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Private discussion areas.
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By Donna

This is a member group for the (co-)religion-ist[a]s of Politics Forum.

The criteria for joining is:

-You consider yourself a practitioner of one of the world's major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of one of the world's minor religions (Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahá'í, Zoroastrianism, etc.)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of natural religion (Shamanism, Druidism, Animism, Wicca, Vodun, etc.)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of spiritualism or occultism (Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Ancient Wisdom religion, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, New Age, etc.)

Irreligious atheists and scientific materialists need not apply. This also includes scientific materialists who strongly identify with cultural-religious categories.
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By Potemkin
The criteria for joining is:

-You consider yourself a practitioner of one of the world's major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of one of the world's minor religions (Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, Bahá'í, Zoroastrianism, etc.)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of natural religion (Shamanism, Druidism, Animism, Wicca, Vodun, etc.)
-You consider yourself a practitioner of spiritualism or occultism (Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Ancient Wisdom religion, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, New Age, etc.)

I once had a mystical vision of Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec God of Death, while tripping balls on magic mushrooms. Does that count?
By Decky
They don't seem to want us Roman Catholic atheists Fasces. It is bollocks, I would happily fight and die for our Church and our people if the 30 years war flared again but not beliving in god is some kind of problem?
Just so everyone is aware, Cart and I are NOT able to create new usergroups.

This does not mean new ones can not be created, simply that the process will take longer.

By all means, carry on!
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By Potemkin
Only if you subsequently became a devotee.

I have pledged my very soul to his service.
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By Potemkin
Potemkin, I thought you were a Daoist?

The sacred mushrooms never lie, Donald. Besides, Daoism has always been a syncretic religion. If the Chinese Celestial Masters can perform shamanic rituals and worship folk-divinities, then surely there's room for my worship of the Aztec blood-gods.
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By Donna
I seem to recall you speaking about this vision of Mictlantecuhtli last summer. For the sake of the development of the members' list, what label would you attach to yourself?
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By Potemkin
Donald wrote:I seem to recall you speaking about this vision of Mictlantecuhtli last summer.

Some time in the near future, human history will be dated from that epoch-making event.

Donald wrote: For the sake of the development of the members' list, what label would you attach to yourself?

What label? How about "Do not operate heavy machinery. May cause drowsiness"?

Dagoth Ur wrote:I like Daoism too. Plus it jibes with Islam most of the time.

Daoism jibes with everything most of the time, Dagoth. That's what makes it so awesome.
I am going to participate.

May I join?
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By noemon
Me too.

Old Calendarist Greek Orthodox(family I was born into and raised).

My philosophy though syncretises Hermeticism, Hinduism and Hellenism.

So "Old Calendarist Orthodox Hellenist" would do.
Mahayana Buddhism
Eastern Esoteric Philosophy

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