Social media mob threatened teens over incident near Lincoln Memorial - Politics | PoFo

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Social media mob threatened two different teens and their families over incident near Lincoln Memorial

As soon as a clipped video of the confrontation between a Native American man with a drum and a high school student began circulating, the left began seeking a way to punish the high school student, his family, his school, and even the school’s president.

The problem was that no one knew on Saturday who the student was.

As the Washington Examiner reports, amateur internet sleuths quickly decided his name was Michael Hodge. And once they had a name, the desire to punish Hodge for his sins took over. Yesterday Andrew Hodge, Michael’s older brother described what happened to his family: “People then proceeded to spam my family with harassments and threats of physical violence.”

In addition to the threats and abuse directed toward Michael and his family, some creative members of the mob set about trying to destroy his future prospects by contacting the college he plans to attend and calling him a racist.

The irony is that the mob doing all of this is angry because Michael Hodges is (supposedly) a bad person. In reality, it’s the members of the mob trying to destroy him who are terrible people.

Sunday, the teen who actually appeared in the video released a statement which revealed his real name was Nick Sandmann.

Sandmann’s statement says in part:

I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washington for the trip back to Kentucky. We had been attending the March for Life rally, and then had split up into small groups to do sightseeing.

When we arrived, we noticed four African American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I am not sure what they were protesting, and I did not interact with them. I did hear them direct derogatory insults at our school group.

The protestors said hateful things. They called us “racists,” “bigots,” “white crackers,” “faggots,” and “incest kids.” They also taunted an African American student from my school by telling him that we would “harvest his organs.” I have no idea what that insult means, but it was startling to hear.

To drown out the insults directed at them and with the permission of an adult chaperone, the students began chanting some of their school chants.

After a few minutes of chanting, the Native American protestors, who I hadn’t previously noticed, approached our group. The Native American protestors had drums and were accompanied by at least one person with a camera.

The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers…

During the period of the drumming, a member of the protestor’s entourage began yelling at a fellow student that we “stole our land” and that we should “go back to Europe.” I heard one of my fellow students begin to respond. I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.

The teen’s statement closes by showing respect for the rights of others, in particular, the Native American man who confronted him, despite the death threats he and his family have received.

I harbor no ill will for this person. I respect this person’s right to protest and engage in free speech activities, and I support his chanting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial any day of the week. I believe he should re-think his tactics of invading the personal space of others, but that is his choice to make.

I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.

I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue…

I have read that Mr. Phillips is a veteran of the United States Marines. I thank him for his service and am grateful to anyone who puts on the uniform to defend our nation. If anyone has earned the right to speak freely, it is a U.S. Marine veteran.

So how did all this anger and outrage happen? In a well-written piece for the Atlantic, Julie Irwin Zimmerman admits she got it wrong when the story first appeared. She winds up calling this a Rorschach test and I believe she’s absolutely right.

The story is a Rorschach test—tell me how you first reacted, and I can probably tell where you live, who you voted for in 2016 and your general take on a list of other issues—but it shouldn’t be. Take away the video and tell me why millions of people cared so much about an obnoxious group of high-school students protesting legalized abortion and a small circle of Native Americans protesting centuries of mistreatment who were briefly locked in a tense standoff. Take away Twitter and Facebook and explain why total strangers cared so much about people they didn’t know in a confrontation they didn’t witness. Why are we all so primed for outrage, and what if the thousands of words and countless hours spent on this had been directed toward something consequential?

Why are we all so primed for outrage? Why were so many people, without understanding what had happened, looking to punish someone, even physically assault someone they didn’t know.

Reza Aslan

Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?

You may remember Reza Aslan. He had a sweet gig at CNN until 2017 when he lashed out on social media against President Trump. But he was just one of the thousands on Twitter eagerly joining the mob looking to punish a teenager they knew nothing about over an incident they knew almost nothing about.

What’s behind all of this is altruistic punishment. We make ourselves feel good by punishing others. It’s a powerful impulse that resides within all of us. It pops up all the time in pop culture wherever a mob of people has decided to punish a stranger. Some of the stories are even worse than the one that happened this weekend. I don’t have much hope that this is going to change anytime soon but the advent of social media seems to have exacerbated this tendency. Until we learn to recognize it and get control of it, social media is going to continue to be an awful place where awful things, like threatening the lives of random teenagers, will continue to happen.

Michael Buchanan, who goes by the stage name ‘House Shoes,’ is a Detroit-born hip hop producer and DJ working and living in Los Angeles who made a series of terrorist threats from his bluecheck, verified Twitter account over the weekend.
Mr. Buchanan, 45, took to his Twitter account this weekend and called for the Covington Catholic children to be burned alive: “LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND.”

Buchanan also called for mass shootings of Trump supporters in a series of tweets: “If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fired on any of these red hat bitches when you see them. On sight.”

Mr. Buchanan also called for mass shootings of Trump supporters and presumably the minor Catholic teens.

“I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches when you seen them. On sight,” Buchanan tweeted.

The ‘House Shoes’ Twitter account was reported by hundreds of people after a huge backlash, however; Twitter responded to the reports and said his Tweets do not violate their ‘Terms of Service.’

At the time of this publication, the Twitter account and threatening tweets are still up.

Failed actor and ‘comedian’ Ben Hoffman, who goes by the stage name ‘Wheeler Walker Jr.,’ called for violent sexual crimes to be committed against the minor teens and even offered a reward to whoever can stalk and find the minor child and “punch him in the nuts.”

New York Times opinion writer Kara Swisher, for instance, deleted one tweet saying she was thinking of “finding every one of these shitty kids and giving them a very large piece of my mind,” and other tweets throwing slurs like “Nazi” and “nationalist.” ABC chief political correspondent Scott Thurman deleted a tweet alleging students in MAGA hats were “mocking” and “taunting” a Native American in front of the Lincoln Memorial in D.C., asking in a new tweet if the new video changed minds about the kids.

Anti-Trump activist Ed Krassenstein deleted a neutral tweet contemplating the intentions of Nick Sandmann, the young MAGA student accused of smirking at a Native American. His brother, Brian Krassenstein, deleted a tweet calling the students “bigoted.” The New Republic‘s Jeet Heer deleted a tweet arguing the MAGA hat-wearing teens were “racist.” CNN’s Bakari Sellers deleted a tweet suggesting the kids should be “punched in the face.”

Hollywood’s Patton Oswalt deleted a tweet linking to another that doxxed the young teens, but left up subsequent retweets maintaining his opinion that they were at fault. CNN’s Ana Navarro deleted a tweet calling out the “Asswipe” parents of the students for teaching them “bigotry” and “racism.” She tweeted an additional post with the full, unedited video of the teens, maintaining her support for Native American vet NThis article was sourced from LegalInsurrection

Kentucky Prosecutor Rob Sanders, Twitter avatar On Sunday, Rob Sanders, a Kenton County Prosecutor, fired a warning shot to leftists threatening acts of violence against Covington Catholic High School.

Mr. Sanders represents the 16th Judicial Circuit in Kenton County and he made it very clear acts of violence will not be tolerated.

“Threatening acts of violence against educational institutions in Kentucky is a felony and we don’t take it lightly no matter the circumstances. #KYcrime” Rob Sanders said in a tweet.

The frauds in the mainstream media are starting to backtrack their stories after video surfaced of the whole incident involving the Catholic teens and the Native American activist, proving the teens were framed. But the damage is already done. The Catholic minor students are now in fear for their lives after Twitter allowed a hate campaign to proliferate unabated.

A Hollywood Producer called for the teens to be murdered in a violent, gruesome manner by being tossed into a woodchipper.

The American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky is planning to protest at Covington Catholic School on January 22nd. They will be protesting “against racist attacks against the March for Indigenous People in Washington DC.”

“We are calling for a boycott of the school itself and the archdiocese for fostering an environment of hatred and violence against people of color,” the statement reads. “We are calling for a boycott of the school until they fire the chaperones who accompanied these students for allowing this attack to happen and we are calling for them to educate their students on racism and a zero tolerance policy regarding racist attacks by students and punish students with expulsion for racist attacks.”

Everything in this statement is a flat out lie. There was ZERO violence and the only racism was coming from the black nationalists calling the white teens “crackers.”

One of the Native American protesters who confronted the Covington High School students has admitted that he knew that black nationalists were harassing the kids when they joined them “in solidarity."The Native protester, Marcus Frejo, also “liked” a video on YouTube from notorious antisemitic Louis Farrakhan.

In a Facebook post about the incident, Frejo wrote that he was wandering around the area when “all of the sudden this mob of youth from the Covington catholic highschool make there onto the steps overlooking the African American brothers and start heckling them with loud maga chants and I quickly realize whats going on when the white bro next to me says their wearing maga hats and shirts.”

As the Gateway Pundit reported in our interview with students who were present and their parents, a 14-year-old student said that they were simply waiting for their school bus and doing chants when they were confronted.

“We were standing there when a group of four African-American protesters started calling us ‘crackers’ and ‘school shooters,'” the student told TGP. He also explained that they told one of our African-American students — who is one of my friends — that when he gets older we will harvest his organs, which is insane.” Frejo knew this was happening, as he admits in the post — yet he has the audacity to claim it was the students who were racist.

“When we were singing you could hear the learned bigotry, you could hear the mocking, the laughs, the hate, the racism and as I looked around I thought who taught these kids to hate, who taught them to be this way, who taught them to disrespect an elder in this way,” Frejo wrote.

This is where it gets good, in an update to his post, Frejo acknowledges the homophobic and racist things that the black nationalists, who he repeatedly referred to as his brothers, were saying to the children.

“Even though the hebrew Israelite brothers said some disrespectful things that I heard earlier on during our rally, I still put that aside and wanted to help. Thats their teaching, we have ours and thats what makes us equally beautiful. The only way we can ever get to know each other is to sit and visit, to eat together, spiritual align and then we become friends. Friends that could uplift each other in our different beliefs.

To sing, to bring that good spirit into a chaotic situation, maybe the world will see and feel that this is yet another teachable moment for all humanity. If the walls of division dont come crumbling down within the hearts of people how can we ever unite. This is a teachable moment for the youth. The earth is talking. The power of those drums. The sun is shining and the sacred mother moon is coming. Cleanse your spirit. Breathe,” Frejo wrote.

So, to sum it up — the Native American protesters were standing with open bigots against children that they thought might possibly be bigots because of their hats. Seems reasonable.

The problem? We didn’t get the whole story, and many people, including those on the left, are now expressing their regret at jumping too readily to condemn these boys. As it turns out and in the true spirit of “unexpectedly,” there is much more to this story than we were first treated to in the initial reports.

Media Frenzy. As first released, the video did look damning, and the left stream media was in hog heaven berating the young men involved. They did so largely as a vehicle for condemning President Trump, the right, pro-life people, and Catholics—many of the left’s boogeymen, in other words, so they had a lot at stake in this narrative and apparently didn’t bother to find out the whole story before running with it.

In any case, the Catholic school has apologized for its students’ action, and the mayor of their hometown has denounced them. The boys were in town for the March For Life. The video is being widely cited as an example of the Trumpification of Christianity, and connected to the Karen Pence school controversy as yet another example of why conservative Christianity is an evil that must be driven from the precincts of the decent.

And, in it, one of the Indians with Phillips shouts: “White people, go back to Europe. This is not your land.” He curses the students with f-bombs (video is NSFW). He goes on: “You’re being a white man about it. That’s all you know how to do.”

You didn’t see that in the news reporting, did you?

Then, at the 4:40 mark, members of an insane black radical cult called the Black Hebrews starts ranting at the boys about whites and sodomy, and says that “your president is a homosexual.” He makes fun of Christian civilization, saying: “You give faggots rights!”
Lmfao a stupid teenager said racist shit to an old man and this is the most traumatic thing to ever happen to white people in the history of time. White people, the most fragile and delicate of all of G-d's creatures, got owned by an old man and now need to broadcast their butthurt to the entire world.

Fucking owned. Every single thing this kid says makes him look like a bigger and bigger bitch. I am glad his life is ruined and we should all be happy that this nerd will be owned thoroughly for the rest of his life, to the point where when employer's look up his name they'll say, "Oh yeah, that's the little bitch who got owned by an old man lmao no wonder he came off like a pussy."
Conservatives/reactionaries lack the emotional depth necessary to feel shame and have demonstrated this repeatedly in their unceasing efforts to defend obvious nazi murderers. The only emotions they are capable of are anger, hunger, and arousal for when they see people who are weaker than them hurt. This is why they celebrate rapists and pedophiles and elevate them to the highest positions of power within their party. The only lesson they will take away from this is that the teen should have been more racist and violent.

The only thing that could have stopped this teen from shouting racist shit would have been if the elderly Native man had been a white child rapist. Then his natural conservative instincts would have kicked in and he would have recognized the child rapist as a hero and thought leader.


Let us not forget Dennis Hastert, the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House and convicted child rapist. He would have raped that teen and told him to be more racist, and every conservative on this board would approve and laud him for his bravery in being a racist rapist child fucker.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lmfao a stupid teenager said racist shit to an old man and this is the most traumatic thing to ever happen to white people in the history of time.

The kid didn't say anything. A old native American came up to him and started banging a drum in his face. The kid just stood there and smiled.

Stormsmith wrote:And there's the beauty of it: this kid will be haunted by this clip for all time. Hopefully, some shame will replace his hatefulness.

What hatefulness? He didn't do anything or say anything. He was just waiting for the school bus while black people were hurling insults at them and then a native American decided to come up to him and start banging a drum and chanting. This kid should be haunted for the rest of his life for a bunch of activists harassing them? Where's the beauty in that? Into child abuse much?

SpecialOlympian wrote:Conservatives/reactionaries lack the emotional depth necessary to feel shame and have demonstrated this repeatedly in their unceasing efforts to defend obvious nazi murderers.

That's a little off topic here SpecialOlympian. We are dealing with a bunch of high school students waiting for a school bus getting harassed by black israelites and a native American dude, followed by the media trying to make it sound like a bunch of high school students confronted and taunted a native American guy when that is not what happened at all.

SpecialOlympian wrote:The only thing that could have stopped this teen from shouting racist shit would have been if the elderly Native man had been a white child rapist.

Except that the teen never shouted anything, let alone anything racist. Why do you accuse people of doing something the video clearly shows they didn't do?
Blackjack, as usual I skipped your post but I wanted to continue lolling that this kid is a giant bitch and will forever be known as a giant bitch. Naturally, this makes him a hero to all conservatives.

Of course all conservatives would idolize a person whose entire personality can be summed up as:

1) A racist who shouts racist things
2) A giant pussy

Edit: Lmao I'm hearing reports that the parents hired their idiot fuckup son a PR firm because he went and got himself recorded being a racist.
The native is a drugged up character actor and initiated the confrontation. The Black ISraelites were the only ones hurling racist abuse around the place at both the kids and the native. The 16 yr old kid absolutely did nothing but stand and stay quiet while he was yelled at by a mangy old lunatic and a bunch of crazy black racists. Then the fake news media blames the kids and celebtards start making death threats on twatter, for which the school and students will now sue.

Shut it down. Nuke it it from orbit. The MSM is rotten from within.
Covington Catholic Cancels School Tuesday Due to Security Concerns

Covington Catholic High School was closed Tuesday amid safety concerns over Friday’s viral encounter between students and a tribal elder, while protesters held a rally outside the diocese in Covington, Kentucky.

A local Antifa group and a far-left Native American group had called for protests at 10 a.m. on Tuesday at the school — though the Natives have moved their protest to a church. There was also reported to be a threat to bomb the school.

Idiots: Is it possible that someone who knowingly wore a MAGA hat outside, fully aware of its status as the modern Klan hood, didn't purposely antagonize every minority and/or woman they met? Yes, that is exactly what we are suggesting happened. *Is so stupid they drown trying to wipe their ass*
The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I think this native leader was caught in the middle of the fracas and he tried to calm the situation down with the drum like Gandhi would have done. In an interview, he lamented the divisiveness of American society. The black teens are black Jews who call themselves Black Hebrew Israelites, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated a hate group.

The black supremacist wing of the Hebrew Israelite movement is spreading and its leaders are growing increasingly militant

BALTIMORE — Despite the hellish heat on this spring Saturday morning in gritty West Baltimore, the five Hebrew Israelite priests loitering near a West Franklin Street storefront are draped in heavy robes, and their heads are wrapped in matching white, red and black cloths. Star of David emblems swing from their necklaces and are embroidered into their fabrics. One priest holds a staff.

Around them, security guards wear black headscarves, black T-shirts and black military-style pants tucked into combat boots. They grip cell phones and billy clubs. On their belts are sheaths and holsters, some empty, others holding blades and guns. The guards flit back and forth across the street, between the parking lot of an apartment complex that police say is notorious for drug-related crimes and a building with covered windows and a bolted front door.

Behind that locked door is the Baltimore branch of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, a black supremacist sect headquartered in New York City. Obsessed with hatred for whites and Jews, the leaders of the Israelite Church have managed to build up 29 church branches in recent years. ... e-militant
ThirdTerm wrote:I think this native leader was caught in the middle of the fracas and he tried to calm the situation down with the drum like Gandhi would have done. In an interview, he lamented the divisiveness of American society. The black teens are black Jews who call themselves Black Hebrew Israelites, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated a hate group.

Let's hope he was not beating the war drum. So many of those that treated badly the service men after the Vietnam war have since claimed falsely that they served in that war to raise money to support their sorry asses.

Native American activist Nathan Phillips faces questions about reports that he’s a veteran of the Vietnam war.

According to multiple news accounts, the activist is 64 years old, which means he would have been 18 years old in 1973, the last year any U.S. combat units were stationed in Vietnam. Mr. Phillips also claims to be a Marine veteran, although the last Marine combat units left Vietnam in 1971.

A careful reading of Mr. Phillips‘ own descriptions does not make clear if he ever set foot in Vietnam. Instead, he has used much more careful language claiming he is a “Vietnam times veteran,” an ambiguous phrasing that led many media accounts to conclude he was a combat veteran. ... -question/

SpecialOlympian wrote:Idiots: Is it possible that someone who knowingly wore a MAGA hat outside, fully aware of its status as the modern Klan hood, didn't purposely antagonize every minority and/or woman they met? Yes, that is exactly what we are suggesting happened. *Is so stupid they drown trying to wipe their ass*

Perhaps this is another video clip that is not exactly what it is reported to be.

The teen later claimed in a statement that he was simply trying to defuse the situation, nothing more.

“I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation,” he said. “I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me — to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.”

Praise the Lord.
I realize that this story is big news in the USA, and is being used to generate a lot of discussions abour racism, multiculturalism, and public space.


But what really stands out for me is this image of one of the original residents of the Americas having to contend with a slogan-wearing student of Children of the Corn College and a gang of pissed-off ex-slaves.

That MAGA hat refers to that original period of America's greatness, a greatness created through genocide and slavery, along with general lawlessness.

How are the First Nations and Ex-slaves supposed to react to this new desire for undeserved greatness that will, once again, be at everyone else's expense?
QatzelOk wrote:That MAGA hat refers to that original period of America's greatness, a greatness created through genocide and slavery, along with general lawlessness

Yes, I have wondered how "Great" is defined. A period of child labor and rivers on fire with burning pollution or the post ww2 era of unions, workers being paid a livable wage and a strong middle class. "Great" is so vapid and meaningless, as are most political utterances.
jimjam wrote:Yes, I have wondered how "Great" is defined. A period of child labor and rivers on fire with burning pollution or the post ww2 era of unions, workers being paid a livable wage and a strong middle class. "Great" is so vapid and meaningless, as are most political utterances.

Great just means it was better than the rest of the world at the time. :D
Suntzu wrote:Great just means it was better than the rest of the world at the time. :D

I believe Trump is referring to our greatness during the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the break up of the Soviet Union, when our economy and military dominated the world.
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