moderate apartment for most young adults. They need to support cultural exchange programs, and they need to not be as you say philistines and be way more artistic and full of emotional content. Not be ashamed to go out there and be expressive emotionally. Lol.

They need a lot of different programs to have more social and close community relationships and to develop of love of children being around. I have heard from British guests I have had in my house there that the British are not really child friendly.

And I think you need a raise Potemkin. They do not pay you enough at work!

Keep themselves relevant eh? Que buenos pendejos. :lol:

From your lips to God's ear, querida! :D
Potemkin wrote:From your lips to God's ear, querida! :D

I do not remember being bored or without something fun to do when I lived in San Juan. Keep yourself relevant?

Exit Brexit.....no one over here in Mexico gets bored. The Cuban wants to come back with his friend and the Guatemalan woman friend of mine? Wants to come back in March.

I need a break from houseguests. They tend to give me some illness. Uggh.

I have never been to Europe. But, it doesn't seem that it is much fun there right now....

You know I am eating much better. But still lightly now.

Wow, that was tough....

Scuppered? How do I use that in a sentence....hmmm.

I had ambitions of dressing elegantly with custom tailored clothes, but that was scuppered when someone failed to pay me? Haha.

I put it in google and it stated scuppered=arruinado, arruinada.
Tainari88 wrote:I do not remember being bored or without something fun to do when I lived in San Juan. Keep yourself relevant?

The British don’t know how to have fun, querida. They seem to think it’s virtuous to live a miserable, boring existence. Ha!

Exit Brexit.....no one over here in Mexico gets bored. The Cuban wants to come back with his friend and the Guatemalan woman friend of mine? Wants to come back in March.

I need a break from houseguests. They tend to give me some illness. Uggh.

You’re always in demand, querida! Not always a good thing, I know… ;)

I have never been to Europe. But, it doesn't seem that it is much fun there right now....

No, it isn’t. But it’s been worse, in its history….

You know I am eating much better. But still lightly now.

Wow, that was tough....

That’s good news querida! You need to take better care of yourself.

Scuppered? How do I use that in a sentence....hmmm.

I had ambitions of dressing elegantly with custom tailored clothes, but that was scuppered when someone failed to pay me? Haha.

Perfect! :D

I put it in google and it stated scuppered=arruinado, arruinada.

Yep, it means ruined, destroyed, holed below the waterline, finished, knackered, fubar…. Lol! :lol:
Potemkin wrote:Image

How was I able to forget him so fast? That's how it is in such turbulent times, I guess. I'm sure he'd become appealing and relevant again as soon as Brexit would be in danger and it'd seem possible that the UK doesn't leave the EU somehow. Boris would be back too, of course, and they'd prevail again, of course. I wonder if Corbyn could be reactivated as well, but some of his buddies definitely could, to make Labour impotent and unelectable as long as necessary. Maybe the Brits don't really support or even do oppose Brexit in "normal" times, but when things "heat up" and the adequate forces set in motion, Brexit prevails. A Brexit campaign must target either the reptilian brain or the limbic system and bypass the neocortex, so it overbears the conscious mind and rationality even if voters are totally aware of its true nature otherwise.
Beren wrote:How was I able to forget him so fast? That's how it is in such turbulent times, I guess. I'm sure he'd become appealing and relevant again as soon as Brexit would be in danger and it'd seem possible that the UK doesn't leave the EU somehow. Boris would be back too, of course, and they'd prevail again, of course. I wonder if Corbyn could be reactivated as well, but some of his buddies definitely could, to make Labour impotent and unelectable as long as necessary. Maybe the Brits don't really support or even do oppose Brexit in "normal" times, but when things "heat up" and the adequate forces set in motion, Brexit prevails. A Brexit campaign must target either the reptilian brain or the limbic system and bypass the neocortex, so it overbears the conscious mind and rationality even if voters are totally aware of its true nature otherwise.

Whenever it looks like the Great British public are about to do something monumentally stupid, the British political elite always manage to cobble together a ragtag band of heroes at the last minute to ensure that it goes through. Lol. After all, there’s votes to be had by backing stupidity. Just ask BoJo. He got to be Prime Minister by backing Brexit, something he neither believed in nor really wanted. Compared to BoJo’s blond ambition, the ruination of the country he had sworn to serve was a small price to pay. :)
By Rich
Tainari88 wrote:Potemkin, that man looks like a total fool.

I used to think that, but then I compared Brexit to Puexit, the proposed Puerto Rican exit from the United States. Brexit compared to Puexit seems the height of carefully thought out moderate wisdom. A lot of British people backed Brexit because they feared becoming like Hawaii where indigenous Britons were a minority in their own land. Or like Puerto Rico, where indigenous Puerto Ricans are a minority in the own land surrounded by southern European Latin invaders and Africans.

Of course some people say that its not fair to compare Britons to Hawaiians or even more to say the Lakotans in the Black Hills because Britons first arrived in Britain so much earlier.
JohnRawls wrote:
Yet, UK joined Europe under Thatcher. Her position can't be simply described as anti-Europe. One would argue that she either used some animosity for her political gain or to get a better deal with Europe or the more plausible answer here is that she did it for both reasons.


Sure. But Johnson and May are not the only ones to blame. It is not like Blair didn't taunt with the idea to some degree. Cameron also didn't particularly want to do anything about it although he should have so the previous prime ministers are also to blame.

What are you talking about ?

The EU is not "Europe".
We were always part of Europe.
The EU is a crappy little club which used to cost us £9bn a year to be in and forbade us from having our own independent free trade agreements, farming policy, fisheries policy, energy policy and immigration policy.

If the Commission were replaced with a cabinet of MEPs it would at least be democratic, but it does not work very well.

Viva la independence!
Potemkin wrote:Whenever it looks like the Great British public are about to do something monumentally stupid, the British political elite always manage to cobble together a ragtag band of heroes at the last minute to ensure that it goes through. Lol. After all, there’s votes to be had by backing stupidity. Just ask BoJo. He got to be Prime Minister by backing Brexit, something he neither believed in nor really wanted. Compared to BoJo’s blond ambition, the ruination of the country he had sworn to serve was a small price to pay. :)

The true greatness in the English system is the Royal Family. I say Meghan Markle is a spy for Cuba and Russia and she married Prince Harry and we are in the dark about it. She is going to infiltrate the Royal family and destroy all that monarchical stuff with Gospel Choir culture from the Black Church from the Southern States and expose in the process BoJo being a Russian in disguise all this time.....that name is suspicious.....Boris....and no one questioned his Tory shitty politics with that name?

It is all highly suspicious.
Rich wrote:I used to think that, but then I compared Brexit to Puexit, the proposed Puerto Rican exit from the United States. Brexit compared to Puexit seems the height of carefully thought out moderate wisdom. A lot of British people backed Brexit because they feared becoming like Hawaii where indigenous Britons were a minority in their own land. Or like Puerto Rico, where indigenous Puerto Ricans are a minority in the own land surrounded by southern European Latin invaders and Africans.

Of course some people say that its not fair to compare Britons to Hawaiians or even more to say the Lakotans in the Black Hills because Britons first arrived in Britain so much earlier.

I got faith in the Puerto Ricanization of the United Kingdom. Just give the UK another 10 million foreigners from their ex colonial empire of greed, throw them in the poorer parts of town there and the working class Britons will take care of the rest. Everyone racially mixing and over centuries the British won't worry about the class system anymore and the Royal Family, they will be smoking weed Jamaica style and be mostly Roman Catholic like the Irish from Southern Ireland....Megan's kids will fit right in with the rest of the British people and before long, the British will be dancing and singing and playing Despacito near the beach in the summertime.
Think about it Rich, you got Boris there who is stiff and repressed and boring as hell. He needs Despacito no?

People will be running around not worried about bad food and feeling guilty over hedonistic behavior....they will spend and go out and party for real without getting drunk and repressed. Lol.

It is easy to deal with problems having to do with imperialism Rich.....treat the ones you try to colonize like your equals and your brothers and sisters and your friends whom you care about and love. If you see your own humanity in them? It is very hard to exploit them, and hurt them and not support them or listen to their needs. Good politics is just about good values. It is not that difficult.

For the British it's hard to see and treat even the French (frogs) and the Germans (cabbages) or any other Europeans as equal human beings, although the British Isles were colonised and civilised by Latins from Italy (who also founded their capital as Londinium), invaded by Germanic Anglo-Saxons and conquered by French-speaking Normans from the Continent. Despite all that and their permanent decline since at least the middle of the last century they still pretend to be superior and unique (although they might be right about their uniqueness indeed) people having a special relationship with their overlords rather than facing geopolitical and economic realities, and indulge in such ideas as reviving the British Commonwealth while ruling the waves and waiving the rules again or becoming a Singapore-on-Thames at the cost of the EU. I wonder if what illusions fuelling Puexit Puerto Ricans have, they should visit the UK and discuss them with Brexiteers perhaps in order to get some know-how from real experts.
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By ingliz

Freedom to do what?

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By ingliz
vinnydell wrote:filthy rich

UK EU membership: a financial cost-benefit analysis.

The costs to the UK were a net contribution to the EU budget which averaged about 0.5 percent of GDP per year and the adoption of regulations for which compliance costs exceeded benefits, estimated at about 0.9 percent of GDP.

Different estimation methods point to permanent gains in the level of real GDP of 8.6 percent.

By late
vinnydell wrote:
You're ignoring the social and democratic aspects.
This wasn't a simple economic decision it was a democratic, political decision to be independent.

It was, and is, a failure. The Commonwealth will continue to lose countries as the economy slips further and further behind the rest of the developed world..

What's more, it was a scam, the false pretense undermines your claim that it was democratic.
vinnydell wrote:You're ignoring the social and democratic aspects.
This wasn't a simple economic decision it was a democratic, political decision to be independent.

It was not about independence. The UK has not been ruled by another country politically in how many centuries? It was about probably having to allow non Britons to come in to their territory for work, and having to negotiate with a bunch of other countries policies and possibly not try to dominate the entire system. It is about letting go of the Imperialistic shit mindset that they have had for centuries of ruling elites. The working class and lower middle classes of the UK never saw the real results of all the past glories of ruling over a bunch of lands and making deals to favor their own interests. The ruling elite in the UK have been pacifying the lower class for a long time with the dole and NHS and everything they had to concede to keep a balance of discontent from getting bad.

Following that Tory Thatcher policies and thinking Europe was not the UK because the UK is special and destined to be the head of the pack is false. They did not really process how false that was....but they will now. They fell for hubris and MYTH just like all Empires do in history. We are better than all the rest. We can go it alone....

Economics is not about the Lone Ranger. It is about mutual cooperation and building wealth via trade, labor, resource organization, investments, and research and development that is scientific, and avoiding wars, and costly crap that is useless like letting super wealthy individuals keep getting richer every year along with their buddies, while the lower classes scramble for their basic scraping by existence thinking that will bring peace and prosperity to all over the long haul.

It never does.
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By ingliz

I am not English.

As long as your failing country doesn't collapse entirely before I pop off this mortal coil - I need it to keep paying me my pension under the EU Brexit protocol - I couldn't give a toss about the UK.

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