I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide.. - Page 9 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Oxymoron wrote:Like I said a Doctor, most doctors do not augment their education after they graduate.

Fucking nonsense. By that logic, the 99% of doctors could not treat covid that showed up for the first time last year. For one, you continuously learn through practice and your colleagues. There is also the CME (continuing medical education) that doctors need to get every year to renew their licenses and there is also a big test every few years if you wish to remain credentialled by your board. All in all, this blows the crap out of your ignorant argument.
Most cases the Nurse practitioners are the more knowledgeable people in medical practices because they at least a lot of the hands-on experience in the field.

This is non-sense. By en-large this is not true at all. The training is not the same and the breadth of knowledge is not the same either.
I would not trust a Doctors word on many topics aside the basics, especially pharmaceutical ones. most Doctors have no knowledge of nutrition, no knowledge of eastern medicines, no knowledge of even the most updated western accepted medicines.

Couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Doctors have no knowledge of nutrition? or patients don't want to hear shit about nutrition?
And again with this "alternative medicine". Do you know what name we give to medicine that have shown to be helpful? Medicine.
I cannot speak for all schools, my med-school taught me about hundreds of herbal and "non-traditional treatments" but there is a problem with most of these. For one, in most cases the studies are either non-existent or poor quality. They are not regulated or minimally regulated so the formulations can vary significantly. They interact with other medications and it is not like you getting something that is safer either, they can still bust you liver, kill your kidneys, etc.
Obviously you research things, get second opinions before you trust someone, even a so called expert.

Second opinion from who? Another untrustworthy doctor? or your facebook friend :lol: Hilarious.
I don't take blankets from the European Invaders because it's my right to decide.

Would this have been a wise stance in the 1700s, or an inwise one?

The European experts kept stressing the importance of "keeping warm" as a means to survive colonization.
Pants-of-dog wrote:NY Times has a paywall.

Please copy and paste the article so I can read it. Thanks.


Germany, France and Italy said on Monday they would hit pause on AstraZeneca Covid-19 shots after several countries reported possible serious side-effects, throwing Europe's already struggling vaccination campaign into disarray.

Denmark and Norway stopped giving the shot last week after reporting isolated cases of bleeding, blood clots and a low platelet count. Iceland and Bulgaria followed suit and Ireland and the Netherlands announced suspensions on Sunday.

Spain will stop using the vaccine for at least 15 days, Cadena Ser radio reported, citing unnamed sources.
Why, I would vaccinate my children if it would make medical sense.

It doesnt.

Unless your kids have a condition like obesity, Corona even in the Omicron variant is less dangerous than the flu to them. Do you worry about the flu ? No you dont, because while the danger isnt zero, its extremely rare.

Giving them a vaccine puts your children in much higher danger, because yes vaccines also have a risk.
Negotiator wrote:Why, I would vaccinate my children if it would make medical sense.

It doesnt.

Unless your kids have a condition like obesity, Corona even in the Omicron variant is less dangerous than the flu to them. Do you worry about the flu ? No you dont, because while the danger isnt zero, its extremely rare.

Giving them a vaccine puts your children in much higher danger, because yes vaccines also have a risk.

Please provide evidence for this claim.

Also, please note that kids are often in close contact with other family members, especially grandparents.
Negotiator wrote:Why, I would vaccinate my children if it would make medical sense.

It doesnt.

Unless your kids have a condition like obesity, Corona even in the Omicron variant is less dangerous than the flu to them. Do you worry about the flu ? No you dont, because while the danger isnt zero, its extremely rare.

Giving them a vaccine puts your children in much higher danger, because yes vaccines also have a risk.

Everything you said is categorically wrong. We have posted the proof here many times. That you refuse to understand it does not speak highly of your judgment.
Negotiator wrote:Why, I would vaccinate my children if it would make medical sense.

Have you asked your child's pediatrician for advice? I wonder what his or her recommendation on the matter would be.
Who is deciding if it makes medical sense? You? or your child's doctor?
I'd admit that I am not up to date with pediatric literature. I myself would have to approach to a pediatrician to ask their opinion... But here is the deal. If your child had appendicitis, I am sure you would take the child to a doctor and you would more likely than not, trust a doctor to remove part of an organ to address the issue. If your child had cancer, more than enough you would trust the child's doctor into doing surgery or injecting chemotherapy (which it is essentially poison) to treat the disease. If your child had severe asthma, you would trust the doctor to put a breathing tube, if your child had meningitis, you would also trust your child's doctor to put a needle into his spine to get some CSF and you would allow the doctors to give high doses of antibiotics, some of which could potentially cause serious side effects including kidney failure....

For some reason, many of you had decided that you will trust doctors for some things and ignore them for some other and the sad part is that you are making those decisions based on twitter/facebook stupid posts. That is insane. I am not telling you to vaccinate your child, but what I am telling you, that unless you have the sufficient training and/or knowledge to properly analyze high quality data, that you should seriously hear the advise of the experts that spent decades training to do so.
XogGyux wrote:For some reason, many of you had decided that you will trust doctors for some things and ignore them for some other and the sad part is that you are making those decisions based on twitter/facebook stupid posts. That is insane.

Ideally this is 100% correct.

One backdoor vulnerability, though, is that if the doctor or clinic in concern is allowed to deliver the vaccine or even profit from it (this is the case in Hong Kong). In that sense, it's not unreasonable for us to suspect our doctors would hard-sell vaccination. This concern has to be addressed.
Patrickov wrote:Ideally this is 100% correct.

One backdoor vulnerability, though, is that if the doctor or clinic in concern is allowed to deliver the vaccine or even profit from it (this is the case in Hong Kong). In that sense, it's not unreasonable for us to suspect our doctors would hard-sell vaccination. This concern has to be addressed.

Perhaps... there are things you can do to mitigate this potential issue. What are the pediatric societies recommending? What are the respective national agencies/jurisdictions recommending?
You could make the same argument for everything your pediatrician offers. There is a surgeon getting paid to remove the appendix of a child, are you going to throw the shit into the air and decline a surgical intervention because the surgeon has a conflict of interest by getting paid for removing the appendix? There is an oncologist that is getting paid for ordering chemo...
I am just perplexed at the idea of drawing the line at vaccines.
XogGyux wrote:Perhaps... there are things you can do to mitigate this potential issue. What are the pediatric societies recommending? What are the respective national agencies/jurisdictions recommending?
You could make the same argument for everything your pediatrician offers. There is a surgeon getting paid to remove the appendix of a child, are you going to throw the shit into the air and decline a surgical intervention because the surgeon has a conflict of interest by getting paid for removing the appendix? There is an oncologist that is getting paid for ordering chemo...
I am just perplexed at the idea of drawing the line at vaccines.

Vaccines are obviously of less effort (and, as I accept, risk) compared with surgery or chemo, and therefore easier to hard-sell.

Regardless of this, though, having yourself well-informed is surely the right thing to do.
Drlee wrote:If I had a pill that could safely make someone young again, these stupid fucks would grow old and die rather than let me make enough for a Happy Meal in exchange for eternal life.

Isn't "eternal life" a bit of against the nature anyways? Not even celestial bodies manage that.
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