Djokovic exposes ethnic divisions in Australian society - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Australia.

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Djokovic's case seems to open up covert ethnic divisions in Australian society. While the privileged Anglo-Saxon elite is trying everything to discredit the world's first tennis player because of his race and ethnicity, the other half of the population is raising their voices protesting against such discriminatory government policies in the country where they live.
"To understand this phenomenon, one must basically understand the social structure of this British colony.
The British Empire and their colonies were founded on the assumption of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race as well as the extermination of millions of indigenous peoples and the exploitation of enslaved millions black Africans.
The worst kind of British racism has been manifested through the genocidal colonial racism that has destroyed many human lives and civilizations.
Naturally, this type of racism is still very present in the British penal colony called Australia, where the British colonial privileged elite continues to oppress the non British origin population, despite the constant protests of the world's humanitarian organizations for human rights.
The genocide of the Aborigines was committed by the British not by the French, Germans, Russians, Greeks, Italians, or Chinese.
Despite all the undeniable historical facts, there is the latest trend of revisionist historical generalization in the Australian media and even in academic circles where “Europeans” and ”whites” are held accountable for this crime without mentioning the British colonial empire.
Unfortunately, Australia to this day remains a British colony with a British flag and a British monarch, who is de jure "Above the Law" as Australian head of state, which, among other things, prevents Australia from building its own cultural and national identity.

As a result of that if someone literally yesterday came from Britain he has a better chance of being accepted and considered as an "Australian" than person who was born and raised in Australia but whose parents are not of British descent.
To emphasize their privileged position and underestimate others, the British "Australians" do not hesitate to use racist names in their daily lives for the non-Anglo population, such as wogs, abbos, lebos, slopes, etc. On the other hand, they use expressions to show their superiority like True Blue Aussies, Real Aussies and so on.
In all major Australian cites like Melbourne and Sydney population with British origin (“yobbos” or "Closet Poms") is well below 50% in comparison with others.
Despite all this, thanks to the colonial status and a racist discriminatory policy, the privileged Anglo population is represented by more than 95% in the police force, over 97% in the executive government institutions and over 90% in the military.
Although most of the non-British population in Australia works hard and study, the corrupt Anglo elite has concentrated on the civil service and government, enjoying all the privileges at the expense of taxpayers' money.
In such a social and political environment, the Anglo political elite and the mainstream media are waging a propaganda war against China and Russia, inciting racial hatred towards the Chinese people in an attempt to use China as a scapegoat.
This could give them a welcome diversion from the growing decadence among the privileged Anglo-caste, which has recently been seen in a series of scandals and orgies in the Australian Parliament in which officials raped colleagues in ministerial offices and filmed them masturbating at their boss tables".
Last edited by Russianbear on 12 Jan 2022 03:05, edited 1 time in total.
Most normal Anglo-Saxon Australians support and admire him. Unfortunately it's the woke SJW pro-vax Millenial generation that now dominates mainstream media in this country and the politicians on both sides are stupidly pandering to them.

They're racist. You're right. He filled out his paperwork correctly.

They also suffer from an intense version of Tall Poppy syndrome and the fact he is being treated with respect because he brings tens of millions of dollars in tourism money to our local economy is irrelevant to these, jealous as fuck, assholes.

They publically attacked and literally fined members of the religious Jewish community three times in the media during this crisis. They're racists.
The Australians infesting social media are the real big pharma cucks, they will gladly throw Novak under the bus and judge him from a political vantage as a tennis player. The fact is he has done more for charity and the sport than most players in his position, but they're fixated on the one thing that's utterly irrelevant to his playing prowess and his charity. 'muh vaccine'. Well he's better protected he's had and gotten over the virus. The vaccine is literally irrelevant to him but the usual suspects are happy to keep playing politics on that basis. Whatever happened to trust the science?
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 12 Jan 2022 04:00, edited 1 time in total.
Sandzak wrote:Fucking anti-progress Balkanites. I have enough idiots in my family who want also no vaccine.

Send all the anti-vaxe conspiracy theorists to Goli Otok!!!

'Anti-Progress' - where progress is one world corporate government run by shadowy figures who's names you don't know.

No thanks. I'd rather take my chances with some kind of centralized empire. Your big tech big pharma big money dystopia is showing its ugly face right now and I don't want.

White Saviour Narrative, Coronavirus edition.

You know I lived there for 2 years. That state is racist as fuck. McGowan was raised in a racist backwater, so you have to forgive him for this. He literally believes he's doing wonders for the Aboriginal community by patronizing them like this.

Mind you so is Melbourne. Racist, but for different reasons, as we just don't have any Aborigines here at all, got rid of them ages ago, they never really came back(1% roughly), but we name stuff Aboriginal names now anyway. It's called Racist SJW Woke Virtue Signalling and cultural appropriation, and we do it very well here in Victoria.

WA is just plain more straight up still extremely racist. Even in central Perth. He's technically the leader of the more "progressive" major party, and that's how racist the "left-wingers" are in WA. The right-wingers are even worse.
You know I lived there for 2 years. That state is racist as fuck. McGowan was raised in a racist backwater, so you have to forgive him for this. He literally believes he's doing wonders for the Aboriginal community by patronizing them like this.

McGowa is really trying to inform the Aboriginal community on the danger posed by Covid-19. There is nothing wrong with the use of the Aboriginal translator or spokesperson to convey the important message since his weird accent is hard to understand, if English is your second language. This is what we expect from the multicultural Labor Party that is prioritising engagement with migrant communities. Based on my experience, there were a lot of decent fellows in WA, while some women were way out of control. Your source is Rebel News, a far-right political and social commentary media website operating in Canada and Australia.

Australians were treated to a new level of dystopian absurdity this morning when Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan released an ad campaign for Covid vaccination.

In it, McGowan has his Covid vaccination message translated from English into ... English by the Aboriginal woman beside him. ... to_english
ThirdTerm wrote:. Based on my experience, there were a lot of decent fellows in WA, while some women were way out of control.

When I lived there, I was in the Midland-Swanview area. Dont get me wrong, I liked it there, but the racism is far more open and in your face than in Victoria.

As I said, McGowan was raised in a more racist version of Australian society, so he genuinely thought this was a good idea and totally not "comes off looking like a white saviour" stuff.

They have Miss Maud in WA and ironically I miss it the most. Loved Miss Maud coffee and cakes.
colliric wrote:When I lived there, I was in the Midland-Swanview area. Dont get me wrong, I liked it there, but the racism is far more open and in your face than in Victoria.

As I said, McGowan was raised in a more racist version of Australian society, so he genuinely thought this was a good idea and totally not "comes off looking like a white saviour" stuff.

They have Miss Maud in WA and ironically I miss it the most. Loved Miss Maud coffee and cakes.

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