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By Dave
You acknowledge that vegans tend to be maladjusted, but couldn't refrain from knocking those with sense from this thread owing your terminal case of proletarian spongiform encephalitis.

Taste in humans is not completely arbitrary. Naturally there are different preferences and always will be, but we are hardwired to enjoy certain kinds of tastes in general and these tastes relate to what we needed to eat as cavemen--no different than any other animal. My mother is a strong believer in the lipid hypothesis so I didn't eat things such as bacon and butter until I was an adult--and I love them. There's a reason you don't find many people loving the taste of feces.

Vegetables and fruits in general cannot even provide the necessary caloric intake because they are very low in macronutrient density. They are in general necessary, but the reason is for necessary micronutrients not present in meat, grains, potatoes, or legumes (all of which are dense in macronutrients). Big surprise, Demosthenes is once again totally clueless about something he deigns to talk about.

Super food is a marketing concept, not something which has anything to do with nutrition.
By Ignite
Anyways in regards to the topic, I always thought that this video is right on with vegetarianism, vegetarians and people who get all up in arms about vegetarians and vegetarianism:

Last edited by Ignite on 11 Aug 2012 21:49, edited 2 times in total.
By Ignite
Blue Puppy wrote:I'm back to eating meat because I was hungry but I don't feel ashamed of myself or anything. It was an interesting experiment :)

Well at least you gave it an honest try so kudos to you!
By Decky
I'm back to eating meat because I was hungry but I don't feel ashamed of myself or anything. It was an interesting experiment

You shouldn't feel ashamed for eating meat, you should only feel ashamed that you stopped. Welcome back from the dark side.
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By Donna
Unfortunately my body has a lot of difficulties managing vegetarianism and I feel ill if I go without mammalian meat for longer than two weeks. I do however support the education that many vegetarians/vegans promote, which is critical of factory farming, genetically modified foods, corporate patents, and other issues pertaining to capitalism and food production. The animal rights movement has a lot sectarian shits, though.
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By QatzelOk
With a Big Mac hanging out of his mouth, Donald wrote:I do however support the education that many vegetarians/vegans promote

Yesterday, an obese woman driving alone in a massive SUV stopped at an intersection to let me cross on my bike. It was probably the "greenest" thing she had all day.

As I passed her, she said: " I never cycle or walk myself, but I do however support the education that many cyclists promote," and then floored it and sped off, leaving a cloud of diesel smoke as her calling card.
By Wolfman
We have no alternatives for the average consumer then gasoline, corn ethanol, and diesel. Diesel is the least of all three evils, and is therefor the most desirable.
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By QatzelOk
Wolfman wrote:We have no alternatives for the average consumer then gasoline, corn ethanol, and diesel. Diesel is the least of all three evils, and is therefor the most desirable.

Yes, and between pork, beef, and chicken, it is the poultry that is the least evil.

And yet I don't eat that one either because none of them are necessary.
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By Godstud
I have a friend who eats fish, and avoids all other meats. He's very fit and muscular.

I only buy what I can purchase at the local market here, and it's all fresh. The fish are still alive when you get them, with most being from fish farms locally. You can't always get things you want, because they might not have slaughtered a cow the previous day, but you can get fresh produce and food.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, and between pork, beef, and chicken, it is the poultry that is the least evil.

And yet I don't eat that one either because none of them are necessary.

Eh? How is poultry superior to, say, venison or buffalo or elk?
By Ignite
Godstud wrote:I have a friend who eats fish, and avoids all other meats. He's very fit and muscular.

Your friend is a pescetarian ( I've thought about going that route. I love fish and the times when I have been vegetarian in my life the thing I missed the most was fish. I've also heard that with a rigorous workout schedule the benefits are extremely high with pescetarianism.
By Wolfman
Yes, and between pork, beef, and chicken, it is the poultry that is the least evil.

And yet I don't eat that one either because none of them are necessary.

Except for those times when you have to get 60 miles for work.
By Wolfman
Well, until that magical day when a schizophrenic fixes all of the worlds problems, I occasionally have to drive 60 miles for work, with my options being gasoline, corn ethanol, or diesel.
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By QatzelOk
Wolfman wrote:Well, until that magical day when a schizophrenic fixes all of the worlds problems, I occasionally have to drive 60 miles for work, with my options being gasoline, corn ethanol, or diesel.

Then your options are all poison.

Do you see that this is a terrible systemic problem, or are you just going along to get along?
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