Cis (and other) Privilege - Politics | PoFo

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By Mikolaj
Is this really a thing??? Apparently, cisgender is when your gender matches your sex at birth. Because of this, you are supposed to be privileged because you don't have to go through what transgender, etc. people go through.

I think this is going too far - a kind of pissing contest between groups to see who is the most "oppressed." White male feminists self flagellate, and tell everyone to "check their privilege."

Guess what, everyone is part of some group in one way or another that has been oppressed. Stop acting like a victim who is constantly outraged.

I got so sick of this crap I unfollowed Salon, Slate, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, etc. I'm a Marxist and even I am fed up with this nonsense. No wonder the Left sucks.
There are a lot of problems with identity politics, but to suggest that transgendered people aren't looked down upon is silly. Really the entire affair could be shortened if we just condensed it all into straight white male privilege.
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By Nets
I think your kind are called "brocialists".
The concept of privilege isn't supposed to be about guilt. At base, it's basically an acknowledgement of a system of social advantages and disadvantages. It's kind of hard to argue that trans people aren't socially disadvantaged.
I once heard a tale about a Roman war hero who decided to run for office. When he showed the crowd the scars on his body gained over his long years in service to the Republic, the people wept. Then he started criticizing the patricians, and the people, caught up in righteous fury, cheered him. Then he attacked the senators. Then the generals. Then the tribunes. Then the priests. And so on. By the time he was done, the crowd had turned on him and ran him out of the city. He may or may not have been killed, I forgot the details.

But the point is, I think these privilege checkers have overplayed their hand. Moral indignation is the only trick up their sleeve, but it can only take you so far. When you criticize everyone, everyone becomes your enemy.
As someone who spends a little too much time in activist circles, I hear this expression "check your privilege" every now and again.

In my experience, the easiest way to avoid having this said to you is shutting up when you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not transgendered. I have no clue what it's like. I'm not going to go around telling trans people what they are going through or how they should deal with it. I'll wait for them to tell me.

From what I understand, it can be really harsh. Not like bullying and name calling, but like getting raped and killed harsh. I don't have to worry about that. Some people call that "privilege". They don't seem that wrong.
Pants-of-dog wrote:As someone who spends a little too much time in activist circles, I hear this expression "check your privilege" every now and again.

In my experience, the easiest way to avoid having this said to you is shutting up when you don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not transgendered. I have no clue what it's like. I'm not going to go around telling trans people what they are going through or how they should deal with it. I'll wait for them to tell me.

From what I understand, it can be really harsh. Not like bullying and name calling, but like getting raped and killed harsh. I don't have to worry about that. Some people call that "privilege". They don't seem that wrong.

We all have our own problems. Can I tell people who are wealthier than me, or those who are Caucasian, to check their privilege since I am a middle class Asian?

Lightman wrote:The concept of privilege isn't supposed to be about guilt. At base, it's basically an acknowledgement of a system of social advantages and disadvantages. It's kind of hard to argue that trans people aren't socially disadvantaged.

Except that SJWs and the modern left want it to be about guilt. Just look at the Affirmative action programs.
DrSteveBrule wrote:We all have our own problems. Can I tell people who are wealthier than me, or those who are Caucasian, to check their privilege since I am a middle class Asian?

It would depend on the situation, I guess.

DSB wrote:Except that SJWs and the modern left want it to be about guilt. Just look at the Affirmative action programs.

I think you would consider me a social justice warrior and part of the modern left. I hereby now tell you clearly that it is not about guilt. Don't feel guilty, just acknowledge that our society is unfair about some things, and some people are being treated unfairly.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
I think you would consider me a social justice warrior and part of the modern left. I hereby now tell you clearly that it is not about guilt. Don't feel guilty, just acknowledge that our society is unfair about some things, and some people are being treated unfairly.

While I don't have any qualms about pushing for a more tolerant society, some of the pro equality groups have gone too far in alienating the majority. Its good to suggest that a society should become more inclusive and welcoming, but suggesting that the existing framework is completely wrong and needs to be torn down is as destructive as suggesting that the status quo should be maintained. Hence why I can't completely agree with third wave feminism.
DrSteveBrule wrote:While I don't have any qualms about pushing for a more tolerant society, some of the pro equality groups have gone too far in alienating the majority. Its good to suggest that a society should become more inclusive and welcoming, but suggesting that the existing framework is completely wrong and needs to be torn down is as destructive as suggesting that the status quo should be maintained. Hence why I can't completely agree with third wave feminism.

As long as we agree that we are not asking you to feel guilty.

We are simply asking you to treat everyone who is not hurting anyone else with respect and dignity, and acknowledge that society still has prejudices that make it harder for some groups.
Mikolaj wrote:Is this really a thing???

Gender and sex-based identity politics is ridiculously over-represented in the media/public debate and therefore in people's minds. It is perhaps only dwarfed by race/ethnicity.

It's very tiresome, to put it mildly.
Here's another example, that video "10 hours walking in NYC as a woman." It started off as a good concept. Street harassment IS a real issue. But there are issues:

1. People are now complaining that there were no white men in it. The creator said something along the lines of "there were white men, but for whatever reason, the sound was garbled, you didn't get good shots, or something like that. If they were smart, they would just release the whole thing (assuming there actually were 100 instances) so we can see these hordes of white catcallers. My guess there aren't because they were all at fucking work. Most of the types in the video were lower class minorities. Not to say that white men don't or can't catcall. When I was in Spain, I couldn't believe how much it happened. But these videos bring me to the next issue..

2. These videos are always aimed at people who are not the problem. People like me know about this stuff. I know because my facebook feed has been clogged at an alarming rate, especially over the past year or so, from feminist lectures from Slate, Salon, Huffington Post, Alternet, etc. telling me to "check my privilege." I have an idea, if someone catcalls you, how about telling them to their face how fucking annoying and gross it is? But these mentally imbalanced street people don't have internet connections, and it's just easier to take the lazy activism route and slap a video up and forget it.
Pants-of-dog wrote:As someone who spends a little too much time in activist circles, I hear this expression "check your privilege" every now and again.

I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you mean actual activists, rather than the psuedo-activists of the Tumblr generation.

Let me assure you, 'Check your provilege' is the warcry of the Tumblr generation of social justice zealots.

If you haven't looked at what the kids are doing, PoD, you ought to get yourself on Twitter and Tumblr. You'll see then why those of us on the Right are confident that social "progress" is going to come to a radical halt.
The concept of privilege isn't supposed to be about guilt. At base, it's basically an acknowledgement of a system of social advantages and disadvantages. It's kind of hard to argue that trans people aren't socially disadvantaged.

It is certainly implied. Why do they choose to talk of the mainstream as "advantaged" rather than the minority as "disadvantaged".

It is trollish and probably counter productive.

Not that I especially care which way round it is. Its just more evidence how annoying people who come up with these terms are.
Thompson_NCL wrote:I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you mean actual activists, rather than the psuedo-activists of the Tumblr generation.

Let me assure you, 'Check your provilege' is the warcry of the Tumblr generation of social justice zealots.

If you haven't looked at what the kids are doing, PoD, you ought to get yourself on Twitter and Tumblr. You'll see then why those of us on the Right are confident that social "progress" is going to come to a radical halt.

The young activists with which I hang out with in person are also active on Tumbler and Twitter and other social media networks.

And they would not be hesitant about calling me out if I said something stupid. They seem fine.


layman wrote:It is certainly implied.

No. I don't think so. I think the term "white guilt" is an invention of conservatives and other critics of activists. Guilt would be counter-productive more than anything else. If white people actually do feel guilty about racism, I would prefer they stay home and deal with their issues before coming out to help with the struggle against racism.

layman wrote: Why do they choose to talk of the mainstream as "advantaged" rather than the minority as "disadvantaged".

It is trollish and probably counter productive.

Not that I especially care which way round it is. Its just more evidence how annoying people who come up with these terms are.

I have never heard this particular phrasing, nor do I see why anyone would see it as being important. Also, I don't understand why you would dismiss an entire social movement based on egalitarianism just because of a single semantic issue.
Because it pisses off poor/working class types to be told they are privileged when they consider themselves to be anything but.

It works better with middle class guardian-reader types but then they are won over anyway.

Semantics are important when it comes to strategy.

I don't understand why you would dismiss an entire social movement

I didnt actually. I am pointing out many people do, especially at the poorer and of the "white privleged" spectrum.
layman wrote:Because it pisses off poor/working class types to be told they are privileged when they consider themselves to be anything but.

It works better with middle class guardian-reader types but then they are won over anyway.

Semantics are important when it comes to strategy.

Again, my job is not to coddle people's emotions. Sometimes the truth is unpleasant. The average poor white working class male is more privileged than the average poor black working class woman. If it bothers people to have that pointed out to them, then we are going to bother people.
Again, my job is not to coddle people's emotions. Sometimes the truth is unpleasant. The average poor white working class male is more privileged than the average poor black working class woman. If it bothers people to have that pointed out to them, then we are going to bother people.

You expect people to coddle to the emotions of certain groups all the time. Not offending American Indians by wearing their tradional clothes for costume etc. Avoiding certain words.

But yeah, carry on telling the poor white family (who perhaps just lost their job/house) that they are privelged and extra big losers for that reason
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