Scientific Totalitarianism (our future post 2020) - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Continuation of viewtopic.php?t=156474

I am having visions...We're about to enter (The Force Awakens) the age of automation & scientific digital socialism.

Consumption driven socioeconomic edifice using weaponized behavioral psychology (advertising) to condition (cognitive encoding decoding targeting our brain's neuroplasticity) the global populace and its biological/cultural evolution. Technological planned obsolescence gradually graduating tyranny and incrementally implementing political strategy

Unification of bank, government, machine

Matrix money (electric current's currency) backed by nothing to prevent the natural cycle & collapse of Empire

The first global Empire to conquer the human mind/imagination and unite our thought realm with our physical reality

Machines mining data through centralized noosphere agencies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, to develop more 'intelligent' artificial intelligence

Military drones, commercial drones, pet drones, human drones. Robots & artificial intelligence rising...

Quantum computers (D-wave) will rewrite encryption code and replace the linear binary encryption methods

Internet of things will connect everything to the panopticon

Automated cars will replace human drivers taking the human element out of travel

The overpopulation debate slowly replaces global warming or climate change

Agricultural & ecological crisis popularize genetically modified organisms

Self-loathing & anti-human sentiment

Machine vs man vs machineman vs genetically enhanced machineman vs alien vs Earth vs Universe

Virtual reality and augmented reality will normalize transhumanist culture & make living in the 'matrix' cool/socially proper, as 'business as usual' goes online

Internet of noumena helping frontline pawns cope with phenomena

Clones monitored by smart homes

The adult film industry will back VR

Cashless society will emerge backed by energy based commerce

Bio metric & chip implants will dominate security (a piece in the mind for peace of mind)

Genetic modification, genetic design, replaceable organs, 3D printing

Abolition of family structure & gender confusion

Youth conform to new ideology reinforced through technological devices & bureaucratic indoctrination molded to accept the zeitgeist

Occult will & representation, revealed secret societies

Outside is inside thus inside is outside all ways & always

Energy based weapons, photon, plasma, etc

Slowly increase politically correct language while destroying literacy (critical thinking) language and philosophy

Dogma & world philosophy dominated by Darwinian materialism (termed science) to grow synchronized patterns of thought for the people living in Metropolis. Science pretends to abolish mystery, individual life is insignificant, you only live once so ignorance is bliss, consume, sleep, be happy. 1984's surveillance and language manipulation state mixed with Brave New World's manufactured bliss society

Complete divestment from oil, insurance charges penalty for oil/gas consuming vehicles, eventually outlawing traditional/manual vehicles. You must use smart internet connected auto-maton...

Politically incorrect thought will be deemed criminal and thrown under the errorist umbrella

Non-digital text outlawed in the name of eliminating radical beliefs

Nano technology

Control experiment, controlled opposition, controlled position

Problem, reaction, solution

Provocateur politics

Militarized mentality for political, corporate, and public affairs. The culture of fear divides humanity

Stagecraft for public consumption

You wake up one day & read your birth certificate and realize how empty your material is, the same topics reworded over and over again, commented on by co-somnambulists

The medium is the mass-age we're becoming machines afraid to exit the program

Our sacred temples become digital tombs

Education focuses on social engineering & perspective design while maintaining a supply (students) and demand (specialised corporate/state jobs) stimulating a functioning economy designed around central banking... unless robotic automation can produce a more efficient method of operation

Break-away civilization, new priest class of high science

CERN keeping discoveries secret (need to know basis)

Compartmentalized knowledge giving monopoly of information to computers or technocratic transhuman class

Digital socialism will eventually transform into a Technocratic police state with graduating levels of communism for the masses

Information pollutants

Pharmaceutical nutraceuticals

Automated policing

Precognitive methods of apprehension through advanced nonlocal algorithms

Classified technology (classified patents) developed for false alien invasion

Manufactured culture through the communication medium

Smart cities, fusion centers, assimilation parade

Learning what to think, instead of how to think

Telepathic psychotronics

Radiation levels increase

New diseases, old diseases reemerge

Cancer influenza

Climate problems create climate of fear adding to the political culture of fear

Food banks, seed banks, geoengineering, hidden vaccines

Overmen seek immortality...
Saeko wrote:You should play the Deus Ex series, in case you haven't already.
Thank you for the suggestion, but I played through the first modern installment and I'm not impressed. Stuff like that inadvertently celebrates scientific totalitarianism. The 'gamer' is like a character out of Lord of the Flies, totally immersed in an island of experience which reinforces the digital stasis and its lifestyle. Instead of nurturing the 'whole,' which includes body & soul, the gamer focuses in on mind and therefore slowly loses touch with reality. Video gamers (machine minds driven by artificial egos) begin to 'believe' in the fantasy island they visit, that which allows them to be in control of artificial interaction. Gamers pretend to survive inside digital realms, making decisions that exert zero influence over their unplugged reality. This hobby of escapism, trains monkey-minds to unconsciously accept mythic lifestyles, as they inhabit comic-book worlds which consume their sense of reality. Like rats in a maze, they are programmed to want many things. Eventually, the rat navigates the maze just to get its next 'fix,' as it pretends to have complete control over the outcome (or the island of experience), it seeks pleasure & fictional satisfaction, but it is not aware of the controlled experiment... Its life is now one series of prompt & command and the best outcome is always out of reach (because it is incapable of thinking outside of the box or maze). I sincerely feel for the poor litter's little critter.

"I want to grow up and be a drone operator"

"I want to upload my mind into a computer"

"This sucks, why can't I respawn, I want to live forever."
By RhetoricThug
See, Technology reinterprets our physical universe. I've been waiting for people to cover this philosophical takeover.

Beyond THX1138. Please excuse his hyperbole, the machine cosmology is real. :borg:

"Just to dumb it down. Silicon is square, it's a crystal, it's artificial, it doesn't go to another dimension. Life has memories & a transmission and is round. Life is round, real is organic, synthetic is artificial, and there's a synthetic invasion taking over." AKA, God's sphere vs Satan's cube.

Consider the information in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=161161&start=80
And this Thread: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=165397&p=14686680#p14686680
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 08 Oct 2016 22:09, edited 1 time in total.
People have been migrating into virtual reality for many decades now. We all know this is because capitalist materialism has demolished any sense of agency or purpose in people's lives. It is now considered more enjoyable to create alternative personas (such as on this web forum) where people can reproduce their fantasies of importance when compared with the dismal reality that wealth and power are controlled by a tiny elite and there is nothing left but meaningless spectacle.

The Alex Jones types and the other alarmists and conspiracy theorists are wasting their time. People in capitalist society will not stop deluding themselves, ever, so there is really nothing to say here at all. This is a fairly accurate vision of our future.

We all know this is because capitalist materialism has demolished any sense of agency or purpose in people's lives.
:roll: Let's be honest, we may cite several other reasons, capitalist materialism isn't the only influence demolishing our sense of agency/purpose. In-fact, capitalist materialism gave us many excellent things, and I wouldn't call our global market a free market. Sociologically, the 'controllers' decide what we want and what we need. This is guided evolution, not some natural market force.

It is now considered more enjoyable to create alternative personas (such as on this web forum) where people can reproduce their fantasies of importance when compared with the dismal reality that wealth and power are controlled by a tiny elite and there is nothing left but meaningless spectacle.
Yes, alternative personas harmlessly channel our energy. Alas, you admit that 'controllers' (a tiny elite) manipulate our reality, but you think the capitalist market is to blame? :eh: Perhaps you think they aren't as well organized as some people suggest, but if that is correct, how did they become 'controllers' in the first place?
The Alex Jones types and the other alarmists and conspiracy theorists are wasting their time.

So why do you post on Pofo? Aren't you wasting your time?
People in capitalist society will not stop deluding themselves, ever, so there is really nothing to say here at all. This is a fairly accurate vision of our future.
That's what they want you to think, MB...
I'm not impressed with your attempted hatchet job here Rhetoric Thug. Not impressed at all.

1) I'm not saying that a tiny elite control reality.
2) Aren't you saying that?

Rhetoric Thug wrote:Sociologically, the 'controllers' decide what we want and what we need. This is guided evolution, not some natural market force.

3) Capitalism does generate (materialistic) nihilism.

Rhetoric Thug wrote:capitalist materialism isn't the only influence demolishing our sense of agency/purpose.

Then what are the other things? You failed to mention any.
Perception---->Will power----->Action
"It never occurred to Darwin that it would be possible to program the environment."
MB. wrote:I'm not impressed with your attempted hatchet job here Rhetoric Thug. Not impressed at all.
I'm not here to impress you. Furthermore, what am I hacking up, scapegoat economics? "People didn't do this, capitalism did this!" :roll: The 'art' of social engineering is ancient, and capitalism be one of its many shape-shifting functions, since the end justifies the means. Culture is theater and we are role-players.

I'm not saying that a tiny elite control reality. Aren't you saying that?
Yes, because historically & statistically power shapes knowledge and knowledge shapes power. We don't have enough data (by design) to make educated comments, that is why we resort to personal levels of propaganda/politicking. In order to have civilization, we need to be structured hierarchically, with some kind of priest class at the top. The priest class can be described as 'noosphere magicians,' since they weave the spells which motivate the masses. Capitalism is an idea that channels human energy, but capitalism is just an implicit method or approach to the ongoing group equation. At any moment, one individual may decide to stop participating in the blueprint (equation), and create ripple effects (implicit differentiation/active application/real-time chain rule) which may send shock waves through the group, because you would have to recalculate derivatives that appear after each shock wave. Unfortunately, computers now automate the equation and efficiently manage the group, making it very difficult for individuals to become outliers or unformulated variables. The elite use science to socially engineer the human population.

If you follow my other work, you'll see that social engineering is now easy, because of the increasing number of calculations the computer can achieve/sustain. The masses are now disposable resources, instead of renewable resources, and planned obsolescence must be incrementally phased in. The elite do not need us, and capitalism simply accelerated innovation (that trickles down) for the last century. The currency rewired our current, and we are currently obsolete.

Capitalism does generate (materialistic) nihilism.
Abundance may create apathy, but I would not say that capitalism generates nihilism, as if it had to be mutually inclusive. The Self is very selfish, indeed.

Then what are the other things? You failed to mention any.
Sure, Capitalism as one blueprint may mobilize the family, media, education, etc.... But the family, media, and education can mobilize around new blueprints. Sure, weaponized psychology may trap us instinctively, but control systems start in the realm of perception. The reactionary Left seem jealous, they wish to be the imperial monster of the world. MB, I think you are stuck in a lower-field of awareness, you see solid substances, but your masters see malleable putty. ;)

I'll leave you with this:
"All narratives, including histories, are told by someone, for someone else, for a purpose, and not necessarily, or even frequently, is that purpose strictly to inform. There is a caveat commonly applied to intelligence report-writing which notes that a given source may have intended to 'influence as well as inform.' This formulation suggests there may be sources that intend purely to inform. I consider this contingency unlikely, as virtually every communication, particularly in the intelligence world, but in academic writing as well, intends to influence."

-Kelley, Patrick A. Imperial Secrets: Remapping the Mind of Empire. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic Intelligence Research, National Defense Intelligence College, 2008. Print. Page 3
Everything you've said suggests you see a grand design in the generation of nihilism.

Why don't you tell us what the telos of your "higher understanding" is?

Who are the priests in your model? Can you name them? What are their goals?
By RhetoricThug
MB. wrote:Everything you've said suggests you see a grand design in the generation of nihilism.
Everything is as it should be, or is it? People bleed violet (ether). Cognitive resonance vs cognitive dissonance...

Why don't you tell us what the telos of your "higher understanding" is?
“You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” -Galileo Galilei

Pieces of my higher understanding may be found here and there inside the noosphere. I shall say this: I will not be victimized by any fixed perspective, and I shall expose the builders of fixed perspective.

The telos of THE higher understanding: Sorcerers seek immortality.

Throughout the years, I've noticed this: When you tell someone about potential problems, they instantly ask you for solutions. Of course, this is one part of the core problem, MB. People expect other humans to provide them with all the right answers. They're not ready for freedom, they want to be enslaved by some form of congenial perception. How can the 'unbegun' understand their responsibilities, when they continue to nurture a beast of burden? My advice: stop paying attention to the 'surface symptoms.'

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers." -Thomas Pynchon

Who are the priests in your model? Can you name them? What are their goals?
Let me ask you this- In 1944, would you expect the short-order cook at the Los Alamos National Laboratory to know about the Manhattan project? Would he or she be able to tell you about the scientists and their goals? See, strategic thought compartmentalizes knowledge. Alas, you're asking me silly questions.

You may find something... someday. ;)
The principle of cause and effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to LAW; chance is but a name for LAW not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the LAW."- The Kybalion.

The Hermetists understand the art and methods of rising above the ordinary plane of cause and effect, to a certain degree, and by mentally rising to a higher plane they become causers instead of effects. The masses of people are carried along, obedient to environment; the wills and desires of other outward causes moving them about like pawns on the chessboard of Life. But the Masters, rising to the plane above, dominate their moods, characters, qualities, and powers, as well as the environment surrounding them, and become movers instead of pawns. They help to play the game of Life, instead of being played and moved about by other wills and environment. They use the principle instead of being its tools. The Masters obey the causation of the higher planes, but they help to rule on their own plane. In this statement there is condensed a wealth of hermetic knowledge- let him read who can.
-Hermes, Jane Ma'ati. Smith, and Three Initiates. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes: &, The Kybalion: Two Classic Books on Hermetic Philosophy. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

War is not solely physical... Truth is not solely physical... What about your soul?

Everything about this thread can basically be found in the film The Congress, and the novel The Futurological Congress by Stanislaw Lem. The idea is that as the conditions of this world become more and more abysmal and unbearable, why wouldn't we escape into a fantasy realm?

The best scene in the film, but shouldn't be seen until the film has been watched:
Spoiler: show
MB. wrote:Something I've noticed is that tinfoil hat conspirators can never explain their conspiracy because doing so invalidates the superficial authenticity it derives from its spookiness.
Why, is this somehow spooky, do you sleep with a nightlight on, MB? :lol: I guess you didn't read anything I wrote. I gave your questions some thought, you clearly skim over things that be pre-classified by societal perception. Look, MB. I'm not here to convince you, or offer up enough evidence to make the grade. We're not wearing tinfoil hats here, the fact remians, historically and statistically, life is about conrol and domination through information. How about you stick to your daytime television and surface symptoms. ;) Use your critical thinking skills, pal, if I/we had all the detials, 'they' wouldn't have proper control over knowledge, thus 'they' wouldn't be in power.

Everything about this thread can basically be found in the film The Congress, and the novel The Futurological Congress by Stanislaw Lem. The idea is that as the conditions of this world become more and more abysmal and unbearable, why wouldn't we escape into a fantasy realm?
Does this make you feel like you're contributing to this thread? Do you understand what art is, at its core? Perception--->Will---->Action. Material reality reflects the noosphere. The noosphere reflects material reality. Leonardo da Vinci wanted to fly because he observed the birds, Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World because of eugenics, Yevgeny Zamyatin wrote WE because of Stalin, PKD had visions of the future, the mind and material reality are not separate realms of experience. Hopefully we'll understand the connection sometime during the 21st century.

Observe the cognitive disconnect at play.
Saeko wrote:You should play the Deus Ex series, in case you haven't already.

MB. wrote:Wall-E! It's fairly accurate...

A lot of folks like to file away items of the imagination under 'entertainment,' because fictional ideas entertain possible realities. Yet, we fail to recognize art as psychological interior, gateways to our collective imagination. If video game designers are making things like the Deus Ex series, perhaps leading scientists are researching/developing the technologies found within the Deus Ex series?

BTW, why do you think totalitarian regimes traditionally target artists? Artists communicate reality through metaphor, they're theoretical physicists, and philosophers, with their own medium through which they express insight. I suppose you want an example.

Arthur C. Clarke: May 25, 1945: Sci-Fi Author Predicts Future by Inventing It ... atellites/

Here, this might go over your head- “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” - Mark Twain.
ralfy wrote:The future will be more like the nineteenth century due to lack of resources.
Sure, you made your point, but the phrasing is quite silly. The 19th century had been full of resources, but humans had yet to discover uses for their resources. We are not limited by physical models, we are limited by perception.

As for your sig- Einstein is noting the destructive force of our minds. Destruction is not some-kind inevitable human feature, it is one variable, and we must consider it. Nonetheless, try not to frame it as manifest destiny.

By 1860 nearly every state had sponsored a geological survey, and the United States Geological Survey, founded in 1879, became the most productive governmental research agency of the 19th century. "The payoff to its early topographical and metallurgical work had a lasting impact on popular appreciation of the practical benefits of scientific research," David and Wright have written.

American experts found many mineral deposits that weren't economically valuable at the time. Some had no known uses, others were too remote from markets or too low in quality.

The anthracite coal fields in eastern Pennsylvania weren't considered a valuable resource, for example, until someone figured out how to burn anthracite in place of higher grades of coal, David said. Uranium wasn't seen as valuable until relatively recently.

Unless we wipe out human intelligence, we'll be able to make use of available resources. Humans tend to be very resourceful, you know. This may seem rather platonic, but I will say this: The components of the computer had been here on Earth all along, we just had to 'think it through.' Ideas drive this world forward, my friend. Once again, information shapes power.
Brave Neuron World ingesting Soma?

The future of TV might be everyone taking hallucinogenic drugs, according to the head of Netflix.

The threats to the streaming TV company might not be Amazon or other streaming services, but instead “pharmacological” ways of entertaining people, Reed Hastings has said. ... 81416.html

No, this isn't conspiracy, this is your reality.
RhetoricThug wrote:Thank you for the suggestion, but I played through the first modern installment and I'm not impressed. Stuff like that inadvertently celebrates scientific totalitarianism. The 'gamer' is like a character out of Lord of the Flies, totally immersed in an island of experience which reinforces the digital stasis and its lifestyle. Instead of nurturing the 'whole,' which includes body & soul, the gamer focuses in on mind and therefore slowly loses touch with reality. Video gamers (machine minds driven by artificial egos) begin to 'believe' in the fantasy island they visit, that which allows them to be in control of artificial interaction. Gamers pretend to survive inside digital realms, making decisions that exert zero influence over their unplugged reality. This hobby of escapism, trains monkey-minds to unconsciously accept mythic lifestyles, as they inhabit comic-book worlds which consume their sense of reality. Like rats in a maze, they are programmed to want many things. Eventually, the rat navigates the maze just to get its next 'fix,' as it pretends to have complete control over the outcome (or the island of experience), it seeks pleasure & fictional satisfaction, but it is not aware of the controlled experiment... Its life is now one series of prompt & command and the best outcome is always out of reach (because it is incapable of thinking outside of the box or maze). I sincerely feel for the poor litter's little critter.

"I want to grow up and be a drone operator"

"I want to upload my mind into a computer"

"This sucks, why can't I respawn, I want to live forever."

For once, in this post, you speak to a lot of truths about escapism in modern society. Well put.
Blondie wrote:For once, in this post, you speak to a lot of truths about escapism in modern society. Well put.
Thank you for the kind words, Blondie! For once, I'm happy to see someone appreciate and comprehend my artistically inclined scientific übermensch mind. If you wish to worship RT, please dedicate a thread to my profile. I need overzealous acolytes to navigate my writings and interpret my wisdom, because ordinary people (God bless em) fail to understand such complex gravitas. In the future, we should establish a non-profit and fund an agricultural project down in Guyana.
RhetoricThug wrote: We are not limited by physical models, we are limited by perception.

The Surprisingly Large Energy Footprint of the Digital Economy

Every layer of complexity grafted onto previous layers of complexity makes the system more fragile. This wouldn't be so bad except for irreversibility embedded in each new gradient of system evolution. The automated clearing of financial transactions (one example among many) cannot devolve to an army of clerks - the required skills no longer exist.

The substrate that supports every single aspect of modern information economy is cheap energy via fossil fuel burning. There are indeed hard external limits to human action that have nothing to do with perception (other than the fact that we fail to perceive them).
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