Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Hindsite wrote:
As I understand it, Rayshard Brooks was on probation when he was found asleep and intoxicated at a Wendy’s drive-thru, and he probably feared going back to prison if he ended up being charged with DUI, which may explain why he assaulted the officers, took an officer's stun gun, and tried to make a run for it when police tried to arrest him. But that is still not a good excuse for his actions which led to his death when he fired the taser stun gun at an officer's head while fleeing. Lucky for the officer, the bastard missed.

Rayshard Brooks was tried in Clayton County and sentenced to seven years on the first count, with one year in prison and six on probation and 12 months for each of the other three counts.

A criminal on the run with a stun gun, which is considered under Georgia law to be a deadly weapon, was definitely a danger to anyone in the area, as well as society in general. With the flash and the bang from the taser stun gun that could have been mistaken for a firearm, the Police officer could have also believed that the fleeing suspect had another firearm, since they might not have searched him, from what I saw, before trying to handcuff the son of a bitch.

Yes I *really* think this is *appropriate*, and serves the public's interest for justice. What I don't think serves the public's interest for justice is for the police officers to be charged with any crime. This defintely appears to be a rush to judgment by the Black District Attorney because a White cop killed a Black person.

*Terrific* rundown of events in terms of writing style, but you're still not addressing the *politics*, or *policy*, with your statement.

(I'm just going to leave the following right here in the hopes that it makes some difference.)

universal context

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Can we just cut-to-the-chase and call this a 'legal lynching' -- ?
Hindsite wrote:More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US

About slavery, do our mostly left-wing educators teach that slavery was not unique to America and is as old as humankind? As economist and author Thomas Sowell says:

“More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”

More whites brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks to US: Many truly forget history. In Africa, the slave trade was driven by indigenous Africans and Arabs centuries before the European got involved.

The African tribes were, as still today, divided in tribal structures.

At the time, they were sharply divided and fought each other, the victor taking slaves from the other tribe.

These slaves were then sold to the Muslim Arabs. Only later, the Europeans began travelling to Africa. It is, of course, a well-known historical fact.

The Arabs took the black slaves sold to them by other black Africans, out to the coast. For centuries, the slaves were brought to the Muslim Middle East.

Only later, as the need for cotton labour intensified in the Americas, the white man joined in on the trade and began buying slaves from the Arabs, who had been to the interior of Africa and bought them there. ... nd-report/

The White Slaves of Barbary North Africa and the Ottoman Empire

Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries. These slave raids were conducted largely by Arabs and Berbers rather than Ottoman Turks. However, during the height of the Barbary slave trade in the 16th and 17th centuries, the Barbary states were subject to Ottoman jurisdiction and ruled by Ottoman pashas. Furthermore, many slaves captured by the Barbary corsairs were sold eastward into Ottoman territories before, during, and after Barbary’s period of Ottoman rule.

Circassians, Syrians and Nubians were the three primary races of females who were sold as sex slaves in the Ottoman Empire. Circassian girls were described as fair, light skinned and were frequently sent by the Circassian leaders as gifts to the Ottomans.

The Barbary Muslim pirates kidnapped Europeans from ships in North Africa’s coastal waters (Barbary Coast). They also attacked and pillaged the Atlantic coastal fishing villages and town in Europe, enslaving the inhabitants. Villages and towns on the coast of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France were the hardest hit. Muslim slave-raiders also seized people as far afield as Britain, Ireland and Iceland.

Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves. In 1625, Barbary pirates captured the Lund Island in the Bristol Channel and planted the standard of Islam. From this base, they went ransacking and pillaging surrounding villages and towns, causing a stunning spectacle of mayhem, slaughter and plunder. According to Milton, ‘Day after day, they struck at unarmed fishing communities, seizing the inhabitants, and burning their homes. By the end of the dreadful summer of 1625, the mayor of Plymouth reckoned that 1,000 skiffs had been destroyed and similar number of villagers carried off into slavery. Between 1609 and 1616, the Barbary pirates ‘captured a staggering 466 English trading ships.’

In 1627, Pirates went on a pillaging and enslaving campaign to Iceland. After dropping anchor at Reykjavik, his forces ransacked the town and returned with 400 men, women and children and sold them in Algiers. In 1631, he made a voyage with a brigand of 200 pirates to the coast of Southern Ireland and ransacked and pillaged the village of Baltimore, carrying away 237 men, women and children to Algiers. ... an-empire/

BRILLIANT! White folks have been treated as slaves (They still are under America's system of predatory capitalism), therefore everything was just fine when black folks were harvested like lumber in Africa and beaten, killed and auctioned off. Typical two wrongs make a right reasoning used by Southern Boys in America's 21st century Confederacy.
jimjam wrote:My black friends treat me as an equal and tell stories of how they were called n***** from their first days at school in Southern red neck land. I find it somewhat disingenuous how distraught white boys are when they encounter black rage. Black humans were once harvested in Africa not unlike lumber, stashed in putrid quarters on ships, sent to America's burgeoning confederacy to be sold at auction like chord wood to the highest bidder. I doubt this disgusting behaviour can ever be forgiven and forgotten …….. think about it. You reap what you sow Whittie.

My emphasis (and spelling correction).

Interesting sentiment. Can we ever forgive of forget the Barbary Pirates and their slaving that went on well into the nineteenth century. Can we ever forgive or forget the genocide of the Armenians. Can we ever forgive or forgot that the US abolished slavery in 1865, but South Arabia didn't even pretend to abolish it till nearly over a hundred years later in 1962. But in fact slavery still continues under the Kafala system.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lol like nobody is making you type up big long posts about this shit my dude. Also nobody cares about your obsessive Islamophobia.

:lol: Yeah right you obliviously care deeply about it because I continually expose Liberal hypocrisy. So called wokeness is actually a perverted form of narcissistic White Supremacism. Why do White Liberals care so deeply about the supposed crimes of White people, but couldn't care less about the crimes of non Whites and Muslims? It can only be that White Liberals see non Whites and Muslims like children or animals, innocent of moral responsibility. There is also an implicit megalomania in the White Liberal outlook. The White Liberal believes he should be able to heal the world just by changing himself.
Rich wrote:My emphasis (and spelling correction).

I suck at spelling, thank you.

Rich wrote:Interesting sentiment. Can we ever forgive of forget the Barbary Pirates and their slaving that went on well into the nineteenth century. Can we ever forgive or forget the genocide of the Armenians. Can we ever forgive or forgot that the US abolished slavery in 1865, but South Arabia didn't even pretend to abolish it till nearly over a hundred years later in 1962. But in fact slavery still continues under the Kafala system.

Help me out here. I'm not sure how the Barbary pirate activity makes it ok to harvest black folks from Africa, treat them like shit and sell them at auction.
SpecialOlympian wrote:
Lol like nobody is making you type up big long posts about this shit my dude. Also nobody cares about your obsessive Islamophobia.

Rich wrote:
:lol: Yeah right you obliviously care deeply about it because I continually expose Liberal hypocrisy. So called wokeness is actually a perverted form of narcissistic White Supremacism. Why do White Liberals care so deeply about the supposed crimes of White people, but couldn't care less about the crimes of non Whites and Muslims? It can only be that White Liberals see non Whites and Muslims like children or animals, innocent of moral responsibility. There is also an implicit megalomania in the White Liberal outlook. The White Liberal believes he should be able to heal the world just by changing himself.

Actually, I think 'wokeness' is more along the lines of *identity politics*:

(Here on a left-right political spectrum):

Ideologies & Operations -- Fundamentals

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Both the word and the concept of woke culture or woke politics have been subject to parodies and criticism by commentators from both sides of the political spectrum who have described the term as becoming pejorative or synonymous with radical identity politics, race-baiting, extreme forms of political correctness, internet call-out culture, censorship, virtue signalling and as part of a general culture war. It has also faced a backlash for its perceived negative influence on academia, corporate advertising and the media. ... _criticism


Rich wrote:
:lol: Yeah right you obliviously care deeply about it because I continually expose Liberal hypocrisy. So called wokeness is actually a perverted form of narcissistic White Supremacism. Why do White Liberals care so deeply about the supposed crimes of White people, but couldn't care less about the crimes of non Whites and Muslims? It can only be that White Liberals see non Whites and Muslims like children or animals, innocent of moral responsibility. There is also an implicit megalomania in the White Liberal outlook. The White Liberal believes he should be able to heal the world just by changing himself.

That said, though, identity politics of *any* kind *cuts both ways*.

I think what's happening in the liberal camp is better-termed an *internal self-reflection*, or internal-critique, which is valuable since liberals tend to be closer to the levers of power (markets, state) than the average person.

Such white liberals are of an appropriate demographic *to* address the social impositions of their own kind, as onto non-whites. I myself, being a revolutionary leftist, don't think that liberals *will* follow-through to *actually* proactively address whatever internal issues they identify, but at least it's a sincere nominal diagnosis.
ckaihatsu wrote:*Terrific* rundown of events in terms of writing style, but you're still not addressing the *politics*, or *policy*, with your statement.

It seems obvious that the Black Mayor of Atlanta, by ignoring normal procedures and immediately firing a police officer without due process or a proper investigation, is playing politics. That action resulted in the Police Chief to turn in her resignation.

The Black District Attorney is also playing politics by over charging both police officers in an attempt to get reelected by pandering to the protesters and the majority Black voters of Atlanta. He did this before even allowing the GBI to finish their investigation. Not only that, he lied in his public statements on several points to make the normal actions of both police officers, under the circumstances, to seem racist and illegal, when in actually it was the Black criminal's actions that were illegal.

I am sure that if those Police Officers were both Black, the Mayor and DA would be defending the police actions, especially if Brooks was White.

ckaihatsu wrote:Can we just cut-to-the-chase and call this a 'legal lynching' -- ?

If the District Attorney gets his wish of the death penalty against the police office, it could be called a 'legal lynching' or a miscarriage of justice.
Hindsite wrote:
It seems obvious that the Black Mayor of Atlanta, by ignoring normal procedures and immediately firing a police officer without due process or a proper investigation, is playing politics. That action resulted in the Police Chief to turn in her resignation.

The Black District Attorney is also playing politics by over charging both police officers in an attempt to get reelected by pandering to the protesters and the majority Black voters of Atlanta. He did this before even allowing the GBI to finish their investigation. Not only that, he lied in his public statements on several points to make the normal actions of both police officers, under the circumstances, to seem racist and illegal, when in actually it was the Black criminal's actions that were illegal.

I am sure that if those Police Officers were both Black, the Mayor and DA would be defending the police actions, especially if Brooks was White.

If the District Attorney gets his wish of the death penalty against the police office, it could be called a 'legal lynching' or a miscarriage of justice.

So basically you're *against* the protests, and you think that popular input, and any sense of *democracy*, should count for shit.
ckaihatsu wrote:So basically you're *against* the protests, and you think that popular input, and any sense of *democracy*, should count for shit.

This is an incomplete claim. Member Hindsite is that only when the said agenda / ideology is against his. He probably won't give a damn when the mainstream is in agreement with him.
Patrickov wrote:
This is an incomplete claim. Member Hindsite is that only when the said agenda / ideology is against his. He probably won't give a damn when the mainstream is in agreement with him.

Hindsite wrote:
Yeah basically, if that is their definition of democracy.

Jesus Christ, you're *right*, Patrickov. The term 'solipsism' doesn't even *come close*...!

Postmodernist much, HS?
Rich wrote: :lol: Yeah right you obliviously care deeply about it because I continually expose Liberal hypocrisy. So called wokeness is actually a perverted form of narcissistic White Supremacism. Why do White Liberals care so deeply about the supposed crimes of White people, but couldn't care less about the crimes of non Whites and Muslims? It can only be that White Liberals see non Whites and Muslims like children or animals, innocent of moral responsibility. There is also an implicit megalomania in the White Liberal outlook. The White Liberal believes he should be able to heal the world just by changing himself.

Lmbo you accused Godstud of supporting the "Thai deeps state." I don't care what you think, you are a ridiculous Frankenstien's monster cobbled together with the right wing's dumbest talking points. You absolute, fucking moron.

Like the entire reason you hate Muslims is because you consume absolute trash media nonstop. Everything you say is moronic and stupid and conspiratorial. Nobody on this forum respects you. Please, for the love of God, start thinking. About anything, just start thinking. I would legit respect you more if you put forth Flat Earth arguments so long as it was clear that you had actually thought about them.

Also I would not be surprised if you're already a Flat Earther.
Hindsite wrote:
Probably for telling the inconvenient truth. :lol:

Was it that thing about *scale*, regarding society? It's anti-solipsistic.

[1] History, Macro Micro -- Precision

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Godstud wrote:
You got it for excessive racist rhetoric. :moron:

Gotta love that they have an animated emoji for 'moron'. I can breathe easy now.

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