Why the US is drives itself towards a strategic mistake. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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There are multiple reasons that, why while in the meantime, the current global affairs and ongoing conflicts
may indeed indicate, they do not in no way ensure the outcome the enforcement,
of US policy makers long held plan for absolute hegemony.
In fact there is a long list of reasons that the execution of this plan is leading the US towards what we call Strategic Mistake.
It may even be as long as my first sentence.

Dont get me wrong here. Brzezinski, Kissinger and the rest where exceptional and cunning strategists. And
the whole plan to encircle Russia and the Miiddle east regime change, and the use of Islam, etc etc was solid.
Along the years though many game changers have popped up. Others as a direct result of serious mistakes and others
as a result of opponent moves that the US powergamers failed to anticipate.
Everything leads to what every sane analyst in the world today will tell you.
At the time being. The US can not effectively engage the Russians or the Chinese let alone both without blowing up the world.
The ime frame isnt getting better either. And both these countries if we even skip the nukes can seriously harm the US military machine. Even cripple it. A thing that none ever anticipated. Most Russian and Chinese equipment are junk but not all.
And some can even match the American tech.

Mistake list
1. They didn't anticupate an economic crisis to chase them along the way. The restrictions of the available actions to attack Russia and China without hurting the US econmy.
2. They didn't anticipate the Chinese economy to grow so strong. In fact they thought it would collapse.
3. They didn't expect the undermining of the US petrol Dollar as a currency.
4. They didn't exepect that US military tech could ever be matched. Due to the fact that for a long time it held first place with what it seemed as light years of distance with other countries.
5. As a result of the 4. US grew to overconfident. And for a long time has kept new applyable tech from emerging. To keep it for the future. Leading in a stall in development. Now it has no time to effectively test and apply new tech in the field. Time is running up. The ones like global strike. Hypersonic speed platforms and so on.
6. They falsely placed most of their chips on the Stelth tech. And all to waste. Stelth is dead.
7. They didn't anticipate Russia to manage to be able to power up so it can present an opponent.
8. They didn't anticipate the Chinese to catch up so quickly on tech. Didnt anticipate the espionage.
The list goes on..
To be continued..
And is this kind of talk that usually leads to mistakes. The feeling of invincibility. That no one can touch us.
No one takes the American military might lightly.
Especially me. USA is number 1 and multiple steps ahead.
With 11 carrier groups battle ready. Well no one would want to piss them off would they.
Now on the other hand its another thing if they come knocking on your door.
Let me be clear about something here. I dont side with either the US the Chinese or the Russians.
I Do not care who prevails in this power game. I neither want to speak Mandarin tomorrow,
or get ruled by the gangster Russians, but i neither want to see the US security status Quo being shred into pieces.
And what we see now is the status quo of world security being torn imto pieces and the only reason being,
the total Incompetence of some Washington fools that cant tell left from right.
Now that being said. And without underestimating no one. The fact is unless the US have some secret weapon
that can wipe out both Russ and China in the blink of an eye, then I am afraid the answer is no, the US are not light years ahead in applied field weapons tech. And what that means is in case of a war ofcourse the US would win both cointries together. But they would do so in great cost. They wouldnt be able to bare the cost. Nukes would drop. Millions would die.
And in the end while the war would have began with a pax americana it would end without one.

The point of this Thread isn't to undervalue or downgrade no one.
Its to analyse if my first post is correct or wrong. What parts are correct and what wrong. And why.
Is what I see as the pressing of a 20year old plan at this time without recalculating the overall changes in the parameters
right or wrong in the end? And where would you see it leading.

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