Aromatherapy - Politics | PoFo

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By ness31
I acquired an oil difffuser today and now my house smells like frankincense...I may even be high, I’m not sure yet..

Anyone into their essential oils? I did a quick search on PoFo and the general consensus seems to be that it’s pseudoscience. I don’t think it is. We have an olfactory system for a reason and I’m sure it’s for more than just identifying smells. It’s another way of carrying info to the brain... but that’s just my opinion *shrug*

What’s your favorite oil? Has anyone tried vetiver? It’s next on my list..
ness31 wrote:Anyone into their essential oils? I did a quick search on PoFo and the general consensus seems to be that it’s pseudoscience. I don’t think it is. We have an olfactory system for a reason and I’m sure it’s for more than just identifying smells. It’s another way of carrying info to the brain... but that’s just my opinion *shrug*

We use essential oils all the time and wife is a dealer of essential oils for Young Living.

I coat myself in oils daily; I have an olive oil base containing frankincense, cedarwood, spruce, bergamot, ylang ylang, black pepper, sweet basil, hyssop, and helychrysum, and some others.

I also use peppermint oil for headaches and melrose for bad cuts (to prevent scarring) and burns. Thieves blend works great for sickness and disinfecting, etc, etc.

If you get therapy grade, you can put them directly on the skin and ingest them; however any that have synthetic chemical additives and added alcohols can cause chemical burns and can be poisonous to ingest, so know what you are buying.
By annatar1914
Victoribus Spolia wrote:We use essential oils all the time and wife is a dealer of essential oils for Young Living.

I coat myself in oils daily; I have an olive oil base containing frankincense, cedarwood, spruce, bergamot, ylang ylang, black pepper, sweet basil, hyssop, and helychrysum, and some others.

I also use peppermint oil for headaches and melrose for bad cuts (to prevent scarring) and burns. Thieves blend works great for sickness and disinfecting, etc, etc.

If you get therapy grade, you can put them directly on the skin and ingest them; however any that have synthetic chemical additives and added alcohols can cause chemical burns and can be poisonous to ingest, so know what you are buying.

I've been among other things a massage therapist for over 20 years, and I incorporate aromatherapy into my clients' massage sessions. I have found that Lavender, Sandalwood, and Eucalyptus oils are very relaxing.
By ness31
Oh yay, some people replied :D

I’m with you on the importance of an oils bonafides. I have been told about the value of carrier oils if you’re going to put them directly on the skin. I know you can ingest the 100 per cent pure oils, but I think inhalation is just as effective.

I have one concoction that has coriander, bergamot, jasmine, black pepper, patchouli and others, but all I seem to sense is almond’s very sweet :|
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By Drlee
I am a big fan. So many reasons.

My personal opinion is that pleasant smells really enhance one's quality of life. VS can tell you that one of the most important aspects of enjoying a great wine is the aroma. Just last night I had a great Bordeax (Chateau Beycheville) and spent the evening with my nose in the glass. Indeed the nose is the reason for the shape of a wine glass.

My wife occasionally "smudges" our house using white sage. Native Americans in this area (I live a mile from a reservation) swear by it. When she does the house seems much 'cleaner'.

Frequently, when I go into the homes of my fellow geezers I smell what I can only describe as 'old people smell'. We fight that with essential oil diffusers and opening the windows and doors to air out the house at least every other day.

When I am cooking I use the old Italian trick of keeping olive oil out and using a few drops after I wash my hands.

Peppermint runs off packrats on my property without killing them.

We use (real) lemon oil polish on our furniture. It works great and there are some studies that show the smell of lemon oil makes you happier. Seems to work for me.

After a party we put out Eucalyptus oil to 'clear out the room'.

We have lemon grass in our container garden.

Watch out for Tea Tree Oil however. There are some sketchy studies that it might not be good for you.

Anyway. Big fan.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic says:

Research on the effectiveness of aromatherapy — the therapeutic use of essential oils extracted from plants — is limited.However, some studies have shown that aromatherapy might have health benefits, including:

Relief from anxiety and depression
Improved quality of life, particularly for people with chronic health conditions
Improved sleep

Smaller studies suggest that aromatherapy with lavender oil may help:

Reduce pain for people with osteoarthritis of the knee
Improve quality of life for people with dementia
Reduce pain for people with kidney stones

My doctor and many of those with whom I work are less and less inclined to dismiss alternative therapies. Though they are Allopathic to the core they recognize it when their patients express to them wellness and even cure through alternative therapies.
Last edited by Drlee on 12 Apr 2019 16:02, edited 1 time in total.
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By Victoribus Spolia
Here is an interesting thought to ponder, if it weren't for cynicism would @Red_Army even exist?



Also, I now believe I have officially "seen it all." a vehement critic of anti-vaxxers who also supports forms of alternative medicine like essential oils. @Drlee
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By Drlee
Here is an interesting thought to ponder, if it weren't for cynicism would @Red_Army even exist?

Oh yes. He is real. And a man desperately in need of cupping.
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By Victoribus Spolia
Drlee wrote:a man desperately in need of cupping

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By Drlee
Are you kidding? The female orgasm is pure myth. But then don't ask me. Its been so long I can't even remember who gets tied up.
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By Red_Army
Well I've never seen either of them in person, but I have it on good authority from my friend with the biggest beard that they're out there.
By ness31
Why would tea tree oil be dangerous? What nong came up with that idea?
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By Victoribus Spolia
Red_Army wrote:I'm not cynical at all. I believe in Bigfoot and the female orgasm.

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By MistyTiger
I love scents. I have not tried aromatherapy but I know that certain scents calm me down. I love jasmine, lavender, a lot of floral scents.

There's this brand called Demeter that seems to have a lot of earthy or unusual scents. There is one that smells like an old book or like a lightning storm. I'm quite curious about that brand.

I started wearing this very floral perfume at work and I adore it. At first I sprayed a bit much and it felt overpowering but now I am gentler with the bottle. Just a little and the whole day I feel calmer and more confident. I don't care who smells it, I get the most benefit out of it. Though I notice that some guys seem to appreciate it. So now I am looking for a second fragrance to try, so many choices. I understand now why some people collect scents. It's fascinating.
By ness31
A little peppermint oil goes a long f’kin way :eek: My whole house smells like a giant Minty.
By skinster
Sometimes there's something apparently smelly and relaxing in whichever bubble bath I buy but aside from that, I only ever use anything scented, like candles, at home to distract from any smell of weed.

I'm generally not a fan of smelly things aside from maybe the smell of marijuana or food smells when I'm hungry. I don't wear perfume or sprays and hate the same on men. The smell of humans is preferable, those that shower daily or every other day at least.

ness31 wrote:patchouli

I wasn't a fan of the smell of this when I would smell it all around NYC. It made my ex-husband want to get violent, he really wasn't a fan of the smell and that made me laugh a lot.

I didn't expect VS to contribute so much to this thread. :D

Also, who is that person with the massive beard that RA knows? I would like to meet him, he seems really wise and stuff.
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By Rancid
ness31 wrote:A little peppermint oil goes a long f’kin way :eek: My whole house smells like a giant Minty.

Fun fact, Rodents HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE the smell of peppermint. It can keep rodents out. It's a technique used in classic cars. You dose the interior of the car with peppermint oil.

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