Candace Owens: Election Time - The Media is Trying To Start A Race War - Politics | PoFo

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Trump failing to man up to the circumstances and deal with his nation in a responsible manner is not the fault of the media. It is precisely their job to criticise those who are not responsible.

You of all people use election cycles as your own personal little fiefdom of ridiculous outrage.

This time it's about something real. Real pain, real fear, not the faux kind of outrageous fear you feel while watching videos of or by transgenders on youtube.
The energy is unstoppable, things will change. You have both had it & seen it coming.


This lady has become the new face of the alt-right and racists the world over. But let us examine why she is wrong both in terms of the facts but also morally & ethically. Video of her justifying the death of George Floyd in the bottom.

First of all, as Saeko has argued, blaming the victim is never a valid or moral position to take. Floyd was not killed because he was a "petty criminal", he may or may not have used a fake bill to buy cigarettes but even if he actually did(even that is dubious and merely an allegation) that is still a) not proof that he did it wittingly and b) it's not a good enough reason to be killed which makes her argument objectively wrong.

Perhaps reducing this argument to "ad hitlerum" will make it more poignant. There is a reason we do not identify the criminals, murderers and child rapists among Jewish victims of Hitler. And that is because, it does not actually matter as it is irrelevant to the cause of their death and because to do so would be to attempt to justify their deaths, just like she is doing right now.

Second, she would be ok to do some internal critique of Black communities within those communities from within a Black church for example. She mentions Jewish and White people, but Jewish and White people will never ever undermine their own communities and leaders in the eyes of other communities, they will criticise themselves internally and keep a public face externally.

Third, when Erdogan sent the refugees as a weapon against Greece, Greece suspended several Human Rights laws in an attempt to prevent Erdogan's attacks and in that she was correct to do so in my opinion as well as in the opinion of the majority of the Greek & European people. However, the truth remains a fact that Greece broke several UN Human Rights Conventions to achieve that and when the Greek left pointed that out, everybody trashed them as "traitors" precisely because they were taking a position against the national interests of their country.

Nevertheless, their position was correct, true & factual, just like this lady is being "factual" but her position is merely intended to whitewash crimes and effectively tell us all that "there is nothing to see here, Black criminal dead by police, move along, do not protest, carry on with the institutional racism and don't forget vote for Trump". So why would anyone not call her anything other than a "traitor", much like the leftists who sided with Erdogan, when they are both giving you a "fact". Isn't it quite hypocritical to call them leftists "traitors", while this right-winger is being "brave". She is not being "brave", she is merely attention-whoring while using her identity for maximum effect. The answer is because everything in politics has a specific reason and intent. Political speech is not abstract or neutral, it has a specific objective, and her objective is to use a dead man's background to a)whitewash crimes when in actual fact his background had nothing to do with his death and b) to perpetuate the systemic discrimination and the power structures that rely on it.

To make matters worse, George Floyd's "criminal background" shows how much the US Justice system fails Black people, he went to prison several times, for several months for minor possession of cocaine in some instances less than a gram. He became a "criminal" for things that white people do not even end up in detention. Think of that alt-right victim Tommy Robinson and all his coke-fueled rants in youtube. Even when he went to prison for a serious reason, the same people who think it's ok for Black people to go to prison for jaywalking, the very same people were protesting his arrest.

In the US:
46% of the prison population is inside for drug-related offences.
1/3 of that is for possession only.
25% of the prison population is inside for misdemeanours like jay-walking.

Yes you heard that right, jaywalking.

The system is broken and slanted to frame and target Black people and keep them within a penitentiary system from which they cannot escape. All the data here:

Candace is making a career and she wants to run for office and be a Republican candidate for what? Congress? Who is going to vote for her? Liberal racist white women like the woman in Central Park or the ones who say how many black friends they have?

@noemon look at this video from Dr. Robin DiAngelis on what these folks think about and how is Candace Owens going to get their votes? Making them feel good about Black Conservatism? Or by thinking Dear Candace is the real answer to liberals like Nancy Pelosi and all those Democrats in the Democratic party like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile? PLEASE. Kamala Harris' brand of sellout liberalism is far more effective at socioeconomic climbing than the Thomas Sowell type or the Paris Dennards. Lol. Condi Rice was the best one at climbing with conservative values in the Bush cabinet. Young Black Conservatives...YBCs.? They are just gonna wind up like Omarosa did...and this is what Don Lemon did when he asked about her being lied the establishment on the Right. Lol. They laugh.

For some reason I can't access But I will be back with some relevant videos.

Angela Davis and Jane Elliot:

Don Lemon laughing about Omarosa sellout queen:

Poor Candace her words are taken out of context. She is a nationalist. But she is not Dr. Angela Davis, who had the FBI on top of her like white on rice for most of her adult existence. She prefers to compare her martyrdom to that of Donald J. Trump's poor man, martyred by the government as he runs the damn government. She is persecuted by the LIBERALS. Does she have the fucking FBI after her and death threats like Angela Davis did for being part of the Black Panther party? No. Because she is going the safe sellout route like Omarosa. Nationalist...nothing wrong with Hitler wanting Germany for Germans, but there is problem when they want other countries resources too. Doesn't she see the USA wants other countries too? They are globalists the USA. Because capitalism is globalist. She wants capitalism but wants to protect nationalist interests. She doesn't understand what the hell it all means for her position as a Black woman in the USA. She thinks she can be some right wing nationalistic conservative Black woman because the Right wing doesn't have a problem with Black identity in the Conservative movement. They only have a problem with the political stance of black conservative bootlickers like Omarosa. Omarosa, was Trumps token black woman. Look what happened to her? Now she is laughing fodder for Don Lemon. Why? Because she doesn't understand a damn thing about why African Americans vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic party.

She doesn't get that the Black community has always had two veins of thought. Booker T. Washington of the Tuskeegee Institute and W.E.B DuBois of the Black intelligentsia who wanted a truly free African American community and founded the NAACP. She doesn't get that being a sellout for the Trump side will get her the Omarosa treatment. Lol.

Here is a video of Dr. Robin DiAngelis :

Last edited by Tainari88 on 07 Jun 2020 00:02, edited 2 times in total.
noemon wrote:This lady has become the new face of the alt-right and racists the world over.

She's black, how is that possible?

Agree that a lot of her arguments are dumb though.

In the US:
46% of the prison population is inside for drug-related offences.
1/3 of that is for possession only.
25% of the prison population is inside for misdemeanours like jay-walking.

Yes you heard that right, jaywalking.

The system is broken and slanted to frame and target Black people and keep them within a penitentiary system from which they cannot escape. All the data here:

What's your source for those stats? According to your link those stats aren't correct. It says 15% of people in state prison are there for drug offenses, and 3.5% overall are there for possession.

Says 55% in state prison are there for violent offenses (assault/rape/murder), 17.5 for property offenses (burglary etc), 15% for drug offenses, 12% for other stuff like weapons charges etc.

Unthinking Majority wrote:She's black, how is that possible?

Agree that a lot of her arguments are dumb though.

The exact same way that leftists can be traitors for you lot.

What's your source for those stats? According to your link those stats aren't correct. It says 15% of people in state prison are there for drug offenses, and 3.5% overall are there for possession.

The 46% of drug offences is from this official source and the 1/3 of it is from prison policy(which also points out the issue of having way too many disparate data across the US which complicates the work of someone trying to collate these data) as original written in this post of mine, thank you for pointing this out to me so that I add this link as well as separate between federal prisons & state & total prison population:

Federal Bureau of Prisons ... fenses.jsp


These stats are still damning for any sane person.
^ I agree and it should also be mentioned that ever since Colorado legalized pot chaos didn't particularly ensue afterwards. Now more States have followed suit. Shouldn't the Federal government also legalize it then?

And wouldn't it be worth experimenting on legalizing other drugs too? Just like the Prohibition helped fund the Mafia, the current policy helps fund inner city gangs. Those that in places like LA and Chicago are responsible for around half of all homicides in those large cities, and which should be the main target of law enforcement efforts there - not drugs. Going further on legalization would likely deny them the economic rents that help fund much of their activities, and it would arguably be better if the Government captured those instead (and devoted them to treat addicts).
Red_Army wrote:The cops started a war by killing and brutalizing people. The media is ALL rife with bullshit copaganda. Candace Owens is simply a grifter.

Candace is going to run for office as a nationalist American and she is a proud one. She is the one who is going to tell those sellout White Liberals what is going to happen once she is in charge of the Republican party damn it! Red Army she and Kellyanne Conway and Kaileigh whoever are gonna go on tour for true Conservative values and Condoleeza Rice is going to come out of her professorship or retirement as the Secretary of State and she is going to be victorious and be the first Black woman American president because all them rednecks and white skinheads in Charlottesville are gonna VOTE for her and push her thought to Victory!

This is what I think of that oreo cookie queen: STUNNINGLY Ignorant. She repeats invalid points that are easily challenged and debunked.

noemon wrote:The 46% of drug offences is from this official source and the 1/3 of it is from prison policy(which also points out the issue of having way too many disparate data across the US which complicates the work of someone trying to collate these data) as original written in this post of mine, thank you for pointing this out to me so that I add this link as well as separate between federal prisons & state & total prison population:

I wonder why there's such a differences in these 2 stat sources. That's weird.
noemon wrote:Trump failing to man up to the circumstances and deal with his nation in a responsible manner is not the fault of the media.

See. You do blame Trump. Trump has no power over local police forces (even Congress is in control of DC, not the president). He has ordered the DoJ to investigate civil rights violations. That's as much as he can do.

noemon wrote:It is precisely their job to criticise those who are not responsible.

Do you mean "irresponsible"? Why would the media's job be to criticize the people who are not at fault at all?

noemon wrote:The energy is unstoppable, things will change.

This stuff has been going on since 1865. What has happened this time that makes you think it is going to change?

noemon wrote:To make matters worse, George Floyd's "criminal background" shows how much the US Justice system fails Black people, he went to prison several times, for several months for minor possession of cocaine in some instances less than a gram.

Who put those tough drug sentencing laws in place? Democrats! The US Justice system isn't failing them, it is punishing them. This is not happening by accident. Also, he didn't go to federal prison for a few months. Rather a local or county jail run by Democrats.

noemon wrote:He became a "criminal" for things that white people do not even end up in detention.

White people get arrested and convicted of possession of hard drugs too. The reason drug possession started becoming a focus of law enforcement is because people who used addictive controlled substances were largely responsible for property crimes. That's still true today.

noemon wrote:Even when he went to prison for a serious reason, the same people who think it's ok for Black people to go to prison for jaywalking, the very same people were protesting his arrest.

Tommy Robinson didn't go to jail for a serious reason. People don't go to jail for jaywalking either. If you refuse to sign the ticket and promise to appear, you will get arrested. If you punch the cop, you will get charged with a felony.

noemon wrote:25% of the prison population is inside for misdemeanours like jay-walking.

Jaywalking is an infraction in all 50 states. There isn't any place in the US that treats jaywalking as a misdemeanor.

noemon wrote:Yes you heard that right, jaywalking.

So you are listeing to sources that are bullshit. Substantiating your assertion with bullshit sources still makes your argument bullshit.

Tainari88 wrote:She prefers to compare her martyrdom to that of Donald J. Trump's poor man, martyred by the government as he runs the damn government.

Trump made the near fatal mistake of allowing Democrat operatives to remain in positions of power when he came in to office. Even Bush II fired more people, and they pried all the "W" keys off the keyboards.

noemon wrote:These stats are still damning for any sane person.

You'll notice jaywalking isn't on that list. Somebody trolled you well.

Tainari88 wrote:Condoleeza Rice is going to come out of her professorship or retirement as the Secretary of State and she is going to be victorious and be the first Black woman American president because all them rednecks and white skinheads in Charlottesville are gonna VOTE for her and push her thought to Victory!

Not a chance. Condoleeza Rice is a neoconservative.

Unthinking Majority wrote:I wonder why there's such a differences in these 2 stat sources. That's weird.

It's because local prisons in big cities are run by Democrats. That's what the people here simply do not want to talk about. Yes, there are people unconvicted who having been charged and held on bail are in local jails--controlled for the most part by which political party? Democrats.

This is why it is not going to change. If people are not going to address the corruption of the Democratic party, it simply isn't going to change. Just deal with it.
blackjack21 wrote:See. You do blame Trump. Trump has no power over local police forces (even Congress is in control of DC, not the president). He has ordered the DoJ to investigate civil rights violations. That's as much as he can do.
Do you mean "irresponsible"? Why would the media's job be to criticize the people who are not at fault at all?

You are the only demographic that is arrogant enough to absolve the sitting President of all responsibility for the largest protests in American history, under his watch.

A responsible President could have easily defused the situation by calming people and by even pretending(if he could not bring himself to do it for real) to be doing something about the issue of police brutality. A responsible President would calm down the crowds by offering words of support, calm, apologies and even empty promises. But instead you got an ego-maniac that is evidently incapable of doing anything for the greater good and even for his own good.

You are clearly impervious to any logic or facts and even official sources of prison data you treat with derision without offering anything than than your own worthless word. :lol:

What kind of SJW blames everyone except for the person officially responsible?
noemon wrote:You are the only demographic that is arrogant enough to absolve the sitting President of all responsibility for the largest protests in American history, under his watch.

He did nothing to cause the protests. The Democrat political machine of Minneapolis is to blame for this situation, and it is a sentiment echoed in cities controlled by Democrat political machines throughout the United States. These Democrat political machines have responded by allowing the cities to run riot. NYC won't even detain rioters after they are arrested. They are simply bailed straight away to go right back to rioting some more.

noemon wrote:A responsible President could have easily defused the situation by calming people and by even pretending(if he could not bring himself to do it for real) to be doing something about the issue of police brutality.

He delivered an excellent speech that the media deliberately decided not to carry, and he launched a civil rights investigation into the MPD--which I'm sure the Democrat political machine in Minneapolis does not appreciate.

noemon wrote:A responsible President could have easily defused the situation by calming people and by even pretending(if he could not bring himself to do it for real) to be doing something about the issue of police brutality.

He can't do anything about it. It's controlled by Democrats. Maybe he can come up with some funding to train police against the use of choke holds, etc. However, that's not going to stop the Democrat political machine. You know it too. So stop pretending you somehow love black people while supporting their oppressors at every turn.

noemon wrote:You are clearly impervious to any logic or facts and even official sources of prison data you treat with derision without offering anything than than your own worthless word. :lol:

You cited a source that said people are held in jail for jaywalking. Legally, you cannot hold anyone in jail for jaywalking, because it is an infraction not a misdemeanor. In other words, you rely on shit posters who cite government stats rather than citing the government stats themselves. Go directly to the source next time. The dog shit on your shoes is your own fault.

noemon wrote:What kind of SJW blames everyone except for the person officially responsible?

In this case, the person officially responsible is Derek Chauvin. His immediate chain of command are his sergeant, lieutenant, captain of the watch, chief of police and the mayor of Minneapolis. The POTUS has no power over local police forces. That much should be obvious to you with Democrats creating sanctuary cities and sanctuary states preventing the local police from even cooperating with the federal government. Minneapolis is run by Democrats and it is a sanctuary city, meaning it outright refuses cooperation with federal law enforcement. You people love to champion that stuff when it suits you. The blame for this situation is the Democrat-run urban political machines. That's where these types of crimes against blacks happens. Stop defending them.
blackjack21 wrote:He did nothing to cause the protests. The Democrat political machine of Minneapolis is to blame for this situation, and it is a sentiment echoed in cities controlled by Democrat political machines throughout the United States. These Democrat political machines have responded by allowing the cities to run riot. NYC won't even detain rioters after they are arrested. They are simply bailed straight away to go right back to rioting some more.....In this case, the person officially responsible is Derek Chauvin. His immediate chain of command are his sergeant, lieutenant, captain of the watch, chief of police and the mayor of Minneapolis.

You are suffering from extreme delusions that you seriously need to check. Several million of people in the US are peacefully protesting against police brutality and your pathetic federal government is responding with extra & added police brutality. Your ridiculous president instead of calming people down, he is criticising those who are hesitating to be more violent against American citizens exercising their first amendment rights. He is threatening to use the army against the American people. That is not the media lying about it, he is consciously making these statements on his own. Your delusions are extreme and your total lack of accountability is mind-boggling.

He delivered an excellent speech that the media deliberately decided not to carry, and he launched a civil rights investigation into the MPD--which I'm sure the Democrat political machine in Minneapolis does not appreciate.

Fake news, post evidence and dates that the protests started and dates that Trump made a calming speech that people deliberately ignored.

He can't do anything about it. It's controlled by Democrats. Maybe he can come up with some funding to train police against the use of choke holds, etc. However, that's not going to stop the Democrat political machine. You know it too. So stop pretending you somehow love black people while supporting their oppressors at every turn.

He could have calmed everybody down even by doing nothing at all and by merely pretending that he would do something, but he is totally incapable of putting his ego on the side. You know it just as well as I know it.

You cited a source that said people are held in jail for jaywalking. Legally, you cannot hold anyone in jail for jaywalking, because it is an infraction not a misdemeanor. In other words, you rely on shit posters who cite government stats rather than citing the government stats themselves. Go directly to the source next time. The dog shit on your shoes is your own fault.

Bring evidence that contradict my source, you own word is worthless.
@blackjack21 wrote:

Trump made the near fatal mistake of allowing Democrat operatives to remain in positions of power when he came in to office. Even Bush II fired more people, and they pried all the "W" keys off the keyboards.

Trump flies by the seat of his big boy pants. He rarely organizes his moves or thoughts. He just goes by his 'gut' and his gut is terrible at statesmanship or even solid political strategy like reviewing who he will put in to a position and what the expectations are for that position. He is a chaotic man BJ. You know this very well. The majority of the complaints against him are about lack of predictable behavior that is safe and consistent to his Republican so called values. He doesn't have them because he is a narcissist and it is consistent lack of understanding of what is needed to play the role he assigned himself of the president of the US of A.

As for neoconservative Condi Rice, I know she is a neoconservative BJ. That is Candace's problem she is picking an anti-establishment nationalist stance like you are? And she is part of the cultural and ethnic group of African Americans that you say Murray deems as a group lower IQ. How is she going to get you guys on that team to make a lot of exceptions to the rule there and have her lead the Republicans to victory on a nationalist platform led by a Black woman who is an American nationalist? Tell me how that gets done? Because she wants to lead. She wants a power position in the Republican party. She wants congress seats and or senate seats.

Are there enough of you who want lots of conservative Black nationalist anti-establishment Right people on your political platform? Or is she dreaming of pregnant birds? Answer that one for me?
noemon wrote:Several million of people in the US are peacefully protesting against police brutality and your pathetic federal government is responding with extra & added police brutality.

The federal government responded only in DC. Federal troops have not been used in states, but are ready if needed. Several governors have used their national guards to assist in quelling riots. If they want to federalize them, they can.

noemon wrote:Your ridiculous president instead of calming people down, he is criticising those who are hesitating to be more violent against American citizens exercising their first amendment rights.

There is no first amendment right to riot. You aren't even allowed to block the street without a permit. That is also illegal.

noemon wrote:He is threatening to use the army against the American people.

So? @drlee mentions this everytime the right gets their dander up and wants a revolution. That never seemed to bother you.

noemon wrote: That is not the media lying about it, he is consciously making these statements on his own.

Donald Trump does not run any urban police force anywhere. He did not create or sustain the conditions that led to George Floyd's death. That type of police brutality happens in places controlled almost exclusively by Democrats. Once again, it is noted that you refuse to criticize America's Democrat party, even when they openly kill minorities.

Donald Trump also did not coordinate with rioters to loot and burn inner city businesses. Again, these are mostly people who vote Democrat who are engaged in this sort of behavior.

noemon wrote:He could have calmed everybody down even by doing nothing at all and by merely pretending that he would do something, but he is totally incapable of putting his ego on the side. You know it just as well as I know it.

He clearly ordered the DoJ to expedite a civil rights investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department. That's substantive. Trump didn't incite anyone to riot.

noemon wrote:Bring evidence that contradict my source, you own word is worthless.

There is no evidence that contradicts your source, because it doesn't exist. The burden is the other way around. If you want to assert law, it has to follow the law of notice. Show me a single instance of a published law against jaywalking that is punished as a misdemeanor in the United States. It doesn't exist.

In California, where I live, the jaywalking statute is CVC 21955. See the entire chapter.

Notice something? It only applies where there are stop lights. Police may cite you when there are stop signs. That's not proper. I never got a jaywalking ticket, but I would fight virtually every parking ticket when I lived in San Francisco. I know the vehicle code backwards and forwards.

Tainari88 wrote:Trump flies by the seat of his big boy pants. He rarely organizes his moves or thoughts. He just goes by his 'gut' and his gut is terrible at statesmanship or even solid political strategy like reviewing who he will put in to a position and what the expectations are for that position. He is a chaotic man BJ. You know this very well.

Statesmanship is basically precluded in a hyperpartisan environment. In the past, Democrats and Republicans would come together and condemn looting and rioting. Today, they don't. Democrats are calling for an end to police forces. The "promise" is that some day of peace will arrive. What will happen if such a ludicrous notion materialized is the return of safety committees and Ku Klax Klan style political gangs.

Tainari88 wrote:The majority of the complaints against him are about lack of predictable behavior that is safe and consistent to his Republican so called values.

Hardly. The majority of the complaints are that he's a racist. That's what @noemon is saying rather boldly in spite of the fact that most of these racist interaction with the police happen in places controlled exclusively by Democrats.

Do you see why I don't care about the lack of predictable behavior? Democrats kill black guy, Democrats blame Republicans, Republicans act all defensive. I'm frankly not interested in predictable. It's time to put some Democrats in jail for their chronic wrongdoing and corruption. It's time to vote out Republicans who play along with this game.

Tainari88 wrote:He doesn't have them because he is a narcissist and it is consistent lack of understanding of what is needed to play the role he assigned himself of the president of the US of A.

He did not assign himself the role. He ran for office and was elected. He was elected precisely to disrupt the system.

Tainari88 wrote:That is Candace's problem she is picking an anti-establishment nationalist stance like you are?

She is not beating the drums for war with Iran like Condoleeza Rice and the rest of the neoconservative establishment. The Bush family just put a black face on their foreign policy. Hell, if I was Trump I'd blast Colin Powell right back and say that Powell lied to the UN Security Council to help Bush start a war in Iraq. That's Powell's eternal shame. Trump should push that button.

Tainari88 wrote:And she is part of the cultural and ethnic group of African Americans that you say Murray deems as a group lower IQ.

Murray did not say all blacks have lower IQ than all whites. You keep asserting things that are not true. Read the book if you want to know what Murray said. If you read critiques of the book, you'll know a whole lot of things that Murray did not say--like that ridiculous critique you implored me to read from beginning to end that suggested that Murray was a racist, because of what he did not say.

Murray clearly noted that there was a higher standard deviation among the black population in IQ scores and that there was a lower standard deviation among the Asian population. It's not hard to figure out what Murray said if you actually read what he said instead of reading hyper-emotional reactions to what he said that assert he says things he did not say.

Tainari88 wrote:How is she going to get you guys on that team to make a lot of exceptions to the rule there and have her lead the Republicans to victory on a nationalist platform led by a Black woman who is an American nationalist? Tell me how that gets done? Because she wants to lead. She wants a power position in the Republican party. She wants congress seats and or senate seats.

Well, you seem to know more about her than I do. To me, she seems to be looking for a payday, not a power position. People in the media don't run for Congress, because they make more money. For example, if I ran for Congress and won for some unexpected reason, I would shit my pants, because it would be a big pay cut for me. Joe Scarborough makes more money pretending to be a highly emotional Democrat than he did when he was a Republican member of Congress--maybe he's some maudlin alcoholic or something now, but I'm more inclined to think it is an act.

Tainari88 wrote:Are there enough of you who want lots of conservative Black nationalist anti-establishment Right people on your political platform?

I've got no problem with her, but I'm sure the neoconservatives won't like her.
blackjack21 wrote:The federal government responded only in DC. Federal troops have not been used in states, but are ready if needed. Several governors have used their national guards to assist in quelling riots. If they want to federalize them, they can. There is no first amendment right to riot. You aren't even allowed to block the street without a permit. That is also illegal.

Mainly quelling peaceful protests not riots. There is a first amendment right to protest which is being violated.

blackjack21 wrote:So? @drlee mentions this everytime the right gets their dander up and wants a revolution. That never seemed to bother you.

Your president is threatening to use the army against the American people and you blame Drlee for somerthing I do not understand and myself? :knife:

Donald Trump does not run any urban police force anywhere. He did not create or sustain the conditions that led to George Floyd's death. That type of police brutality happens in places controlled almost exclusively by Democrats. Once again, it is noted that you refuse to criticize America's Democrat party, even when they openly kill minorities.
Donald Trump also did not coordinate with rioters to loot and burn inner city businesses. Again, these are mostly people who vote Democrat who are engaged in this sort of behavior.

Police brutality is part and parcel of your American culture, it it not specific to either Democrats or Republicans but what is specific to them is the political responses that every administration makes and for these political responses I criticise them both consistently. You are the one refusing to criticise the current administration for its political actions in both word & deed.

He clearly ordered the DoJ to expedite a civil rights investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department. That's substantive. Trump didn't incite anyone to riot.

When did he do that? After which day of the protests?

There is no evidence that contradicts your source, because it doesn't exist. The burden is the other way around. If you want to assert law, it has to follow the law of notice. Show me a single instance of a published law against jaywalking that is punished as a misdemeanor in the United States. It doesn't exist.

:lol: :lol: :lol: If you want to contradict my official source of prison statistics you have to post a source that does that. Your word is worthless as are your desperate strawman arguments.
@blackjack21 I got to stop laughing. You know when your stomach hurts because you have such a strong and long belly laugh that tears are running down your face? That is what your replies about Candace Owens and payday and I know more about her than you do...and Condi Rice comments you made have produced in me today.

I know you never intended to do that to me? But you did. So, you think she's a grifter too?

BTW, Murray as a libertarian is very much conservative in his views. @noemon is saying all that racism is about both parties. Because it is. But you keep trying to shift the blame to the Democrats.

You need to study African American history Blackjack. It is obvious you have no idea the internal power dynamics and how people act when they want to survive in a system that has discrimination going on 24/7.

Why did the statement that you made about I know more about Candace Owens than you do strike me funny? Because you proved all of Dr. Robin DiAngelo's points about lack of awareness to a T. To a T.

The Media is a complicit partner in being a for-profit business trying to make some money pushing the establishment point of view. Many know this already.

Oh, Blackjack, I think I will have to open a thread called "The Miseducation of member @blackjack21 and he needs some real Education on Black History and it won't be February." Hee hee.

Ave maria, my belly hurts! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

I will be back to try to calm down a bit and address with some form of lack of laughing hard as a way of responding later today. Riseria, de primera.

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