How did the Nazis explain their alliance with Russia? - Politics | PoFo

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Inter-war period (1919-1938), Russian civil war (1917–1921) and other non World War topics (1914-1945).
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By Thunderhawk
Many countries were "hostile enemies" of Nazi Germany. Getting a NAP with the USSR removed a hostile threat, which also meants a redirrecting of propaganda against other enemies. A few years later, when many of the other "hostile enemies" were defeated/occupied, it was safe to once again openly hate and attack the USSR.
By Dempsey

Hitler and the Nazis saw the Bolshevik revolution as particularity evil since it was tainted as Jewish, not just mere "hostile enemy" as Britain was and the Nazis adored.
By nilof
A NAP isn't an alliance, it is merely a verbal promise that both countries will not attack each other.
By Smilin' Dave
It's worth noting that there was objection within the Nazi party and in the general public to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Its main selling points seem to have been that it was seen as temporary (the pact did have an expiry date) and perceived as necessary in light of later conflict with France and Britain.

And how did the Nazis explain their 1941 attack on now freindly Russia?

As with Poland, it was claimed that invasion by the Soviet Union was immenent. However I don't think a Glewitz style incident was engineered in the case of Operation Barbarossa.
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By Thunderhawk
The Soviets had a special place in Hitlers heart, but Hitler was still ~practicle at that time, NAP'ing the USSR gave him space to move on Poland and later France.

To the average German, aggressive actions in the Rhineland and Czechoslovakia x2 were spun as regaining what was lost. NAPing the USSR was fine as however much Hitler condemned the Soviets and talked about fighting communism, he didnt imply that Germany would actually go to war any time soon.
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By pikachu
Sorry for one-liner, but do we have to have so many Nazi threads (some of them even with similar names)? Let's just have one "the Nazi thread" and put your stuff there.
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By QatzelOk
The Soviets had a special place in Hitlers heart

Yes, but that seems a bit odd given the antisemitism we associate with the Nazis. The Russian communists were very much pro-semitic. How could they possibly unite over anything if the racism was this pronounced in the Nazis?
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By Igor Antunov
What alliance?

The nazis signed a 'pact' with the western powers too, when they were allowed to swallow up checkoslovakian territory with inpunity.

'Peace in our time' was chamberlains senseless babbling after signing the pact with germany and feeding checkoslovakia to hitler.

Before the german invasion of poland, the common enemy to all western powers was the soviet union (france was the only friendly major power to russia much to britain's frustration.)
By Dempsey
Igor Antunovic

What alliance?

The nazis signed a 'pact' with the western powers too, when they swallowed up checkoslovakian territory.

'Peace in our time' was chamberlains senseless babbling after signing the pact with germany and feeding checkoslovakia to hitler.

To plot the rape of Poland for both benefit is quite alliance. Chamberlains was hopless in his search to appease him. Not quite the same
By Smilin' Dave
The Russian communists were very much pro-semitic.

What makes you say that? And when you say Russian do you mean ethnic Russians or are you making the standard mistake of bluring Russia with the Soviet Union?

How could they possibly unite over anything

They weren't united, hence why other posters keep pointing out the lack of an official alliance. Having something in common or acting in concert on some occasions doesn't necessarily reflect unity.

As with your thread on Japan you seem to ignore what people have to say, yet draw conclusions from thin air as if it were said.

'Peace in our time' was chamberlains senseless babbling after signing the pact with germany and feeding checkoslovakia to hitler.

While Chamberlain publically announced 'peace in our time', behind closed doors he was a lot more negative about Munich. Chamberlain did start rearmament, he just wasn't particularly successful.

To plot the rape of Poland for both benefit is quite alliance.

They didn't work together directly on that particular project. There was some consternation by Nazi officials when the Soviet invasion didn't follow immediately after the German one. There was little in the way of obligation in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and mutual obligation is a classic part of an alliance surely?

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