I'm a fascist Jew. Am I welcome here? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
Donna wrote:Here is your "biblical" crusade:

Foreign journalists and relief workers were free to tell a different story about Italian colonialism—one that archival documents corroborate. As in Libya, gassings formed a prominent part of the fascists’ conquest strategy. Between 1935 and 1939, in defiance of the 1925 Geneva Protocol bans on the use of chemical weapons, 617 tons of gas were shipped to Ethiopia. Together with slaughter from conventional weapons, gassings caused a quarter-million Ethiopian deaths by 1938.

As Ethiopian resistance continued after the proclamation of empire, the Italians combined old-fashioned savageries (decapitations, castrations, and burning and razing of civilian quarters) with industrial killing methods (aerial gas bombings and efficient open-grave executions) that are more commonly associated with Hitler’s and Stalin’s soldiers than with Mussolini’s rank and file. Indeed, the slaughter in Ethiopia was so out of keeping with Italians’ self-perception as the more “humane” dictatorship that it has been edited out of popular and official memory. Until 1995, the Italian government, and former combatants such as Indro Montanelli, denied the use of gas in East Africa.

https://slate.com/news-and-politics/201 ... order.html

Is this something that Jesus would have done? Aerial gassings, beheadings, scorchings, castrations, mass executions, etc.?

What Mussolini did in Ethiopia was no worse than what Moses did and Egypt to free his people. Mussolini abolished barbaric slavery in Ethiopia. He was like Abraham Lincoln and set the slaves free. The Ethiopian Empire was barbaric and corrupt. I know all about it. Russians and French weapons were given to the Ethiopians in 1895 to send 15000 Italians home in body bags. They killed more in in 1934. The solomonic dynasty was very corrupt. They would hang people just for not entering the military.
Code Rood wrote:It's more like gay globalism, that says it's racist for Westerners to deport third worlders but thinks it's cool for Israelis to shoot Palestinian kids in the balls.


Learn to pronounce
a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
Brother, do you really mean all that "stuff" that you are saying all this time? Or are you just trolling us all, like really hard?
By the way, we got it that you're jew.
Jew from where though? Because those perceptions and notions of yours are indeed quite, odd. :?:
Also I'd love to learn your sources for all these things you claim. Where dis you learn all those stuff :?:

Also, everyone is welcome here, we are a democracy, you can have different views and beliefs, as long as they are different the same way ours are :excited:
Hellas me ponas wrote:@Spider-Man
Brother, do you really mean all that "stuff" that you are saying all this time? Or are you just trolling us all, like really hard?
By the way, we got it that you're jew.
Jew from where though? Because those perceptions and notions of yours are indeed quite, odd. :?:

I'm a Jew from the tribe of Levi. We were the ones that didn't worship the golden calf.

Read Rachel Mussolini's biography of Benito. Rachel is a saint! my patron saint! My Jewish ethnicity is irrelevant. Charlie Chaplin didn't want anybody to know he was a real Jew so I don't either so maybe I'm not. Charlie Chaplin corpse was robbed from the cemetery because he was Jewish and everybody knew it but he wouldn't actually admit that he was Jewish. So I'm keeping my Jewish ethnicity a secret
Welcome to the text, Spider-Man.

I hope your political views are enriched by it.

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