Chelsea Manning running to abolish ICE, promote universal single payer healthcare and demilitarize. - Politics | PoFo

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The military whistleblower Chelsea Manning has launched a website outlining her extremely progressive manifesto for the Maryland Democratic Primaries for Senate.

On the Intercepted podcast in April she boldly claimed that the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E) is a ‘deportation taskforce that’s carrying out an ethnic cleansing’. Her policies outlined on her website certainly don’t water-down this rhetoric, promising ‘not to reform but to abolish I.C.E’.

She wants to abolish the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which acts as an ‘illusion of oversight for the rampant NSA surveillance program’, and replace it with a system which relies on district courts and courts of appeal in order to increase transparency and accountability of the massive-scale surveillance of American citizens and foreigners.

When it comes to civil liberties she demands an end to police ‘no-knock warrants’ and a complete repeal of the Controlled Substances Act with a view to diverting the warchest of the War on Drugs toward ‘drug treatment and rehabilitation’. She labels the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights a ‘licence to murder’ and a ‘get out of jail free card’, and demands that ‘officers who kill and injure people should be held to the same standard as any other citizen charged with murder or attempted murder’.

On the issue of US healthcare, Manning states that ‘Healthcare shouldn’t just be “affordable”, healthcare should be free’, demanding to change the current system by ‘replacing our flawed medical insurance system with universal single payer healthcare, making healthcare free for everyone. No exceptions.’

Former soldier Manning has no special favours for the hand that once fed her: she accuses the $696 billion appropriated to the Pentagon for 2018 of being a ‘blank check to the military industrial complex’ and the US of being a ‘the world’s biggest arms dealer’. She specifically calls out the Turkish use of US weapons against the Kurds in Rojava, the Israeli slaughter of Palestinian children and Saudi Arabia’s ‘wholesale massacre’ of 20,000 Yemeni civilians as examples of the sins of the US military export racket that she vows to end.
He/she is a seriously confused individual that mixes idealism with illogical solutions that seem to appeal to a lot of people suffering from the same delusions. I would not be surprised if he/she were elected. We live in a time of mass delusion.
Beren wrote:She's basically right as the USA is about to turn into a racist Big Brother police state with an insanely high military budget and an insanely expensive and ineffective/dysfunctional healthcare system.

I guess if you drink the Kool Aide of the leftist media you would also believe that someone with a Y chromosome is a "she".
40% of transsexuals attempt suicide. We are suppose to believe this is society’s fault instead of them being confused individuals. Manning is a perfect example of someone whose life is a disaster. They are confused, not society.
Beren wrote:Someone with the name Chelsea is a she to me, even if she's male.

I'm not really concerned with the Gender thing … I advocate everyone exploring their own identity.

Here's her 1st (I think) Advertisement and her website URL.

I'd vote for her.

Zam 8)
Finfinder wrote:That is an interesting partisan take on things. How are peoples knickers in knots?

Oh, some peopleare complaining about “drinking the Kool-Aid” and “liberal media” and “Y chromosomes”. Another is talking about her being delusional and confused. It is all very humourous.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Oh, some peopleare complaining about “drinking the Kool-Aid” and “liberal media” and “Y chromosomes”. Another is talking about her being delusional and confused. It is all very humourous.

I don't particularly care who someone wants to be called but a fact is a fact. If you want to "pretend" the factual reality and call yourself intellectual, that is up to you.
Finfinder wrote:I don't particularly care who someone wants to be called but a fact is a fact. If you want to "pretend" the factual reality and call yourself intellectual, that is up to you.

The fact that you focus on this instead of Manning’s actual platform suggest that you do care.

Unless you are going to date Manning, which is unlikely seeing as how Maning would probably not date you, her gender identity has no impact on you whatsoever.

A public single-payer health care system, on the other hand, would impact you and your community by drastically reducing medical costs and drastically significantly improving medical outcomes.

Reducing the US military and its ventures would not only reduce your tax payments, but also stop anatagonising other countries, which would in turn reduce your risk of a terrorist attack.

And abolishing ICE would allow your labour underclass to have a voice and some rights, helping to end their exploitation.

But if you want to spend time thinking about Manning’s genitals instead, you do you.
Beren wrote:Someone with the name Chelsea is a she to me, even if she's male.

And even if the name was originally predominantly a male name until the 1970s ...

Beren wrote:I wonder if she wins the Democratic nomination.

Generally, if the candidate wins the primary they are on the ballot as there isn't a convention for state candidates that I'm aware of. Hopefully, he does win.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Unless you are going to date Manning, which is unlikely seeing as how Maning would probably not date you, her gender identity has no impact on you whatsoever.

A man has a y-chromosome and a penis. Asking someone to refer to a man as a woman does have an impact on them--even if it is just inducing a sense of befuddlement.

Pants-of-dog wrote:A public single-payer health care system, on the other hand, would impact you and your community by drastically reducing medical costs and drastically significantly improving medical outcomes.

Rubbish. I'll continue to push for a repeal of ObamaCare and a more free market system than the one we have.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Reducing the US military and its ventures would not only reduce your tax payments, but also stop anatagonising other countries, which would in turn reduce your risk of a terrorist attack.

It didn't stop a Canadian incel from killing a bunch of women...

Pants-of-dog wrote:And abolishing ICE would allow your labour underclass to have a voice and some rights, helping to end their exploitation.

They aren't our underclass. They are Central America's underclass. They are the ones who need to provide their citizens with a voice and some rights instead of sending them illegally to the United States.

Pants-of-dog wrote:But if you want to spend time thinking about Manning’s genitals instead, you do you.

This sentence might make sense in Canada, but it is technically meaningless in the United States.
Beren wrote:Maybe that's why she chose it. If she wants to be a she, then I call her a she, it doesn't cost me anything, and all those that don't like it can fuck off.

It's generally accepted I think that politeness requires that we respect a persons referential choices. Failing to do so is the mark of a rude and unrespectable boob.

Zam ;)
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