How BIG Is God? - Politics | PoFo

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By Godstud
Why are you trying to figure out how big your god is?
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Why are you trying to figure out how big your god is?

The question was not for me, but for the doubters and unbelievers, like you to ponder.

Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
Well, if you were atall religious(and you aren't, since you're a poe), you wouldn't be asking such a stupid question of yourself. God isn't supposed to have a "size". :lol:

Stupid philosophizing on your part.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Well, if you were atall religious(and you aren't, since you're a poe), you wouldn't be asking such a stupid question of yourself. God isn't supposed to have a "size". :lol:

Stupid philosophizing on your part.

I just got through saying that I did not ask that question to myself. Can't you understand American English?
God is so big that She apparently is only concerned about what happens on this planet and is definitely absolutely disgusted by gay people getting married and glorified tumors being ejected from the body. At least that's God according to Christians.
lol nah, that's God according to the idiots of the Christian church who are so sure in their idea of God that they will judge other people to hell for it. May She have mercy on their souls (and yours, brother).
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By Godstud
Asking how big god is, is like imposing a limitation on him. Can't you see how silly that is?
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Asking how big god is, is like imposing a limitation on him. Can't you see how silly that is?

It is silly to impose a limitation on God. But that is what all doubters and unbelievers do all the time. The question was posed to them, so that they might understand that very idea.

Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
Sure, but why are you, a person who "claims" to be religious, try to do that same? Seems kind of self-defeating, if you ask me.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Sure, but why are you, a person who "claims" to be religious, try to do that same? Seems kind of self-defeating, if you ask me.

I worship an infinite God that can do all things such as being three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Who are each God and yet there is only one God. And he plans to adopt all believers as sons of God too. How about that for being unlimited.

Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
So why are you making a stupid post about "How big is god?" When you consider him infinite? It seems rather stupid.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:So why are you making a stupid post about "How big is god?" When you consider him infinite? It seems rather stupid.

It is to make sure that everyone realizes the God is an infinite God and that He has always existed and does not require being created by another, because there is only One infinite and timeless God, the Christian God of the Holy Bible.

Praise the Lord.
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By Heisenberg
God's like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He says he's 6'2'', but he's really 5'9''.
By Besoeker
Hindsite wrote:It is to make sure that everyone realizes the God is an infinite God and that He has always existed and does not require being created by another, because there is only One infinite and timeless God, the Christian God of the Holy Bible.

Well, that's your opinion.
Not everybody shares that opinion.
By Rich
Hindsite wrote:And he plans to adopt all believers as sons of God too. How about that for being unlimited.

Sounds bloody weird to me. Are all the female believers going to have sex changes?
By Besoeker
Hindsite wrote:It is silly to impose a limitation on God. But that is what all doubters and unbelievers do all the time.

Don't you see how nonsensical that is?
Unbelievers wouldn't impose a limitation on an entity they don't believe exists.
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By Hindsite
Rich wrote:Sounds bloody weird to me. Are all the female believers going to have sex changes?

There will be no males or females in Heaven, but they all will be considered sons of God like the angels.

Jesus said, "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."
(Matthew 22:30 NASB)

"For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."
(Mark 12:25 NASB)
Besoeker wrote:Don't you see how nonsensical that is?
Unbelievers wouldn't impose a limitation on an entity they don't believe exists.

Deep down everyone believes in the existence of God, but they are unbelievers in the sense that they will not believe, repent, and put their trust in Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, to save their souls from the punishment of the second death.

James put it this way, "You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder."
(James 2:29 NASB)
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