Ten years on PoFo…and what have I learned? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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Trump is a proven liar and con man.

Illegal Immigration. - I am against illegal immigration, The laws are there and need to be simply enforced. I never claimed to be for illegal immigration. A wall, however, is not going to solve the problem, as most come thru legally at the border crossings.

Muslim ban - You cannot have a country where you claim to have freedom of religion and then ban people of a certain religion. It goes against the very principle. The evidence suggest this would be wrong, and the SCOTUS shot down this ban as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Is your Republican strong SCOTUS radical? I think not.

Gun control - Gun control needs to be improved(close loopholes, minimum age 21 for purchase, prevent mentally ill from gaining access, etc.). I only suggest banning automatic/semi-automatic weapons(even grandfathered ones) and magazines over 5 round capacity. I am not against hunting rifles used for the purpose of hunting, and not against small caliber pistols for home defense.

None of these things is RADICAL. You're making a stupidly false claim.
Immigration (legal and illegal) are a preferred policy lever of politicians ('liberal' and 'conservative') and technocrat economists to attempt to dictate wage rates, so as to influence inflation, in order to accord with the whimsical wishes of the financial oligarchs in the US. Fish rots from the head.

I have been pretty convinced of the voracity of this notion I raise for some time now.
Godstud wrote:Trump is a proven liar and con man.

Illegal Immigration. - I am against illegal immigration, The laws are there and need to be simply enforced. I never claimed to be for illegal immigration. A wall, however, is not going to solve the problem, as most come thru legally at the border crossings.

Muslim ban - You cannot have a country where you claim to have freedom of religion and then ban people of a certain religion. It goes against the very principle. The evidence suggest this would be wrong, and the SCOTUS shot down this ban as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Is your Republican strong SCOTUS radical? I think not.

Gun control - Gun control needs to be improved(close loopholes, minimum age 21 for purchase, prevent mentally ill from gaining access, etc.). I only suggest banning automatic/semi-automatic weapons(even grandfathered ones) and magazines over 5 round capacity. I am not against hunting rifles used for the purpose of hunting, and not against small caliber pistols for home defense.

None of these things is RADICAL. You're making a stupidly false claim.

You just proved you are a radical leftist. You leftist keep saying Trump is a proven liar and con man does not make it so. I could claim that about all politicians that don't keep their campaign promises. But Trump has kept some of his campaign promises and he is still fighting with Congress in an effort to keep the others.

A wall is necessary to help the border patrol stop the mass illegal immigration from Mexico. Not even considering a wall shows that you are a radical leftist that does not even want to attempt to control our border.

The Muslim ban was meant to keep the radical terrorist out while we had time to strengthen vetting our immigration procedures. Freedom of religion in our U.S. Constitution does not have anything to do with protecting radical Muslim terrorist, but it was meant to protect Christian denominations from the state imposing restrictions on their free exercise of their religious beliefs. This just points out another one of your radical leftist beliefs.

Nearly all guns made are semi-automatic now, so to ban them is a radical leftist position. If one bans all semi-automatic weapons, that would make magazines useless. It appears that my claim has been proven true. Praise the Lord.
Cartertonian wrote: Unfortunately, he brought with him a lot of far left hangers-on we could have well done without seeing elevated to the shadow front bench.

skinster wrote:Who?

I was thinking principally of Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, Abbott and McDonnell, but there are other characters lurking around who are a malign influence. Emily Thornberry's a bit flaky, and WTF does Nia Griffith know about Defence? :roll: Then at sub-cabinet level there's the likes of Melanie Onn and her feminist agenda of creeping criminalisation of men who show any interest in women. :eh:

I could go on, but when I voted for Jezza my hope was that it would kick the party up the arse and stop it from morphing any more into the Tory-lite party of Blair/Brown/Milliband. I should have been careful what I wished for, because the pendulum has swung too far the other way. :hmm:
Godstud wrote:Muslim ban - You cannot have a country where you claim to have freedom of religion and then ban people of a certain religion. It goes against the very principle. The evidence suggest this would be wrong, and the SCOTUS shot down this ban as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Is your Republican strong SCOTUS radical? I think not.

It's not unconstitutional to restrict immigration on the basis of religion. It is only unconstitutional to interfere with the exercise of religion within the country.
My error, it is a real shame that the SCOTUS is a racist pile of shit and the judges in individual states, and appeals courts, have to be the voices of reason, to prevent that asshole Trump from making unprincipled bans based on religion.

It was never a valid ban. There was simply no actual justification for it, and that's why it failed.
Godstud wrote:My error, it is a real shame that the SCOTUS is a racist pile of shit and the judges in individual states, and appeals courts, have to be the voices of reason, to prevent that asshole Trump from making unprincipled bans based on religion.

It was never a valid ban. There was simply no actual justification for it, and that's why it failed.

Whatever, but Trump kept his promise.
Trump kept his promise and tried to work against the Constitution of the USA/ I must have missed that wonderous fucking thing. I hope he takes away your fucking freedom of religion next, as this would only have been one step towards that. :knife:

You don't even know who your enemy is.
Godstud wrote:Trump kept his promise and tried to work against the Constitution of the USA/ I must have missed that wonderous fucking thing. I hope he takes away your fucking freedom of religion next, as this would only have been one step towards that. :knife:

You don't even know who your enemy is.

Well, it ain't Trump.
Maybe its the Russians.
Stormsmith wrote:@Cartertonian

Lovely to see you. So pleased to read your life is going well. I miss your contributions, but my word, you have been busy.

Thank you Stormsmith.

You know, I was just reflecting on why my participation has been so intermittent here for the last few years and I think I know what the issue is.

On PoFoUK, there is a relatively small userbase so when you've been at work or out for the day you can come back and pretty much carry on where you left off. Most threads die a natural death after two or three pages and so anything you might have missed can quickly be caught up on.

Here, however, I feel disincline to trawl through dozens of pages to try and ensure I follow the discussion before I contribute, which then restricts my involvement.

Also, I'm still not a big fan of the new software ;)
Sadly we are the only 2 surviving centrists on this forum

I hope not. I hope I can belong to that club. I claim to be a conservative, but compared to today's conservatives, I am a centrist.

Not important though.

I miss Cartertonian's posts. They were frequently the voice of reason.

@ John Rawls. Interesting we both claim centrist positions. We often only disagree on the details. Cartertonian's positions (yours and mine as well) require something few conservatives are willing to do these days....thinking. The tribalism in political identification is very easy but certainly leads one to the shallow end of whatever pool one is in.

I abhor orthodoxy.

Its understandable that the length of some threads can be daunting, and frankly, disappointingly repetitive from the "fake news"/"I'm ok; I've got mine" fraternity. North Americans face interesting challenges likely solvable by investment in a time of high debt vs low interest, yet there's a determined core group wanting to lavish capital on questionable projects. Not much discussion on prioritisation.

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