Support Palestine at White House. 26th March. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Sick burn but very true.

As for Trump or whoever, American politicians are trained well by AIPAC and its AIPAC that controls US foreign policy in the Middle East, which makes it so it's favourable to Israeli interests and (often) detrimental to that of the U.S.

At least more people are awakening now, to AIPAC's power, particularly their target audience (young Jews).
Godstud wrote:Trump gets too much money from his Jewish friends to even consider this. He's probably at Maralago, anyways, avoiding this, and racking up millions of expenses for American tax-payers.

You are quite ignorant about this, aren't you? Shariah law is already in the US, if Muslims are in the US. They have the same religious laws that Christians and Jews enjoy, in that they can marry couples and enjoy other things WITHIN the religion.

Please read this:
5 Things You Need To Know About Sharia Law
Many religions have legal codes that offer ethical and moral guidelines for practitioners of the faith ― from the canon law of the Catholic Church to Jewish religious rules and practices, called Halakhah (which, like Sharia, also means “the path that one walks.”)

You do NOT need to worry about Sharia dominating American life and courts.

Because nothing trumps the U.S. Constitution. No national Muslim organization has ever called for Sharia to supercede American courts. It’s completely beside the point of Sharia and it’s not something American Muslims want. ... c3ee507c01

Sick burn! :lol:

Islam wants Sharia Law to override all laws, by any means possible...and you should know that.

Islam does not wish to assimilate into a country, it wants to conquer it. This is a historical fact which is not debatable.
Stephen50right wrote:Islam wants Sharia Law to override all laws, by any means possible...and you should know that.
That simply false and shows a true ignorance and lack of education on the subject.

Stephen50right wrote:Islam does not wish to assimilate into a country, it wants to conquer it. This is a historical fact which is not debatable.
:lol: Please show a source for the absurd claim. I can't take your seriously if you are going to ignore reality and make shit up.

I could make the same claim about Christianity(See America).
About the Jewish BDS protesters outside the conference. There is a long Jewish history of these sort of people. Douglas Reed, London Times correspondent wrote in 1938

Hungary is a particularly good example of the country which produces the Jew who is a good Hungarian to-day, good Englishman to-morrow, good German next week, good Chinese next month, and which in my view still affords the best example to-day of a country where the Jew, by this method of squeeze-out collaboration, rises to heights of influence and affluence far beyond his deserts and his numbers. Hungary produced the classic example of that kind of Jew - Trebitsch Lincoln... But I can show you the modern counterpart of Trebitsch Lincoln, and I don't mean those pro-Hitler Jews who were said by rumour to have marched round Berlin in the early Nazi days carrying a banner with the legend 'Hinaus mit uns!' - 'Chuck us out!'

All of them were kicked out indeed. Some become soaps in a few years.
Godstud wrote:That simply false and shows a true ignorance and lack of education on the subject.

:lol: Please show a source for the absurd claim. I can't take your seriously if you are going to ignore reality and make shit up.

I could make the same claim about Christianity(See America).

I always thought "Social-Democrat" such as you were supposed to be progressive and look to the future? It's astonishing then that for a multitude of reasons with Islam, your side refuses to do that, instead be regressive and look to the past.

Islam wishes to go back many centuries with its hate, murder and conquest, and your side wants to go right along with detriment to the rest of the world.
It is good to see some sensible practicing Jews protesting against Palestinian atrocities. All Jews should never be lumped up with zionist political militants in huge sweeping generalizations.
noir wrote:About the Jewish BDS protesters outside the conference.

The If Not Now organization hasn't officially taken a position on BDS. I did see an interview with one of the members who stated that some members support BDS and others do not.

Speaking of BDS, here is an Israeli Jew explaining what it's all aboot, because you seem confused.

Joka wrote:It is good to see some sensible practicing Jews protesting against Palestinian atrocities. All Jews should never be lumped up with zionist political militants in huge sweeping generalizations.

Many Jews oppose Israel/zionism, secular and orthodox. Not all have been brainwashed by the very powerful propaganda that makes people support the racism that is zionism, and amongst the religious ones, they hold the belief that the state of Israel cannot be created by men.
Stephen50right wrote:I always thought "Social-Democrat" such as you were supposed to be progressive and look to the future? It's astonishing then that for a multitude of reasons with Islam, your side refuses to do that, instead be regressive and look to the past.

Islam wishes to go back many centuries with its hate, murder and conquest, and your side wants to go right along with detriment to the rest of the world.
So no real argument? You just say a bunch of opinionated nonsense, and fear-mongering, to support this vague threat.

Show me where fear causes progress.

Show me where Muslims have invaded somewhere simply by moving there, becoming the majority and implementing Shariah law and causing everyone else to die. Show me the fears are not invalid, and based on something real, and I might think a bit more on your false narrative.

You don't even have the most basic understanding of their Islamic law(Shariah).
Godstud wrote:So no real argument? You just say a bunch of opinionated nonsense, and fear-mongering, to support this vague threat.

Show me where fear causes progress.

Show me where Muslims have invaded somewhere simply by moving there, becoming the majority and implementing Shariah law and causing everyone else to die. Show me the fears are not invalid, and based on something real, and I might think a bit more on your false narrative.

You don't even have the most basic understanding of their Islamic law(Shariah).

Sorry, I've got no time to write a dissertation to educate you about the Middle East and Africa. Don't worry about it though, President Trump and my side will handle it all quite well...infinitely better than your idol the ex-president named Barack Hussein Obama.
Godstud wrote:Show me where Muslims have invaded somewhere

The Gambia
Burkina Faso
Sierra Leone
Saudi Arabia
Iraq, Oman
United Arab Emirates
The Maldives.
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Well you didn't give a time frame..
OK... Fine. Last 40 years.

Then tell me about how many countries USA(Christian nation) has invaded, or interfered with. Don't try to deny USA isn't a "Christian country". In God We Trust is on fucking everything. Every American always thanks god for everything from a Big Mac, to a touchdown, too.
Support what? Palestine a name that in conjunction with ethnic cleansing was meant to humiliate a people? You are a fucking piece of shit for supporting such a cause, as far as the Arab filth that occupied the Jewish homeland? They should be forced to go back to their land, and let their humble leaders deal with them.
Godstud wrote:OK... Fine. Last 40 years.

Then tell me about how many countries USA(Christian nation) has invaded, or interfered with. Don't try to deny USA isn't a "Christian country". In God We Trust is on fucking everything. Every American always thanks god for everything from a Big Mac, to a touchdown, too.

What the fuck is wrong with being a Christian country and fighting for the benefit of your people?

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