Re: The rich contribute little to society - Politics | PoFo

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For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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[Moderation note: This was a response to the thread: "The rich contribute little to society". Moved to the Opaque Ponderations forum because the poor grammar makes it difficult to tell even if the poster is addressing the point or not.]

Ever think of the logistics it takes to functions civilization from every aspect a society exists filled with just sole results of ancestry only physically existing as male and female individuals of specific conceptions from random circumstances that has always worked exactly as things function naturally within the whole moment around each sole result of this compounding of contracting results expanding details never duplicated as before or since each has developed into what now is doing as always?

I never stop thinking about it, so much so I have developed a means to consider every pointed view attempting to direct the attentions of every human lifetime from comprehending everything put together as it is working all the time. To know vocabulary is the means to meaning for those following an ideology that sounds larger than life itself.

Is it more noble to think in metaphors than actual functions so others can feel/emotional separation from sole results of self containment to become a character in ideology rather than a lifetime as one's self. That is what was literally being asked by Shakespeare in the "To be or not to be" epic literary question of "If" selling the audience into submission from those creating the world to become a staged political event.

Define what separates a wealth of understanding to rich with desire to lead everyone else into believing time exists outside this physical balance taking place now as always. Promising eternal afterlife is a false prophecy because this physical moment being what is taking place is the onkly point in this universe everything has become what remains here now functioning as usual.

The power of choice is an amazing thing, and few ever get the chance to comprehend how vast it reaches into the depths beneath the surface of vacabulary arts of distorting metaphors of theory and theology. Science and spirituality, religion and plolitics creating church and state reasons of econopmic sophistry developping symbolic values taking becoming more valuable to thought than understanding the real situation taking place every generation.

Being human is being an empath of shared emotions/instinctive responses to life as functions function involuntarily yet regulated by memory and emotions comparing what was to what is continuing to take place for each sole result of human ancestry. Know what being a gender is before giving up that sole existence to become a character in another sole results play on words.

Reality is rationed thought that only takes in consideration of half of everything taking place. Know how many halves there are to each whole individual detail to sole results never duplicated twice works for real. It is beyond belief and so far something your vernacular has never shown it recognizes as you follow predetermined analogical interpretations of maybe and might be but only if no body thinks of themselves as sole results of ancestry's functions functioning as usual.

Humans aren't bees, ants, or termites so don't make laws that rule humanity as hive mentalities as they will fail every time.
Philosophy has a place, just as sciences and spirituality offer separate angles of perception, but make sure each sees from the center of all pointed views of persuasion added together over picking one side of 6 halves where rulers of reality tear the emotions of individuals apart intuitively by educating ancestry to acting as society's children each generation of societal evolution controlling the moment always presently now relative to each generation passing through.

Control the moment and one person can rule eternity's results for generations by words alone. But to do that takes conspiring means of ruthlessness only a few sole results have. As most directors/moderators of this forum do, I have little doubt where this reply will end up as either completely deleated or place in opaque panderations.

Just understand this, the awakening of sole results has begun and becoming civil is greater than remaining civilized. That is the reason democracy fails every time psychologically.
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 19 Apr 2012 19:30, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Note added explaining thread split.
onemalehuman wrote:Ever think of the logistics it takes to functions civilization from every aspect a society exists filled with just sole results of ancestry only physically existing as male and female individuals of specific conceptions from random circumstances that has always worked exactly as things function naturally within the whole moment around each sole result of this compounding of contracting results expanding details never duplicated as before or since each has developed into what now is doing as always?

I never stop thinking about it, so much so I have developed a means to consider every pointed view attempting to direct the attentions of every human lifetime from comprehending everything put together as it is working all the time. To know vocabulary is the means to meaning for those following an ideology that sounds larger than life itself.

Is it more noble to think in metaphors than actual functions so others can feel/emotional separation from sole results of self containment to become a character in ideology rather than a lifetime as one's self. That is what was literally being asked by Shakespeare in the "To be or not to be" epic literary question of "If" selling the audience into submission from those creating the world to become a staged political event.

Define what separates a wealth of understanding to rich with desire to lead everyone else into believing time exists outside this physical balance taking place now as always. Promising eternal afterlife is a false prophecy because this physical moment being what is taking place is the onkly point in this universe everything has become what remains here now functioning as usual.

The power of choice is an amazing thing, and few ever get the chance to comprehend how vast it reaches into the depths beneath the surface of vacabulary arts of distorting metaphors of theory and theology. Science and spirituality, religion and plolitics creating church and state reasons of econopmic sophistry developping symbolic values taking becoming more valuable to thought than understanding the real situation taking place every generation.

Being human is being an empath of shared emotions/instinctive responses to life as functions function involuntarily yet regulated by memory and emotions comparing what was to what is continuing to take place for each sole result of human ancestry. Know what being a gender is before giving up that sole existence to become a character in another sole results play on words.

Reality is rationed thought that only takes in consideration of half of everything taking place. Know how many halves there are to each whole individual detail to sole results never duplicated twice works for real. It is beyond belief and so far something your vernacular has never shown it recognizes as you follow predetermined analogical interpretations of maybe and might be but only if no body thinks of themselves as sole results of ancestry's functions functioning as usual.

Humans aren't bees, ants, or termites so don't make laws that rule humanity as hive mentalities as they will fail every time.
Philosophy has a place, just as sciences and spirituality offer separate angles of perception, but make sure each sees from the centre of all pointed views of persuasion added together over picking one side of 6 halves where rulers of reality tear the emotions of individuals apart intuitively by educating ancestry to acting as society's children each generation of societal evolution controlling the moment always presently now relative to each generation passing through.

Control the moment and one person can rule eternity's results for generations by words alone. But to do that takes conspiring means of ruthlessness only a few sole results have. As most directors/moderators of this forum do, I have little doubt where this reply will end up as either completely deleated or place in opaque panderations.

Just understand this, the awakening of sole results has begun and becoming civil is greater than remaining civilized. That is the reason democracy fails every time psychologically.

What an interesting way to destroy a thread...
mikema63 wrote:qatz and OMH,

a deadly combination

That is just outright foolish thinking. Qatz picked a side to be extreme from where I have centered myself between all extreme ideologies playing all sides against the center balance of now's results never staying the same details functioning the same way from all sides denying they are alike functionally within contracting results expanding the total sum details being recorded separately/existentially. Separating heart, mind, body, and sole individual state of being part in this exchange of was remaining what is arriving now never duplicated twice because of simple compounding of contracting results expanding the details of each generation will remain male and female sole lifetimes of ancestral conceptions specifically as conceived during contrived theories and theologies dictating character's rights at the exspense of individual understanding of how and why now is home to every what, where, when, and who details here now.
That is just outright foolish thinking. Qatz picked a side to be extreme from where I have centered myself between all extreme ideologies playing all sides against the centre balance of now's results never staying the same details functioning the same way from all sides denying they are alike functionally within contracting results expanding the total sum details being recorded separately/existentially. Separating heart, mind, body, and sole individual state of being part in this exchange of was remaining what is arriving now never duplicated twice because of simple compounding of contracting results expanding the details of each generation will remain male and female sole lifetimes of ancestral conceptions specifically as conceived during contrived theories and theologies dictating character's rights at the exspense of individual understanding of how and why now is home to every what, where, when, and who details here now.


i think? :?:

so you speak in plain English at any point in your life OMH?
mikema63 wrote:so you speak in plain English at any point in your life OMH?

Do Martians speak Swahili?

I think I've found onemalehuman's profile picture on facebook:
layman wrote:I might start taking drugs again and revisit this thread.

I would like to advise against doing that as it was that course of actions that placed you where you are now, intellectually speaking.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to everything never duplicated twice, intellect is the tool in which others can program involuntary responses to act upon verbal command while the subject playing the role has no clue how they are managed to perform saving such ideologies that grant rights of denial to everything really going on with the privilege to blame every other ology composed in theory and theology but their own self anionted social justification everybody does it rational.

Playing all sides against the middle will round off the pointed powers of persuasion into a spherical box of metaphors never leading to complete understanding of this sole position of universal balance being always now for whatever is here balancing as usual.

Try not allying with enemies of my enemy, because in sole existences that enemy is one's self everyone else is attempting to control psychologically within Divine Providence power of persuasion and Manifested Destiny's persuasion of power ruling character roles denying their substance of gendered placement within this instant framing Eternity's results added so far in compounding details functioning wiothin the same functions of expansion and contraction to the elements of molecular perpetual motion in self containment being self maintaining and self evident as what, where, when, and who are part of the present functions universally applied.

Rich is such a relative term. Wealth of understanding or power to command what gets understood or else, I live by the prior and ruled by the latter. I don't like it, but that is what reality offers real genders of ancestry for the last 400 to 500 generation operating societal evolution of genetic compounding never leaving the instant physically.

How and why details are as they become is a treasure I found few ever seek to own for themselves as the cost for knowing real is exile from reality by character's on parade.
Let us ask ourselves what creates wealth? Selling notions of national identity where character matters and substance understood completely doesn't count other than being negative to one's positive thinking anything is possible. Rewarded with privilege at successfully fooling the majority in thinking no body can know everything in detail.

While that is true, the truth of the matter is one doesn't need to know every detail as they, details, are never duplicated twice and it is only by speculation relative time is the only way things change in nature of natural balancing only functioning in the present now instant.

Economics has an exponential "rule of 72" for figuring compounding interest earned upon investments and dividends. How many comprehend or ever heard of that rule?
How many that heard of that rule comprehend how it applies to ancestry and each ancestor? Genetics and economics really compare how the two parallel mathematically?

This comes back to what is being "rich" socially, politically, spiritually? Why is character more important than understanding characteristics?
What separates ruthlessness and persistence when both are protecting less a whole understanding of life functioning as usual?
What is the difference between dogmatic and loyal to an idea without questioning the ideologue making up a reality to replace what isn't understood equally by just the genders within the same species being just male and female specific results of compounded ancestry conceiving ancestors to remain within now's results so far?

Before pointing a finger of blame, make sure your own adopted ideology isn't part of the divide and conquer real for reality's sake of taking liberties away from sole results by collective soul misdirecting ideologies wrapped in speculative theory or theological means to conquer control of the moment forever here and physically always now.

What is rich? The ability to get everyone else to think they cannot live without your ideas of maybe lifetimes are greater than the life of the food chain. Intelligence is greater than instincts. Intellect is smarter than emotions. Humanity is greater than being human has become rule of the land.

Poor humanity, destroyed because it failed to comprehend being human.

Sophistry, semantics, symbolism, syllogism within the syllables of composed sounds used as common languages in vernacular tribalism.
onemalehuman wrote:Let us ask ourselves what creates wealth? Selling notions of national identity where character matters and substance understood completely doesn't count other than being negative to one's positive thinking anything is possible. Rewarded with privilege at successfully fooling the majority in thinking no body can know everything in detail.

While that is true, the truth of the matter is one doesn't need to know every detail as they, details, are never duplicated twice and it is only by speculation relative time is the only way things change in nature of natural balancing only functioning in the present now instant.

Economics has an exponential "rule of 72" for figuring compounding interest earned upon investments and dividends. How many comprehend or ever heard of that rule?
How many that heard of that rule comprehend how it applies to ancestry and each ancestor? Genetics and economics really compare how the two parallel mathematically?

This comes back to what is being "rich" socially, politically, spiritually? Why is character more important than understanding characteristics?
What separates ruthlessness and persistence when both are protecting less a whole understanding of life functioning as usual?
What is the difference between dogmatic and loyal to an idea without questioning the ideologue making up a reality to replace what isn't understood equally by just the genders within the same species being just male and female specific results of compounded ancestry conceiving ancestors to remain within now's results so far?

Before pointing a finger of blame, make sure your own adopted ideology isn't part of the divide and conquer real for reality's sake of taking liberties away from sole results by collective soul misdirecting ideologies wrapped in speculative theory or theological means to conquer control of the moment forever here and physically always now.

What is rich? The ability to get everyone else to think they cannot live without your ideas of maybe lifetimes are greater than the life of the food chain. Intelligence is greater than instincts. Intellect is smarter than emotions. Humanity is greater than being human has become rule of the land.

Poor humanity, destroyed because it failed to comprehend being human.

Sophistry, semantics, symbolism, syllogism within the syllables of composed sounds used as common languages in vernacular tribalism.

mikema63 wrote:IT BURNS!!!

i think? :?:

so you speak in plain English at any point in your life OMH?

Does this help?

onemalehuman wrote:That is just outright foolish thinking. Qatz picked a side to be extreme from [whereas] I have centered myself between all extreme ideologies...

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Could we get onemalehuman and Michaeluj to write a short story together? Or just debate each other? The results would be awesome.

The theater of debate is like going to Vegas, the house sponsoring the debate wins and those competing walk away broke because the rules have incomplete facts about physical absolutes that are self evident and denied by every insitutiion of reality's character directives commanding each person assume a citizen role of society's child or civilization will target them as anti-social regardless how civil they behave.
onemalehuman wrote:"Could we get onemalehuman and Michaeluj to write a short story together? Or just debate each other? The results would be awesome."

The theater of debate is like going to Vegas, the house sponsoring the debate wins and those competing walk away broke because the rules have incomplete facts about physical absolutes that are self evident and denied by every insitutiion of reality's character directives commanding each person assume a citizen role of society's child or civilization will target them as anti-social regardless how civil they behave.

You're wrong.

When any two people debate, regardless of who is perceived to be the winner, both will leave the debate as losers in the end,
and only 'social norms' will come out the absolute winner, because in debating within the traditional 'civil' context,
the two debaters will never do any better than to reveal only partial truths regarding the subjects they argue;
their true feelings regarding the subjects will remain unknown, without which the full truth cannot be known,
and in agreeing to participate in 'civil debate' they only reinforce the current social institutions
which would cause society to shun them should they attempt to break the mold.
The various limitations placed on 'civil' debaters is so obvious,
and yet we as a people continue to impose them.

As true as that all may be, I believe that this does not mean that no good can come of debates.
After-all, partial truths are better than being completely in the dark in my opinion,
there is always the possibility that one could be mislead by such partial information,
but as more knowledge is gained and new ideas exchanged as is common in debate,
I believe that the probability of a more useful truth emerging from the fray increases,
and however incomplete that truth may be, I believe such truths are not without their uses,
and as for the societal/cultural limitations on debate, I would argue that even they have their uses.

onemalehuman wrote:I have centered myself between all extreme ideologies...

And since there are infinite possible ideologies, you have painted yourself into the corner of the 49th dimension, beside Toto and the Mad Hatter.
QatzelOk wrote:And since there are infinite possible ideologies, you have painted yourself into the corner of the 49th dimension, beside Toto and the Mad Hatter.

The thing about infinite possibilities, it only exists by ignoring the physical limitations of how and why now is always here and forever this moment everything of substance changes details within the contracting results expanding the details never duplicated twice working the same way all the time universally applied to each individual result of atoms building to molecules assembling the elements that contract the solars systems of self contained spheres of existing form and functions perpetually balancing themselves at each location.

Remember polarities need isolation from each other in each segment of that assembly of what is that allows ideas of what could, but should isn't does.

So positvie energy has limits where shape and form remain within those boundries the same as negative and neutral planes each expanding and contracting against the other. While your ideology only speaks of one at a time while all work simultainiously now. How distracting would that be when grammar demands past, present, and future are separated entities.

Where are the barriers that prevent short circuiting in natural balance? That is the beauty of my silly origami, it frames the vernacular walls of words in 4 dimensions. Think of each three squares perpendicularly attached in the center and each of the 12 corners are 90 degrees from one another. Balance. Self containment, self maintaining.

This is my rabbit hole looking into reality from within my real gender's lifetime not performing as society's child. Look beyond the language.

Image These are my character references to thinking out of philosophical boxed ideologies. And the next is my silly mobile to history of humanity's distortions to civilizing humans into career character roles of reality.
This is how the rich became wealthy and the fooled agains just watch having no clue what the hell went wrong now.
Again, the shape of things that came to be rule of law defying natural balance of now.

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