I totally agree that the Repuds will not make the Gov. default, because it will hurt their donors. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Everything from personal credit card debt to government borrowing debt.

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Let's talk about the debt ceiling and calling the bluff.... --- Beau of the Fifth Column

A default will devastate the Repud's donors, the Repud Senators & Reps., and their base. The donors will not allow it to happen. The Senators and Reps. will not shoot themselves in the wallet. I expect a last min. action to avoid it.

51,603 views, Sep 29, 2021

This stupid dance. However, remember, the Retardican party has been filled with radical idiots that act first and ask questions later and I don't think it is a zero %%% chance. I think it is obvious that they are trying to play chicken with the democrats which lets be clear, are pushovers. I agree in that they should call their bluff, and listen, if that means we risk burning the economy to shreds, then perhaps we should.
Steve_American wrote:Let's talk about the debt ceiling and calling the bluff.... --- Beau of the Fifth Column

A default will devastate the Repud's donors, the Repud Senators & Reps., and their base. The donors will not allow it to happen. The Senators and Reps. will not shoot themselves in the wallet. I expect a last min. action to avoid it.

51,603 views, Sep 29, 2021

You're assuming that the Republican leadership have control over their own base. The events of January 6th rather suggest otherwise....
Steve_American wrote:How can the Repud base make the Senators and Reps. do anything, especially something that the Repud donors would hate?

Ultimately the voters have the power. For politicians, the only reason why donors have any power is that they offer money that presumably leads to exposure to voters via ads and endorsements. Don't get me wrong, this is quite powerful. However, we have seen that they become more succeptible to populists challangers.
XogGyux wrote:Ultimately the voters have the power. For politicians, the only reason why donors have any power is that they offer money that presumably leads to exposure to voters via ads and endorsements. Don't get me wrong, this is quite powerful. However, we have seen that they become more succeptible to populists challangers.

The donors hate the idea now, and so do the Senators and Reps. If they do it, the base will come to hate it too, before 2022. The base or someone they know will be the new unemployed.

There is a place to look and see what will happen, the bond market would have a sharp drop in yields of bonds being traded right now, if the donors thought it was possible for the US to default.

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