What does Chilean communist Camila Vallejo think about Cuba? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Soulflytribe wrote:The malicious communists, the ones who know that communism doesn't work, but still use it thinking solely about their own personal gains (Camila Vallejo) should be treated with pure hate, disdain and despise, like enemies. We should not feel any pity towards those people. They should be shown as what they really are: people who are not different from the nazis and that wouldn't mind destroying whole countries in order to revenge their personal underachievements. Communists should be hated! We should always point the finger at them and say it loudly what they are: murderers.

The other group, the uneducated ignorant peoples who have a romantic view about communism should be enlightened. The internet is a fantastic weapon to do that.

The first thing a free citizen who want to fight for a free world should do is to learn how to differentiate the two groups and to be certain that this is a war.

Latin Americans have experience with communists... You know how dangerous they can be, and how much they ruin countries!!! Look how the commies like Dilma have held Brazil back for 20 years. Evo is turning Bolivia into a banana republic and Hugo... Hugo has about two or three breaths left.
Latin Americans have experience with communists... You know how dangerous they can be, and how much they ruin countries!!! Look how the commies like Dilma have held Brazil back for 20 years. Evo is turning Bolivia into a banana republic and Hugo... Hugo has about two or three breaths left.

Dilma during the 70's was part of a terrorist group called "COLINA" which wanted nothing less than to implement a communist regime in Brazil similar to what Cuba has. If her terrorist group had won the war, I would not be using a computer today and maybe I wouldn't even have enough food to eat, similarly to what happens in Cuba. Those son of a bitches wanted for us a real "communist paradise", indeed.
Thank God Dilma is a self-proclaimed "moderated commie" now, yet she's still dangerous and her policies are making the country develop at a slow pace.
Soulflytribe wrote:
Dilma during the 70's was part of a terrorist group called "COLINA" which wanted nothing less than to implement a communist regime in Brazil similar to what Cuba has. If her terrorist group had won the war, I would not be using a computer today and maybe I wouldn't even have enough food to eat, similarly to what happens in Cuba. Those son of a bitches wanted for us a real "communist paradise", indeed.
Thank God Dilma is a self-proclaimed "moderated commie" now, yet she's still dangerous and her policies are making the country develop at a slow pace.

Your country has so many brown and poor people that leftist agitators like Dilma and Lula will always occupy the highest offices in your country.

Brazil's growth is not to be taken for granted, either. In the coming years it will slow down back to normal growth rates (3-4%).

Looking at your country's GDP growth rate over the last 40 years, I noticed that Brazil has never had a "normal" GDP growth rate... :lol:
Emerald Ocean wrote:Your country has so many brown and poor people that leftist agitators like Dilma and Lula will always occupy the highest offices in your country.

For a brazilian this race argument sounds very stupid, because we have to deal with people from all races since we are born on a daily basis, thus we learn that a black man can be clever than a white man. That the genes don't matter at all. That a white blue-eyed communist can do far more harm to society than a honest hard worker black person.

If you visit Rio Grande do Sul State's countryside you will see several cities fully colonized by the germans where people live in poverty. The average black american is far richer than the people living there. And they are fucking german!!! Gisele Bundchen is from that particular region of the country.
They still speak german in those cities today: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riograndenser_Hunsr%C3%BCckisch
This argument of yours doesn't survive the real world test. You need to travel more.

People elect Dilma not because they are black or brown, but because they are uneducated, ignorant or were brainwashed at schools and Universities. My sister is white and she is a socialist, I have a black friend who is a Mises' disciple. In a imaginary violent conflict between left and right I would prefer to allie myself with this black guy against my sister and her fellow socialist friends.

Brazil's growth is not to be taken for granted, either. In the coming years it will slow down back to normal growth rates (3-4%).

I agree, without any important reforms being made that's what will probably happen: a 3-4% growth rate. It can be said though that the Olympic Games and the World Cup taking place in the country in the next 4 years may boost temporarily these rates. And still those rates will be enough to surpass France as the fifth world economy by 2016 or earlier. Our socialist friend Hollande will surely contribute to that as well.

Looking at your country's GDP growth rate over the last 40 years, I noticed that Brazil has never had a "normal" GDP growth rate... :lol:

But notice that these rates are not very different from the american rates. Actually, until 1980 Brazil was growing a lot faster than the US:

Brazil fucked up exactly in the year 1980 (military regime ending and the commies taking the power via democracy):
Soulflytribe wrote:For a brazilian this race argument sounds very stupid, because we have to deal with people from all races since we are born on a daily basis, thus we learn that a black man can be clever than a white man. That the genes don't matter at all. That a white blue-eyed communist can do far more harm to society than a honest hard worker black person.

Yes, Brazil is above petty issues involving things like "race"... Yet you wonder why Korea blew past you about 30 years ago in GDP per person and labor productivity. Honestly, do you think Brazil will ever be a technology and innovation hub with a GDP per person on par with Europe, America, or Japan?

Soulflytribe wrote:If you visit Rio Grande do Sul State's countryside you will see several cities fully colonized by the germans where people live in poverty. The average black american is far richer than the people living there. And they are fucking german!!! Gisele Bunchen is from that particular region of the country.
They still speak german in those cities today: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riograndenser_Hunsr%C3%BCckisch
This argument of yours doesn't survive the real world test. You need to travel more.

Giselle Bunchen and the rest of the German Brazilians are an "oppressed group" marred by poverty and crime. Sure... :lol:

Go look at the engineering staff at Embraer, not too much diversity there... If Brazil elects a "man of the people" like Hugo I'm sure government would have to force some color onto that corporation... LOL

Soulflytribe wrote:People elect Dilma not because they are black or brown, but because they are uneducated, ignorant or were brainwashed at schools and Universities.

The rise of socialism in Latin America coincides with the growing political power of brown, mixed race, and indigenous peoples, who have a decidedly socialist persuasion. If Brazil's economy had not benefited from unprecedented growth the last 10 years, you would see the same radical leftist movements infect Brazil's brown masses by compelling them to elect a Hugo strong man in Brazil.

Case studies:

Venezuela (Hugo)

Bolivia (Evo)

Ecuador (PAIS)

Nicaragua (FSLN)

Soulflytribe wrote:My sister is white and she is a socialist.

The far left in Europe and the Americas have always found support among young, idealistic females who want to "help" poor people and those on the margins of society. In polls, American women always favor the nanny state government more than men. It's a fact of life - the boot stomping left would not be what we know it today were it not for the young, intellectual females like Bella Azbug, Betty Friedman, et al.

Just look at the number of prominent Jewish females who influenced the American far-left in the last 40 years:

List of Jewish feminists:

Bella Abzug
Kathy Acker
Rachel Adler
Larisa Alexandrovna
Gloria Allred
Rebecca Alpert
Pauline Bebe
Hanne Blank
Lisa Bloom
Judy Blume
Daniel Boyarin
David Brooks (journalist)
Susan Brownmiller
Judith Butler
Aviva Cantor
Judy Chicago
Hedwig Dohm
Andrea Dworkin
Eve Ensler
Amy Eilberg
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Susan Estrich
Susan Faludi
Shulamith Firestone
Betty Friedan
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ilana Gliechbloom
Emma Goldman
Elyse Goldstein
Lynn Gottlieb
Blu Greenberg
Tina Grimberg
Charlotte Haldane
Nina Hartley
Tova Hartman
Judith Hauptman
Dorothy Ray Healey
Brenda Howard
Sara Hurwitz
Paula Hyman
Elfriede Jelinek
Erica Jong
Roberta Kalechofsky
Michael Kimmel
Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner
Naomi Klein
Edith Konecky
Barbara Kruger
Anna Kuliscioff
Michele Landsberg
Lori Hope Lefkovitz
Gerda Lerner
Ariel Levy
Fanny Lewald
Rosa Luxemburg
Frederica Sagor Maas
Hana Meisel
Annie Nathan Meyer
Jennifer Miller
Haviva Ner-David
Martha Nussbaum
Tillie Olsen
Judith Plaskow
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Rachel Pollack
Katha Pollitt
Virginia Postrel
Sally Priesand
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
Tamar Ross
Muriel Rukeyser
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Rosika Schwimmer
Mendel Shapiro
Christina Hoff Sommers
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Susan Sontag
Daniel Sperber
Gertrude Stein
Gloria Steinem
Sandra Steingraber
Yona Wallach
Wendy Wasserstein
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
Naomi Weisstein
Ruth Westheimer
Naomi Wolf
Joel B. Wolowelsky
Elizabeth Wurtzel
Cathy Young
Emerald Ocean wrote:Honestly, do you think Brazil will ever be a technology and innovation hub with a GDP per person on par with Europe, America, or Japan?

Well, the fate of this country depends solely whether the Government (and the population) will lean towards left (Venezuela/Argentina) or right (Chile).
And I really would like to know how come the chileans are doing so great and the argentines so bad if Argentina is whiter than Chile?
And who is smarter: a guy like Thomas Sowell or Nancy Pelosi?

Emerald Ocean wrote:Gisele Bunchen and the rest of the German Brazilians are an "oppressed group" marred by poverty and crime. Sure... :lol:

Gisele used to be poor, just like her neighbours. She has become rich. Her neighbours in Horizontina are still poor. I've been in that area. You would be really schocked to see pure german people living in shacks and less educated than the average black american. It could be a real life-changing event for you.

Emerald Ocean wrote:Go look at the engineering staff at Embraer, not too much diversity there... If Brazil elects a "man of the people" like Hugo I'm sure government would have to force some color onto that corporation... LOL

Unfortunately, it's really just a matter of time now, since we already have the deficient's quotas in large corporations and the damn racial quotas at Universities. But it's true that in companies like Embraer or Petrobrás it's hard to find a black person. But that doesn't change the fact that there are millions of white poor people in Brazil who are poorer than the average black american. Just like Gisele's family used to be before her fame.

Emerald Ocean wrote:The rise of socialism in Latin America coincides with the growing political power of brown, mixed race, and indigenous peoples, who have a decidedly socialist persuasion.

Socialists see uneducated minorities as more vulnerable to believe at their stupid socialist ideas, thus they invest a lot of effort brainwashing them and using them as useful idiots.

Emerald Ocean wrote: If Brazil's economy had not benefited from unprecedented growth the last 10 years, you would see the same radical leftist movements infect Brazil's brown masses by compelling them to elect a Hugo strong man in Brazil.

I know. But the blacks and indians' votes (the indians were almost all killed by the portuguese) are not enough to elect a president in Brazil. There is a strong correlation between lack of education and voting for socialists here. Dilma was elected only because the (uneducated) whites voted for her. The whites have elected Obama in the US too, haven't they?
The only way to avoid a guy like Chávez being elected around here is educating the people about politics. The white argentines elected Cristina, what means that whites can vote for socialists if they are stupid about politics.

Emerald Ocean wrote:The far left in Europe and the Americas have always found support among young, idealistic females who want to "help" poor people and those on the margins of society. In polls, American women always favor the nanny state government more than men. It's a fact of life - the boot stomping left would not be what we know it today were it not for the young, intellectual females like Bella Azbug, Betty Friedman, et al.

Just look at the number of prominent Jewish females who influenced the American far-left in the last 40 years:

True. It's time to roll up sleeves and educate those people about politics. Do what you can in the US and I will do what I can in Brazil. :)
You folks seem to be forgetting that Camila Vallejo is Chilean.

Chile has had first hand experience of gov'ts that are somewhat socialist and they have also had gov'ts that were hard right.

Armchair pundits can criticise as much as they want, but you have to admit that Chilean leftists have already had fingers pointed at them. They have been rounded up and put into torture chambers for being leftists. So, you can accuse them of wanting to be leftists just to get personal power or because they are ignorant intellectuals, but the truth is that being a leftist in Latin America has often been associated with real danger.

Feel free to go back to your pig images.
You folks seem to be forgetting that Camila Vallejo is Chilean.

Of course she is, if she were cuban she would never be fat like that.

but the truth is that being a leftist in Latin America has often been associated with real danger.

It's extremely easy to say shit like that when you live in the first world and don't have a clue about how things are and were in Latin America.
The terrorists were from the left, they were the ones murdering innocent people and trying to replicate communist dictatorships in all latin american countries.
They were the ones throwing bombs inside banks and killling poor workers. They killed a lot more than they died! So, it's not that being a leftist in Latin America has often been associated with real danger, but rather that the leftists in Latin America represented real danger and killed a lot of people. Hence, they had to be fought back.

Nobody sane can say that the far-right dictatorships were good regimes, but they prevented the communists from taking power and recreating Cubas all around Central America and South America.

Camila Vallejo is an evil person taking advantage of the young chileans' stupidity. Those people will pay for what they are doing some day. They surely will.
Soulflytribe wrote:It's extremely easy to say shit like that when you live in the first world and don't have a clue about how things are and were in Latin America.

Exactly. It is easy for people to criticise Ms. Vallejo because they have no real appreciation of her experience.

Soulflytribe wrote:The terrorists were from the left, they were the ones murdering innocent people and trying to replicate communist dictatorships in all latin american countries.
They were the ones throwing bombs inside banks and killling poor workers. They killed a lot more than they died! So, it's not that being a leftist in Latin America has often been associated with real danger, but rather that the leftists in Latin America represented real danger and killed a lot of people. Hence, they had to be fought back.

Nobody sane can say that the far-right dictatorships were good regimes, but they prevented the communists from taking power and recreating Cubas all around Central America and South America.

Let us focus on Chile, the birthplace of Vallejo.

Pinochet killed 3000 or so, right?

How many did Allende kill? None.

So, your claim that it was the leftists killing people is objectively incorrect in the case of Chile.

Camila Vallejo is an evil person taking advantage of the young chileans' stupidity. Those people will pay for what they are doing some day. They surely will.

Do you think all Chileans are stupid, or just the young ones?
Soulflytribe wrote:But that doesn't change the fact that there are millions of white poor people in Brazil who are poorer than the average black american. Just like Gisele's family used to be before her fame.

You keep on comparing rural Germans in Brazil to black Americans. Over and over.

You better produce a bunch of government data on this group rather quickly, along with pictures showing these "Shacks", otherwise stop talking about this mythological group of impoverished Germans from your country.
Emerald Ocean wrote:
You keep on comparing rural Germans in Brazil to black Americans. Over and over.

You better produce a bunch of government data on this group rather quickly, along with pictures showing these "Shacks", otherwise stop talking about this mythological group of impoverished Germans from your country.


Man, you don't know shit about the world. Where do you think this video below was recorded?


Yeah, in Brazil. And they are farmers' children living in Rio Grande do Sul's countryside. And those people are very far from being rich, even for brazilian standards. Black americans would feel sorry for their average incomes.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Exactly. It is easy for people to criticise Ms. Vallejo because they have no real appreciation of her experience.

Chávez likes her.

Let us focus on Chile, the birthplace of Vallejo.

Pinochet killed 3000 or so, right?

How many did Allende kill? None.

How many did the terrorist chilean groups kill? How many more people would have died if the communists defeated Pinochet and assumed power?
How many people has the communist revolution in Cuba killed until today?

So, your claim that it was the leftists killing people is objectively incorrect in the case of Chile.

That was a messy war.
Pinochet was defending his country from the communists. Without Pinochet Chile would look like Cambodia or Cuba today.

Do you think all Chileans are stupid, or just the young ones?

Neither, just the ones following Camila.
Soulflytribe wrote:Chávez likes her.

That has nothing to do with the fact that criticisms of Vallejo by armchair pundits are still not taking her experiences into account.

How many did the terrorist chilean groups kill? How many more people would have died if the communists defeated Pinochet and assumed power?
How many people has the communist revolution in Cuba killed until today?

What Chilean terrorist groups? Those paid by the CIA to destabilise Allende?

So, you are not able to mention a single fatality perpetrated by the Chilean left.

That was a messy war.
Pinochet was defending his country from the communists. Without Pinochet Chile would look like Cambodia or Cuba today.

No. This is scaremongering to justify right wing violence.

Neither, just the ones following Camila.

Let me guess, you know they are stupid because they are following Ms. Vallejo, right? Do you have any real arguments, or just insults?
That has nothing to do with the fact that criticisms of Vallejo by armchair pundits are still not taking her experiences into account.

Her experiences as part of the chilean elite you mean... The money she spent at her fancy glasses would be enough to feed a chilean poor family for 1 year.

What Chilean terrorist groups? Those paid by the CIA to destabilise Allende?

No, the ones funded by the KGB, just like Allende was.

So, you are not able to mention a single fatality perpetrated by the Chilean left.

Are you kidding me? The leftist terrorists in Chile were brutal! They killed almost 400 people.

No. This is scaremongering to justify right wing violence.

This is rational thinking. If Cuba had a Pinochet it would be a normal country today.

Let me guess, you know they are stupid because they are following Ms. Vallejo, right? Do you have any real arguments, or just insults?

I have arguments and insults. Her trips to Brazil in order to instigate coflict among our citizens would be already reason enough to hate her.
Soulflytribe wrote:Her experiences as part of the chilean elite you mean... The money she spent at her fancy glasses would be enough to feed a chilean poor family for 1 year.

If your only criticism is that she comes from a moneyed class, then you might as well as dismiss almost every single effective political agent (left and right) in Latin American history. Off the top of my head I can only think of Rigoberta Menchu.

No, the ones funded by the KGB, just like Allende was.

Feel free to present evidence.

Are you kidding me? The leftist terrorists in Chile were brutal! They killed almost 400 people.

Feel free to present evidence.

This is rational thinking. If Cuba had a Pinochet it would be a normal country today.

Can we stop discussing what happens in your speculative fiction scenario and discuss the real world instead? In the real world, Pinochet tortured and killed many people in order to solidify his power base, not "save Chile from the evil Reds".

I have arguments and insults. Her trips to Brazil in order to instigate conflict among our citizens would be already reason enough to hate her.

Please present an actual argument. Thank you.
Where is the grinding poverty???

If I had a film crew at my disposal I assure you that I would make a small documentary for you about all Rio Grande do Sul's countryside aspects, how the italians, germans and polish living there are doing, how much they earn by month, what is the life expectancy, literacy rate, etc.
But since I don't have a film crew at my disposal, I can only say about what I've seen: white people living a harsh life. A completely different life compared to how germans live in Germany, and I know that because I've been to Germany multiple times and I've been to that forsaken area of Brazil one time.
So, its very clear for me that the race superiority argument is 100% bullshit.

Well, you can check the videos embedded at this site below and tell me what do you think:

(I'm sure you will like their cars and city infrastructure, and be assured that 1 black american will possess more electronics in his house than all those inhabitants together.)
Soulflytribe wrote:
If I had a film crew at my disposal I assure you that I would make a small documentary for you about all Rio Grande do Sul's countryside aspects, how the italians, germans and polish living there are doing, how much they earn by month, what is the life expectancy, literacy rate, etc.
But since I don't have a film crew at my disposal, I can only say about what I've seen: white people living a harsh life. A completely different life compared to how germans live in Germany, and I know that because I've been to Germany multiple times and I've been to that forsaken area of Brazil one time.
So, its very clear for me that the race superiority argument is 100% bullshit.

Well, you can check the videos embedded at this site below and tell me what do you think:

I'm still waiting for pictures or data on German Brazilians living in poverty and squalor... Image

Soulflytribe wrote:(I'm sure you will like their cars and city infrastructure, and be assured that 1 black american will possess more electronics in his house than all those inhabitants together.)

Prove it.

At this point I suspect that you are full of shit, you have provided ZERO evidence that German Brazilians live in dysfunctional, crime ridden, impoverished conditions.

By the way, that video was the most laughable attempt at proving a point since I became a member here a couple months ago...

Soulflytribe wrote:
Cuba sure is an interesting place, supposedly it has a 99% literacy rate, I've heard that this higher than the US' literacy rate, yet for some reason they're all poor as dirt despite apparently having good educations. I'd love to see a comparison of the Cuban and Chinese systems to get an idea of just how effective the US Embargo is against their economy.

Also, having an attractive woman pick up your flag is always a good idea. It worked for Joane de Arc and Sarah Palin.

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