Nationalist Group - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Private discussion areas.
By Americanroyalty
Focus is obvious, any interest?
annatar1914 wrote:Yes, I'm interested.

Great hopefully there will be more interest, lot's of issues to discuss. As per rules we need some absolutely corrupt members, but i'm sure there will be some interested parties.
By RhetoricThug
Pragmatic crypto-autocrat here, looking to establish my Tinker & Thinker party through blind-sided nationalism. Our aim is to indoctrinate each new child through Enlightenment training (public education). ET will be used to impress a love for knowledge, learning, wisdom, knowledge, learning, wisdom. All students will be taught how to live off the Earth holistically via minimalistic materialism. Our language system will be built around anti-hedonistic rhetoric and anti-impulse release formalism. Earth systems science along with our integrated bio-collectivity of academically adroit pupils, will guide our citizens to be very pro-social and psychedelic.

Not one thing will be compartmentalized, unified knowledge theory along with practiced typographic individualism will sustain our rational political equilibrium.
Acoustic experience will be provided by natural interfaces instead of artificial electronic mediums. Man will maintain one particular high degree of intimacy with his organic environment.
Objective willpower > subjective willpower
Sublime willpower is embodied by the living, Divine willpower is disembodied by the dead
You can only live forever through ideas

The word WANT doesn't exist.
Playing sport is dangerous and also a waste of life's energy
Competitiveness is a sign of poor mental health
Compulsiveness is a sign of poor mental health

State religion concerns only Mother Earth & Father Time, serving as Godly metaphors and our reason for the necessity of Earth worship. Imagine the moral rigidness of an Amish commune, then drop Acid into its municipal water supply, make Huxely's Doors of Perception widely available for reading, and finish each bedtime story with Boomers blooming while Father Time's Sun fizzles out and Mother Earth's womb drys up. Believe me, each Socratic Hippie will be hugging trees, smoking hash, composing great works of art, and exploring the mysteries of our celestial plane.

Intellectual property does not exist, the fragmented detached world that sexually abuses our Mother, Earth... Is expelled. The public domain dominates all public exchange, fueled by artists and free-thinking scientists. We do not require conformity, however, we do require inquiry. Ask too many questions and you may be sent to "The Island," which happens to be the rest of the world, dominated by resource predators, hucksters, fiat gangsters, and other hocus pocus pilgrims looking to steal your soul through bureaucratic crony capitalism. Although, those who leave for travel may not return, our national leader, who finds himself alienated during exponential growth and uncanny situations, exports well-informed malcontents to foreign nations in exchange for military protection.

Advertising is considered to be an act of mental aggression and is illegal.

There will be a Hall-of-Divine Oracles... History's greatest thinkers will become mythic idols for our young.
My fascist organization will survive for thousands of years after our contemporary absentminded consumer economy collapses.

I am looking to develop my society in secret, which leads me to this group.
Can I join? I am one well-versed propagandist. Wangle-wangle-wangle! I will use meticulously engineered culture to build Plato's Stoned Republic.

RhetoricThug, Pragmatic crypto-autocrat building Plato's Stoned Republic
Bulaba Jones wrote:Hopefully half of the candidates for this nationalist private user group don't end up banned within 6 months like the last one.

Political Interest wrote:I might be interested so long as nationalist is not National Socialist or fascist but genuinely patriotic and conservative.

That was specifically what I was thinking. The issues under discussion would regard nationalism not Fascism. But you don't have to identify with a specific ideology. If your a fan of Ho Chi Minh for example, you'd be more than welcome. Let's see how much interest we get rolling in (PM people who you might think would be interested, if you want).
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By Cromwell
Americanroyalty wrote:If you're a fan of Ho Chi Minh for example, you'd be more than welcome.

I certainly am a fan. I'm sympathetic to progressive expressions of nationalism. Unfortunately, there are not, currently, in England, any such examples. I'm not a racialist, however, nor am I a patriot (in the sense that I do not consider the nation-state to be a satisfying end, in and of itself).

I think nationalism can serve as an effective social myth; a motivational force, as it were. I imagine I'd be the furthest to the left if you were to admit me.
By Decky
I might be interested so long as nationalist is not National Socialist or fascist but genuinely patriotic and conservative.

Good luck with that PI, you will need it.
No interest in Welsh independence Decky?
By Decky
I would love to see an independent Wales, I take this piss out of them all the time of course like any right thinking person but they don't deserve to be under London's jackboot. That is perfectly doable under a socialist framework without any Naziesque shit so I have no interest in this group at all (well that's not entirely true, I plan to take the piss out of you in this thread at every opportunity if that counts as interest).
Decky wrote:That is perfectly doable under a socialist framework without any Naziesque shit so I have no interest in this group at all (well that's not entirely true, I plan to take the piss out of you in this thread at every opportunity if that counts as interest).

Good because:
Me wrote:The issues under discussion would regard Nationalism not Fascism.
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By quetzalcoatl
I'd be interested, with the codicil that nationalism does not equal fascism or US-style conservatism. My interest in nationalism is in establishing a counterweight to neo-liberalism/capitalist trans-nationalism, on the one hand, and Marxist internationalism, on the other. I'd actually be more interested in municipalism than nationalism, but you have to start somewhere.
quetzalcoatl wrote:I'd be interested, with the codicil that nationalism does not equal fascism or US-style conservatism. My interest in nationalism is in establishing a counterweight to neo-liberalism/capitalist trans-nationalism, on the one hand, and Marxist internationalism, on the other. I'd actually be more interested in municipalism than nationalism, but you have to start somewhere.

I'd be very interested in discussing this as I am not a conservative or even a fan of capitalism in its current state. Let me repeat this group is not a Fascist group in fact as far as I know no fascists have even expressed interest in this group yet. There is likely more Fascist sentiment in the SN-RF then in this group as it stands now.

Anyways rant over I'm glad for your interest this could be an very interesting place for discussion.
By Decky
There is likely more Fascist sentiment in the SN-RF then in this group as it stands now.

What have you been smoking, it was us that murdered the fuck out of them when the yanks couldn't be botherd to do anything, France and Poland had fallen and the UK was too busy oppressing its empire to properly fight the Germans.

After making an alliance that led to their near domination of Europe?
Didn't you guys just toss somebody out of your group for having Fascist sentiments?
By Decky
What a load of shit. The cowardly appeasement of the west lead to their near domination of Europe. The Soviets wanted an alliance to fuck Germany up when they first started causing trouble but the west didn't trust the Soviets and ignored them so the USSR had to fend for itself. If the capitalists had formed an alliance with the Soviets when they first asked then the Nazis could have been strangled in the cradle.

And Donald was kicked out because he become an religion nut and Tim was kicked out for being a dick in general more than any political stuff. I am afraid I can't reveal anymore.
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By Cromwell
Decky wrote:The cowardly appeasement of the west lead to their near domination of Europe. The Soviets wanted an alliance to fuck Germany up when they first started causing trouble but the west didn't trust the Soviets and ignored them so the USSR had to fend for itself. If the capitalists had formed an alliance with the Soviets when they first asked then the Nazis could have been strangled in the cradle.

This, unfortunately, the truth. Britain's policy towards Germany was ill thought-out, at best, and clownish, at worst. We sent mixed messages to Italy, for example, and ended up pushing them into the Axis camp.

France, also, saw the Soviet Union as a more reliable ally than Britain, at times.
By Decky
Well the royal family and the aristocracy loved Hitler so it's to be expected. We all know what Edward and Sir Oswald wanted.

The royal family should have been deported at the start of the first world war. They fact we gave then that chance and then a second chance when we didn't fuck them off at the start of the second world war is unforgivable.
I didn't say that the Soviet's were the only one to make mistakes. The USSR sold out an awful lot of German Communists though. But I do agree on the disbanding of the Monarchy though, just a bunch of inbred liabilities.

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