Vegetarianism - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By Rainbow Crow
I traded my iPhone to radio shack for a sizable solar energy rig. I made an earlier attempt at solar energy that failed, but I did some more research, am going to set up a 12 volt deep cycle battery, got LED light bulbs instead of normal light bulbs, sold my big screen TV and replaced it with a projector system (which is even bigger while using less electricity) and maybe some other things that I'm forgetting.

Then I read an article where when one person goes "green" it lowers the cost of non-green energy and food sources an applicable amount leading other people to consume more, meaning that the net impact on the environment remains the same. :( It's like cock blocking your conscience.
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By Red_Army
I like vegetarian food, but I'm lazy and also enjoy meat. Vegetarians can be cool, but its annoying when they're PETA-preachy types or people who insist that they are vegetarian/vegan, but 'cheat' occasionally.
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By SpecialOlympian
Hitler was a vegetarian. He also liked meth-amphetamine.

If you choose to be a vegetarian, make sure to replace lost animal proteins with meth so that you don't feel drained.
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By Smertios

Now tell me you aren't one :lol:
By mikema63
I'm out, causes psychological problems down the line I hear, don't need any more of those. ;)
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By Smertios
mikema63 wrote:I'm out, causes psychological problems down the line I hear, don't need any more of those. ;)

Try I-Doser instead, then :D
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By Brother of Karl
I tried being a vegetarian once. I lasted about 3 days but I was dealing with some stress at the time and ended up eating a hamburger. Maybe I should try again... It's hard to eat vegetarian all the time without cooking all your own food.

In the meantime, I eat less meat than I used to, and I cut down on dairy since I'm lactose intolerant.
Brother of Karl wrote:I tried being a vegetarian once. I lasted about 3 days but I was dealing with some stress at the time and ended up eating a hamburger. Maybe I should try again... It's hard to eat vegetarian all the time without cooking all your own food.

In the meantime, I eat less meat than I used to, and I cut down on dairy since I'm lactose intolerant.

I haven't cooked for months, literally, 'because the fuckin' heat here is so brutal lately & I don't have a.c. & I don't need my pad to be any warmer than it is. I just eat fruit, lots of re-fried beans, vegetarian chili, milk, nuts, cheese & crackers, yogurts, cottage cheese, cereal, etc. I eat out less than every other day.... so, yeah. It's pretty easy to do.
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By Brother of Karl
It sounds like your diet consists mostly of raw and/or plain uncombined ingredients, and canned food. I guess it would be easier if I gave up my snobbery of expecting a cooked meal or sandwich twice a day, cause I grew up with home cooked meals every day. It doesn't matter though because I love cooking.

I knew some raw foodists and fruitarians when I lived in Hawaii. I don't like to make generalizations, but fruitarians are batshit crazy people.
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By Tigerlily
You don't need it, you just really want it. There is a difference and unless you can identify that difference, it will very very difficult for you to stick with vegetarianism.

A good way to make the transition easier is to take a slow approach. Every month, or every week, cut out one animal product from your diet. Start with the stuff you don't eat very often and on the last week/month, finally eliminate what you eat the most of.

Example using a monthly process:
Month 1: Cut out pork and pork products, including bacon, sausages, deli meats, processed meats containing pork

Month 2: Cut out beef and beef products, including beef broth, hot dogs, sausages, any processed meat containing beef

Month 3: Cut out poultry and poultry products, including chicken broth, and any processed meat containing poultry

Month 4: Cut out fish, shellfish, molluscs, and other edible sea creatures you may eat

Month 5: Begin reading labels and ingredients, cutting out any non-vegetarian ingredients such as gelatine (marshmallows, jello, some yogurts, cheap desserts, low-fat ice cream, etc), lard (not common any more due to it's general unhealthiness, but it is found in some baked goods and some old school fry places still deep fry in lard), rennet (in many cheeses, although a microbial or rennet-free process is being used in many commercial cheeses--this is a debatable ingredient amongst vegetarian circles, actually). PETA actually has a very inclusive and exhaustive list of any possible animal ingredients you may encounter, it is designed for vegans who eschew all animal products, but it is useful for vegetarians too. At this point, you may also want to think about eliminating beauty and toiletry products made by companies that test on animals and/or contain non-vegetarian ingredients.

I will offer you some resources on being vegetarian. Many people fail at being vegetarian because they think they can just do it cold turkey, over night, without any planning. Being a vegetarian is not just cutting out the meat and just eating the side vegetables, leaving a huge hole in your plate. Or even worse, replacing all meat with cheese (hello weight gain!). If you want to be vegetarian and healthy, you have to plan, organize, and be mindful about why you're doing it.

Many vegetarian websites and resources are actually vegan, so many of these guides assume you will want to be vegan someday. You don't have to be. You may choose to ignore the vegan suggestions or preferably, read up on veganism as well, because as a healthy vegetarian you will be eating many vegan meals (whether or not you planned on it or not).

I will offer some more PETA links. This is not support for PETA and any users wishing to argue about PETA may do so in another thread. PETA's tactics may not be for everyone, however, their websites are very useful to new vegetarians. ... n-101.aspx ... ogoVeg.htm ... -eat-meat/

Note: Click on the links, don't copy and paste, as Pofo shortens the URL.
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By Section Leader
Tigerlily wrote:Example using a monthly process:
Month 1: Cut out pork and pork products, including bacon, sausages, deli meats, processed meats containing pork

Month 2: Cut out beef and beef products, including beef broth, hot dogs, sausages, any processed meat containing beef

Month 3: Cut out poultry and poultry products, including chicken broth, and any processed meat containing poultry

And pray tell me what one eats instead.

I need dead animal flesh.
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By Tigerlily
Vegetables, fruits, grains (bread, rice, pasta, etc), beans and pulses, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, soy products like tofu and tempeh, vital wheat gluten/seitan (which many faux meats are made from), sweets and desserts...

Here's a vegetarian meal plan I've just devised at the top of my head.

Bowl of cereal with milk
Fresh fruit like a banana
Tea or coffee

Morning snack:
Granola bar
...or whatever you normally have

Egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread
Carrot sticks and celery

Afternoon snack:
Cheese and crackers
...or whatever you normally have

Stir fried veggies, with your choice of vegetarian protein (edamame is a good option for those who dislike the texture of tofu)
Brown rice
A few vegetable spring rolls

Ice cream sandwich
By Decky
need beef

Then have some, you are a human not a rabbit.
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By Section Leader
Tigerlily wrote:Vegetables, fruits, grains (bread, rice, pasta, etc), beans and pulses, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, soy products like tofu and tempeh, vital wheat gluten/seitan (which many faux meats are made from), sweets and desserts...

Here's a vegetarian meal plan I've just devised at the top of my head.

Ewwwwww, horrible.
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By Noelnada
What do you think about insects as food ?

There are some experiments here in Belgium on insect farming, it could solve some nutritional problems. Do you consider it as meat or ?
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By Brother of Karl
Noelnada wrote:What do you think about insects as food ?

There are some experiments here in Belgium on insect farming, it could solve some nutritional problems. Do you consider it as meat or ?

I am very interested in insects as a source of food. We should farm them en masse for a cheap and healthy source of protein.
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