Biden youth approval moves lower - Politics | PoFo

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April 25, 2022

A national poll released today by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School indicates that while 18-to-29-year-olds are on track to match 2018’s record-breaking youth turnout in a midterm election this November and prefer Democratic control 55%-34%, there was a sharp increase in youth believing that “political involvement rarely has tangible results” (36%), their vote “doesn’t make a difference” (42%) and agreement that “politics today are no longer able to meet the challenges our country is facing” (56%). President Biden’s job approval has dropped to 41% among young Americans, down from 46% in the IOP Fall 2021 poll and down 18% overall in the past year.

The Spring 2022 Harvard Youth Poll finds that 59% of young Black Americans, 43% of young Asian Americans, and 37% of young Hispanic Americans feel “under attack” “a lot” in America. Nearly half of LGBTQ youth feel under attack “a lot.”

When it comes to student loans, 85% of young Americans favor some form of government action on student loan debt, but only 38% favor total debt cancellation. And the poll also finds that at two-to-one margins, young Americans are supportive of greater parental control over K-12 education and supportive of candidates that support teaching K-12 students that racism – intentional or not – is a fixture of American laws and institutions.

Continued: ... youth-poll
It's the " Jokerfication" of American politics , as this article illustrates. Liberalism, classical and social alike, has become largely discredited, in the minds of the people, especially the youth. Now it's populism, of both the right-wing , and the left-wing that is the prevailing political flavor of the age. Never since the great depression preceding World War 2 have people become disaffected with liberal democracy, and free market capitalism. The young generations don't feel any affinity for a society that doesn't seem to value them, and care about their future. The only remaining point of contention, among the young of today, like it was during the time of the Mitford family , is between the neocommunist left and the post-fascist right. The center-left and the center-right have increasingly been rendered irrelevant . A pox on both of two establishment parties, Republican as well as Democratic , say the citizens of tomorrow. For the young generation is electrifying, and it's the established late stage capitalist social system that will wind up getting shocked by it, I foretell , if things keep proceding as they are.
I wouldn't trust the approval numbers because some of those same voters are the ones who elected POS Trumpy. I have no idea how many are pro-Trump but I don't take approval ratings seriously. People tend to feel negatively when they are struggling to make ends meet. Part of the problem is their own spending habits and poor choices but few will admit that in public. It's so easy to be wasteful.

Which is easier, to be negative or be positive? To be negative, of course! We Americans LOVE to bitch and moan about life. ;)
BlutoSays wrote:Yes, I agree. Don't overthrow the government. Just the DNC.

Trump and many GOP politicians are opening rejected democracy and preparing to subvert if necessary.

Trump and teh GOP are direct threat to democracy and teh rule of law.

Going around making entirely FALSE accusations of the election fraud. They have had many chances to bring evidence before the court and have totally unable to do so.
Rancid wrote:Democrats are going to lose big in 2022. My only hope is that the Republicans that win in 2022 are not pro-overthrow of the government.

Not saying Democrats are fantastic but anyone who votes GOP in the fall is supporting a party that tried to overthrow a democratic election and therefore you deserve all the bad things that will happen to you by their election.

I mean you really have to be pretty dumb to vote GOP any time soon. Anyone offended by that stop whining and go read a newspaper. The Last 20 years these idiots sent Americans to die in order to revenge-kill Muslims, caused the 2008 financial crisis, then made Jan 6 happen.
Unthinking Majority wrote:
Not saying Democrats are fantastic but anyone who votes GOP in the fall is supporting a party that tried to overthrow a democratic election and therefore you deserve all the bad things that will happen to you by their election.

I mean you really have to be pretty dumb to vote GOP any time soon. Anyone offended by that stop whining and go read a newspaper. The Last 20 years these idiots sent Americans to die in order to revenge-kill Muslims, caused the 2008 financial crisis, then made Jan 6 happen.

Republicans are going to win, and the rest of us are going to get fucked hard by authoritarianism.

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