Department of Justice drops Flynn Case - Page 11 - Politics | PoFo

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Still lolling that our resident racists have embraced Flynn, a man so stupid he was fired by two administrations and fired even faster by the Trump admin, because they are desperate for anything that will own da libz.

Hmmm yes, this insane Islamophobe who should theoretically have had access to know about Q actually drinks the fucking Kool-Aid and believes in the lead brained boomer conspiracy. Lmfao. Or maybe he's really smart, and has decided to embrace a post-service career of grifting moronic Q boomers. Either way, a great man being torn down by jealous haters haha

A brilliant tactician. A general with a strategic mind who fell for the FBI trap of "Keep the idiot talking" Haha

Why do our resident racists have an instinctual desire to flock to the dumbest, loudest people they can find and then build them up into paragons of genius and virtue? It's incredible. It's like they're moths drawn to retarded flames. Like imagine a candle flickering in the wind but it's shouting racial slurs and conspiracy nonsense and a boomer moth is flying in circles around it because it mistakes that candle for the sun.

You know what owns the libs? Letting failsons like Flynn free so he can get morons whose families shun them for being insufferable to send him the few precious dollars they have because they think Tom Hanks' clone is under house arrest for being a satanic pedophile. Man, I'm owned. Please, stop owning me. The Right has achieved power, and it is using it to unleash conspiracy grifters upon its own voters haha
blackjack21 wrote:Here's Viva Frei's analysis of it:

I think Flynn went to the wrong law firm in the first place. He had no experience in politics and didn't realize that he was actually going to the enemy for help. Flynn was lucky that a good lawyer was able to see the injustice being done to Flynn and decide to take up his defense and right the wrong.

I could tell from Judge Sullivan's attitude that he was not going to let go easily. That judge may be another victim of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that make the left do crazy and stupid things.

The Appeals Court has denied Flynn's motion to force the dismissal of his case.

It will not force Sullivan to reassign matter to a different judge.


To cap it all, the judges have ruled that Sullivan was justified in appointing an amicus.

Interesting. Of course Flynn is guilty and is a traitor. He is a disgrace to his uniform.

I guess he was lying to the court and to the American people when he wrote:
... But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel’s Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

Well apparently he just can't stop lying.
ingliz wrote:@Hindsite

The Appeals Court has denied Flynn's motion to force the dismissal of his case.

It will not force Sullivan to reassign matter to a different judge.


To cap it all, the judges have ruled that Sullivan was justified in appointing an amicus.

Remember the slogan: "It's not over until the fat lady sings."
It's pointless. Flynn's case is over. The establishment failed. They are grasping to hope that Biden can win, but they are going to lose huge swathes of the black vote.
Trump is going to pardon Flynn. If he doesn't the dude is on his way to jail. But Blackjack is right. Nobody cares. Trump supporters wouldn't care if Trump invited the Russian army to garrison NYC.
And some movement on the Democrats’ Flynn witch-hunt:

Flynn lawyer hopes bombshell documents will change narrative as he returns to court Tuesday

    Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser, is set to return to court Tuesday armed with last week’s revelations about the FBI’s anti-Trump mission that ensnared him.

    His lawyers aim to use the new evidence, revealed in unsealed court documents, to change the narrative of the case back to allegations of FBI wrongdoing.

    “The new filings are dispositive of outrageous government misconduct that mandate the immediate dismissal of this case,” Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, told The Washington Times. “The agents knew they were making it up and were so concerned about their own liability they obtained special insurance in the event they were sued.

    “Judge Sullivan must dismiss the case with prejudice,” she said.

    The filings emerged from Justice Department special investigator John Durham’s investigation of the Russia collusion probe that targeted President Trump and his associates, including Flynn.

    In the filings, an FBI analyst working on the Flynn case expressed concerns about the case’s validity, saying agents involved “want a Clinton presidency.”

    Flynn had made claims of FBI misconduct the central thesis of his push for exoneration. He said anti-Trump FBI employees sprung a perjury trap on him that led to criminal prosecution.

    Flynn twice pleaded guilty to lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador in late 2016 and early 2017. He later recanted and professed his innocence.

    The Justice Department stepped in this year. Citing improprieties by FBI decision-makers who ordered the interview of Flynn, Attorney General William Barr moved to drop the case.

    The surprise reversal touched off a political firestorm among Democrats who accused him of acting to protect an ally of Mr. Trump.

    Suddenly, focus in the case shifted to whether federal judges have the authority to buck the Justice Department. The case was paused while a federal appeals court issued two opinions on the matter, ultimately rejecting the Justice Department’s argument.

    The court sent the case back to U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who had not decided if he would grant the Justice Department’s request.

    In the Durham filings, analysts also discussed buying “professional liability insurance” because they feared details of the case would be exposed in the media and they could be sued.

    As the investigation into Flynn deepened, two analysts questioned why the FBI was using a national security letter (NSL) — a secure subpoena that doesn’t require a judge’s approval — to access Flynn’s finances, according to other text exchanges.

    In December 2016, one analyst asked, “What do we expect to get from an nsl?” The analyst said it was “the right call then,” referring to the start of the probe, “but now it is not.”

    Another FBI employee responded: “Agreed. We didn’t find anything else from the investigation about him.”

    “We put out traces, tripwires to the community and nothing,” the first analyst said about the lack of evidence of wrongdoing by Flynn.

    “Bingo,” the other employee said.

    “So what’s an nsl going to do — no content,” the first analyst responded.

    “Haha this is a nightmare,” the second employee responded.

    In another filing unsealed last week, an FBI agent who served on both special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the Flynn probe raised doubts about the case.

    William J. Barnett told investigators during a Sept. 17 interview at the Justice Department that the predication of the probe was “not great” and it “was not clear” what the FBI wanted to “look for or at,” according to court filings.

    After six weeks of investigating Flynn, Mr. Barnett said he was “still unsure of the basis of the investigation concerning Russia and the Trump campaign working together without a specific criminal allegation.”

    He began asking FBI officials what they viewed as “the end game” in the Flynn probe and recommended that they interview him and close the case “unless derogatory information was obtained,” according to the court filing.

    Mr. Barnett said he was “cautioned against” interviewing Flynn because it might tip him off about the investigation.

    Evidence in the case was so “problematic,” Mr. Barnett worried it would result in an inspector general investigation.

    Mr. Barnett, according to the interview notes, said he believed the Flynn investigation was a “check the box exercise” making sure all bases were covered before the case was closed. He “did not think” the Flynn probe was “leading or headed toward prosecution.”

    Mr. Barnett said he believed there were other individuals in the Russia-collusion probe who were more worthy of investigating than Flynn, whom he viewed as an “outlier.”
Very interesting. I wonder why, knowing all of the charges against him were ill-gotten, a highly educated person with professional legal advice decided to plead guilty and beg for forgiveness. :roll:

It is possible for a general officer to be that stupid but I have never met one who is.
Lol "beg for forgiveness". Please show us where that happened. So much drama and puffery on here. We've got a credible source saying that the most significant declassifications are yet to come. I guess "he begged for forgiveness" is to be taken as real but declassifications are all fake news.

This is almost over guys. They are obviously waiting for Biden to show up (or not) to that first debate, then they will drop the rest of their bombs so that it will look extra bad if they change horses between the debates.
Did you read this thread dude? Can you get an adult to read it to you?

Flynn said,"... But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel’s Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

That close enough?
Drlee wrote:Very interesting. I wonder why, knowing all of the charges against him were ill-gotten, a highly educated person with professional legal advice decided to plead guilty and beg for forgiveness. :roll:

Maybe because he was staring bankruptcy in the face and they were threatening to go after his family. Do we need to look up the numbers for those that have been found innocent after spending time in prison that had pled guilty again?
Wulfschilde wrote:Lol "beg for forgiveness". Please show us where that happened. So much drama and puffery on here. We've got a credible source saying that the most significant declassifications are yet to come. I guess "he begged for forgiveness" is to be taken as real but declassifications are all fake news.

This is almost over guys. They are obviously waiting for Biden to show up (or not) to that first debate, then they will drop the rest of their bombs so that it will look extra bad if they change horses between the debates.

The forum lefties and RHINO sell outs haven't made an accurate political prediction in 5 years. All they have done is blindly parrot the talking points from the liberal media, like a good flock. They are desperately trying to save face.
@Doug64 Maybe because he was staring bankruptcy in the face and they were threatening to go after his family. Do we need to look up the numbers for those that have been found innocent after spending time in prison that had pled guilty again?

Maybe they were threatening to impale him on a unicorn. :roll:

Go ahead and look up the numbers sport. Then tell us how many of them have:

Bachelor of Science degree in management science

Master of Business Administration in Telecommunications

Master of Military Art and Science

Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies

And a thirty year career as an Intelligence officer attaining the second highest military rank.

How far are you prepared to go to defend a former MI officer who sold out his country to foreign interests?
@Drlee, elitist much? Under the right circumstances the well-educated and successful are as vulnerable to legal pressure as anyone, possibly more—they have more to lose. After reading about what was done to Flynn, I’m leaning in favor of banning plea bargains entirely.
It is telling how those calling Flynn a liar and sellout are strategically silent about the Obama/ Biden leadership's proxy with Russia, and weoponizing the executive branch against their political rivals. They are the sell outs for power. They love spying on Americans, their bigotry has no bounds.
@Drlee, elitist much? Under the right circumstances the well-educated and successful are as vulnerable to legal pressure as anyone, possibly more—they have more to lose. After reading about what was done to Flynn, I’m leaning in favor of banning plea bargains entirely.

Elitist? Clearly you do not know what that term means.

I agree on plea bargains.

Finfinder is wandering again.
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