Main Stream Screams New Zealand massacre yet silent on thousands of violent hate crimes against non - Politics | PoFo

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Main Stream Screams New Zealand massacre yet silent on thousands of violent hate crimes against non muslims in many countries

Are muslims finally coming to the realization that they are being used by the globalist crime organization as front line expendable sock puppets used to divide and conquer several countries in modern day around the world?

The following of religion has already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day, meanwhile the religious, who support the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed spanning over thousands of years which is called religion, try to act surprised when they suffer losses due to their followings leading to war and divide as religious followings already have for thousands of years. The religious have the nerve to whine hate crime and want sympathy when they are directly supporting the hate crimes by following religion in the first place as thousands of years already proves.

Oh just ignore that the following of factually proven foundations of religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day and just act oblivious while trying to play the victim card.

Also keep in mind:

Every single muslim on the planet is loyal to islam living under threat of death for leaving or speaking against islam. Islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable. These violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere around the world in modern day that muslim populations begin to rise.

These violent hate crimes deemed acceptable in islam against non muslims have been occurring for example in Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Belgium, Netherlands to name a few where victims of such violent hate crimes deemed acceptable in islam not reported by the main stream media are well into the thousands if not into the millions by now yet the main stream media has been hiding violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in "islam" happening to citizens in many countries around the world in modern day. This is an obvious attempt at promoting prejudice against those citizens of such countries while at the same time encouraging muslims to keep committing and getting away with these violent hate crimes against non muslims. The main stream media advocates the violence escalation by evading accurately reporting any, let alone all relevant information such as it was muslims committing the violent hate crimes which are deemed acceptable in islam against citizens of many countries quite obviously with the intent to keep citizens oblivious while their country continues to be infiltrated with a very real threat to many lives. They do this while tyrants and traitors, instead of looking out for the well being and safety of citizens, are attempting to make criminals out of their own citizens for merely speaking out against these violent hate crimes against non muslims. These citizens face violent hate crimes against them, get no justice from officials then are made out to be criminals for speaking against such violent hate crimes which proves that tyrants and traitors are aboard with the globalist crime organization along wihth UN and EU supporting pejudice against citizens of these countries because they also quite obviously support the violent that crimes against those citizns continuing to escalate while they push making criminals out of citizens for speaking against thier sick narratives.

Anyone hear about the rise of knife attacks in London UK? Anyone ever find details of those attacks when it is illegal invaders or muslims attacking citizens? They have police not protecting citizens but instead sitting online trying to criminalize their own citizens for speaking against these violent hate crimes. The Mayor of London says something like "He's done all he can do" when it comes to the surge in knife attacks yet from what I can see, all he has done was point police in the direction of criminalizing citizens for speaking out against the violence. Meanwhile when this attack occurred in New Zealand, does he direct police to silence muslims from speaking against it? No he claims to want to beef up on security protection for London mosques but has done what about the knife violence against London UK citizens?!! He is much like Canada's so called immigration minister Ahmed Hussen who is all for ignoring violent hate crimes against non muslims, then acts as if citizens becoming infuriated with such sick behavior is the problem online. Like muslims getting away with such sick behavior as violent hate crime against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam is not of any concern but speaking against such sick behavior online is the problem when it comes to having muslims infiltrate your government. This Ahmed Hussen (If I recall, Khan has too) even calls it racism which reveals he doesn't even have a clue what race is. There are different racial variations of human in islam which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that this not, never was and never will be in any way shape or form a race issue. They lie compulsively and obsessively to try and hide that they have no validity as justification for their own negligence and actions while thy support prejudice and violent hate crimes deemed acceptable is islam against citizens of the countries they infiltrate and betray.

I do not advocate violence and with that in mind I will share it's not hard to see when citizens are being attacked and get no justice but instead get silenced and made out to be a criminal for seeking justice, that such citizens will eventually find ways to get justice on their own thus you get individuals fighting back to seek justice for the injustices being forced upon many citizens of many countries such as the massacre in New Zealand and who knows maybe such violence is about to explode globally. I'm fighting to end this before more people get hurt because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value a factually proven foundation of lies which has lead to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day by fighting for the destruction of religion and the uniting us globally against the globalist crime organization and all of their tyrants and traitors etc.

I'm quite confident that the globalist crime organization loves to hear sock puppets around the world go on about prayers because it assures that the world is full of gullible and easily brainwashed people eager to keep the modern day Trojan horse called "freedom of religion" rolling towards our destruction. This way as country after country becomes crippled, those countries resources become easy pickings for the globalist crime organization as they play you all for fools to do their dirty work of killing each other off while crushing economies for them.

I love and care about the life on this planet, and my thoughts and hopes in this instance are also with the religious which is why I reach out to the religious with the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies to put an end to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people over factually proven foundations of religious lies by fighting to rid us of this huge problem which is religion and the following of religion. This way with such a deep divide out of the way we may unite and take the planet away from the grasp of the globalist crime organization who is currently using a slew of lies and deceptions to divide and conquer us by pitting us against one another like a bunch of ignorant dummies. Wake up before it's too late, let's turn this around together and never morn another loss over factually proven foundations if religious lies ever again. United we stand, divided we fall. Pretty simple. It's time to rid ourselves of the lies that divide us beginning with one of th largest divides of all time, the destruction of religion.

Instead of posting a link about this story (which I am finding everywhere today) from some right or left wing source, I instead invite you to a Take a moment and have a listen to what I see as the religiously rebellious band of the 70's and 80's named Judas Priest and their song "United"

Again, the uncontested factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god or what muslims call allah (the very foundation of some religions) is as follows in a nut shell and keep in mind proof that religious claim that the lie allah or the lie god is intelligent is that they are all foolish enough to worship or pray to a factually proven lie thus is them acknowledging they claim that factually proven lie is intelligent to be able to understand prayer or worship. The factual evidence quoted in a nut shell:

"Nothingness is the absence of energy and matter hence there is nothing. Energy and matter are both physical. If someone tells you that there is anything that exists beyond the physical realm, they are lying because the fact remains that without the physical there is nothing. Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone develop an intelligence out of nothing, let alone be able to create with nothing because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything aka no such thing as a god ever existed."

All anyone obviously needs to do to prove what I share is not fact at all is simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. We do no even have to get to the develop intelligence out of nothingness part because not anyone will ever share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness and I know this because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

As long as religion exists there will always be war and divide because that is where the following and spreading of lies leads as thousands of years already proves. Those who encourage religion obviously do not want anything to do with peace, they want to keep the masses dumb and gullible because it assures war and divide.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Religion divides people up. Religion even destroyed some countries, both in older, and in more recent times. The Germanic people were divided up for centuries due to religion. Catholic Bavaria, and Reformed Prussia were separated for many decades. Religion also divided up the Middle East, with Sunni Arabs and Shia Persians. In more recent times, religion divided the Albanian people. And religion also destroyed Yugoslavia.
SSDR wrote:Religion divides people up. Religion even destroyed some countries, both in older, and in more recent times. The Germanic people were divided up for centuries due to religion. Catholic Bavaria, and Reformed Prussia were separated for many decades. Religion also divided up the Middle East, with Sunni Arabs and Shia Persians. In more recent times, religion divided the Albanian people. And religion also destroyed Yugoslavia.

That is the same kind of nonsense as a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim saying: "the existence of other religions other than my own is satanic and cause division". :roll: and such an argument remains as true as your own. The answer to division is not the eradication of all differences and the homogenisation of the global population into a single amorphous mass but promoting greater understanding, reason, tolerance and combating prejudice.
SSDR wrote:Religion divides people up. Religion even destroyed some countries, both in older, and in more recent times. The Germanic people were divided up for centuries due to religion. Catholic Bavaria, and Reformed Prussia were separated for many decades. Religion also divided up the Middle East, with Sunni Arabs and Shia Persians. In more recent times, religion divided the Albanian people. And religion also destroyed Yugoslavia.

It probably does more uniting than dividing. Without religion we are all just individuals with a smallish social network of a few hundred people tops.

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