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For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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By onemalehuman
Conventional wisdom doesn't like changed opinions when it comes to governance of philosophical directives in directing the social track among linear thoughts.

This is self evident in rules of debate as only established published facts are admissible to the courtroom of collective opinions protecting character's rights from the liberty to discover the real within reality's greater good intentions.

It was after watching History Channel's show about a book considered as the lost book of Nostradamus found stashed in the Library of Rome by being misfiled some 120 years ago.

It is from this educating endoctrination I saw "One Male" made a specific issue and that is when the lights went wild within everything missing from all things on display to believe in came into focus. What was it within my presence of living this lifetime that wouldn't allow me to accept conventional wisdom?

Time didn't add up to all aspects of theory and theology combined. So what is philosophy used for? Societal evolution in governance of creating collective opinions that rule the sole for the soul of humanity.

To hide real in reality of conjecture, Ball of Confusion.

Speculative realism will not remain a tendency or fad. It is the awakening of instincts to the prisons of intellectual misdirection.

If you really want to save what humanity has become, then you all better confess to what intelligence really is and always has been suppressed by ideologues selling notions of misconceived passions to becoming greater than life itself.

Something no body as a lifetime will ever physically be. Even myself, as I am but a sole results of ancestry passing through the eterntiy now here of details never duplicated using the same molecular masses of gaseous, liquid, and mineral elements all the time.

So there is the substance to a hand full of clay in Genesis. The same as evolution in science along with rule of 72 in compounding interest of economic sophistry to selling symbolism over comprehending the substance now remains working as usual.

Just within the physical absolute details are never duplicated twice with results contracting back into molecular transformation better known as the food chain and lifetimes are what they eat and eats them regardless predatory or prey classifications to plant or animal and male and female halves of the whole next generation here or not.

I cannot change how real works, but I can change my attitude to whom believes they know more hypothetically.
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I use the geometry of origami to frame philosophical ideologies. Above I have incorporated Eastern mysticism within 16 and 64, Middle Eastern rule of 24 and 72, and western 32 and 40.

It is simply adding perpendicular expansion within diagonal contraction, framing 6 posiitions surrounding 8 corners of triangulating results never staying the same details using the same molecular mass of this planet.

Simple compounding interest is the most powerful physical force in the universe as it is was is going on now as always here on this planet and throughout this universal moment being exactly what is IS.
By onemalehuman
It is a good thing to isolate understanding from the faithful misdirected beliefs. For those that didn't know, this was a reply to another thread in philosophy before becoming a thread of mine in this opaque corner by those co-ordinating all sides against the middle so the ruling class has all the advantages in corrupting what each next generation is lead to believe in or else. No good deed goes unpunished and all good guys finist last while those promoting the best intentions get rewarded for massive failures nobody else knows why civilizations come and go within vernacular tribalism. So simple people rather believe they aren't involved than playing character roles making it happen.

In plain sight.

But isn't that what philosophy was invented to do, have half truths lead down six degrees of separating 6 half perceptions of a whole result of individual details never staying as before or since remaining balanced as now's results so far.

Simple compounding interest of contracting molecules in three states of existing prensently make up this 4th dimension contemplating real and reality. Governance is under assult for the first time in human ancestry.
By Decky
Maybe it is mean of me to ask, after all this sub-forum was specifically created for posts using English words but not communicating any information.

however I will ask anyway. What did that mean?
By onemalehuman
It didn't mean anything, it described real within reality, something where character reflection can see no substance by means of social justification meaning everything to those that place social significance higher than just being a gendered lifetime passing through this ever changing details moment.

Some seek to understand life, not rule over it and every other lifetime within the balance that never physically leaves this moment of compounding contracting results balancing into the details called history in the making.

Follow an ideology or lead yourself to finding the self evident natural baalnce that shows the nature of human behavior, inside out better than philosophized outside in. It is that comprehending right/correct vs wrong translated spiritually as good and evil, legal vs ethical, and character rights superceding gender liberty. Even natural balance requires rules of civil discorse or become extinct from one species's own actions. Humanity vs being human. Know the battleground of psychological class warfare. It never teaches everything to any one side over another. That is why theory or theology are the only two directions one can recite with.

A simple way to alter human conditioning of ignoring the self evident being self contained within a self maintaining instant no details are duplicated twice as results working/functioning the same way all the time other than interpretations defining the same actions 14 different variations.
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By Potemkin
It didn't mean anything, it described real within reality

In other words, your discourse is not intended to be interpreted hermeneutically, but is rather an embodiment of the Lacanian Real in the Symbolic Order - an aporia in the Symbolic around which symbolic discourse can circle but which it can never cross, thereby rendering any possible hermeneutics impossible and, indeed, redundant. Your discourse therefore cannot be 'interpreted' by being recast in a different form, and therefore has no meaning but only being.

I begin to see the light, onemalehuman.... :eek:
By onemalehuman
Potemkin wrote:In other words, your discourse is not intended to be interpreted hermeneutically, but is rather an embodiment of the Lacanian Real in the Symbolic Order - an aporia in the Symbolic around which symbolic discourse can circle but which it can never cross, thereby rendering any possible hermeneutics impossible and, indeed, redundant. Your discourse therefore cannot be 'interpreted' by being recast in a different form, and therefore has no meaning but only being.

I begin to see the light, onemalehuman.... :eek:

Not in another person's words because I never have read this Lacanian ideology. Your fellowship to such predefined notions of linear translations may simplify debate inorder to control the destination of a defined notion built within theory being relative to theology while both never zero in on the speicifics of functions taking place now, this momnent everything becomes was as is going on forever here.

Time is neither an enemy or a friend, especially to those under it's directives employing semantics, syllogism, and sophistry where less than a whole understanding of everything involoved is designed into the rule of law where language arts direct the social stage in every vernacular tribalism of character's rights taking liberty of thinking for self away in order to save the intentions nobody knows what real is for sure.

Again, to illustrate this I will post an origami figure that in it's shape reflects 6 degrees of separation creating 8 diagonal corners of boxed in ideologies containing 12 outside limits, 24 inside angles and when looking back into the center, or out of the box, there are 8 triangulating perceptions divide in half creating 72 interpretations of the 24 spaces humanity calls hours.


Which box reveals all sides inside and out looking out from the center of self containment as a sole existing lifetime within the life of the human species living now being always here as this now moment to every detail that passes through universally.

I understand "Time" Eternal time. It is always this moment regardless what each tribal vernacular wishes to assume it isn't by justified theory or theology of popular opinion polls.
Tyranny and humanity are one. Evil is denying real for reality's sake regardless the societal evolution setting the stage of beliefs.
Balance, balance, balance is where survival comes through. Adapt to what is ever changing never duplicated, not adopt a philosophy that prevents each sole from recognizing themselves from what they represent being here now.

I am just a lifetime in a specific ancestry and thopse that made me exist are dead, but through me and my two sisters having children and grandchildren, those that were here are in those ancestors living beyond my regenerated lifetime.

Hopw big is that picture for real, where your reality is just vanity of character's rights to deny what real has always been so you can feel superior intellectually misdirecting real results. Role models are my idles. But those that teach equal understanding of now's results have my respect, and those directing reality have my contempt as liars. That pretty much covers Academia, Church/religion, State/politics, and Entreprenueurior endeavors/ economic substitution of real for reality's sake in creating this corrupted chain of command societal evolution of exchanging genders to perform as characters defending the rights to deny real.

Now you come up with a more complete description of lesser of two evils that rules reality and covers every vernacular tribal excuse.
I have found the physical absolute zero of universal division between was, is, is taking place as then, now, and when are always here. GEt off the reflected surface of maybes is my friendly advice to everyone of human DNA.

I am civil not civic minded, so I have no intentions to die protecting ideas othat prevent understanding this real moment of eternity's central point of expanding details arriving from contracted results using the same matter of gaseous, liquid, ande mineral molecular elements all the time.

Evolution not revolution.

Here is another origami illustration to show expanding the 24 inside angles to forty and adding 4 more parallel axises.
See where the space for cellular adaptation is symmetrical within the growth of molecular separations as the world spins with two vertical halves each side of the equator marking the vertical two equator of day and night with leading edge revolving around the sun and trailing edge making up the time of what, where, when, and who arrived exactly as conceived now with how and why being north and south as humanity defines it.

Physical results are however, mid night, dawn, noon and dusk are equal to north, east, south, and west. Whole the solar system spirals within the galaxy there really is no top or bottom other than relative position from the center mass of this planet being here balanced with everything else universaLLY PART OF THIS WHOLE MOMENT.

Now try to comprehend this as it is instinctive knowledge every sole human results of ancestry knows at conception, while you wish to direct each generation's lifetimes as society's children. It cannot continue anymore or the harder you try the faster self fulfilling prophecy comes true. Self extinction because symbolism matters and genders aren't worth a damn to society's ruling elites employing mind over matter philosophy with symbolism over substance politics.
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By Potemkin
Awesome! :eek:
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By Potemkin
You wouldn't understand, TCR.

*gazes at onemalehuman in awe* :eek:
By onemalehuman
Potemkin wrote:You wouldn't understand, TCR.

*gazes at onemalehuman in awe* :eek:

Don't jump to that conclusion, TCR understands. He is a self anointed protector of reality at all costs to survival of the species making sure character matters most.

A disciple of the ruling elite directing groupies devoted to any ideology and editing opposition that transcends existential verbal walls to vernacular tribalism.

Faith builds reality and understanding why people choose to believe, will break down. All in metaphor tales wagging dogmatic ideology of any brand of theory vs theology directing body and mind through heart and soul beliefs.

Timeless methodology.
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By QatzelOk
You started a thread about something you couldn't really spell without adult supervision?


And then it went downhill from there.

Maybe try building a philosophical collage out of pinadas next time?
By onemalehuman
QatzelOk wrote:You started a thread about something you couldn't really spell without adult supervision?


And then it went downhill from there.

Maybe try building a philosophical collage out of pinadas next time?

Never, never assume. The leap of faith is nothing more than a justified jump into a false illusion shared by other fooled perceptions keeping the image alive with issues of arguing theory vs theological applications to time management to this ever presnt moment details never stay the same in.

I didn't create this thread, a moderator moved my reply from another to create it. The spoof of mocking my constant mispelling of words was an added twist of authority. I don't care that it was done as the actions of their reaction to my posting a reply said everything necessary about how reality is managed vernacularly.

So jump on the intellect is superior to instinct wagon train of educated opionions sold each generation of lifetimes replacing the one's conceived already by conception of two making each sole replacement using just one cell each that merge to become another example of compounding lifetimes keeping the life of the species present in this ever changing balanced details never dupilcated within the same results continuing here universally.

So thanks for the ridicule. It really does show your true intentions. Oops, your ideology's true intentions as you only recite what you were told to believe in. You show no signs of self reflection in being a sole result of ancestry. Same as the moderator that made this thread.
By Presvias
I understand what he's saying (well, not all of it but much of it).

He's saying that we always seek other frameworks; philosophical or otherwise in which to interpret everything and don't simply rely on our own intuition.

That the majority are always subservient to SOMETHING and not truly independent.

And "nobody knows what real is for sure." he refers to the fact that we 'hallucinate' our so called reality and interpret it, that everything is fuzzy logic.

Recent science appears to back his theories up too (which he'd hate lol).

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