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By Noelnada
What can we do to rid the world of bad things?

Create a new religion that will get rid of all the bad things and make all the people live in peace and harmony for the millenniums to come ?
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By Dr House
What can we do to rid the world of bad things?

Halt the government's meddling in the free action of the market (once of course we fix the damage it's already done, which includes pollution and dependency on credit among other things).

Global economic interconnectedness will promote world peace. Development of food production in developing countries absent destructive tariffs and subsidies in the West will end world hunger. Economic growth will end absolute poverty. Technology development will slow down and eventually halt the environmental footprint of each dollar of goods and services produced, as well as reduce the risk that that damage would result in the extinction of the human race.
By Meistro1
What can we do to rid the world of bad things?

Distribute the literature of Murray Rothbard far and wide.
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By Dan
Did someone hear the words nuclear holocaust?

Because I did.
Ban Ipods.

Tax cars based upon their fuel economy.

Pick up after ourselves.
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By Nets
Dr.House wrote:which includes pollution

House, how do you see the free market fixing pollution issues? I'm pretty Capitalist but this I just can't imagine.
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By Dr House
House, how do you see the free market fixing pollution issues?

At this point, I don't. There has been too much damage done (aided and abetted by the government) for the market to fully fix it. I give full leeway to the government to take measures to clean up the power grid, as air pollution is a violation of property rights (If you're polluting the air you're polluting my air, which I didn't give you permission to do). Though I'd say market-based solutions are the best to deal with the problem. A good solution would be to 1) stop subsidizing gas, 2) stop subsidizing road use, and 3) implement a global carbon market to curb industrial pollution.
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By Eauz
Up the revolution!
By stalker
I suggest human extinction.

No humans = no subjective judgements on what is bad or good.

No man no problem as dear old Uncle Joe would have said.
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By Abood
At this point, I don't. There has been too much damage done (aided and abetted by the government) for the market to fully fix it.
Yeh, it's the government that causes pollution. :roll:
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By Dr House
Yeh, it's the government causes pollution. :roll:

1) the US could have a 50%+ nuclear power grid were it not for the moratorium imposed after 3-mile Island. Seeing its potential there is also a chance China might've followed suit.

2) The government has subsidized road use and gas for decades, which encouraged people to get their own cars rather than share rides or use public transit, as well as encouraging companies to transport goods using trucks rather than trains (which are 5 times more energy efficient).

So yes, the government caused pollution.

-Dr House :smokin:
By sploop!
Tricky amanamuse didn't tell us what is bad...

I think the best way to demolish a Cathedral or Church might be to use high explosive...
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By Dr House
A single high explosive isn't enough to destroy a cathedral. They're too strong. You need to line up explosives all around the base of the church.

-Dr House :smokin:
By stalker
PVB wrote:Only an idiot would use high explosive to destroy a Cathedral. But then, only and idiot would consider the idea in the first place.

Wot?! That's what the Bolsheviks used to destroy churches, AFAIK.
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By Abood
Dr House, you're missing a key aspect of pollution: industrial pollution. What about the pollution caused by production?
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By Dr House
Good point.

I'd say regulating industrial air pollution is justified as it's a property rights violation. I like the idea of a cap-and-trade scheme.

-Dr House :smokin:

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