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By QatzelOk
...the way that your ethnic group is represented on television and film?

As a European blue-eyed male, I don't like the way my group is constantly depicted in films as being the primary characters. This leads to a false sense of euro homogeneity which I don't experience in my daily life, where most of my friends are Moslems from other continents.

I simply can't relate the "euro" on TV and in film to myself.

What I don't like about this misrepresentation is the way it makes people who see me for the first time think that I am "like" the euros they see on TV - the ones who are always rich, suburban, shallow, silly, and incredibly materialistic and self-confident in a childish way.


What about you? How do you like your TV reflection?
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By Abood
I don't like the way Middle Easterners are always depicted as terrorists. :( They're even on 24, FFS!
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By Eauz
Well, at the same time you have to relate the subjects to the target audience. While I was in Japan, aside from the foreign films they showed on TV/theatre, most of the topics for films and dramas were based around Japanese themes only. They may have mixed in western props and such, though.

So, in the end, the hero is not always the Euro guy.
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By Reconciliation
I don't like the way Middle Easterners are always depicted as terrorists. Sad They're even on 24, FFS!

And Don't think its only Arabs, as an Israeli with a middle eastern looking I got full of problems in air-ports :S

The TV is fine as long as it does not show them as a prototype, and shows that, lets say Islamic terrorists as individuals, and not representive.
Other then that, people that know people, are not that dumb to take it seriously.
Its like the "Jewish prototype" long nose, intellectual, glasses, ugly like Woody Allen :muha1: or in Robert Altman films, when Jews can be in all colors and shapes.

But it depends how you use an prototype character, if you have to say something or just slander a whole religion/ethnic group or whatever.

I doubt it if popular culture uses prototypes in a suffocated way.

This topic gives me an idea for making a film, thx.
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By QatzelOk
Recon wrote:The TV is fine as long as it does not show them as a prototype, and shows that, lets say Islamic terrorists as individuals, and not representive.


Here, the "Islamic terrorist" is being depicted as an individual. A knife-and-Koran-carrying individual.

Television doesn't work the way you suggest it does, Rec. It repeats the same kinds of representations over and over until associations are made in the public mind.

Plus, there are so many Jewish people involved in media production in the West, that it is more than a little stupid to suggest that this hasn't in any way affected the West's perception of Moslems.

Orientalism was practically invented by Jewish writers as well. Hatred of Arabs is manufactured by Jewish propagandists, using Goebell's techniques from WW2.

Seinfeld would never kill anyone, of course. But watch out for those guys in turbans. That's what our media says about Jews and Arabs. Jews are "good" and Arabs are "bad".

You probably get harassed because you look like an Arab, not becuase you're Jewish. And harassing people based on a media-created "evilness" is what happened to Jews 70 long years ago.

Now Jews create the hate propaganda, rather than Germans. And for the same purpose - land acquisition.
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As a white dude I don't care.

Contrary to QatzelOk's "omg the media says all arabs are evil!!!1!!1!" theory, most go far out of their way to show that it's a minority that are terrorists. 24, for example, the ultimate terrorist-shooting show, has gone miles out of its way in the two seasons with Arab terrorists (that's right, only 2 of 6 seasons have had Muslim terrorists as the bad guys, which is too low considering the percentage of terrorism directed at the US by Islamic terrorism) to show not all terrorists are Muslim and not all Muslims are terrorists. Off the top of my head, Season 4 had two Muslim shop owners assist Jack Bauer fight off American private mercenaries (evil corporation! that's for you, lefties!), saying some cheesy line like "we want to be part of the solution, these terrorists give us a bad name," and this season (6) where one of the main protaganists is a Muslim women who works at CTU. Not to mention all the PSA's they play.

But I can see why that wouldn't be enough, when your primary belief is that whenever the media reports on terrorism they're baiting Muslims into violence, because they're helpless to control themselves :roll:
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By Reconciliation
Can you name those Jews or your gonna do what the TV is doing?

Seems like you follow Goebell's by portraying That Jews as Jews control the media, he said the just same thing.
His films by the way were revolutionary by the way, Ironicly many Jews of considered mastermind in filming.

Who controls the media?
Roman Polanski? Woody Allen? Stanley Kubrick? Steven Spielberg?

Those people are geniuses in there works, they got there by there mind and creativity.

Now Jews create the hate propaganda, rather than Germans. And for the same purpose - land acquisition.

Don't compare "Jews" to Germans thats very offending, I'm sure you respect other ethnic groups.
And talk about individuals, don't blame a group of people and twist there ethnicity to prove your statement.
Because you are a Jew you hate Arabs?
Do all the Jews support Israel or the idea of Israel?

What you are playing is very ugly game, turning the reason they are Jewish to the ideas of propaganda, media control and deciding an opinion for an entire ethnic group.

Those are people that have individual opinions and lives.

Learning from the TV, hey?
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By Mikolaj
...the way that your ethnic group is represented on television and film?

Italian-Americans are notoriously portrayed very negatively in the media. It used to be a lot worse back in in the pre-War days, when they were not accepted into the White mainstream. Still, it's still there.

I haven't seen many media portrayal of Polish-Americans, so I don't know.

And German-Americans are too assimilated to even be depicted.
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By Le Rouge
I'm Irish, Welsh, Norman English, and Native American with a little German, Dutch, and Scots in there too. So...
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By QatzelOk
Can you name those Jews or your gonna do what the TV is doing?

No, I can't.

Other posters have tried, and their threads were deleted, perhaps because of the huge number of Jewish voices and dollars in Western "free" media.

One of my media professors explained that Al Jazeera also employs many "diaspora" victims - Palestinian ones.

Likewise, Al Arabya also has its own diaspora concentration -of Lebanese Christians mostly.

So Al Jazeera is Palestinian flavored, Al Arabya is Lebanese and King Saud flavored, and most other media is just like Disney - in the hands of devoted capitalists at the top of the earth's ethnic heap.

(Rhoda was smarter than Mary, and had an independent mind, unlike that popular and pretty doormat with the M on her wall.)

And this concentration of Jewish control of Western media helps explain how the various ethnicities are portrayed on it - through the filter of a Jewish-centred commercial worldview.
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By The Immortal Goon
The Irish are usually good natured comic relief, and the Germans are usually serious hardasses. The Americans are heroic everymen who deal with extraordinary situations.

From every angle of my ethnicity, it's just stereotypes, some more flattering than others. While not really fair, it's largely a simplistic writing device so you know what kind of character it is without having to awkwardly have someone say, "You know, Bob sure is a good natured and funny guy who probably has a latent drinking problem that will later be a very special episode."

On a note about the blue eyes - that's a pet peeve of mine. I know, like, one person with blue eyes. Yet they're littered all over fucking television and films as if people with blue eyes are about equal in number to everyone else.

-TIG :rockon:
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By QatzelOk
Not only are blue-eyed white people over-represented in commercial media, so are the wealthy and the childless.

Everyone seems to have money in media - at least, all the good guys do. The bad guys are always financially troubled. This means that the poor are also represented - like Arabs and Blacks - as bad more than good guys.

I don't like the way my social groups is represented in media either. Not that the rich people in films are any type of people I'd want to imitate - no soul, and all style.
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By Theodore
I've never seen a Croat character on foreign television, and as for Slavs... gee, haven't you heard? We're like teh evil kommies.

In any case I couldn't care less. If a person's though is seriously affected by TV I don't want anything to do with them in any case.

By the way, Qatz, nice little persecution complex you have there. I would suggest you keep it to yourself, though - you may get away with posting antisemitic garbage a lot, but one of these days you will cross the line.
By kami321
Seems like you follow Goebell's by portraying That Jews as Jews control the media, he said the just same thing.

Who the fuck? Goebell's?!?!
How dare you show disrespect for this great individual by misspelling his name so grossly?

As for Azeris, they pretty much don't exist according to American movies, and according to Russian TV they are heavily accented, hairy/bearded, somewhat naive, golden-teethed, easily infuriated, and sometimes violent shopkeepers and merchants, not too different from other "faces of caucasian nationality".

Other posters have tried, and their threads were deleted, perhaps because of the huge number of Jewish voices and dollars in Western "free" media.

Seriously Qatz, you are not making much sense. The television media is owned by millions of shareholders most of them are not jews, and controlled by its board of the directors (elected by the shareholders) which usually don't happen to be Jews either. And if there are some, naming those particular individuals will not hurt you in any way.
These are people who own the media - I'm sure the overwhelming majority of them are not Jews and could care less about Jews, they only care about profit. American Jews may be rich, and due to their financial well being they are able to fuel some money to the PR companies to aid Israel's public immage and lobby the government to help Israel at the same time - but this doesn't equate controlling the media. In fact there are quite a few Arab businessmen (mainly Saudis) who are also very rich and own a shitload of property and land in the United States. Except they are more focused on their own finances than on helping their Arab "brothers".
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By QatzelOk
How do you like the way your social class is represented on television? The poor are usually criminals or drunks, while the rich are the love-struck architects who get romantically involved with comical and rich writers from expensive parts of expensive cities...

How do you like the way your voice is portrayed?
Last edited by QatzelOk on 19 May 2007 00:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By The Immortal Goon

Money is the bottom line.

-TIG :rockon:
By kami321
A Google search on "Aspers" revealed only a bunch of cassinos.
Is Google also under Jewish domination?

In any case - what we have here is CEO and two more Aspers directors who are right-wing and Israel-friendly. CanWest Comm was founded by Asper family member who had somehow managed to push all three of his children through into the directoral positions of the company. Nonetheless, CanWest is a public-traded company, and if the shareholders weren't satisfied with the actions of Aspers, they would have fired them, right? There is nothing I know that could stop them from doing it. The fact that they are still in their offices means that they are doing a good job, and their profits are rising. So as TIG said, it all comes down to money, not to Jews.
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By MistyTiger
I'm Chinese and I don't like how my race is portrayed in the media. People think I have 3 heads, especially in a state that isn't very racially mixed. It's weird when some people go up to me and don't think I can speak English.
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By Shannonnn
White females are always glorified. Of course I know it's unfair.
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By QatzelOk
But Shann, don't you ever feel pressured to live up to those images of the pristine, intelligent, and coldly rational white female?

Don't you feel a sort of pressure to resemble those impossible perfect white models who are portrayed as the "normal" caucasian chick?

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