Pofo Photobucket Account - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.
A member of the forum has created a photobucket account for the forum to use.

The information will be kept here in this temporary sticky until such time as Fox deems otherwise.

Account info:

I created a photobucket account for all the pofo sigs and avatars, any pofo user may use this account.


username: pofosig
password: siberianwolf

For all n00bs and those unfamiliar with our sig and avatar rules:

Signatures must be exactly 100 X 400 and may not be animated. They may be full color but may not contain any off site advertising. If you have a question about legality ask in this forum or in the Basement. Otherwise just have a look around the forum itself, if the sig you made doesn't look like the rest, ask about it.

Content wise you may not include any porn or high profile Nazis.

Avatars must be of a real person, living or dead. They must be 100 x 100 and must be in black and white. If you choose someone who was alive before the advent of photography you may choose a reasonable likeness or fascimilie as long as it is tasteful or artful.

Thank you! Remember this sticky may disappear at any time, depending on Fox's view of it so copy this info now!
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By Nattering Nabob
What's to keep some butthole from photoshopping someone's sig and replacing it in this account with the forgery?

Not that I would do that of course... :|
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By Demosthenes
I'm not sure what you're asking really? Are you asking what would happen if someone stole someone else's sig?

That can already happen. All this is is a hosting account where sigs can be stored.
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By Cartertonian
I think Nat is suggesting that someone could go to the Photobucket site and replace someone else's sig with a subtly photoshopped example.

Sure, sigs can be copied and corrupted now...but not replaced.

So, if Nat moved his sig to the Photobucket account that everyone can access, I could go onto it and replace his sig with another, that would appear on the board as his sig until such time as he spotted it and removed it.

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By Demosthenes
Well ok, I suppose we'll say now that if anyone is caught sabotaging sigs or avatars, we would consider it very bad. :knife:

If anyone is that worried about it, I would say, host your own.
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By Cookie Monster
There is also: http://tinypic.com/

You can upload images for free and without the need for an account. And the uploaded images cannot be edited by anyone but the uploader himself.
By CounterChaos
Thank you very much for this, it is very helpful..Cheers
I went, I saw, I screwed up. This is not the hill I want to die on. I shall go avartarless in this world. Anything that geeky is beyond my abilities and I don't have a five year old handy. When my granddaughter visits I'll get her to do it . . . if she is in the mood.
I went, I saw, I screwed up. This is not the hill I want to die on. I shall go avartarless in this world. Anything that geeky is beyond my abilities and I don't have a five year old handy. When my granddaughter visits I'll get her to do it . . . if she is in the mood.

Make a thread in this forum saying, "Could somebody plesase make me an avatar of such and such an individual and post it in the PoFo Photobucket account..." and likely they will...it's often done...
Demosthenes wrote:A member of the forum has created a photobucket account for the forum to use.

The information will be kept here in this temporary sticky until such time as Fox deems otherwise.

Account info:

I created a photobucket account for all the pofo sigs and avatars, any pofo user may use this account.


username: pofosig
password: siberianwolf

For all n00bs and those unfamiliar with our sig and avatar rules:

Signatures must be exactly 100 X 400 and may not be animated. They may be full color but may not contain any off site advertising. If you have a question about legality ask in this forum or in the Basement. Otherwise just have a look around the forum itself, if the sig you made doesn't look like the rest, ask about it.

Content wise you may not include any porn or high profile Nazis.

Avatars must be of a real person, living or dead. They must be 100 x 100 and must be in black and white. If you choose someone who was alive before the advent of photography you may choose a reasonable likeness or fascimilie as long as it is tasteful or artful.

Thank you! Remember this sticky may disappear at any time, depending on Fox's view of it so copy this info now!
Photobucket is now superimposing their commercial logo onto sigs and other pix.

I guess tinypic is better?

Is there another free photo hosting service that won't cash in and wipe out stored pix?
QatzelOk wrote:Photobucket is now superimposing their commercial logo onto sigs and other pix.

I guess tinypic is better?

Is there another free photo hosting service that won't cash in and wipe out stored pix?

We live in a capitalist system, so I'm guessing the answer is "no". Too bad. Reason #2,743 to be a communist. Lol.
Can you go in and give my avatar a tiny French moustache? :excited:
QatzelOk wrote:Photobucket is now superimposing their commercial logo onto sigs and other pix.

I guess tinypic is better?

Is there another free photo hosting service that won't cash in and wipe out stored pix?

Both myself and PoFo use Imgur.

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Potemkin wrote:We live in a capitalist system, so I'm guessing the answer is "no". Too bad. Reason #2,743 to be a communist. Lol.

Or a pirate. Keep your DRM off my booty.
AFAIK wrote:Or a pirate. Keep your DRM off my booty.

Good point. Yaaaarrghhh, me hearties! :excited:

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