How should accusations be handled in domestic relationships? - Politics | PoFo

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A woman comes to police and tells them that her husband has been raping her every night and she is afraid of what he might do to her if she tries to leave him.
Police arrest the husband and talk to him. (Usually police just throw the person in jail and do not talk to them, but let's suppose this time they do) The man tells police that, no, his wife is lying, and she has raped him several in the past, and threatened to kill him if he tries to leave her.

You are the judge. You get to decide what should happen. What do you do?
How should society and the justice system handle these sort of situations?

Maybe you think women in relationships should be protected. But are you okay putting the man in prison based only off the accusations of the woman?

These are your options:

A) Put the man in prison but not the woman, because she is a woman
B) Put the man in prison but not the woman, because she reported it to police first
C) Put both the man and woman in prison for an equal amount of time
D) Put both of them in prison, but put the man in prison longer than the woman
E) It's just a he said, she said situation. Neither should be put in prison
Things like these should be taken seriously, but they need serious evidence before anyone is arrested or put in jail. Serious efforts should be made to get that evidence. People should not just be dismissed from the police without some serious investigation of claims. People living with domestic violence should be counseled and shelter accommodation should be available, as well as support. It;s a serious problem in communities the world over. IT should be resourced and the police trained to seriously deal with it, and serious specialist support should be available to ALL involved (alleged perpetrator, alleged victim, any children and the police)

There was report just this week in the paper were a woman was dismissed out of hand by the police (Guys wouldn't rape you you have short hair or words to that effect) without any attempt to take her claims seriously or investigate.

It's difficult issue. And for along time the police (well here in Australia) just did not want to know.
pugsville wrote:Things like these should be taken seriously, but they need serious evidence before anyone is arrested or put in jail. Serious efforts should be made to get that evidence.

Most often that evidence simply does not exist.

Obviously a rape kit would be useless here, because it is between two people in a sexual relationship.

If police care enough about the situation, I suppose there is the possibility they might try to do a sting operation, with undercover cameras and microphones in the bedroom, with the woman's permission of course, to try to "catch" the husband/boyfriend in the act of rape.
I think that would be pretty unusual though. Most of the time police do not want to go to those lengths.
Puffer Fish wrote:You mean IF they are actually able to uncover any solid evidence? (How likely is that :roll: )

You seem to suggest man can go Scot-free from rape.

As I said elsewhere, anatomy and psychology means sex laws inevitably have to bias for women.

Also, I suspect few men will genuinely think they are raped when a woman jumps on him, unless the act goes against his sexual orientation, the woman in concern is very unattractive to him, or she's being particularly brutal.
Patrickov wrote:As I said elsewhere, anatomy and psychology means sex laws inevitably have to bias for women.

What if the man and woman in a particular situation are close to the same body size and same level of strength?
Or the woman is a professional competitive bodybuilder and she is the strong one?

There was an episode on The Simpsons where this happened.

Patrickov wrote:As I said elsewhere, anatomy and psychology means sex laws inevitably have to bias for women.

Also, I suspect few men will genuinely think they are raped when a woman jumps on him, unless the act goes against his sexual orientation, the woman in concern is very unattractive to him, or she's being particularly brutal.

These are just the sort of "taboo" comments I appreciate in these threads.

There are many these days in Western countries who want deny that any of these inherent differences exist between males and females. (Especially in this forum)

Thank goodness political correctness has not reached Russia or wherever you're from.

So basically what you're saying is that, if they're in a domestic relationship together, the woman is likely to feel raped but not the man.

I wonder how we would deal with situations where there are two lesbians, or two gay men. Put both the lesbians in jail, and leave the gay men alone? :lol:
Puffer Fish wrote:So basically what you're saying is that, if they're in a domestic relationship together, the woman is likely to feel raped but not the man.

In a very simplified context, yes.

Puffer Fish wrote:I wonder how we would deal with situations where there are two lesbians, or two gay men. Put both the lesbians in jail, and leave the gay men alone?

In both cases we can simply talk reason and judge without needing bias, as both parties have so many things in common.
Patrickov wrote:In both cases we can simply talk reason and judge without needing bias, as both parties have so many things in common.

But you do admit that you would be a little more likely to send both lesbians to jail, and be a little more skeptical about the claims of two gay men in a domestic relationship who claimed they raped each other.
Puffer Fish wrote:But you do admit that you would be a little more likely to send both lesbians to jail, and be a little more skeptical about the claims of two gay men in a domestic relationship who claimed they raped each other.

No I didn't. Nothing in my statement (as you quoted) had the meaning of what you said above.

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