Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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layman wrote:The smarter breeds of dogs seem to require even more attention. My friend had a few sheepdogs and they needed like 5 walks a day and got all stressed when you left them alone

I think it has more to do with their energy level than their intelligence, though. Sheepdogs were bred for herding, which demanded lots of energy from the dogs. Same goes for border collies. My parents had a labrador retriever (pic related) when I was a kid, and she was rather intelligent whenever there was food involved. She didn't really require a lot of exercise, though.
Alpha/S. wrote:Cats can shit in a box.

Some cats can't even manage that.

They are probably the most unhygienic animals to keep as pets.

After they shit, they then lick their arseholes, then lick their paws and finally walk on your kitchen work surfaces.

Dogs eat the shit from other dogs, and cats. They lick their asses, and genitals, and then lick your face. Don't talk to me about cats being hygienic!
Funny that Fig doesn't see the difference between socialization skill, and raw intelligence.

Dogs are not widely regarded as smarter, that is simply incorrect.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:Cats v dogs gets 3pages of replies?? hmm

Sadly, it is mostly three pages of idiocy! Speaking as an animal lover who has had cats and dogs as long as I have been out living on my own, I am stunned by idiots who get either a cat or a dog, and can't be bothered to learn about them or accept them the way they are.

Cats are more self-reliant than dogs, since they are not pack hunters, but the clowns who complain about their cats being cold and indifferent, and only wanting food or to go outside, have never taken the time to learn about small cats and realize that they cannot adapt to our needs and whims. They have simpler minds than dogs and according to animal behaviourists, likely see us as giant cats and expect us to behave like giant cats....all I know is that if you come home late at night and no lights are on in the house, and accidentally bump into him or step on his tail, he gets pretty pissed off. He thinks: 'I can see you, why the hell can't you see me, you idiot!

Dogs may not have our intellectual capabilities, but they have all of the emotional intelligence that any human possesses, and their emotional range and empathy are why we can form close bonds with dogs that we cannot do with cats. Dogs may be adaptable, and they try to get along with and try to please the worse kinds of people....that cats wouldn't be bothered with! So, it makes me sick when someone gets a dog who doesn't really have the time or the capacity to give that dog the kind of routine that he needs to live a happy, healthy life.

So, that's my piece! I love both cats and dogs, so all the haters of either of them can go to hell!
Godstud wrote:Most people are not HATING one, but thinking one is superior to the other. Take a chill pill, work-in-progress.

Yeah, what would you call talk about shooting dogs for fun or the similar shit about cats on this thread? I don't think even the less extreme posts have any redeemable qualities, because their attempts to try to appear amusing and funny betray a lack of respect for living creatures. The comments say more about the people than it does about cats or dogs!
I'm sure it is; animals tend to taste like what you feed it, so I have to wonder what an obligate carnivore, like a cat, tastes like. Perhaps a bit like chicken, or crocodile? I sort've imagine dog would be something between turkey and beef.
Figlio di Moros wrote:I'm sure it is; animals tend to taste like what you feed it, so I have to wonder what an obligate carnivore, like a cat, tastes like. Perhaps a bit like chicken, or crocodile? I sort've imagine dog would be something between turkey and beef.

Really?That grilled sirloin I had last week tasted nothing like grass and fodder.
I have two dogs, and had two cats that died last spring about 2 months apart at 15 and 17 yrs. My dog is always with me. He is good at pattern recogniton, so teaching him to fetch the (horse) pails in from the paddocks was easy for him. He knew without my having to instruct him to take the pails up to the garden tap behind the house (there are hot and cold taps, so washing pails and cars and horses is easier there). He'll carry stuff for me all day, even herd the foals. He's part boarder collie. A borderline collie, if you will.

He is protective of me, too. He and my husband have isues....


You can 'toilet train' dogs. Take your new puppy outside, on a lead, every hour or two, to the spot you want him or her to use. Hang out there till they've done the deed, praise heartily. At bed time, put them in their kennel / cage. they won't soil their bed. Just make sure getting them outside as soon as you get up is job 1. It doesnt take them long to figure it out. A good spot is near the compost box. Spade over the soil, or put down sawdust. Animals dont like urine splashing on their legs, so a surface that perculates suits them. periodicaly, shovel the waste into the back of the compost box. easy peasy.

My loving and playful cats' absence is noticible. We now have rabbits and rodents up the wazoo because the rat patrol is missing.

Rats are more active at night, and in urban situtions, they're happy in nice, warm compost boxes. Haven't seen any in your neighbourhood? Someone's cat is doing its job well.
Last edited by Stormsmith on 21 Jun 2013 02:41, edited 1 time in total.
Figlio di Moros wrote:I forgot, the nation that produced such literary genius as Swift is known for taking everything to it's literal extremes.

I'm sorry but as hard as I looked I couldn't find any metaphors or double meanings in that statement so I just took it literally. Maybe you would like to enlighten me.

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