Good Evening - Politics | PoFo

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By Dazzie

I'm Dazzie and I'm from the UK. I like reading, running, DnD and pineapple on pizza. I'm going to go to university in the summer to study physics and computer science.

In terms of politics I'm not really sure where I stand. Socially LGBTQI+ rights, being pro-choice and being pro-legalisation (decriminalise all drugs and legalise cannabis but maybe do a study on other drugs?IDK?) are my main beliefs. Economically I lean to the left and I think that UBI would be a good idea.

One of the things I'm really interested in is electoral and political systems. (I even coded an electoral systems simulation website for a school project!).

I'm basically here to get a better-rounded and fuller political opinion so feel free to talk to me about your opinions. I'm also a member of the UK LibDems but I only really joined to vote in the leadership election and probably won't vote for them in May as I lean more Green and in my area the Green candidate is rather well known and tbh probably has a better chnace than whoever Labour run as he is well known in the community.

Yeah, so hello and good evening.
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By noemon
Hello Dazzie,

Nice to meet you and welcome to the forum.

Do not hesitate to ask anything.
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By Politics_Observer

If you play DnD and like computers and all that great nerd shit then you sound like ONE AWESOME DUDE! Welcome to the forum buddy!

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