Angela Merkel on course for fourth term, but breakthrough for AfD - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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They look like Killary supporters looked after this miserable woman lost the election...

The world is changing, but Commies and their sponsors cannot understand it.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 24 Sep 2017 21:33, edited 1 time in total.
The Reformation, Biblical criticism, Marxism, Psychotherapy, Quantum mechanics, Nudism, the Nazis and Blitzkrieg warfare all essentially came out of Germania.

The only positive thing in there is Marxism (even quantum mechanics led to the atomic bomb). You're not making a good case for Germania, Rich.... :hmm:
Rich wrote:The Reformation, Biblical criticism, Marxism, Psychotherapy, Quantum mechanics, Nudism, the Nazis and Blitzkrieg warfare all essentially came out of Germania.

You forgot Cultural Marxism and critical theory

Reichstraten wrote:A little more than 1 out of 10 are immigrants from non-western countries. How's that a majority? :eh:

Are you joking? You have to be. Let's translate First let's translate what t[i] non-western countries[/i] really means :excited: Muslims.

Muslims have 5 to 8 kids. In 2 decades Germans will very likely be a minority. Look at the UK, they lost London and Birmingham
Last edited by Politiks on 25 Sep 2017 06:44, edited 2 times in total.
Dr Cosmo wrote:Pro EU-European, centrist, pro-business, pro-environmental policies are guaranteed with Merkel as chancellor.

When business interests collide with environmental concerns Merkel supports the businesses, even when she was Minister for the Environment she undermined and opposed regulations that would reduce the use of coal and diesel.
Politiks wrote:Muslims have 5 to 8 kids. In 2 decades Germans will very likely be a minority. Look at the UK, they lost London and Birmingham

Most people have a distorted view. Europeans think there are four times as much muslims in their countries as there in reality are.
Right now the number of islamic people in my country, the Netherlands, is a mere 5%. In 2050 it'll be 9,5%. Also, the majority of immigrants are actually non-muslim.
The fertility-rate among muslims is (slowly) declining.
Your assertion that Germans will be a minority in only two decades can't be the truth. Unless you have figures and numbers to proof it.
The situation in the big cities is a bit more worrying, I have to agree.
Regarding antisemitism, there is much common between völkisch German right winger like @ArtAllm and völkisch German left winger (Atlantis). Though they depart diametrically on refugees issue. Where is the right blame the Jews on the refugees

ArtAllm wrote:
All these "radical" parties will never name the reasons, why their countries are going down the drain, and they will never name the ethno-religious group, who pushed for this process.

the left welcome them partly for antisemitic reason, in the past Atlantis welcomed passionately the refugees and stressed, "It's important to me that my tax money doesn't go into funding a racist state (Israel).

BTW, the Nazis also blamed the Jews on "racism". They made it clear they have nothing against the "color people", mainly Arabs. Their race policy is directed against the Jews and later they even dropped the term "antisemitism" to "anti jewish" in order not to offend the Arabs.

Today one of the reason the völkisch right blame their miseries on the Jews is because the standard welcome propaganda in German is "that Chancellor Angela Merkel famously invited in more than one million migrants in order to erase the moral stain of Germany’s Nazi past." As Tuvia Tenenbom ("Hello Refugees!") also discovers that this public advertisement of collective “conscience” has legitimised and provoked open antisemitism. Repeatedly and gratuitously, Germans tell him that they are now morally superior to the Jews and to the State of Israel which is described as uniquely racist and murderous.

So if Germany opened her door as an act of conscience to clear the Nazi past, than the Jews are to blame. But in reality the German Muslim link is going far back. Those Islamophiles in the left are as antisemites as the xenophobes of the right. In the past the right was also very Islamophile as it will be again once things will be stabled. They have much in common.


In 10 years time, when Germany will have successfully integrated a few million refugees, Germany will again have grown stronger. While your country will turn up the hate campaign clamoring that the evil Germans stole your refugees.

Had to agree with Atlantis, in 10 years thing will look different. Much stable.
AfD will now be a real voice and force in the German legislature.
I doubt that traitor Merkle will last 2 years with whatever bullshit "coalition of the willing" she gathers.
Nationalism and protection of a county's CITIZENS is now a strong movement in Europe, and its about time!
Central Europe will not allow these fine Muslim refugees, and nor will Russia.
Its sad, but when the dust finally clears, it'll be the "tweenkies" who will have brought on a new separation of Europe, and perhaps even more.
I guess just a few more Muslim rapes and killings will be needed.
Enjoy that...
mikema63 wrote:Hopefully the AfD tries to do something stupid in the Bundestag that will further shame far right parties across europe.

May the European far right fall into ruins.

The far right will only get stronger because of people like you who are in charge of countries like Germany and France

the fact that le pen got 37% last elections while in the 2012 elections she only got 17% is proving that your libertard policies are backfiring

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