How Many Genders Are There? - Politics | PoFo

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How Many Genders Are There?

No votes
Between four and ten
No votes
Between eleven and twenty
Twenty one or more
Drlee wrote:Two of course.

I went with two as well, but I nearly did go for three. Linguistically (normal language not the SJW mockery) we have three genders: female, male and neutral, but that neutral gender isn't used for humans normally. Biologically there are just two: male and female. There are some who don't develop a functional sexuality due to some congenital or genetic problem though, it's rare but it happens; should they have their own neutral gender or just be considered one of the two genders they would have been without the problem?
My impression is that gender is a social essence of what men and women are thought to be like in the ideal which emerges from actual conditions in which men and women exist and are set to relate to one another. So although there may be struggles over what a man or woman is constituted by, there only two primary sexes with devistions from the two that the general idea can be materially imbued in and readily made sense of as a legitimate and real identity.
The big Other is then a kind of collective lie to which we all individually subscribe. We all know that the emperor is naked (in the Real) but nonetheless we agree to the deception that he is wearing new clothes (in the Symbolic). When Zizek avers that "the big Other no longer exists" is that in the new postmodern era of reflexivity we no longer believe that the emperor is wearing clothes. We believe the testimony of our eyes (his nakedness in the Real) rather than the words of the big Other (his Symbolic new clothes). Instead of treating this as a case of punctuting hypocrisy, Zizek argues that "we get more than we bargained for - that the very community of which we were a member has disintegrated" (For They Know Not What They Do). There is a demise in "Symbolic efficiency".

Symbolic efficiency refers to the way in which for a fact to become true it is not enough for us just to know it, we need to know that the fact is also known by the big Other too. For Zizek, it is the big Other which confers an identity upon the many decentered personalities of the contemporary subject. The different aspects of my personality do not claim an equal status in the Symbolic - it is only the Self or Selves registered by the big Other which display Symbolic efficiency, which are fully recognized by everyone else and determine my socio-economic position.

Even with idea of transgender gaining traction it still seems to assume a man or woman binary and the language they ise to describe it suggests being a man or a woman is so essential as to be part of some metaphysical self/soul.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Define “gender”. Thanks.

Define "thanks". Thanks. What went wrong with you that we have to define common words...? Well I guess you are ESOL so I should go easy on you for not being familiar with basic English. So here goes from a common dictionary:

Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

For any other simple words you need defining, get a dictionary.
So, is it biological or cultural?

According to your definition, it is the latter. Do you agree?

Also, are you discussing gender constructs, gender roles, or gender identity? You seem to be discussing the first. Is this correct?
Pants-of-dog wrote:So, is it biological or cultural?

According to your definition, it is the latter. Do you agree?

Also, are you discussing gender constructs, gender roles, or gender identity? You seem to be discussing the first. Is this correct?

It's not an either or because a rational culture follows from the biology. An insane culture might depart from reality, and that is what you want to happen, but that hasn't been the case until the SJW phenomena.
SolarCross wrote:It's not an either or because a rational culture follows from the biology. An insane culture might depart from reality, and that is what you want to happen, but that hasn't been the case until the SJW phenomena.

You seem to be having trouble with the concept of gender.

You seem to be agreeing that gender is the social construct we associate with sexual identity.

If gender is a social construct, there are an infinite possible number of genders depending on the culture or society. In modern western societies, we have a spectrum that encompasses two genders and the continuum between them, but that is not universal.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You seem to be having trouble with the concept of gender.

You seem to be agreeing that gender is the social construct we associate with sexual identity.

If gender is a social construct, there are an infinite possible number of genders depending on the culture or society. In modern western societies, we have a spectrum that encompasses two genders and the continuum between them, but that is not universal.

If you include the misuse of the word by crazy people then fine. Just vote more than twenty-one and be done with it.
I personally don't really give a shit about this question.

That said, I do believe that it's important when raising children that each parent (and extended family) does engage in behaviors that might traditionally be attributed to specific genders. For example, traditionally, fathers do a lot of rough house play with children. Studies have shown that this is a huge benefit to children. It helps them learn boundaries and self control. I don't care if the parents are two women or two men or whatever. One of them better do some rough house play with those kids!
SolarCross wrote:If you include the misuse of the word by crazy people then fine. Just vote more than twenty-one and be done with it.

Why would I vote more than 21?

As i said, in our society, we have two. And we have people that are either one of these two, or somewhere in between. And this is a social construct.

If you think I am incorrect, please explain how.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Why would I vote more than 21?

As i said, in our society, we have two. And we have people that are either one of these two, or somewhere in between. And this is a social construct.

If you think I am incorrect, please explain how.

Because you just wrote this just a little while ago..

Pants-of-dog wrote:If gender is a social construct, there are an infinite possible number of genders depending on the culture or society. In modern western societies, we have a spectrum that encompasses two genders and the continuum between them, but that is not universal.

SolarCross wrote:Infinite genders is > 21? Yes or no?

Please note that I said there COULD BE an infinite number of genders depending on which culture is having the discussion.

And then I said WE HAVE TWO because I was discussing modern western society.

For someone who was ridiculing others about their grasp of English, it appears you could work on reading comprehension.

Also, you have not shown how I was incorrect about anything I said.
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