Satire for February 2013 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Quantum
Ignite wrote:Image

I love how the cartoon portrays Fox against the 'liberal' when in reality they all work together and espouse the same liberal capitalist agenda. Remember when CNN supported the coup against the legitimately elected Chavez?
By Ignite
Quantum wrote: Remember when CNN supported the coup against the legitimately elected Chavez?

Now that's some awesome satire!

Kman wrote:Being a libertarian on Pofo.


Haha so true. Most of them are wet behind the ears college kids (talking about people in general on PoFo). Not like there is anything wrong with that but they don't know any better yet. Plus they've been more or less trained to react that way. Oh well.
By Quantum
Ignite wrote: Remember when CNN supported the coup against the legitimately elected Chavez?

What satire? The elections weren't rigged. Chavez barely won the election and his party is in danger of losing seriously when he bites the dust. Venezuela is full of brown people, so naturally they support Chavez and his policies. Far more legitimacy than treacherous pricks like Barack Obama and David Cameron, the latter not even winning a majority in Parliament.
Quantum wrote:David Cameron, [...] not even winning a majority in Parliament.

That's a bit misleading, since it implies a minority government.

  • David Cameron heads a coalition government because he has the support of the Liberal Democrats to do so. Ergo he does have a majority in Parliament.
  • As British Prime Ministers go David Cameron's mandate is actually better than most, since the coalition received 59% of the popular vote, which is somewhat better than even Tony Blair in his first term (who had a huge majority of 179 with only 43.2% of the popular vote).
By Quantum
Siberian Fox wrote:That's a bit misleading, since it implies a minority government.

  • David Cameron heads a coalition government because he has the support of the Liberal Democrats to do so. Ergo he does have a majority in Parliament.
  • As British Prime Ministers go David Cameron's mandate is actually better than most, since the coalition received 59% of the popular vote, which is somewhat better than even Tony Blair in his first term (who had a huge majority of 179 with only 43.2% of the popular vote).

Yes, it's a bit misleading of me to compare a presidential government to a parliamentary government but my point is that the majority of British voters didn't want this outcome and the FPTP system benefits Labour and the Conservatives.
Quantum wrote:my point is that the majority of British voters didn't want this outcome

That statement is true of of every British government since the Tories were re-elected in 1935 under Stanley Baldwin. At the previous election in 1931 they received 55.0% of the popular vote.

That's constituency first-past-the-post representative democracy for you. However, when asked if they wanted something fairer in 2011 the electorate said no - a classic example of tyranny of the majority (the Tory-Labour bias in the system you point out) and why referendums on rights and freedoms for minorities (such as here - reducing de-facto disenfranchisement) are folly. It does nothing but give a veneer of legitimacy to what is a fundamentally unfair system.
By republicuk
Siberian Fox wrote:However, when asked if they wanted something fairer in 2011 the electorate said no

It may have been a no to AV but it wasn't necessarily a yes for FPTP. I bet most of the British people at the time didn't understand what FPTP or AV was, and still don't. I'm sure if they were more educated on it then it would of been a yes to AV or at least a no to FPTP.

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