My reflections on 2020 AD - Politics | PoFo

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Tomorrow January 7th is the feast of the Holy Nativity among Orthodox Christians;

Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One,
And the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One!
Angels with shepherds glorify Him!
The wise men journey with a star!
Since for our sake the Eternal God was born as a Little Child!

And so the sacred liturgical cycle wheels on to it's destination. Now, the world has a different calendar than this, so I expect in the Western world life will go on unaware of any immensity just as it pretty well did more than 20 centuries ago.

At least I won't have to juxtapose that with the consumerism of ''the season'' which is now thankfully past. And the New Year used to begin among us on September 1st, which also seems entirely appropriate in reality and yet likewise utterly forgotten.

Many people are concerned about world war or regional war in the Middle East over the General Soleimani assassination. Being Moderns, they have a perspective that cannot properly contextualize what just happened. Charlemagne would have understood Trump's personal motivations and sense of ownership over sovereign territory, and his outrage over acts of ''lese majeste''. if not his dishonorable choice of weapon... And General Soleimani understood his place in the Shia Ummah as a Warrior that makes a mockery of the forms of the Westphalian Nation-State that he and his government acted partly within and partly without. Nobody can honestly tell me that the ''Islamic Iranian Republic'' is the same sort of political entity as say; ''Germany'' or ''Brazil''.

I've spoken before of Barbarism and the end of the Western style Nation-State on other threads, well, here's my absolute proof with this event. It's something that the Magi in the time of the Incarnation would have been most familiar with in their dealings with the earthly rulers in the story.

It's too bad that so many people don't understand the times they're in, but that too is nothing new historically speaking. We're in a time where the personal is political, and the political personal, and the rule of law and of the common good is jettisoned in favor of tribal politics and the raw application of physical forces.... And spiritual ones too;

For in the first time in the history of Iran, a Red Flag was hoisted over the Dome Of Jamkaran Mosque. This indicates that the blood of martyrs has been spilled and that a major battle will begin shortly. Now, I'm no Shia Muslim, but I do understand the ''lens'' by which Muslims see their conflicts with the West.

2020 AD is going to be the year in which all these changes become obvious to everyone, the civiliational decline.
And so the other shoe drops. One can speculate as to the reasons why this is all happening until the very end, but what is known is that what I sensed 40 years ago as a child is coming to it's denouement.
annatar1914 wrote:And so the other shoe drops. One can speculate as to the reasons why this is all happening until the very end, but what is known is that what I sensed 40 years ago as a child is coming to it's denouement.

And so the other shoe dropped, and what happened was.... Fake. The likely casualties albeit probably accidental ones the hapless Ukrainian airliner flying out of Tehran with 176 souls on board.

But really what is going on? And how does this relate to the spiritual character of modern times?

We're in degenerate times, where the bellicosity is constant, but constituted by what I'd call ''raids''; sharp displays of power out of nowhere, a demonstration of war capability not necessarily intent on enemy casualties, and then back to a kind of watchful peace.

Raids, terrorist attacks, missile and drone strikes at considerable distance... Our times lack honor, and exude an overwhelming fear of death, which in an essentially atheistic age is regarded as personal extinction. Live it up they think, eternal feeling moments in time are to be had, rather than an eternity of endless duration and indeterminate enjoyment... Nobody of consequence in the Western world wants to risk life or limb for anything as a consequence, which as a side effect renders politics an even bigger joke than it would be otherwise. Enemies, like any other problem, receive prophylactic treatment at as considerable a remove as possible even if it increases the possibility of that enemies own survival for a considerable length of time.

But lacking in honor, they do not kill, giving an enemy the opportunity face to face of fighting, surrendering, or running away... No, they murder, out of the essential cowardice in their hearts. The defenseless, the helpless and inconvenient? Not a problem, they can be butchered in any manner possible. Those who can fight back, those who challenge the way of things? That's what drone strikes and missiles are for. And the show goes on, driven not even by genuine military or political utility anymore but by money and personal gain.
annatar1914 wrote:And so the other shoe dropped, and what happened was.... Fake. The likely casualties albeit probably accidental ones the hapless Ukrainian airliner flying out of Tehran with 176 souls on board.

But really what is going on? And how does this relate to the spiritual character of modern times?

We're in degenerate times, where the bellicosity is constant, but constituted by what I'd call ''raids''; sharp displays of power out of nowhere, a demonstration of war capability not necessarily intent on enemy casualties, and then back to a kind of watchful peace.

Raids, terrorist attacks, missile and drone strikes at considerable distance... Our times lack honor, and exude an overwhelming fear of death, which in an essentially atheistic age is regarded as personal extinction. Live it up they think, eternal feeling moments in time are to be had, rather than an eternity of endless duration and indeterminate enjoyment... Nobody of consequence in the Western world wants to risk life or limb for anything as a consequence, which as a side effect renders politics an even bigger joke than it would be otherwise. Enemies, like any other problem, receive prophylactic treatment at as considerable a remove as possible even if it increases the possibility of that enemies own survival for a considerable length of time.

But lacking in honor, they do not kill, giving an enemy the opportunity face to face of fighting, surrendering, or running away... No, they murder, out of the essential cowardice in their hearts. The defenseless, the helpless and inconvenient? Not a problem, they can be butchered in any manner possible. Those who can fight back, those who challenge the way of things? That's what drone strikes and missiles are for. And the show goes on, driven not even by genuine military or political utility anymore but by money and personal gain.

...And the Nietzschean Last Man, faced with the Marxist challenge of being the agent of the revolutionary transformation of human society, and thereby the transfiguration of the Earth itself... sits on a sofa playing video games instead. Even war is becoming just another video game for the Last Man. We don't even have the consolation of imagining some apocalyptic ending to human history; instead, there will just be a gradual winding down into an eternity of gradually increasing autistic hedonism, cowardice and viciousness....
Potemkin wrote:...And the Nietzschean Last Man, faced with the Marxist challenge of being the agent of the revolutionary transformation of human society, and thereby the transfiguration of the Earth itself... sits on a sofa playing video games instead. Even war is becoming just another video game for the Last Man. We don't even have the consolation of imagining some apocalyptic ending to human history; instead, there will just be a gradual winding down into an eternity of gradually increasing autistic hedonism, cowardice and viciousness....

@Potemkin ,

One might think that to be so, were it not for the consolation that this Hyper-Civilization has not-quite-engulfed the entire world. And at some point between the more healthy ''barbarians'' outside, the poor fallen between the cracks within, and the fecklessness of a society that will get to the point where many people cannot and will not so much as change a single light bulb unless compelled to.... It'll come crashing down.

In fact it already is, maybe in too slow a fashion to suit some, but coming down it is. So I'm going to talk about what will replace it, from what I and others such as yourself see in the coming year.
2020 AD: Fascism begins to return.

As Fascism is but the final stage of Capitalism in it's crisis phase, the fact of that crisis and it's development in the present day since 2008 AD, entails a return of an old ideology to put a face on the State intervention into the economy, and the coming resource wars.

2020 AD: The ''Second Religiousness'' and a change in direction for the Vatican

In keeping with geopolitical developments, the Vatican will radically shift ideological direction from it's general post 1945 line, and the future candidate who will shape that new-old direction will be present and active in 2020 AD. The ''Second Religiousness'' is a Spenglerian term denoting a return to the forms of religion which the civilization experienced in it's infancy, which in the Western or Faustian Civilization was the Roman Catholic Church shortly after 1054 AD. By 2054 AD, it'll be a ''done deal''.

2020 AD: Israel and the Islamic Republic of Iran will not exist by the end of our lifetimes

Oh, the Jews will be in the Holy Land, and Persia/Iran will still exist too, but the polities as we know them today will not exist in their present forms, and it will be clearly so evident to many by the end of the year 2020 AD, and why.

2020 AD: The survival of ISIS and the collapse of Saudi Arabia

ISIS will renew it's efforts to conquer the world and engage in a shocking new offensive to attempt to do so once more, and this will be linked to the political instability of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That kingdom's days are numbered, and it will be replaced by a ISIS/al-Qaida type regime. 2020 AD will show signs of that, with the likely death of King Salman.
Since this is a ''Spirituality'' thread, I think I'll expand upon one of the comments I made earlier about the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church;

2020 AD: The ''Second Religiousness'' and a change in direction for the Vatican

In keeping with geopolitical developments, the Vatican will radically shift ideological direction from it's general post 1945 line, and the future candidate who will shape that new-old direction will be present and active in 2020 AD. The ''Second Religiousness'' is a Spenglerian term denoting a return to the forms of religion which the civilization experienced in it's infancy, which in the Western or Faustian Civilization was the Roman Catholic Church shortly after 1054 AD. By 2054 AD, it'll be a ''done deal''.

So I'll break this down; ''In keeping with geopolitical developments, the Vatican will radically shift ideological direction from it's general post-1945 line...''. What I mean by this is that first of all, the Vatican had to adapt to the Cold War and post-1945 environment the RCC found itself in at the end of WWII, and basically adopted the language and style of the Liberal ideology then dominant in the Western world, as Fascism had lost and Communism was not truly a possibility. Now in the wake of the killing of General Soleimani early this year and the wave of Right-Wing party wins around the world, the time has come for another shift for another age.

Further I added;

"... and the future candidate who will shape that new-old direction will be present and active in 2020 AD.''

And there will be no real indication from the candidate's actions in this era as to who he possibly is, other than he is likely to already be quite active in the governance of the RCC, if not the present eminence gris behind the throne(s). He will be able to draw upon a reserve fund if you will, of history to guide him, the history of this remarkable Institution.

''The ''Second Religiousness'' is a Spenglerian term denoting a return to the forms of religion which the civilization experienced in it's infancy, which in the Western or Faustian Civilization was the Roman Catholic Church shortly after 1054 AD.''

As Western Civilization enters it's Imperial phase (which it clearly is, in my opinion), it will reach back to it's foundations for the familiar and basic forms which society will embrace in it's cultural weariness and spiritual exhaustion, especially all the more as it encounters the same enemies from within and from without that It did some 1000 years ago (give or take a few years) that still exist today.

And so;

By 2054 AD, it'll be a ''done deal''.

I know that sounds like just too neat of a rounding off of the situation chronologically, but my assessment of the situation spiritually is that by the time the present generation is my age now, the society at large will be ready to embrace a very familiar and 'comforting' spirituality native to the Civilization at large, and the Institution will be ready to receive them as they are then.
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Theophany in the Orthodox Christian cycle of feast days celebrating various events and people. ''Theophany'' means the ''Revelation of God'', and so with that in mind I think the closer to seeing Him (''blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God), the closer we can see other people, and the human condition in this world. Putting on the Mind of Christ means also understanding more clearly the devices of Satan.

So what I'm coming to learn is that of all the significant events of the 20th century, the one that stands out besides the Great War of 1914-1945, is the Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979. It converted Iran into the revolutionary nexus of a re-energized Islam, and weaponized Twelver Shia Islam into a political movement capable of smashing the entire order of the world. ISIS tried to duplicate this effect for Sunni Islam by becoming and carving out itself a Nation-State, but has failed (I was wrong that they would significantly revive,) and I was very wrong about Iran.

So why was I wrong about Iran? Well I still live in the West, and those in the West try as they might to do otherwise, see events through a cultural filter at least for a time. As a thought experiment I (without conversion) am taking the Twelver Shia at their word in an eschatological sense, but attribute to it another agenda and another spirit at it's source... As I have to do, basically, as a Christian.

But leaving aside the particulars of that, the consequences which flow from such a belief must hew to reality in every way. Therefore, we would in the future see;

1. That the revolutionary impulse of the ''Left'' around the world will be absorbed by Shia Islam, and in fact, the ''Left'' will convert to Shia Islam, will defend Iran and the Iranian Revolution in all things, and all their actions will serve to promote and build up the Iranian Islamic Revolution.

2. On the Reactionary ''Right'', the conservative and traditionalist impulse, and it's latent anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, will be absorbed by Iran and the Iranian Islamic Revolution, with an identical absorbing and conversion process as what is happening on the ''Left''. This Iranian Islamic Revolution, containing both Conservatism and Revolution as a dynamic Dyad within itself, has the inner energetic dialectical movement to survive and even thrive the more time goes on.

3. Nothing succeeds quite like success, and in the Islamic world it is the strong horse that is followed, so over time Shia Islam will overtake and end Sunni Islam, converting the Islamic world to the message of the Iranian Islamic Republic.

4. Iran's standing has only been growing among the poor nations.

All of this began to surface in my mind as I reflected, and continue to reflect, on the larger meaning of the Assassination of General Soleimani. The 1979 AD Iranian Islamic Revolution, and the murder of Soleimani (as it is seen as a murder, anyway)in 2020 AD, mark this present 40 year generation far better than 9-11 ever did, as 9-11 is almost forgotten by Americans ourselves. Such an act is begging for a true response... I won't say war as a potential response because so far the Elites have been at war in some fashion with Iran since 1979. The missile attack was a warning of what could happen in the future, without further warnings.
1. That the revolutionary impulse of the ''Left'' around the world will be absorbed by Shia Islam, and in fact, the ''Left'' will convert to Shia Islam, will defend Iran and the Iranian Revolution in all things, and all their actions will serve to promote and build up the Iranian Islamic Revolution.

2. On the Reactionary ''Right'', the conservative and traditionalist impulse, and it's latent anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, will be absorbed by Iran and the Iranian Islamic Revolution, with an identical absorbing and conversion process as what is happening on the ''Left''. This Iranian Islamic Revolution, containing both Conservatism and Revolution as a dynamic Dyad within itself, has the inner energetic dialectical movement to survive and even thrive the more time goes on.

3. Nothing succeeds quite like success, and in the Islamic world it is the strong horse that is followed, so over time Shia Islam will overtake and end Sunni Islam, converting the Islamic world to the message of the Iranian Islamic Republic.

4. Iran's standing has only been growing among the poor nations.

I cannot agree with any of those points. Iran is actually ideologically rather weak outside its own national borders, and ideologically non-existent outside Shia Muslim populations. The Soviet Union had far more ideological traction in the world and even they ultimately failed to trigger a 'world revolution', for much the same reasons that the Islamic Republic of Iran will ultimately fail.
Potemkin wrote:I cannot agree with any of those points. Iran is actually ideologically rather weak outside its own national borders, and ideologically non-existent outside Shia Muslim populations. The Soviet Union had far more ideological traction in the world and even they ultimately failed to trigger a 'world revolution', for much the same reasons that the Islamic Republic of Iran will ultimately fail.

@Potemkin ,

It's not often that we publicly disagree, although I am sure some disagreement is there on some matters. That being said I understand and do not mind said disagreement, although I'd like to clarify about it somewhat.

I actually see the Iranian Islamic Revolution as something of a Fascistic movement, with a 'something for everyone' approach to ideology and the forms of a Fascistic state. It's going to fail eventually, sure, but I see much success in the future for it in the short term not least because of the poor prospects for it's enemies especially Saudi Arabia. Once Saudi Arabia falls-and it will-the effects will be extraordinary.

I am sure you know of course too that the ''strengths'' of any Fascistic movement have more to do with the weaknesses and division among it's allies then any real inner fortitude involved.

As for the Soviet Union, I am positive that it's best days are ahead of it, what with the dialectical trend in history, the ''cunning of history'' or ''Divine Providence'', same thing. :) ;)
annatar1914 wrote:@Potemkin ,

It's not often that we publicly disagree, although I am sure some disagreement is there on some matters. That being said I understand and do not mind said disagreement, although I'd like to clarify about it somewhat.

I actually see the Iranian Islamic Revolution as something of a Fascistic movement, with a 'something for everyone' approach to ideology and the forms of a Fascistic state. It's going to fail eventually, sure, but I see much success in the future for it in the short term not least because of the poor prospects for it's enemies especially Saudi Arabia. Once Saudi Arabia falls-and it will-the effects will be extraordinary.

I am sure you know of course too that the ''strengths'' of any Fascistic movement have more to do with the weaknesses and division among it's allies then any real inner fortitude involved.

As for the Soviet Union, I am positive that it's best days are ahead of it, what with the dialectical trend in history, the ''cunning of history'' or ''Divine Providence'', same thing. :) ;)

Indeed. On a long enough time scale, everything fails and everything succeeds. ;)

But the Iranian Islamic Republic will enjoy only limited success in the medium term and will fail in the long term (but probably not before Saudi Arabia fails). I repeat: it is trying to be Shia Islam's Soviet Union, but with much less success than the Soviet Union enjoyed.
How can one "reflect" on the year 2020 when the year 2020 is less than three weeks old?

Indeed. On a long enough time scale, everything fails and everything succeeds. ;)

Well, it's hard to argue with that, my friend :D

But the Iranian Islamic Republic will enjoy only limited success in the medium term and will fail in the long term (but probably not before Saudi Arabia fails).

I find it hard to disagree with this either, although I'd be a bit more emphatic myself about the fall of Saudi Arabia. And, I think it could well be the Shia who do the deed themselves. Lots of Shiite sectarians persecuted in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

I repeat: it is trying to be Shia Islam's Soviet Union, but with much less success than the Soviet Union enjoyed.

It's hard to quantify the future success of the Iranian Islamic Revolution to be sure, as I said it is Fascistic, but I think it's too early to close the book on the success or failure of the Soviet Union just yet, is it not? This is after all a dialectical process, and the Soviet Union happened when and where and by whom it did, for a reason.


@BigSteve , you asked me;

How can one "reflect" on the year 2020 when the year 2020 is less than three weeks old?

I'm glad you asked :D

Man, I'm looking back and reflecting on my days every day, that's how I somehow manage to know anything. But I'm glad you're reading, because I figure you and I are going to be talking on these threads about President Trump, and Iran, and a few other issues, as the time goes by. I think you are the most common-sense supporters of President Trump i've seen in a while, and that in itself interests me, and more besides.
annatar1914 wrote:@Potemkin
Well, it's hard to argue with that, my friend :D

That's why I said it. ;)

I find it hard to disagree with this either, although I'd be a bit more emphatic myself about the fall of Saudi Arabia. And, I think it could well be the Shia who do the deed themselves. Lots of Shiite sectarians persecuted in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

Indeed. Just like the Tsarist system, the Saudi regime outwardly looks strong, but is actually incredibly fragile.

It's hard to quantify the future success of the Iranian Islamic Revolution to be sure, as I said it is Fascistic, but I think it's too early to close the book on the success or failure of the Soviet Union just yet, is it not? This is after all a dialectical process, and the Soviet Union happened when and where and by whom it did, for a reason.

True. Nothing ever truly ends, does it @annatar1914 ...?
Potemkin wrote:

True. Nothing ever truly ends, does it @annatar1914 ...?

Excellent replies! And you're right, nothing ''ends'' exactly. I am reminded of the Book ''The Worm Ouroboros'', where after the great conflict between the Demons and the Witches and the utter end of the Witches, a great spell is made to restore the Witches so as to begin the great conflict once more, on a higher and greater level... Have you read it by any chance?
annatar1914 wrote:Excellent replies! And you're right, nothing ''ends'' exactly. I am reminded of the Book ''The Worm Ouroboros'', where after the great conflict between the Demons and the Witches and the utter end of the Witches, a great spell is made to restore the Witches so as to begin the great conflict once more, on a higher and greater level... Have you read it by any chance?

No, I've never actually read that one. Lol. But I take your point - it is the dialectic of history, the great, creative struggle between opposing forces, which constitutes the meaning of human life. Without that struggle, we would turn into the Eloi of The Time Machine - childish, bloodless human cattle.... I believe it was Walter Benjamin who once pointed out that the end of the dialectical struggle between the classes cannot be imagined, since it would mean the end of history itself, a singularity at which all worldlines terminate. Of course, he was hardly an orthodox Marxist himself, mixing as he did Marxism with Jewish eschatology....
Potemkin wrote:No, I've never actually read that one. Lol. But I take your point - it is the dialectic of history, the great, creative struggle between opposing forces, which constitutes the meaning of human life. Without that struggle, we would turn into the Eloi of The Time Machine - childish, bloodless human cattle.... I believe it was Walter Benjamin who once pointed out that the end of the dialectical struggle between the classes cannot be imagined, since it would mean the end of history itself, a singularity at which all worldlines terminate. Of course, he was hardly an orthodox Marxist himself, mixing as he did Marxism with Jewish eschatology....


Yes, the End of History is the coming of the World to Come, which can be lived now to an extent as the Kingdom of God, but is still not with us entirely. Even then, I imagine that in the World to Come, growth and development never cease, things and people will just get better and better in a new way.

But here and now, we are not yet at that Singularity Point (don't worry, I'm not channeling Teilard de Chardin, whom I loathe, lol...) and so we have to analyze worldly events in terms of the conflict of the Dialectic. Hence, this thread, and what some may find surprising it's basic identity with ancient spiritual wisdom.

Ironic perhaps, but not really the more I think about it, that today is the Feast of the ''Theophany'', the ''Manifestation of God'' in Three Persons on the banks of the Jordan when Christ was baptized by St. John the Forerunner. After this moment, when it could be said that it was not God Who was baptized (although He was), but that in an important way Creation, Matter, was in the process of being re-Sacralized and ''Baptized'' Itself by God, after so long after the Fall. Past that point, there has been open war and conflict such as had never been seen before. And unfolding Development.
annatar1914 wrote:@Potemkin

Yes, the End of History is the coming of the World to Come, which can be lived now to an extent as the Kingdom of God, but is still not with us entirely. Even then, I imagine that in the World to Come, growth and development never cease, things and people will just get better and better in a new way.

Indeed. The End of History is merely the end of history as we know it. An important distinction, which Fukuyama seems to have missed. Lol. Humans will continue to interact with each other in non-reversible ways, and things will continue to improve, though likely without the violence and turmoil which has always accompanied any historical progress in the past.

But here and now, we are not yet at that Singularity Point (don't worry, I'm not channeling Teilard de Chardin, whom I loathe, lol...) and so we have to analyze worldly events in terms of the conflict of the Dialectic. Hence, this thread, and what some may find surprising it's basic identity with ancient spiritual wisdom.

By about 400 BC, the world had become as wise as it was ever going to get. Everything since then has merely been a form of remembering and of recognition (in the literal sense of 'knowing again'). As someone once said, the whole of Western philosophy is merely a set of footnotes to Plato.

Ironic perhaps, but not really the more I think about it, that today is the Feast of the ''Theophany'', the ''Manifestation of God'' in Three Persons on the banks of the Jordan when Christ was baptized by St. John the Forerunner. After this moment, when it could be said that it was not God Who was baptized (although He was), but that in an important way Creation, Matter, was in the process of being re-Sacralized and ''Baptized'' Itself by God, after so long after the Fall. Past that point, there has been open war and conflict such as had never been seen before. And unfolding Development.

As the victory draws nearer, the forces of darkness and reaction will become increasingly desperate and vicious. This is to be expected, and is actually a sign of hope.
Indeed. The End of History is merely the end of history as we know it. An important distinction, which Fukuyama seems to have missed. Lol. Humans will continue to interact with each other in non-reversible ways, and things will continue to improve, though likely without the violence and turmoil which has always accompanied any historical progress in the past.

Fukuyama missed a lot, with his strange and curious brand of Hegelianism and Neitzsche plus Leo Strauss. But mainly, a great deal of special pleading and wishful thinking.

By about 400 BC, the world had become as wise as it was ever going to get. Everything since then has merely been a form of remembering and of recognition (in the literal sense of 'knowing again'). As someone once said, the whole of Western philosophy is merely a set of footnotes to Plato.

Well said. That moment when we engage our ''Nous'' and experience those ''Eureka!'' flashes of insight and recognition, we can be hopeful that life in the World to Come is entirely like that moment, forever.

As the victory draws nearer, the forces of darkness and reaction will become increasingly desperate and vicious. This is to be expected, and is actually a sign of hope.

Entirely a sign of Hope, so that when it's the darkest it will ever be, we are ensured that the Victory has already been won.

They just don't know it yet, consciously.
It may come as a surprise that I have not been following the Impeachment proceedings as part of an effort to remove US President Donald Trump from office. I have not been following it because the results are a foregone conclusion, along with the 2020 Presidential elections as well;

''Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur''... "The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived."

Everybody anti-Trump has been so focused on ''Orange Man Bad'' that they can't see anything else but him.

Everybody Pro-Trump has been so focused on ''God-Emperor Trvmpvs the First'' that they can't see anything else but him.

I guess I live in another universe, I'm always like Toto, running around looking for the man that I shouldn't be paying attention to behind the curtains.
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